The mill´s CO2 balance can be assessed by Equation 1, and contains following entries:
CO2/af = CO2/spcet + (ST + RT) * (CO2/la + CO2/op) [t] (Eq.1)
[t] - metric ton,
[y] - year,
CO2/af - gas mass [t] which shall be removed from the atmosphere via photosynthesis with the help of afforestation during a given rehabilitation time,
CO2/spcet - gas mass [t], generated by site clearance, preparations, construction, equipment and technology renewal,
ST - service time [y], duration of CO2 emission by the mill´s operation,
RT - rehabilitation time [y], designated to remove all CO2 generated by the mill,
CO2/la - lost CO2 absorption capacity of the forest cleared for the mill [t/y],
CO2/op - gas mass [t/y], emitted during the production of energies needed for the operations.
In the followings, an example shall be detailed. The values calculated stand for assumptions and approximations, may thus create an imperfect picture about the pollution, but they shall give some information about the magnitude of numbers involved. If needed, a more precise CO2 balance can be worked out another time, according to the contemporary state of the arts.
For the mill’s CO2 balance following assumptions have been made:
Preparations (CO2/spcet)
Site clearance: The mill had been erected 90 years ago on a 6 ha large area, originally covered by forest. The trees were felled by manpower. One tree was cut, pruned and sawn to logs by two workers in approximately one hour. Their power output, expressed in physical units, may have been about 100 Watt (Luczak H. et al., 2010). In order to clear six hectares of forest with about 250 trees/ha, an estimated 300 kWh ([1],[2],[3],[4]) energy was spent. As a consequence of felling and removal of all trees from the 6 ha forest, 0,75 t CO2[5] was released into the air.
One log was pulled out from the forest presumably by one horse and one worker in about 15 minutes. The physical work spent amounted to 28 kWh[6] which corresponds to 0,07 t CO2 for the whole log volume.
90 years ago the transport may have been carried out with the help of horse carriages. From 6 ha, about 1´500 t logs[7] were collected. These logs required 188 wagon loads, each carrying 8 t timber. Loading timber onto and from a wagon, respectively, was performed by five workers in two hours. The according energy consumption amounted to 188 kWh[8], i.e. 0,47 t CO2.
The wagons delivered the timber to the merchant about 15 km away, so a round trip was done in one day. Using two horses per carriage, the according CO2 emission may have amounted to 2´214 kWh[9], or 5,54 t CO2.
Summing up, the site clearance and the log transport consumed approximately 2´730 kWh energy, and released roughly 7,0 t CO2[10] into the atmosphere. It was also assumed that the logs had been used for lumber production, and were not incinerated on site.
Site preparation and creation of infrastructure[11]: The data, as meticulously collected and calculated as above according to the method of Lockie, S. et al. (2012), yielded another 22 t CO2.
Construction and equipping of buildings as well as technological renewal generated about 1´380 t CO2[12]. Additional furniture, computers, etc. had generated further 520 t CO2[13].
Summing up, buildings and equipment polluted the air with 1´929 t CO2 already at the start (values in boxes will be used in the Equations 1 and 2).
Service time (ST) specifies the period during which the mill has been in operation. According to the mill´s records, it started 90 y ago, and will run still for an undefined number of years.
Rehabilitation time (RT) refers to the management´s decision according to which a forest plantation for a period of 25 y shall be established. During this period the forest shall purify the atmosphere from as much CO2 gas as the mill might have emitted during its service life and the rehabilitation time. In the years thereafter, the mill has to still be aided by the plantation to remain pollution free.
Operations (CO2/op): The mill has processed 30´000 m3 logs per year. The yearly energy consumption amounted to roughly 450 MWh[14] which is equivalent to 1´125 t CO2.
Lost CO2 absorption capacity (CO2/la): Forests absorb on average about 4 t/(ha.y) carbon dioxide via photosynthesis, and converts it to an organic substance (Enssle J. 2010). On the 6-ha area, however, where the mill is standing, the forest is missing. The according loss of possible CO2-capture equals 24 t/y.
With the above data, following two questions can be answered:
(1) What was the total amount of carbon dioxide pumped into the air during the period of interest, i.e. 90 y of operation and 25 y of rehabilitation times?
The answer is given by Equation 1:
In short, 105´340[15] t CO2 mass has been released by the mill during its 90 years of existence, and an additional 28´725 t gas mass can be expected within the 25 years rehabilitation time - altogether roughly 134´100 t.
(2) What size of forest area would be needed to bind this amount of gas and convert it to trees during 25 years?
The answer is delivered by Equation 2: Calculated for 25 years, the area size of the forest plantation with an expected CO2 removal capacity from the air of 4 t/(y.ha) amounts to:
Plantation Area Size ≈ 134´100 [t] / (4 [t/(y.ha)] * 25 [y]) ≈ 1´341 [ha] (Eq.2)
Thus, in order to remove the 134´100 t CO2 generated by the plant during its 90 year service life and the 25 years remedial period, an area of 1´341 hectare must be afforested. Basically, this plantation would deploy its advantageous effect as from the very first year of its establishment with increasing effectivity. Cultivated henceforth sustainably, the CO2 balance would tilt back to the favour of the environment and to the relief of the company after 25 years.
In order to compensate for future air pollution, roughly 281 ha[16] forest must be retained. With regards to the original goal, the remaining 1´160 ha would become redundant, and could be sold to another company struggling with the same problem. Thereby, a substantial part of the initially invested money may get reimbursed while the volume of carbon dioxide generated by the mill has been eliminated from the atmosphere. This is a temporary remedy, however, and remains effective until the wood gets burned at disposal, or would rot away.
A Possible Implementation
The acquisition of 1´341 ha fertile ground, its afforestation and cultivation represent a big investment for a relatively small company. Nevertheless, with common effort, it could even become financially profitable. The endeavour needs to be a joint venture with participants such as the company, the host-community and a trust.
The company with its small area is responsible for 5%[17] of the 1´341 ha afforestation. This outlay is an investment for the mill which cannot be passed over to the customer in form of higher selling price of products because the customer has contributed to the same objective already in form of taxes (see at host-community). Thus, this expenditure must be deduced from the company’s reserves.
The host-community (town, province, or state) enjoys the advantages of the company’s presence. The company provides jobs, produces required goods, and most importantly, it pays taxes. Thus, the community ought to be morally obliged to participate in the venture. Generally, the community must not seek an immediate profit of such an investment, it can wait with the hope for a later gain and with the comforting conviction that it has contributed to the rehabilitation of the environment. Its share in the expenditures could be as large as the overall tax ratio in the region, say 40%.
A trust would endow the remaining funds. Together with the company and the community, it will be responsible for the purchase of the ground, for the afforestation and the upkeep of the plantation, and it has to provide the financial base in form of securities, stocks and bonds with a hope for an ensuing financial gain. The share of the trust is the outstanding 55%. The security papers of whatever kind could be traded, inherited, deposited, donated, etc. meaning that these would not be long-term investments, these could be sold with a small profit. Even ordinary people could afford to acquire these, granting the documents wide spread.
With the passing 25 years, the forest would have fulfilled its purpose, and 1’160 ha might be sold. The returns would be apportioned among the shareholders according to their contribution. Calculations suggest that the enterprise could become profitable if the above-mentioned forest area was sold for three times the original purchasing price (Bariska M. et al., 2015). Taking into account the possible rise of the property value, the value increase of forest, and inflation, this is not an unrealistic scenario after 25 years. As a result, the air was purified and the investors received their profit.
In subsequent times, the company, the community and the trust still remain the owners of the residual 281 ha forest which is needed to compensate for the mill’s ongoing CO2 emission. Should the plant terminate its production activity, the leftover forest area can be sold as well. Thus, environment rehabilitation mustn’t be a losing deal.
[1] 300kWh = 2 [worker] * 0.1 [kW/worker] * 1 [hours/tree] * 250 [trees/ha] * 6 [ha]
[2] 1kWh = 3.6 MJ (MegaJoule), physical unit of work (energy). For reasons of convention, we use kWh (kiloWatt.hour) and not Megajoules
[3] Generally, it is assumed that during the production of 1 kWh energy in a coal powered plant 1 kg CO2 emerges. Other authors state that 4.5 kg was a more realistic number (Lockie S. et al. 2012; Taffese, W.Z., et al. 2019; Hoxha, V., 2020). In our calculations, we use a value of 2.5 kg CO2 per one kWh energy generated.
[4] In our calculations, we use a value of 2.5 kg CO2 per one kWh energy generated.
[6] 28 kWh ≈ 0.736 [kW horsepower/horse] * 1 [horse] * 1 [worker] * 0.1 [kW/worker] * 250 [log/ha] * 6 [ha] * 0.25 [h/log]
[11] Estimated value based on the items’ weight = 21.6 t CO2 (Taffese, W.Z., et al. 2019; Hoxha, V., 2020)
[12] 1´380 t CO2 = Sawmill 390 t (750 m2 à 0.52 t CO2/m2), offices 196 t (450 m2 à 0.435 t CO2/m2), sales offices + exhibition hall 87 t (200 m2 à 0.435 t CO2/m2), warehouse 64 t (400 m2 à 0.16 t CO2/m2), workshops, garage, dryer, steamer, energy producing plant 464 t (850 m2 à 0.545t CO2/m2) } * 1,15 (1,15 stands for value adding by renewals on three occasions /see also Bariska M., Pásztory Z., 2015/)
[17] The percentages are arbitrarily chosen. They may assume any value which the participants would agree upon