To the best of author`s knowledge, these are the first two cases of severe ON of the MFC of the knee treated successfully by intra articular ozone and evaluated by clinical, biochemical and radiological variables.
Ahlbäck in 1968 was the first to describe spontaneous ON of the knee. He described the entity as acute onset of pain typically presented in the MFC, affecting more commonly females and older than 60 years [2]. This is in accordance with our two cases, females of 70 and 83 years with acute onset of pain on the medial aspect of the knee. The presentation is usually in the medial condyle more than lateral one.
In the case of secondary ON of the knee, the presentation is in people younger than 45 years, could be multilateral and is more frequent in hips than in knees [1]. Risk factors include alcohol abuse, coagulopathies, Caisson´s disease, chemotherapy, corticosteroids, Cushing´s Syndrome, diabetes, familial thrombophilia, Gaucher`s disease, gout, hyperthyroidism, irritable bowel disease, liver disease, organ transplantation, pancreatitis, pregnancy, radiation, renal disease, sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies, smoking, systemic lupus erythematous and tumors [3].
Another form is post arthroscopy ON of the knee. This is the rarest form of ON of the knee with a prevalence of 4% of all arthroscopies. Meniscopathy is present in 87% of cases. Onset is usually after 6 weeks of the procedure [3]. None of our cases were treated by arthroscopy procedures before onset of pain.
The etiology of ON is thought to be vascular and is characterized by loss of blood bone circulation [1]. Since ozone is believed to improve rheology of erythrocytes and to favor delivery of oxygen to tissues (by formation of 2,3 DPG which displaces the curve of dissociation of hemoglobin to the right) [16]. This fact would explain the clinical and radiological improvement observed in our cases. Another theory for the explanation of ON presentation is that mechanical factors would lead to subchondral insufficiency fractures [3]. Since we have previously postulated and lately demonstrated that Ozone could stimulate stem cells, chondrocytes and growth factors (TGF-β and IGF-1) in knee OA [13–15], and we have observed improvement in minimal joint space in knee OA patients [14], we believe that these properties have been responsible for the radiological improvement in knee ON. In fact, case 1 reduced surface ON lesion from 55.5–33.3% and case 2 ameliorated ON lesion from 50–33.3%.
Prognosis of ON of the knee is based on size of the lesion (3.5 cm2 vs 5 cm2), surface involvement of lesion (50%) and Kashino´s classification (Stage I-II vs III-IV). Most algorithms state conservative treatment in lesions inferior to 3.5 cm2, surface involvement lower than 50% or Kashino´s Stage I-II. On the contrary, surgical treatment is proposed if lesion is greater than 5 cm2, superior than 50% surface involvement or Stage III-IV. It depends of pre-collapse to perform arthroscopic procedures or high tibial osteotomy; or collapse Stage to perform osteochondral autografts or UKA or TKA [3].
Intra articular infiltrations of hyaluronic acid, corticosteroids [8], stem cells or platelet-rich plasma [11] are considered as conservative treatment for the management of early Stages (I-II) of knee ON. The importance of the study is that for the first time in literature, we report the benefit of intra articular ozone in the management of advanced knee ON (Stages III-IV) where only surgical procedures are considered and it is supposed that intra articular infiltrations have no place on such advanced stages.
In a very recent article, Spassim et al, in a rat model of knee OA, have demonstrated that 60 daily sessions of intra articular ozone (at 5 and 10 µg/mL concentration) could delay the degeneration of the articular cartilage evidenced clinically, radiologically and histologically [17]. These findings would explain the radiological improvement observed in our two case reports.
There are only three publications on the benefit of intra articular ozone for the management of hip ON. Iliakis et al have stated than in a 43 years old female with ON of the left hip, 7 sessions of intra articular ozone (5 mL at a 40 µg/mL concentration) improved clinical and radiological status [10]. Yildizgoren reported that in a 45 years old male with bilateral hip ON secondary to corticosteroids use (for treatment of Hodgkin`s lymphoma), after 5 sessions (1/week) of intra articular ozone (15 mL at increasing doses of 15, 20 and 25 µg/mL concentration) the patient ameliorated pain (VAS from 7 to 2) and improved walking distance (from 100 to 1000 meters) [11]. An et al, in a series of 71 patients with hip ON, observed that 3 cycles of 10 sessions of intra articular ozone (5 sessions/week) every three months (30 mL at 30 µg/mL concentration) improved pain (Vas scale), Harris Hip Score and bone marrow edema. Ozone also delayed total hip arthroplasty at a 30-moths follow-up period [2].