Comparison of ICT Integration of Science Teachers and Perceived by the Students in Terms of Substitution
Table 4 Comparison of ICT Integration of Science Teachers and Perceived by the Students in Terms of Substitution, shows that they matched in terms of the highest mean "Google forms, Kahoot, Mentimeter, and other tools are used in formative and summative assessments." Similarities are also observed in the lowest mean with the statement "Pre-recorded lessons are used during the class.". This implies that teachers and students agreed on the construct that platform for the formative and summative assessment is observed; the same case also with pre-recorded lessons are not highly practiced. It means that substituting ICT with traditional educational technology is highly practiced.
The same result was also observed by the study conducted at the Makerere University (Lubega et al., 2017) that substitution of ICT is highly utilized in lectures. Similar reports also observed that the Google forms and other similar tools are being utilized rapidly in replacement of the traditional tools.
On the Comparison of ICT Integration of Science Teachers and Perceived by the Students in Terms of Augmentation
Table 5 Comparison of ICT Integration of Science Teachers and Perceived by the Students in Terms of Augmentation, shows that they matched in terms of the highest mean with the statement "The lesson has video clips to explain and support the visual presentation." Similarities are also observed in terms of the lowest mean with the statement, " Concept or mind maps are created with creative animation or voice-over of the lessons.". This implies that teachers and students agreed on the construct that video clips are used to augment the lessons, and concept mapping with media is not observed. This means that augmenting of ICT compared to substitution technology is highly practiced. Terada (2020), in his article, wrote that the Four tiers of online learning are equally important. The first two tiers for enhancing online learning, substitution and augmentation are equally practiced because augmentation cannot be practiced without the first one.
It implies that video clips are mainly used to augment the discussion since they can elaborate on the abstract concepts in science. The research of Savignano (2017) supports this stance that online learning video clips enhance the understanding of the visual presentation.
On the Comparison of ICT Integration of Science Teachers and Perceived by the Students in Terms of Modification
Table 6 Comparison of ICT Integration of Science Teachers and Perceived by the Students in Terms of Modification, shows that they matched in terms of the highest mean with the statement " Projects are submitted using Google Classroom or other LMS for automated monitoring." Similarities are also observed in terms of the lowest mean with the statement Google Earth is used for a virtual tour.". This implies that teachers and students agreed on the construct that learning management systems are used for automated monitoring of student progress and outputs, like that google earth is not widely utilized or known by the teacher and students. This means that Modification of ICT compared to Substitution and Augmentation is less practiced. Modification level includes changes in the students' learning tasks for their better understanding. Transforming assessment actions more frequently involved the enactment of student-centered practices through diversification of roles (Blundell et al., 2022).
On the Comparison of ICT Integration of Science Teachers and Perceived by the Students in Terms of Redefinition
Table 7 Comparison of ICT Integration of Science Teachers and Perceived by the Students in Terms of Redefinition, shows that they differ in terms of the highest mean, for the teacher " Projects are submitted using Google Classroom or other LMS and peer-reviewed or evaluated by the students in the comment section" and for the student "Active collaboration in Google Forms, Kahoot, Mentimeter, etc. is implemented in making questionnaires that serve as review material." Similarities are also observed in terms of the lowest mean with the statement "Virtual reality is used for a virtual tour.". This implies that teachers and students agreed that the platform for virtual reality is less likely to be used for virtual tours. This means that redefinition of ICT compared to Modification is less likely observed due to a lack of ICT devices or the idea that the latest and appropriate platform exist. Rahiem (2020) came up with research that some reasons both teachers and students experience device issues, internet connectivity, technology costs, lack of technology skills, and inadequate learning platforms which the process of redefining the ICT is slowed down.
On the Significant Difference in the Level of ICT Integration of Teachers in Relation to SAMR Model as their Profile
Table 9 Significant Difference in the Perceived Level of ICT Integration of Students in Relation to SAMR model as their Profile shows that Sex there was no significant difference among all variables such as Substitution (p = 0.225), Augmentation (p = 0.143), Modification (p = 0.488), and redefinition (p = 0.468) it means that in respect to the sex of teachers' level of ICT integration mentioned above did not affect on how far they utilized it in terms of the SAMR model.
In terms of Age, there was a significant difference in terms of Substitution (p = 0.006), Modification (p = 0.017), and redefinition (p = 0.031); young teachers were locally known as millennial educators. It was evident in the study by Daling (2018) showed that most of the teachers were still new in the teaching profession. It stresses that new teachers are efficient and effective in delivering ICT because they are exposed to modern trends. Millennial educators were equipped and exposed to ICT knowledge and skills. Daling (2018) added that seasoned teachers were more on traditional instruction, which significantly affected employing ICT in job performance.
As to Years Teaching Experience; there was a significant difference in terms of Substitution (p = 0.001), Augmentation (p = 0.003), redefinition (p = 0.014). However, in terms of the Modification (p = 0.066) statistically significant. According to Hartman et al. (2019), teacher experience influences teachers' adoption and integration of ICT significantly correlated with the actual use of technology. In addition, Lau and Sim (2017) conducted a study on ICT adoption among 250 Malaysian secondary school teachers. Their findings demonstrated that older teachers use computer technology in the classroom more frequently than younger teachers. The primary reason could be that the older teachers having rich experience in teaching, classroom management, and competence in using computers can easily integrate ICT into their teaching.
In the case of Number of ICT-Related Trainings, there is no significant difference in terms of number of ICT trainings as to Substitution (p = 0.254), Augmentation (p = 0.245), Modification (p = 0.189), redefinition (p = 0.087). This indicates that a number of ICT training does not affect the level of ICT integration. Several studies have found that ICT-related training programs improve teachers' computer skills, whether novice or seasoned. (Buabeng-Andoh, 2018), influencing teachers' attitudes towards computers and assisting teachers in reorganizing the task of technology and how new technology is used are significant in student learning.
As to Highest Educational Attainment, indicates that the highest educational attainment does not matter in terms of Substitution (p = 0.660), Augmentation (p = 0.514), Modification (p = 0.641), redefinition (p = 0.587). This indicates that a number of highest educational attainment does not affect the level of ICT integration.
School, shows that the school where the teacher is working is statistically not significant in terms of Substitution (p = 0.226), Augmentation (p = 0.053), Modification (p = 0.156), redefinition (p = 0.104). It clearly shows that the ICT integration of teachers as to the school where they are teaching does not matter. Ghavifekr (2015) also implies in his research that it does not matter in which school he is teaching for the ICT integration.
On the Significant Difference in the Perceived Level of ICT Integration of Students in Relation to SAMR model as their Profile
Table 10 Significant Difference in the Perceived Level of ICT Integration of Students in Relation to SAMR model as their Profile, Sex indicates that student's sex is not significant in terms of Substitution (p = 0.311), Augmentation (p = 0.104), Modification (p = 0.144), redefinition (p = 0.252). It means that with respect to the sex of students, the perceived level of ICT integration mentioned above did not affect how the teacher integrated ICT into the lessons. Bennett and Saunders (2019) have the same view that the level of ICT integration with the SAMR model as sex indicates that the students’ sex is not significant in terms of substitution.
As to the Grade Level shows that student grade level is statistically significant in terms of Substitution (p = 0.046), Augmentation (p = 0.028), and Redefinition (p = 0.035). However, in terms of Modification (p = 0.064) is not significant. It clearly shows that students' perceived level of ICT integration as to their grade level matters. Grade level plays an important role in classroom ICT utilization. As the student grade level progress, the topic becomes more complex and abstract; thus, ICT utilization is highly required. One of the possible reasons why to Modification stage is not significant due to the limited time preparation of the teachers such as preparing an automatic feedbacks system on the platform for the students to regulate their learnings Castro (2018) in which the students were not able to perceive this in their lessons.
In the case of Curriculum, it indicates significant differences in terms of Substitution (p = 0.017), Augmentation (p = 0.004), Modification (p = 0.009), redefinition (p = 0.004). It means that students' placements in curriculum matters such as science class and regular classes since the delivery of instruction may differ due to the nature of the group of students. Students in regular class may need more examples and things to augment the lesson for them to grasp the topic. Stiliana Milkova (n.d) in her research on teaching and learning wrote that the nature of the regular class and the delivery of instructions differ due to differences in the ability of the students.
In terms of School indicates that in terms of Substitution (p = < 0.05), Augmentation (p = < 0.05), Modification (p = < 0.05), redefinition (p = < 0.05). It clearly shows that the schools play an important avenue in learning, especially in the availability of resources, as they can influence the teaching strategy of the teachers. The research of Drexel University School of Education (n.d) also came up with this view in 2015 that the availability of resources in the school plays an important role in integrating ICT into online learning.
In the case of Parents Occupation, indicates no significant values as to Substitution (p = 0.084), Augmentation (p = 0.470), Modification (p = 0.174), redefinition (p = 0.166). Students' parents' occupations did not really matter as to how they perceived the ICT integration of the teacher since it is thought to be that the parents’ occupation affects the accessibility of the students to gadgets. A case study during covid-19 in rural Indonesia shows that the parent’s occupation really matters in the ICT integration because many parents do not afford the gadgets for their children (Lase et al., 2021).