Grazing disturbance can cause significant change in grassland plant communities [17, 18, 26–28]. The results of this study show that, from non-degraded to heavily degraded areas, the dominant species of alpine meadow plant community showed a clear trend. Non-degraded meadow is dominated by Gramineae, with sedges becoming increasingly dominant following degradation, and forbs becoming dominant in the most degraded areas (Fig. 4). These results are consistent with those of other studies [18, 27, 28]. Due to the absence of grazing pressure from livestock, and their significant height advantage, grasses in the non-degraded plots can produce large numbers of seeds and remain the dominant species [18, 27]. During the stage of light degradation, the reduction of tall grasses by livestock provided opportunities for the growth of low sedges, so both Gramineae and sedges were dominant at this stage (Fig. 4) [28]. In the moderately degraded stage, Gramineae are easily eaten due to their highest position in the grass layer, limiting their seed formation [28]. On the contrary, low sedges are not easily eaten and their strong grazing tolerance and vegetative reproduction ability make them the dominant species at this stage [28]. In the first three stages of degradation, dense clump-type Gramineae and sedges formed a dense meadow layer, and it was difficult for forb seeds to reach the soil surface through the meadow layer, and it was even more difficult to germinate and settle down [18]. In the heavily degraded stage, due to the over-grazing of Gramineae and sedges, the competitiveness of forbs, which are less foraged by livestock, is improved, and the low alpine meadows trigger a large number of digging activities by pikas [29]. The meadow plants died and disappeared, and a large area of bare land appeared, creating opportunities for the invasion of some plants through secondary succession [28].
The fecundity of plants plays an important role in the expansion of the population of species[30, 31]. This study shows that, the number of seeds of Asteraceae on the alpine meadow is much larger than that of Gramineae (Fig. 5) [15]. Most of the Asteraceae are annual plants with a very strong fecundity, thus excellent ability to mass reproduce [9]. Sedges in alpine meadows are perennials, and have the ability to reproduce both sexually and vegetatively. Sedges have changed their reproductive strategies under grazing disturbance, and they mainly tend to be asexual [32], allocating significant resources to vegetative rather than sexual reproduction (Fig. 5). This is an adaptation strategy for plants to long-term grazing but, because they are dense clumps, their extremely short rhizomes limit their asexual expansion of the area [32, 33]. The respective reproductive strategies of the plants in these alpine meadows can well explain the results presented in our study. Therefore, sexual reproduction has become a decisive factor for plants to invade bare land [30], and rely on seed reproduction to achieve a sudden population increase.
In addition to seed production capacity, the diffuse capacity of plants is also closely related to the ability of seeds to spread [10, 15, 34, 36, 37]. The most critical characteristic affecting the propagation distance is the speed of seed fall [36]. The slower the fall speed, the farther the seeds will be carried by wind or water [35–37]. Our study found that all of the seeds of Asteraceae on alpine meadows have feathery pappus (Fig. 2), and the seeds with a large number and long pappus have a lower fall speed (Table 2) (Fig. 6a), [37]. Thousand-kernel weight, which represents seed mass, also affects seed dispersal [38]. This study found a positive correlation between thousand-kernel weight and seed fall velocity, which is consistent with the findings of others (Table 3) [38]. Large seeds with large thousand-kernel weights and high fall speed limit their own dispersal distances, which in turn affect their ability to invade new habitats [35, 37, 38]. Our results show that Gramineae and sedges have larger thousand-kernel weights, while Asteraceae have smaller thousand-kernel weights (Fig. 5c). The seed fall speed, which is determined by the number and length of the pappus of the seed, and the thousand-kernel weight, can best explain the results of this study, that is, the heavily degraded grassland is dominated by Asteraceae, while the Gramineae and Cyperaceae are few or disappear. The reproductive ability and dissemination ability of plants determine the initial competition ability of plant invasion, while the establishment ability of plants determines the final competition ability of plants [39]. This study found that the seeds of Asteraceae (Saussurea superba), Gramineae (Elymus nutans, Poa pratensis) and Cyperaceae (Kobresia humilis) had higher germination rates (Fig. 6b), but this could not explain well the composition of the plant community appearing on degraded bare land, which indicates that succession on degraded bare land is determined by the comprehensive effects of various characteristics of plant seeds.
In order to further explain the species composition of degraded bare land succession and the reasons for the formation of dominant species, we analyzed the diffuse ability of species with the above characteristics of seeds using a comprehensive evaluation method. The results show that Asteraceae such as Ligularia virgaurea, Leontopodium leontopodioides, Saussurea superba, Anaphalis lactea, and Aster yunnanensis have strong diffuse ability and become the dominant species following secondary succession on degenerated bare ground (Table 4) [29]. The diffused ability of Gramineae is very low, while the sedges have almost no diffused ability (Table 4).This may be why the bare land formed by the heavily degraded alpine meadow is difficult to recover under natural conditions [32]. The results of the redundancy analysis also support the above phenomenon and mechanism, that is grasses and sedges with high 1,000-kernel weight, no pappus, and fast fall speed, appear in non-degraded and lightly degraded alpine meadow (Fig. 9), while Asteraceae with small seeds, low 1,000-kernel weight, large number and long of seed pappus, and slow fall speed, mostly appeared on heavily degraded bare land (Fig. 9). Thus, both seed characteristics and grazing of livestock determine the species composition in the bare land of degraded alpine meadows.
This study focuses mainly on seed fall speed, which is affected by wind influencing the ability of species to spread and invade [35–38]. However, studies have shown that animal transport and water transport of plant seeds also have important effects on seed dispersal and plant invasion [40, 41]. In addition, the allelopathy of Asteraceae can affect interspecific competition [42–44]. The main disadvantage of this study is that these issues were not considered. A more nuanced assessment of successional processes on the alpine meadow is possible, if these factors are considered comprehensively. To this end, long-term observation and research of the alpine meadow seed bank can be carried out by isotope labeling and other methods.