Gray matter loss in the brain is now a well-established finding in BD, but with unclear implications for diagnosis or disease course 9, 10. Establishing valid biomarkers that diagnose BD and predict lithium response would greatly facilitate effective and rapid treatment of mood disorders and open the door to identifying new mechanisms for improved therapeutic strategies. Accordingly, focusing on established brain abnormalities in BD holds promise for biomarker discovery. Previously reported markers of lithium response include components of the cell survival pathway and circadian clock 23, 24, 27. We examined these two processes in human and mouse cellular models of BD to identify overlap across the molecular pathways, assess their function and conduct a preliminary assessment of their predictive validity in determining lithium response.
Clock genes and apoptosis. In agreement with past studies of clock genes conducted in cancer cell lines 34, 48, we found consistent evidence of a role for PER1 and PER3 in regulating apoptosis, affecting both initiation events (caspase activation) and endpoints (viability). We built on this previous work by studying primary cells from human BD patients and for the first time directly compared measures of apoptosis and circadian rhythms in the same samples. Our work marks an advance over past studies of cell death and lithium response in BD patient samples that ascertained lithium response retrospectively, and examined only spontaneous cell death without experimental induction of apoptosis without measures caspase activity 49.
Network differences between Li-R and Li-NR. The expression of clock gene and cell survival networks was distinctly co-regulated in fibroblasts from BD patients and controls. Numerous differences in co-expression patterns were observed within the clock network, the cell survival network and between networks. Notably, BMAL1 a BD risk gene supported by evidence from GWAS was differentially co-expressed with other genes in two instances suggesting a possible pathological mechanism in BD 50, 51. BRCA1 co-expression was disrupted in four instances, making it the gene most dysregulated gene in our study. While evidence for BRCA1 in BD is limited, familial mutations of this gene have been observed previously in BD case studies demonstrating circadian disruption and robust responses to lithium 52. Organization of the BD gene networks was heterogeneous and differed significantly between Li-R and Li-NR. In one interesting example, a strong inverse correlation in BRCA1-NR1D1 expression was identified in Li-NR. Notably Rev-Erbα protein encoded from NR1D1 is regulated by lithium and variants in the gene have been associated previously with lithium response 46, 53. Overall, coordination across networks was stronger in Li-NR cells. In the context of desynchronized circadian rhythms, strong coupling of the circadian clock to the cell cycle has been reported 54. We have reported previously that circadian rhythms are weaker and desynchronized in BD, especially in Li-NR cells compared to controls 28, 30. Therefore, high levels of correlation between clock and cell survival networks in Li-NR may reflect desynchronization resulting in weak circadian rhythms and “high jacking” of the circadian clock by strong inputs (i.e. phase locking) from adjacent pathways. In controls and Li-R, clock gene expression may be less influenced by adjacent pathways given the higher degree of internal synchronization within the circadian clock network.
Distinct apoptosis mechanisms in control and bipolar disorder cells. Lithium was protective in controlled apoptosis assays conducted in human fibroblasts. In BD samples specifically, lithium inhibited STS-induced caspase activity leading to a significant survival advantage vs. control cells. That lithium protection from apoptosis is enhanced in BD compared to control samples implies that lithium addresses a BD-specific cellular abnormality. In particular, it indicates caspase activity is regulated by lithium distinctly in BD cells. Caspases 3/7 are enzymes responsible for initiating apoptosis. They are activated by two distinct upstream mechanisms termed the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways 55, 56. The intrinsic pathway is triggered by calcium and activation of caspases 1/9 56. The extrinsic pathway is engaged by ligands such as TNFα that activate distinct upstream pathways mediated by caspase 8. Both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways converge upon mitochondrial BAX proteins that promote apoptosis. The anti-apoptosis effects of lithium require calcium 57, and we have observed in human fibroblasts that lithium causes less calcium influx in BD patient vs. control cells 39. In the present context, this may imply that following lithium-treatment and the rise in calcium in controls, the calcium-dependent intrinsic pathway is activated by caspase 1/9, whereas in BD cells, lithium triggers lower levels of calcium that may be sufficient to sustain signals supporting lithium protection but resulting in reduced activation of the intrinsic pathway. In this way, a loss of calcium function might have the benefit of making BD cells less impacted by calcium-driven apoptosis signals and more protected by lithium. Calcium channel genes (e.g. CACNA1C) have been implicated in BD and show evidence of circadian disruption 39, 50. They may be plausible candidates to explain the differences presently observed in caspase activity and the anti-apoptotic effects of lithium. Extrinsic pathway or other caspase-independent factors may also be involved. For instance, TNFα has been linked with mood episodes in BD 58 and lithium response 59.
There was no detectable difference between Li-R and Li-NR in caspase activation or viability in the STS apoptosis assay. However, network analysis did reveal difference between these sub-groups. In Per2-luc circadian rhythm assays, additional group differences were observed in caspase activation and period that distinguished controls, Li-R and Li-NR. Taken together, these results indicate that there are detectable differences among control, Li-R and Li-NR in circadian clock and cell survival networks under conditions that do not strongly trigger apoptosis, but that these differences are overwhelmed in the context of a strong inducer of apoptosis like STS. Unfortunately, in the fibroblast model, use of STS was essential to induce apoptosis in a controlled and lithium-reversible manner. However, gray matter loss in BD is subtle and only detectable when comparing large aggregates of patients and controls 9, 10. Accordingly, damage to the brain in BD likely emerges from persistently increased physiological dysregulation of mitochondria, calcium and glutamate transmission in neurons rather than focused toxic exposures 26, 60. In this context, the differences observed between Li-R and Li-NR cells at rest or treated with lithium may be more relevant than the STS model to the condition in vivo. These contexts may better reflect the physiological state of circadian and cell survival pathways in response to perturbed neurophysiological functions that and are known to be altered by lithium and may involve ATM, CHEK2 and P53 14, 61, 62. Conversely, treatment with STS is a stronger apoptosis signal than neurons in the BD brain would typically encounter and might model only a limited set of circumstances.
In our experiments conducted in human BD patient and control fibroblasts, caspase activation correlated with circadian period following lithium exposure. In agreement with many past studies, our knockdown experiments in mouse cells indicate that Per1 and Per3 participate in regulating period length, but also that have pleiotropic roles in regulating caspase activity and cell survival. This was revealed by knockdown experiments that caused partial (50–80%) loss of gene expression and rhythm disruption of similar magnitude to what might be induced by strong environmental changes (e.g., light exposures, jet lag) or genetic variation indicating the clock genes effects on cell survival may have physiological relevance in vivo. Reduced expression of Per1 in mouse cells caused lower caspase activation and greater protection from apoptosis. Genetic variation in PER1 is also associated with decreased expression, period shortening following lithium. These lines of evidence converge to suggest lithium shortening, perhaps through PER1 may contribute to lower caspase activation and confer protection to cells against apoptosis. PER3 serves largely opposite roles, wherein loss of expression favors caspase activation and cell death. Gene co-expression network maps that revealed distinct profiles of PER1 and PER3. In BD cells, the co-regulation of PER3 and CHEK2 was stronger than in controls. Similarly, the correlation between PER1 and PER2 was much stronger in Li-NR vs Li-R. PER1 is influenced by numerous environmental stimuli and overlaps in function with PER2 63, 64. Therefore, strong coordination of PER1 with other genes may risk destabilizing networks by sensitizing cells to external signals and/or phase locking rhythms to other cellular events 54. Our previous observation of increased PER2 in neurons from Li-NR is consistent with this observation 28. We found that PER1 and PER3 influence the baseline vulnerability to apoptosis in opposite directions, possibly by distinctly interacting with the cell death regulators such as BAX, P53 and BCL2 that have previously been shown to be rhythmically expressed 33, 65, 66 and show correlations with circadian clock genes in our model.
Limitations. While the circadian clock and cell survival networks are highly conserved across cell types, the fibroblast model is limited in the context of studying cell death mechanisms in neurons. Fibroblasts differ across several key features that make neurons especially vulnerable (e.g. comparatively low energetic requirements, lack of glutamate receptors) meaning that fibroblasts must be treated with potent agents to induce cell death that may be even more severe than the conditions promoting cellular stress in BD patient brains. Indeed, it is not clear that the decreased brain volume in BD reflects neuronal death or smaller neurons with less extensive dendritic processes 11. Therefore, the evidence we provide from STS experiments indicating that lithium is protective distinctly in BD cells remains equivocal with regards to the lack differences between Li-R and Li-NR as the STS model may overwhelm subtle differences between groups. Future work should make use of neuronal cell types and cellular stressors to develop other models that approximate the conditions in the brain of BD patients 26, 28. While we focused on the circadian clock system, many of our studies were conducted at a single time point, and could have missed differences only observable under dynamic conditions that involve circadian rhythms. Finally, many of our experiments were conducted in small samples, and it is possible that some experiments were underpowered to identify subtle effects.
Conclusions. In a BD patient-derived cellular model of lithium protection, we provide new evidence that coordination between the circadian clock and cell survival pathways is distinct in BD and sometimes distinguishes Li-R from Li-NR. Moreover, common variation affecting the expression of circadian clock genes (especially PER1 and PER3) may be sufficient to have effects on cell survival in BD patient cells. Differences between Li-R and Li-NR were not observed in every assay, and did not differ in the extent to which lithium protects cells from apoptosis. Therefore, how the organization of circadian clock and cell death pathways relate to lithium response in BD was not fully ascertained in the present study, but these preliminary results indicate the question should be studied further. Future studies may benefit from the use of patient derived neuronal cells, sensitive measures of cell death mechanisms and/or larger samples to provide good statistical power.