Sound pressure level was used as a measure of transducer performance. The performance of transducer was also investigated as its ability to disperse waterproof paints in aqueous solvents by image processing. Then Diazinon pesticide, which is widely used in agricultural applications including the production of cucumber, was used. After spreading Diazinon pesticide solution on cucumber products, ultrasonic treatment was applied on the samples for 5, 10 and, 20 minutes. To determine the residual pesticide and evaluate the peel texture of cucumber product, the GC and SEM methods were used respectively.
3.1. Sound pressure level test
As previously stated, in order to reduce heat loss and select a suitable conductor for applying the high frequency current through the coil, the spool was wound by an ordinary wire and also Litz wire with the same number of coil turns. The purpose was to compare the performance of these two types of wirings. The results showed that the inductance of the coil with 100 turns for the coil with ordinary wire and Litz wire was 112.9 and 74 microhenry, respectively. Thus, by increasing the number of strands in the Litz wire, the resistance created at high frequencies decreases [28].
In order to compare the real transducer with the simulation model, the sound pressure was measured. This parameter has been used to evaluated the performance of ultrasonic transducers [29], [30]. The sound pressure produced is affected by the size of transducer. This increase is about three to five decibels [29]. However, due to the small size of the transducer in this study, this effect can be ignored. Figure 3 shows the sound pressure distribution of the simulated transducer using the JMAG-Designer software.
In Fig. 4 the sound pressure level diagrams in three different modes is presented (simulated, real model and ambient + real model). As seen the average sound pressure level in the simulated model, the absolute sound pressure level (solely from transducer) of the real transducer and the sound pressure level of real transducer with ambient sound were 33.98, 35.6 and 66.5 dB, respectively. A slight difference (4.5%) between the sound pressure level in the simulated model and the real transducer is seen. This is mainly due to the way of calculating the sound pressure. The sound pressure in the software environment was calculated on a spherical shell with a diameter of 100 mm, while in the real transducer this was done by connecting the decibel meter directly in front of the core horn. Moreover, due to the mismatch of different properties of transducer in simulation and real model, some error is expected. Generally, in ultrasonic transducers the transmitted power and sound pressure level increase with decreasing probe distance [31].
3.2. Evaluating dispersion ability of the magnetostrictive device
By dropping the waterproof paint at the bottom of a glass bottle and applying the magnetostrictive transducer and filming the process, the color images and red, green and blue channels were extracted in the MATLAB software environment. Because high-speed imaging can determine the formation of cavitation phenomenon and the growth of cavitation clouds [32].
However, as mentioned, the scaling method was used to improve the image contrast and increase the pixel intensity. Considering that the effective coefficients can be obtained by trial and error [33], in this section a coefficient of 2 was selected to scale the images. In Fig. 5, the elapsed times are displayed in the first column and the other columns are the images extracted from different color channels. According to this figure, the right column shows the status of paint dispersion as control i.e. the glass bottle that was not treated with the ultrasonic transducer is shown. As seen, in this case after 60 seconds, the waterproof paint on the bottom of the glass bottle does not disperse and only the paint on the top of the bottle moves down. By using RGB color channels, the image features can be extracted [22]. As can be seen in this figure, and comparing the images of different color channels at 10, 40, and 60 seconds, it is observed that the images of the red color channel are clearer than the other channels and also more consistent with the RGB image.
Since the images extracted from red channel were more consistent with the RGB images, the histogram of this channel was drawn for different elapsed times as shown in Fig. 6. At 10 and 20 seconds elapsed times, which are shown in Fig. 6.a and 6.b respectively, it is observed that the higher gray scales have a small number of pixels and the lower gray scales have less than 400 pixels, implying less dispersion of the paint. But over time at 40, 50 and, 60 seconds, which are shown in Fig. 6.d, 6.e, and 5.f, respectively, it is observed that the number of pixels with higher gray scales has decreased to zero, but the number of pixels with lower gray scales increased to values above 1000. The evolution of pixel’s grayscale over time shows the paint dispersion process. This indicates that turbulence has occurred in the liquid due to the operation of the magnetostrictive ultrasonic transducer, which has caused the paint to spread.
For further investigation and eliminating the color effects of the transducer probe in the achieved images, the space around the transducer probe was divided into 6 parts, because depending on the type of research, parts of the image that are fixed or variable can be cut and deleted or processed [34]. In other words, according to Fig. 7, 3 parts on the right side and 3 parts on the left side of the transducer probe with the same dimensions (60 pixels wide by 50 high) were selected. The Red channel histograms data were extracted at 60 seconds and the mean value was calculated for all gray scales. By analyzing this data, it was found that the mean value (72) is related to the gray scale 41. Therefore, to calculate the percentage of surface occupied by the waterproof paint in each of the 6 parts, all pixels whose gray scale was less than 73 were counted. Because by counting the number of pixels that have a special property, the amount of the surface and its changes can be achieved [22]. Then at different elapsed times, the number of pixels was introduced as a percentage of the occupied area. According to this figure, since the dispersion of waterproof paint at the bottom of the glass bottle is non-uniform, it is observed that the cropped image at the lower end of the left side has an occupancy level of 62% at 10 seconds and at the end of 60 seconds the occupied area reaches 81%. But at the lower right side, the occupied area is initially 28% and at the end about 100%. But in the middle parts, the paint dispersion speed increases from 20 to 40 seconds, so that in 40 seconds, more than 80% of these areas are occupied by blue paint. At the upper parts, up to 40 seconds, the dispersion speed is very low (less than 40%), but it is observed that between 40 to 60 seconds, this increases rapidly so that more than 90% of these areas are occupied by blue paint. In other words, the cavitation phenomenon created by mechanical waves of the ultrasonic transducer initially creates bubbles at the lower parts. But over time, these bubbles burst and move upward to dissolve the blue paint in the middle and then the upper layers. Because over time and increasing the radius of the bubbles and reaching their critical radius and pressure, the bubbles become unstable and their density decreases, so the bubbles begin to move upwards. Also, by increasing the Reynolds number, which indicates turbulence in the fluid, tails are created on the new bubbles, which intensifies the cavitation phenomenon and increases the tendency to last longer after the disappearance of the main bubbles [35]. As a result, the magnetostrictive ultrasonic transducer causes the complete dispersion of the blue paint in the glass bottle for 60 seconds by creating the cavitation phenomenon. In general, employing image processing method is useful in studying the dynamic behavior of clouds created by cavitation phenomenon in aqueous solvents [36]. So that by using gray images, dimensional parameters such as the length of the created cavitation clouds can be measured [37].
3.3. GC test
Microorganisms are among the natural contaminants of fresh products. Observance of hygienic principles of such products is done by washing in tap water to remove residual pesticides, contaminants, plant residues and reduce the microbial load on the peel of fruits [38]. The effects of ultrasonic cleaning for 5, 10 and 20 minutes on the residual pesticide are shown in Table (2). Ultrasonic waves in water cause cavitation. Therefore, in the medium, micron-sized bubbles are formed quickly and burst. In such conditions, small explosions are created that provide the power of cleaning. According to this table, the Diazinon residue decreases with increasing time. Ultrasonic cleaning in 20 minutes has significantly reduced this pesticide. In other words, by using external standard method in GC test, the results showed that the residual pesticide based on the height of the chromatogram for the reference, 5, 10 and, 20 minutes were 1, 0.27, 0.26 and 0.25, respectively. Also, the residual pesticide based on the area under the chromatogram for the reference, 5, 10, and 20 minutes were 1, 0.21, 0.18, and 0.17, respectively. In other words, using the magnetostrictive ultrasonic transducer for 20 minutes, the residual pesticide based on the height and chromatogram area were 25% and 17%, respectively. For ultrasonic cleaning, it is assumed that the sound bubbles created by the cavitation phenomenon oscillate over the peel products at a distance of several tens of nanometers. The flow created by the bursting of the bubble can lead to tensile and shear forces over the peel. This flow will cause cleaning [39]. In a study that used ultrasonic treatment for 20 min to remove pesticides from cucumber product, the residual pesticides for Trichlorfon, Dimethoate, Dichlorvos, Fenitrothion and, Chlorpyrifos were reported 17.1%, 47.8%, 50.2%, 15.6%, and, 37%, respectively [25]. Also, in another study that used piezoelectric transducers with variable powers and times for tomato product, the results showed that by considering 300 watts and 15 minutes, the residual pesticide for DDVP was 89% [40]. Probably, the small volume of the lab beaker and also considering the 2-minute interval for each one-minute treatment are the main reasons that have improved the results of this study compared to other studies. Because according to table (1), by applying ultrasonic waves for 5 minutes, the reduction of Diazinon pesticide was more than 73%. On the other hand, in the ultrasonic bath, the power level is not high enough because the transducer vibrations enter the tank through a metal wall. Therefore, sound waves form a sustainable wave pattern in the tank and the distribution of the ultrasonic field is not uniform. But the uniformity of this distribution in a probe system is less than in an ultrasonic bath. So that intense vibrations occur at the tip of the probe, causing a hole or corrosion in the metal probe [39].
Table 2
GC test results for different treatment times on cucumber
Elapsed Time (min)
Reduction (%)
Reduction (%)
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
* Height Based Results
** Area Based Results
3.4. SEM imaging
The micro-images of the middle part of the cucumber were selected for measuring the dimensions of the peel features. All SEM images were taken at 2500 magnification and working distance of 8 mm. According to Fig. 8, the peel features of the cucumber product such as stomatal pores were observed by SEM images. In other words, the stomatal pores and their guard cells that are elliptic were evaluated. Stomatal pores are involved in the gas exchange of many fruits and vegetables such as cucumber, and are embedded in the epidermis for several microns [27]. As can be seen in this figure, by increasing the time of ultrasonic treatment, the opening area of stomatal pores decreases so that the highest opening area is related to the reference (Fig. 8.a) and the lowest opening area is related to the 20 min treatment (Fig. 8.d). The results of a study showed that by applying ultrasound for 2 min on the surface of the recalcitrant squash cotyledon, the stomatal pores and Ridges of the guard cells were still in place. But after 10 min, the edges of the guard cells and the surrounding areas were smoothed. After 30 minutes, Severe peel damage was observed so that epidermal cells and stomatal pores were damaged, and also large cracks were observed on the peel surface [41]. As mentioned, ultrasonic waves not only clean the cucumber product, but also close the stomatal pores, and this will probably increase the shelf life of the product without affecting the content of organic and mineral materials as well as mechanical properties. Because according to the researches, the ultrasonic treatment of cherry tomatoes, strawberries and palm fruits has almost doubled the shelf life without affecting their contents [42].
Also, according to Fig. 8, it is observed that with increasing treatment time, the peel texture of the cucumber product has been worn. So that by increasing this time, the depth of cavities on the cucumber peel has decreased and the pitting wall thickness has increased. The color uniformity in the 20 min treatment (Fig. 8.d) compared to the 5 min treatment (Fig. 8.b) justifies this peel erosion. The results of a study showed that by applying ultrasound for 2 min on the surface of the recalcitrant squash cotyledon, the surface of the epidermal cell in the reference was higher than the cell junctions. By applying ultrasonic treatment for 2 minutes, the surface of the epidermal cell and the cell junctions were disproportionately worn. By increasing the treatment time for 10 minutes, this erosion increased so that the surface of the epidermal cell was approximately equal to the cell junctions [41].
Ultrasound produces intense pressure, shear force and temperature gradient in the material, which cause mechanical rupture in the texture. In other words, by propagation sound energy, which is mechanical oscillations, through the medium, three types of waves are created, which are: (1) longitudinal waves that move in the direction of displacement (2) shear waves that are perpendicular to the wave main motion (3) Rayleigh waves that travel very close to the material surface. Therefore, these three types of waves create alternating expansions and contractions. During these cycles, millions of small bubbles form that grow by absorbing energy from the medium, and when they cannot absorb more energy, they become unstable and burst violently. This releases a large amount of energy known as cavitation. A bubble can burst at or near the top of a cell wall. When this happens above the cell surface, it can potentially cause cavities in the cell wall [42]. On the other hand, the bursting of bubbles created by transient cavitation causes serious physical conditions. These conditions include high temperature (up to 5000 K), high pressure (up to 1000 atm), high rate of cooling and heating (up to 1010 \(K/s\)), shock waveforms, and high-speed water jet (156 \(km/h\)) [39].
Photoshop software was used to investigate the effects of ultrasonic mechanical waves on the peel texture of cucumber products accurately. In other words, the dimensions of the stomatal pores, the Guard cell wall thickness, and pitting wall thickness were calculated using the scaling method. Since the stomatal pores are ellipsoid, the area of these pores can be calculated using the ellipsoid area equation.
where in this equation, A, a, and b are the stomatal pore area, the major diameter of the ellipse, the minor diameter of the ellipse [27]. Based on the effects of the cavitation phenomenon and what was mentioned above, according to Fig. 9 by increasing the treatment time, the stomatal pore area reduced from 144.74 \({\mu m}^{2}\) (reference) to 30.56 \({\mu m}^{2}\) (20 min treatment). Also, the guard cell wall thickness increased from 1.49 µm (reference) to 4.16 µm. But according to this figure, the increasing trend of guard cell wall thickness is ascendant for 10 minutes and then is almost constant. This trend may be due to the higher location of guard cells relative to the epidermis and also the lower thickness of the guard cell walls relative to the wall thickness of the epidermis cells. This increases the erosion process speed in the early minutes. Then the guard cell wall thickness increases due to erosion and the cell height become equal to epidermis cells and as a result, the increasing trend of the guard cell wall thickness or erosion speed decreases. In addition, the epidermis wall thickness increased from 2.20 µm (reference) to 4.78 µm (20 min treatment). According to this figure, the increasing trend of the Epidermis cell wall thickness is still ascendant. Therefore, by increasing ultrasonic treatment time, significant peeling will be done in the cucumber samples.