In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, public health recommendations and national guidelines resulted in a nationwide, temporary reduction in in-person eyecare [4, 9]. Within the first six weeks after the announcement of the state-wide stay-at-home order in Massachusetts[4], total ophthalmology volume at our academic multispecialty group practice fell by 86%, and retina visits declined by 73%, compared with the six weeks prior [1]. This decrease in clinical volume made possible better physical distancing between patients and staff, and it freed up much needed physical space to implement updated patient care protocols. Our study reports the impact of these changes on the retina clinic during the period when this service provided uninterrupted, essential care to a large number of patients despite the public health emergency. Our results show that eye care can be delivered while maintaining COVID-era precautions and that patient satisfaction was enhanced by these measures. Using EMR-derived timestamps from actual patient encounters, we also present a discrete-event simulation model capable of extrapolating from clinic-level data the impact of COVID-era changes on patient flow with the aim of planning for future patient volume increases. This is relevant because many of the measures instituted in response to the pandemic are likely to remain in place for the foreseeable future. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of the model allows for emerging changes to be simulated before actually being deployed in the clinic.
The retina service underwent a major transformation in the way care was delivered during the early stages of the pandemic compared with the same time period in 2019. As a result of intentionally reducing patient and procedural volume, the retina service achieved significant reductions in the average length of visit, check-in to technician time, image completion time, and time in the provider phase of care. The improved patient experience was also reflected by increased satisfaction with being provided information about delays and total length of the visit. By contrast, the largely unaffected likelihood of patients being willing to recommend their care providers reflects the enduring nature of the patient-physician relationship, which was unaffected by these changes made in response to COVID-19. However, only patients with relatively urgent or emergent conditions were granted access to the clinic during the period of the COVID-19 health emergency, and this restriction to a subset of patients may bias our patient satisfaction results. We note that nearly half of retina visits were conducted by telehealth during this period and that patient satisfaction with both access and the provider were rated at similarly high levels for telehealth encounters compared with in-person encounters (data not shown). No patient satisfaction data exist to compare patient experience with telehealth during the COVID-19 health emergency with the period before, as telehealth visits did not occur in 2019.
To increase clinic throughput during the outbreak of COVID-19, the eye exam was streamlined, and ancillary testing was either reduced or performed at different times [1]. These changes decreased the amount of time that each patient spent in the clinic, which made facilitating physical distancing more practical. Previously, it was most common to dilate both eyes (62%), whereas eyes were dilated only 19% of the time during this period, with dilation of one eye occurring twice as often (13%) as dilation of both eyes (6%). This reflects the relatively greater proportion of problem-focused visits conducted during the COVID-period, since routine retinal exams were postponed. The proportion of encounters with imaging also declined significantly between the two periods. Although the number of OCT studies declined precipitously during the COVID-period, the rate of other types of imaging studies, e.g., fluorescein angiograms, performed relative to the number of visits remained unchanged compared with the same period one year earlier. This finding indicates that when diagnostic imaging was required, the service was still able to be delivered.
In parallel, the proportion of patients undergoing intravitreal injections of medications significantly increased during the COVID-era from 49% of all retina visits to 86%. This high proportion, given the decline in other eye care services noted above, suggests the need for treatment with an intravitreal agent was the most likely reason for a patient to be seen in the retina clinic during the peak of the COVID-19 public health emergency in our region. A greater proportion of patients undergoing treatment with intravitreal injections also increased the productivity per retina visit during this period, thereby at least partially offsetting some of the loss of clinic volume. A larger proportion of patients also underwent bilateral injections in 2020 compared with 2019. One of the likely reasons is that patients elected to accept bilateral injections in an effort to make fewer visits to the clinic. Whether this change was driven by patient or provider preference cannot be determined from the evidence available, but the net effect was a further reduction in the number of in-person appointments. The impact of these changes on the effectiveness of care delivered and patient outcomes, if any, remains to be determined.
Interestingly, the mean age of patients attending the retina clinic in 2020 was older than in 2019 and higher compared with 2020 telemedicine encounters. This is likely because older patients more often have serious eye conditions that required immediate, in-person attention compared with younger patients. Further, older patients are more likely to have conditions that require treatment with intravitreal injections of medication. Older patients may also have been generally less comfortable with telemedicine visits, preferring in-person care. Of course, providers played a leading role in deciding which patients were to have in-person visits.
Discrete-event simulation provides a model of the operations of a system in sequence, and it has been used extensively as a tool for analyzing healthcare systems with a goal of quality improvement [10]. In ophthalmology, discrete-event simulation has been effectively employed to model out-patient clinic flow and capacity restraints [11–13], and results have been validated by the inclusion of time-stamped EMR data [14]. Our model sought to assess the impact of measures adopted after the outbreak of COVID-19 on retina clinic operations. Some of the changes included limiting the waiting room capacity to maintain at least a six-foot separation between patients, restricting patients to a single exam room rather than moving patients between multiple technician and provider rooms, and ensuring that check-in and check-out processes allow for adequate social distancing. Our model provides insight into potential bottlenecks created by these changes. For example, in the two 2-provider model, the capacity of the clinic to maintain distancing between patients reached maximum a significant proportion of the time when the number of patients per provider exceeded 25. Finding alternative spaces to stage patients will be an important strategy, especially during months of the year when it is be less practical to recommend that patients wait outside of the clinic, for example, in their personal vehicles [1]. The model also found that with a patient volume of 40 patients-per-provider, patients waited less time to be roomed in the 2-provider model but spent the same amount of total time in the clinic compared with the 1-provider model. This reveals that the bottleneck is not attributable to the COVID-19 rooming system per se, but rather to provider availability at higher patient volumes. In the future, it may even be possible to run the model in conjunction with actual operation of the clinic to adjust dynamically resource allocation, e.g., reassigning rooms or technical staff among providers. This information could also enable the scheduling staff to communicate projected delays to patients who have yet to arrive, move patients to another provider’s schedule, or even preemptively reschedule visits in response to the volume of patients and wait times. Finally, the model can also be used to assess utilization of clinic capacity, thereby informing scheduling decisions related to the ratio of patients to providers, or other types of staff, in order to optimize clinical productivity.
There are limitations to this type of study. Foremost is that timestamped data depends on user input, and in our study, in-person observation or video recording was not available to validate our internal timestamps for accuracy [14]. Another limitation inherent to our model is that it uses assumptions based on EMR timestamps and event rates derived from a period when the clinic was far below historical utilization rates and seeing far fewer patients. Although this period reflects the completely redesigned patient flow and practice measures that reflect COVID-era restrictions, it remains to be seen if all of the assumptions made in the model hold as the clinic returns to full capacity. When more patients start to return for routine visits, the proportion of eyes being dilated, receiving IOP checks, and/or being imaged is likely to increase. In keeping with changes in these rates, it will be necessary to re-run the model, which will increase the accuracy of predictions for clinic operations. Finally, it will be important to assess if patient satisfaction levels are maintained as the number of patients increases and more routine care is provided.