Pregnant dams (Sprague-Dawley rats, N=12) were obtained from Charles River (Sulzfeld, Germany) on gestation day (G.D.) 9–10. They were housed individually in polycarbonate cages: 26.5 (width) × 18 (height) × 42 (length) cm. On postnatal day (PND) 21, pups were weaned and separated by sex and litter into groups of 3–5 rats. Females and males were housed in different temperature-controlled (21 ± 1°C) and humidity-controlled (40–50%) colony rooms under a 12/12 h light/dark cycle (lights on at 06:00 h). Food and water were available ad libitum. Behavioral testing was performed during the light phase of the light/dark cycle. The experiments were conducted in accordance with the European Guidelines for animal welfare (2010/63/E.U.) and were approved by the II Local Ethics Committee for Animal Experiments at the Maj Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Science, Krakow, Poland (permission number: 203/2017). This study was performed in accordance with ARRIVE guidelines.
Poly(I:C) administration and experimental schedule
On GD 15, the dams were injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) with either physiological saline (vehicle) (N=6) or poly(I:C) at a dose of 5 mg/kg (N=6). Poly(I:C) (Sigma-Aldrich, Poznan, Poland) was dissolved in physiological saline. Both poly(I:C) and vehicle were administered at a volume of 2 ml/kg. The dose and time of poly(I:C) administration were based on previous reports demonstrating autistic-like behaviors, including social and communicative abnormalities 14,55{!!! INVALID CITATION !!! `;Gzielo`, 2021 `#78}, ;Gzielo, 2021 #94}. There were no effects of treatment on gestation length and litter size (N=13 and N=12, for control and poly(I:C) litters, respectively), but there was a prevalence of females in poly(I:C) offspring (male/female ratio for six litters: ≈ 0.63 for poly(I:C) animals and ≈ 1.08 for controls). As previously demonstrated 14, the rats prenatally exposed to poly(I:C) appeared healthy and could not be behaviorally distinguished from the controls. They also did not differ from control animals in body weight (Fig. S3; Supplement 3).
In total, 41 males and 38 females were born from 6 vehicle-treated dams, and 26 males and 41 females from 6 poly(I:C)-treated dams. On PND ≈ 80, all animals were subjected to social interaction test. One week later, half of the rats were used for the olfactory preference test, and locomotor activity was measured in another half. At the end of behavioral testing, the tickling procedure was conducted on the randomly chosen half of the animals. To minimize the risk of a litter effect, offspring were randomly and equally distributed across these procedures. The method sections provide a detailed description of the number of animals per group in each experiment.
Social interaction test.
The test was performed as previously described 72,73. Social behavior was observed in same-sex, same-treatment pairs of rats placed in a dimly illuminated (15 Lux) open field (dimensions: 57 × 67 × 30 cm, material: black Plexiglas). One day before the test, the rats were individually placed in the open field for 5 min to adapt them to the testing area. Then, the animals were weighed, and the backsides of one-half of the animals were marked with a Pentel permanent marker. On the test day, two unfamiliar rats of matched body weight (± 5 g) were placed in the open-field arena, and their behaviors were recorded for 10 min using a Sony light-amplification CCD camera placed above the arena and connected to a P.C. running a Noldus MPEG recorder 2.1. An experimenter blind to the treatment conditions analyzed the videos offline using Noldus Observer® XT, version 10.5.
The measured social behaviors included: sniffing (the rat sniffs the body of the conspecific), anogenital sniffing (the rat sniffs the anogenital region of the conspecific), social grooming (the rat licks and chews the fur of the conspecific), climbing (the rat climbs over the back of the conspecific / stands on the back of the conspecific) and following (the rat moves toward and follows the conspecific). The duration and number of episodes of social behavior were measured for each rat separately and summed to give a total score for each pair of animals.
The number of pairs used in the analysis was: N=18 (vehicle males), N=13 (poly(I:C) males ), N=15 (vehicle females), and N=19 (poly(I:C) females ). Seven pairs (vehicle males: two, vehicle females: four, and poly females: one) were excluded from the analysis due to failure in the Noldus or Avisoft recording.
Tickling-induced USVs.
The manual somatosensory stimulation (tickling) was conducted as previously described 15,57 and consisted of gentle holding of the rat on its back with the investigator’s left hand and rapid right-hand finger movements across the ventral body surface of the animal for 15 s, followed by 5 s of no stimulation. The stimulation cycle was conducted for a total of 3 min. Each rat experienced one day of tickling for habituation to the tickle procedure. An identical procedure was used on the second day, except an ultrasound microphone was ON and recorded USVs.
The number of rats used in the analysis was: N=18 (vehicle males), N=13 (poly(I:C) males ), N=18 (vehicle females), and N=25 (poly(I:C) females).
USV recording
As previously described 14,72,73, the rats’ vocalizations were recorded during the entire test session (i.e., 10 min or 3 min) using a frequency response range of 2 kHz–200 kHz microphone (UltraSoundGate Condensor Microphone CM16/CMPA, Avisoft Bioacoustics, Berlin, Germany) suspended 25 cm above the floor of the test area. Microphone signals were fed into an UltraSoundGate 416H (Avisoft Bioacoustics, Berlin, Germany) before the analog signal was digitized with a sampling rate of 200 kHz and a 16-bit resolution. Acoustic data were recorded using Raven Pro: Interactive Sound Analysis Software, version 1.5 (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology Bioacoustics Research Program, Ithaca, NY, USA). The calls were manually marked on the computer screen and counted by an experienced user, blind to the treatment, using the Raven Pro software. The spectrograms were generated with a fast Fourier transform (FFT)-length of 512 points and a time-window overlap of 75% (100% frame, Hamming window).
The 50-kHz USVs were further manually divided (based on their acoustic call features) into the following general types: short calls, flat calls with a near-constant frequency, and frequency-modulated calls. The frequency-modulated calls were subsequently classified as low frequency modulated calls (complex calls, ramp, and inverted-U calls) and high frequency modulated calls (mostly trills, but also multi-step, step-up, step-down, and composite calls). We also analyzed the following USV features: a) the call duration (length of the call, measured in milliseconds), b) the bandwidth (the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies, a measure of frequency modulation, expressed in kHz), and c) the peak frequency (the frequency in kHz at which maximal energy occurs within the selection). The 22-kHz alarms were excluded from the further analysis due to their negligible distribution (≥1.6 %). The number of analyzed samples was the same as for the social interaction test and manual tickling procedure.
Olfactory preference test
The procedure was conducted according to the previously published protocol 73. Two bowls (internal diameter of 8 cm and a depth of 4 cm) were placed on one side of the open-field apparatus (the same one used for the social interaction test). Each bowl contained one of the following odor stimuli: a) clean bedding (clean sawdust) and b) same-sex soiled bedding (sawdust collected from the cages of females or males, respectively). The bedding samples were obtained from cages of unfamiliar, group-housed, sexually inexperienced males or females on the fifth day following the previous bedding change. This five-day period was necessary to soak the wood shavings with odors of feces, urine, and pheromones.
One day before the test, rats were habituated to the empty apparatus for 5 min. On the test day, the rats were exposed to clean and soiled bedding. Bowl location (right or left positioning) was counterbalanced between rats. The test started with the subject in the center of the apparatus. In a 5-min test, we recorded the time the rat actively sniffed each bowl. Sniffing was defined as the subject’s nose directly contacting the bedding or the bowl. After each measurement, the floor and bowls were cleaned and dried.
The behavior of the rats was recorded using a Tayama camera (C3804-01A1, Katowice, Poland) placed above the open field and connected to the Any-maze® tracking system (Stoelting Co., USA, Illinois). An experimenter blinded to the treatment conditions manually assessed the exploration time. The data from any rat spending less than 5 s exploring the bedding samples were removed from the analyses.
The number of animals in a given group was: N=21 (vehicle males), N=12 (poly(I:C) males ), N=18 (vehicle females), N=21 (poly(I:C) females). The analysis excluded two rats (one poly male and one vehicle female) due to low exploration time.
Locomotor and repetitive/stereotypic-like activity.
Spontaneous locomotor activity was measured automatically in Opto-Varimex-4 Auto-Tracks (Columbus Instruments, OH, USA) located in the sound attenuated and ventilated boxes. The Auto-Track System sensed the motion with a grid of infrared photocells (16 beams per x- and y-axis) surrounding the arena. The data collected every 1 min during a 10-min session are presented as (a) the total distance traveled, (b) the number of repetitive/stereotypic-like movements (defined as the number of repeated breaks of the same beam), and (c) the total number of episodes of circling behavior (the total number of clockwise and counter-clockwise rotations).
The number of animals in a given group was: N=18 (vehicle males), N=13 (poly(I:C) males ), N=18 (vehicle females), N=19 (poly(I:C) females). Due to technical reasons, four rats were excluded from the analysis (two vehicle males, one vehicle female, and one poly(I:C) female).
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA)
One day after behavioral testing, poly(I:C)- and vehicle-exposed rats of each sex were sacrificed via decapitation, and the brains were removed. Samples of the prefrontal cortex, striatum, dorsal part of the hippocampus, and cerebellum were quickly frozen on dry ice and stored at −80°C. Then, the tissues were moved to -20°C and homogenized on ice (TissueLyser, Qiagen, USA) in RIPA buffer with cOmplete™ Mini Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (11836153001, Roche). The homogenates were centrifuged for 30 min at 15.500×g at 4°C. Supernatants were collected for future analysis.
Bradford reagent (B6916, Sigma Aldrich) was used to determine the total protein concentration of each sample. Levels of glutamic acid decarboxylase 1 (GAD1) and Parvalbumin Alpha protein were assessed using ELISA kits (Cat. E1353Ra for GAD1 and E2521Ra for parvalbumin, Bioassay Technology Laboratory), according to the manufacturer protocol. After the reaction was terminated, the absorbance was measured at 450 nm using the SynergyMx apparatus (BioTek, Vermont, USA). The analyses of the ELISA results were performed on raw data expressed as the mean arbitrary absorbance units per well as ng of the GAD1 and parvalbumin per 1 μg of total protein.
The number of animals in each given group was: N=5-6.
Arcsine-transformed percentage of time and the number of episodes of behavior were subjected to three-way ANOVAs with treatment (vehicle vs. poly(I:C)), sex (male vs. female), and type of behavior as between-subject factors. For the number and time of aggressive behaviors, Mann-Whitney U-test was used. The number of USVs was analyzed by a three-way ANOVA with treatment, sex, and call category as between-subject factors. Acoustic call features (duration, bandwidth, and peak frequency) were analyzed by two-way ANOVAs with treatment and sex as between-subject factors. Pearson’s product-moment method was used to correlate behavioral and USV measures. The differences in time spent sniffing clean vs. soiled bedding were analyzed by paired Student’s t-tests. Locomotor activity and ELISA data were analyzed by two-way ANOVAs with treatment and sex as between-subject factors.
When there was a significant main effect of treatment, we used the Tukey HSD post hoc tests to assess overall differences between vehicle- and poly(I:C)-exposed groups. In addition, the planned comparisons of Least Squares means were used to compare vehicle and poly(I:C) conditions within a given sex.
The effect size was estimated using partial eta squared (ŋp2). The normality of data distribution was evaluated by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. The statistical analyses were performed using Statistica 12.0 for Windows. Detailed ANOVA results and the effect sizes are presented in Table S4 (Supplement 4).
Identification of the estrous cycle phase
After behavioral testing, vaginal cytology samples were collected, and the estrous cycle stage was determined by examining the appearance and abundance of cells in vaginal samples, as previously described in detail by Potasiewicz et al. 73. In line with our previous study 73, we did not observe the influence of the estrous cycle on any measured parameters (data not shown).