1. Association of mRNA splicing with HSPC aging
To specify the link of mRNA splicing to HSPC aging, we firstly monitored the messages of splicing factors, such as SR family members (Srsf1, Srsf2, Srsf3, Srsf4, Srsf5, Srsf6, Srsf7, Srsf9, and Srsf11) and hnRNPs family members (hnRNPI, HnRNPa0, and HnRNPa2/b1). We also assessed two additional splicing-related genes (Rbmxl1 and Pabpc1) that changed significantly in the aging model but were unknown in functionalities.
As shown, the message expression of the following genes in the aging model group were significantly lower than the control young group: Srsf1, Srsf2, Srsf3, Srsf4, Srsf6, Srsf7, hnRNPI (PTB), HnRNPa0, Pabpc1, and Rbmxl1 (Fig. 1A, p < 0.01). There were no significant differences in the transcripts of Srsf5, Srsf11 and HnRNPa2/b1 genes (Fig. 1A, P > 0.05). In accordance with mRNA expression, protein levels of the following genes in aging model HSPCs were significantly lower than the control young group: Srsf1, Srsf2, Srsf3, Srsf5, Srsf7, Srsf11, HnRNPa2/b1, HnRNPa0, PTB, Pabpc1, and Rbmxl1 (Fig. 1B-1C, p < 0.01). There were no significant difference in protein expression of Srsf4 and Srsf6 genes (Fig. 1B-1C, P > 0.05). Together, aforementioned SR and HnRNPs genes were systemically down-regulated in the aging group, with the exception of only a few genes.
2. Rbmxl1 and HnRNP a2/b1 KD led to HSPCs aging
Next we pursued the functions of Rbmxl1 and Pabpc1 on HSPC senescence, considering both were significantly down-regulated in the aging model. For this purpose, we studied effects of Rbmxl1 or HnRNP a2/b1 siRNA knock down (KD) on aging-related manifestations. Tests in 293T cells transfected with silencing and control vectors showed high KD efficiencies (Fig. 2A). Next, SA-β-gal (Senescence-related β-galactosidase) assay and colony-forming unit (CFU)-mix assay were applied for aging-related HSPC manifestations.
SA-β-gal as a hallmark of aging can yield a blue stain in the cytoplasm of aging cells[19]. Our results showed that the percentage of SA-β-gal stain-positive cells in Rbmxl1-siRNA group was significantly higher than the control group (day 0) (Fig. 2C P < 0.01, P < 0.05). Blue-stained cells (senescent cells) were also larger than non-senescent cells, and most of the blue-stained cells showed morphological abnormalities. However, there was no significant change between HnRNPa2/b1-siRNA group and the control group (Fig. 2D, P > 0.05). CFU-Mix assay were next used to gain insight into the frequency and types of progenitor cells present in the - population and their ability to proliferate and differentiate. As observed in Fig. 2E-2F, no colonies was found in Rbmxl1-siRNA group and the colony numbers was decreased significantly in HnRNPa2/b1-siRNA group compared with the control group that had robust colonies, suggesting both gene are critical for HSPCs proliferation and differentiation
3. Effect of mRNA splicing inhibitor SSA on aging-related manifestations of HSPCs
Spliceostatin A (SSA), an mRNA splicing inhibitor, was next used to study whether mRNA splicing contribute to HSPC aging. In the control young group, HSPCs were isolated from 4-weeks-old mouse; in the aging Model group, cells handling was described in the Methods section; and in the SSA group, the young HSPCs were treated with 100 ng/mL SSA for 72h. SA-β-gal staining and CFU-Mix assay were performed for comparison. The results showed that the percentage of SA-β-gal stain-positive cells in SSA group was significantly higher than the control group, mimicking observations in the aging model group (Fig. 3A-3C, P < 0.01, P < 0.05). In CFU-Mix assay, no colonies was found in SSA group or in aging model group, in contrast to robust colonies in the control group (Fig. 3D-3F).
Recent reports pointed out that aging forced the differentiation of HSCs to myeloid bias. Normally, myeloid progenitor cells (MPC) differentiate into megakaryocytes (platelets), erythrocytes, granulocytes, and monocytes (macrophages); and lymphoid progenitor cells (LPC) differentiate into B cell, T cell and NK cell. In our study the CFU-Mix assay revealed the following colony types: burst-forming unit-erythroid (BFU-E), Granulocyte/ macrophage progenitor cells (CFU-GM), Colony-forming unit-granulocyte (CFU-G) and colony-forming unit-macrophage (CFU-M), multi-potential progenitor cells (colony-forming unit-granulocyte, erythroid, macrophage, megakaryocyte, CFU-GEMM), and B lymphocyte progenitor cells (CFU-pre-B) (Fig. 3G-J). The microscopical imaging showed that the CFU-GM population increased and the CFU- GEMM population decreased in SSA group, as compared with the control group (Fig. 3K-L). Pre-B clones were found in the control group (Fig. 3M), while no pre-B clone was found in the SSA group or the aging model group.
4. Cut-tag analysis of H3K27me3 chromatin occupancy in HSPC
In our early work, total H3K27me3 was significantly down-regulated in the aging model group compared with the young group[12]. In current work, we conducted cut-tag assay to evaluate H3K27me3 expression at the chromatin loci of key mRNA splicing genes. In accordance with our report, overall H3K27me3 level in aging model group was significantly lower than the young group[12]. H3K27me3 peaked around the transcription start sites (TSS) (Fig. 4A, Fig. 4C, Fig.S3-S5). Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) is the catalytic subunit of polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) that regulates downstream genes by catalyzing H3K27me3[20]. Significantly, we determined EZH2 transcripts were markedly down-regulated in aging HSPCs (Fig. 4B).
In cut-tag assay, Tn5 enzyme cut the open areas of chromatin. Interestingly, the number of DNA fragments in the aging model group increased in comparison to the control group, suggesting elevation in chromatin accessibility (Fig.S6). However, there were genome-wide increase of H3K27me3 peaks in the aging model group (Fig.S7, Table.1). Consistently, locus-specific occupancy of H3k27me3 was enhanced on the promoter of the following splicing factors: Srsf1, Srsf2, Srsf3, Srsf4, Srsf5, Srsf6, Srsf7, Srsf9, Srsf11, hnRNPI (PTB), HnRNP a0, HnRNP a2/b1, Rbmxl1 and Pabpc1 (Fig. 4D,Fig. 4G). The IGV diagrams were shown as Fig. 4G. Gene Ontology (GO ) analysis showed enrichments in multiple RNA splicing relevant terms, in additional to regulation of hemopoiesis, hemopoiesis, definitive hemopoiesis and aging (Fig. 4E-4F).
5. Conjoint Analysis of Cut-tag and RNA-Seq datasets
We next integrated the analyses on cut-tag and RNA-Seq datasets that were developed in our early and current works. Venn chart showed that the number of overlapping genes among differential expression genes was 727 (Fig. 5A). The GO-term enrichment mainly covered the categories in mRNA splicing and hematopoiesis - (Fig. 5B-5D). Interactions Network graph based on GO:BP (biological process) demonstrated that mRNA splicing and hematopoiesis terms were both in intra-correlation but were not mutually correlated (Fig. 5E).
Next, we address the alternative splicing modes by comparing aging model and young HSPCs. Our analyses covered the following alternative splicing event types: TSS (alternative 5′ first exon); TTS (alternative 3′ last exon); SKIP (skipped exon); XSKIP (approximate SKIP); MSKIP (multi-exon skip); XMSKIP (approximate MSKIP); IR (intron retention); XIR (approximate IR); MIR (multi-IR); XMIR (approximate MIR); AE (alternative exon ends); and XAE (approximate AE). The results showed that in comparison with young HSPCs, aging HSPCs exhibited significant alterations in TSS and SKIP (Table.2 and Fig. 5F-5G, P < 0.001).
6. Characterization of HSPC aging in MDS clinical samples
The clinical parameters of the MDS patients were shown in Tab.S2. and Fig.S3 and HSPC senescence was evaluated with CFU-Mix and SA-β-Gal assays, respectively. As shown in Fig. 6A-6B, the proportion of SA-β-gal stain-positive cells in the MDS group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P < 0.01, P < 0.05). CFU-Mix assays showed that colony numbers decreased significantly in MDS group compared with the control group (Fig. 6C). Together, both tests exposed that HSPCs in the MDS group were degraded markedly in their proliferation and differentiation capacities.
7. Gene expression profiling based on in vitro and in vivo datasets.
As we expected, transcriptomics profiling of MDS patients demonstrated that Aging was one significant differential terms in GO analysis and the Cellular Senescence pathway was one significant differential pathway in KEGG analysis (Fig. 7C-7F). The Top25 differently expressed genes in Aging Term and Cellular Senescence pathway were shown in Tab.S2 and Tab.S3; and the Cellular Senescence pathway was shown as Fig.S8. Next, we combined the in vitro (Aging Model HSPCs vs Young HSPCs) and in vivo (MDS vs normal) RNA-Seq datasets (Fig. 7G). The joint analysis showed 1444 genes, 412 GO Terms, and 22 KEGG Pathways were in overlap. Particularly, aging-relevant P21 gene was markedly up-regulated in both Aging Model and MDS groups (P < 0.05) (Table.3, Tab.S1-S2). In accordance, P21-related P53 signaling pathway was one overlapping KEGG Pathway (P < 0.05).