Preoperative Period & Discharge:
Of the 112 patients included in our study, the mean age at time of resection was 56.3 years and 68.8% (n=77) of patients were female (Table 1). Most patients had supratentorial meningiomas (94%, n=105), though both supra- and infratentorial meningiomas were included for analysis. Overall, 38.4% (n=43) patients were prescribed at least one ASM prior to undergoing tumor resection. Preoperative seizures occurred in 31.3% (n=35) of all patients, and of those patients, 74.3% (n=26/35) were prescribed an ASM. The most common pre-operative ASM regimen was levetiracetam 1000 mg total (62.8%, n=27/43). Nine patients (26.5%, n=9/34) were taking 1250-2000 mg total levetiracetam monotherapy, and 20.6% (n=7/34) were taking other ASM regimens, which consisted of higher than 2000 mg levetiracetam and/or other ASMs. Those who were prescribed doses higher than 1000 mg total of levetiracetam included patients who experienced focal seizures without loss of awareness, focal seizures with loss of awareness, and secondarily generalized seizures. Dosing information for additional ASMs is included in Table 2. Of the 77 patients who did not have a preoperative seizure, 77.9% (n=60) did not receive an ASM pre-operatively.
Table 1
Patient Demographics and Characteristics
Demographics and Characteristics
Age at resection, median (range)
57 (27 – 85)
Sex, n (%)
77 (68.7)
35 (31.3)
Tumor Location, n (%)
51 (45.9)
Skull base
60 (54.1)
Pre-operative seizure, n (%)
35 (31.3)
Post-operative seizure, n (%)
24 (21.4)
Median months to last follow-up (range)
27.3 (5.4 – 57.4)
Table 2
Preoperative antiseizure medication regimens
ASM category
ASM regimen
1000 Lev (n=27)
Levetiracetam (n=27)
500 BID (n=27)
1250-2000 Lev (n=9)
Levetiracetam (n=9)
1000 BID (n=6); 750 BID (n=3)
Other (n=7)
Carbamazepine (n=1)
200 BID (n=1)
Levetiracetam/Lorazepam (n=1)
200 BID / 200 BID /
1000 BID / 1 QD
Carbamazepine/Topiramate (n=1)
400 BID / 175 (75am/100pm)
Clonazepam (n=1)
0.25 QD (n=1)
Topiramate (n=1)
0.5 PRN / 1500 BID /
100 BID (n=1)
Gabapentin (n=1)
600 TID (n=1)
Topiramate (n=1)
50 QD (n=1)
None (n=69)
None (n=69)
ASM = antiseizure medication; BID = twice a day; Lev = levetiracetam; PRN = as needed; QD = once a day; TID = three times a day
At discharge following surgical resection of their meningioma, 85.7% (n=96) of patients were prescribed at least one ASM. Every patient (35/35) who experienced a preoperative seizure were prescribed an ASM at discharge, which was most frequently levetiracetam (97.1%, n=34/35), and a majority of patients (79.2%, n=61/77) who never experienced a preoperative seizure were also discharged with an ASM. Of the patients who received an ASM, 90.6% (n=87/96) were prescribed levetiracetam monotherapy, and the most common ASM regimen at discharge was levetiracetam 1000 mg total (63.5%, 61/96). The remainder of the patients who were taking an ASM were either taking 1250-2000 mg total levetiracetam monotherapy (26.0%, n=25/96) or another ASM regimen (10.4%, n=10/96). For the patients who were prescribed levetiracetam 2000 mg total at discharge, 8 had at least one seizure prior to surgery, 7 patients had no seizures prior to surgery and no seizures during the index hospitalization, and one patient had no seizures prior to surgery but did have seizures during the index hospitalization. Additional dosing information for each ASM is included in Table 3.
Table 3
Discharge antiseizure medication regimens
ASM category
ASM regimen
1000 Lev (n=61)
Levetiracetam (n=61)
500 BID (n=61)
1250-2000 Lev (n=25)
Levetiracetam (n=25)
1000 BID (n=16); 750 BID (n=9)
Other (n=10)
Lacosamide (n=2)
100 BID (n=1); 50 BID (n=1)
Topiramate (n=2)
175 QD (n=1); 50 QD (n=1)
Carbamazepine (n=1)
200 BID (n=1)
Clonazepam/Levetiracetam (n=1)
0.25 QD / 500 BID
Gabapentin (n=1)
100 TID(n=1)
Gabapentin/Levetiracetam (n=1)
300 TID / 500 BID
Levetiracetam (n=1)
2000 BID (n=1)
Lorazepam (n=1)
0.5 TID (n=1)
None (n=16)
None (n=16)
ASM = antiseizure medication; BID = twice a day; Lev = levetiracetam; QD = once a day; TID = three times a day
Initial Postoperative Visit:
At the initial postoperative clinic visit (median days postop = 16), 76.8% of all patients (n= 86) were taking at least one ASM. Of these patients, 58.1% (50/86) were taking 1000 mg total levetiracetam, 24.4% (21/86) were taking 1250-2000 mg total levetiracetam, and 17.4% (15/86) were taking other ASM regimens. The ASM regimen for the majority of patients (77.7%, n=87) remained unchanged from discharge. However, 12 patients were able to end their ASMs, and 1 patient was able to lower their dosage of ASM. On the other hand, 12 patients had to increase their ASM dosage or add additional ASMs to their monotherapy levetiracetam regimen, which was most often due to breakthrough post-operative seizures. Additional dosing information for each ASM is included in Table 4.
Table 4
Initial post-operative antiseizure medication regimens
ASM category
ASM regimen
1000 Lev (n=50)
Levetiracetam (n=50)
500 BID (n=50)
1250-2000 Lev (n=21)
Levetiracetam (n=21)
1000 BID (n=17); 750 BID (n=4)
Other (n=15)
Levetiracetam (n=4)
1500 BID (n=4)
300 TID / 500 BID (n=1); 100 BID+300nightly / 1000 BID (n=1)
Levetiracetam (n=1)
200 BID / 300 TID / 1000 BID (n=1)
200 BID / 200 BID / 3500 (1500am/2000pm) / Q6 PRN (n=1)
300 BID / 175 (75am/100pm) (n=1)
0.25 PRN / 500 BID (n=1)
Levetiracetam/ Phenytoin (n=1)
0.5 QD / 200 BID / 2000 BID/ 100 TID (n=1)
Topiramate (n=1)
0.5 PRN / 1000 BID / 150 BID (n=1)
Lacosamide (n=1)
50 BID (n=1)
100 BID / 1000 BID (n=1)
Topiramate (n=1)
50 QD (n=1)
None (n=26)
None (n=26)
ASM = antiseizure medication; BID = twice a day; Lev = levetiracetam; PRN = as needed; QD = once a day; TID = three times a day
Six-Month and One-Year Postoperative Visit:
At the six-month visit (median days postop = 191), 49.1% of patients (n= 55) were taking at least one ASM. Of these patients, 47.3% (n=26/55) were taking 1000 mg total levetiracetam, 29.1% (n=16/55) were taking 1250-2000 mg total levetiracetam, and 23.6% (n=13/55) were taking other ASM regimens. Of the 86 patients who were taking an ASM at the initial postoperative visit, 31 (36.0%) were able to end their ASM regimens completely, 4 (4.7%) were able to decrease their ASM regimen, 5 (5.8%) changed their ASM regimen due to side effects of their previous ASM, and 4 (4.7%) had to increase their ASM dosage. Additional ASMs and dosage information for this visit can be found in Table 5.
Table 5
Six-month post-operative antiseizure medication regimens
ASM category
ASM regimen
1000 Lev (n=26)
Levetiracetam (n=26)
500 BID (n=26)
1250-2000 Lev (n=16)
Levetiracetam (n=16)
1000 BID (n=12); 750 BID (n=4)
Other (n=13)
Lacosamide (n=4)
150 BID (n=3); 50 BID (n=1)
Levetiracetam (n=1)
200 BID / 100 BID / 750 BID (n=1)
Phenytoin (n=1)
0.5 QD / 1500 BID / 500 (200/300) (n=1)
Gabapentin (n=1)
300 TID (n=1)
Topiramate (n=1)
200 BID / 200 BID / 250 (100am/150pm) (n=1)
200 BID / 3500 (1500am/2000pm) / 1 Q6 PRN (n=1)
Lamotrigine/Levetiracetam (n=1)
25 BID / 750 BID (n=1)
Levetiracetam (n=1)
1500 BID (n=1)
Levetiracetam/Topiramate (n=1)
750 BID / 50 BID (n=1)
Topiramate (n=1)
50 QD (n=1)
None (n=57)
None (n=57)
ASM = antiseizure medication; BID = twice a day; Lev = levetiracetam; PRN = as needed; Q6 = six times a day; QD = once a day; TID = three times a day
At the one-year postoperative visit (median days postop= 394), 40.2% (n= 45) of all patients were taking at least one ASM. Of these patients, 48.9% (22/45) were taking 1000 mg total levetiracetam, 20.0% (9/45) were taking 1250-2000 mg total levetiracetam, and 31.1% (14/45) were taking other ASM regimens. While 12 patients were able to end their ASMs since their 6-month postoperative visit, and 6 patients were able to decrease their dosage of ASMs, 11 had to increase their ASM dosage, mostly due to post-operative seizures, and 2 had to change their ASM regimen due to side effects. Additional ASMs and dosage information for this visit can be found in Table 6.
Table 6
One-Year post-operative antiseizure medication regimens
ASM category
ASM regimen
1000 Lev (n=22)
Levetiracetam (n=22)
750 QD (n=1); 500 BID (n=19); 250 BID (n=2)
1250-2000 Lev (n=9)
Levetiracetam (n=9)
1000 BID (n=5); 1250 (500am/750pm) (n=1); 750 BID (n=3)
Other (n=14)
Lacosamide (n=4)
150 BID (n=3); 100 BID (n=1)
Levetiracetam (n=3)
1500 BID (n=3)
Lamotrigine/Topiramate (n=1)
15 BID / 200 BID / 550 (300am/250pm) / 75 BID (n=1)
Phenytoin (n=1)
0.5 QD / 750 BID / 500 (200am/300pm) (n=1)
Gabapentin (n=1)
300 TID (n=1)
Lorazepam (n=1)
200 BID / 3500 (1500am/2000pm) / 1 Q6 PRN (n=1)
Lamotrigine/Levetiracetam (n=1)
200 BID / 1000 BID (n=1)
Levetiracetam/Topiramate (n=1)
750 BID / 25 BID (n=1)
Topiramate (n=1)
50 QD (n=1)
None (n=67)
None (n=67)
ASM = antiseizure medication; BID = twice a day; Lev = levetiracetam; PRN = as needed; Q6 = six times a day; QD = once a day; TID = three times a day
Last Known Follow Up:
The median time to last known follow up was 832 days postoperatively. At the last known follow up visit, 32.1% (n=36) of patients remained on at least one ASM. Of these patients, 36.1% (13/36) were taking 1000 mg total levetiracetam, 25% (9/36) were taking 1250-2000 mg total levetiracetam, and 38.9% (14/36) were taking other ASM regimens. Since their one-year postoperative visit, 12 patients were able to end their ASMs, but 7 had to increase their ASM regimen, which for 5 patients was due to continued seizures on their prior regimen. Additional ASMs and dosage information for this visit can be found in Table 7.
Table 7
Last follow-up post-operative antiseizure medication regimens
ASM category
ASM regimen
1000 Lev (n=13)
Levetiracetam (n=13)
500 BID (n=13)
1250-2000 Lev (n=9)
Levetiracetam (n=9)
2000 QD (n=1); 1000 BID (n=4); 1250 (500am/750pm) (n=2); 750 BID (n=2)
Other (n=14)
Lacosamide (n=4)
150 BID (n=3); 100 BID (n=1)
Levetiracetam (n=2)
1500 BID (n=2)
Brivaracetam/Clonazepam (n=1)
50 BID / 1 PRN
Clobazam (n=1)
35 (15am/20pm) (n=1)
Gabapentin (n=1)
300 TID (n=1)
Levetiracetam/Lorazepam (n=1)
300 QD / 200 BID / 3500(1500am/2000pm) / 1 Q6 PRN
Lamotrigine/Levetiracetam (n=1)
225 BID / 500 BID (n=1)
Levetiracetam/Topiramate (n=1)
1000 BID / 200 QD (n=1)
Phenytoin (n=1)
300 BID (n=1)
Topiramate (n=1)
50 QD (n=1)
None (n=76)
None (n=76)
ASM = antiseizure medication; BID = twice a day; Lev = levetiracetam; PRN = as needed; Q6 = six times a day; QD = once a day; TID = three times a day
By last follow-up, 21.4% (n=24) of patients had experienced a post-operative seizure, and 77.7% (n=87) were completely seizure free since surgery. Of the 35 patients with a pre-operative seizure, 40.0% (14/35) had a post-operative seizure, and of the 77 patients who never experienced a pre-operative seizure, 13.0% (10/77) subsequently had a post-operative seizure. Six patients had a post-operative seizure between discharge and their initial post-operative visit, 13 patients had a seizure between their initial post-operative visit and the 6-month visit, 11 patients had a seizure between their 6-month visit and the 1-year visit, and 8 patients had a seizure between their 1-year visit and last follow up, with some of those patients having seizures during multiple of those time points.
Overall, 67.9% (n=76) of all patients were not taking ASMs by last follow-up, with 55.4% (n=62) of patients having taken ASMs post-operatively but then were subsequently able to discontinue all ASMs, and 12.5% (n=14) of patients were never prescribed ASMs and never subsequently required them. On the other hand, 13.4% (n=15) of patients were always on the same regimen of ASMs at all time-points post-operatively, and 18.8% (n=21) of patients required an ASM regimen change due to post-operative seizures or side effects, and were never able to subsequently able to discontinue their ASMs. Changes in anti-seizure medication regimens over time in this patient population are summarized in Figure 1.