The current study was planned to evaluate current health care services in terms of metabolic control and complications encountered in patients with T1D registered at PADU, Children's hospital, Ain-Shams University. All eligible patients were included with a total of 672 T1D children and adolescents
Glycemic control
Results of present study showed that the glycemic control was poor among patients with a mean HbA1c of 8.75 ± 1.94%, a median of 10.3% and only 88 (13.1%) of patients achieved glycemic targets with HbA1c < 7%. In our region, mean HbA1c was 8.8% in 228 T1D with a mean age of 10.99 years in a study carried out in Saudi Arabia [11]. Poor glycemic control found was similar to the published data from another cross-sectional study in China, which showed that mean HbA1c value was > 75 mmol/mol (9.0%). Also, it was found that the mean HbA1c values were in a high level in all age interval and showed a downward trend with age [12]. In Jordan, the percentage of children who achieved target HbA1c of < 7.5% was 20.5% [13].
In developed countries figures were not very far as in Italy, 28.1% of T1D reached target HbA1c values of < 7.5% [14]. A figure of 18% of T1D achieved HbA1c < 7.5% in a cohort of 240 patients aged 13 to18 years, with diabetes duration more than 5 years at Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes [15]. In Tanzania, only 4 out of 150 patients achieved target HbA1c < 7.5% [16].
It is noteworthy mentioning that in our study, pubertal and adolescents above the age of 11 years constituted 65.8% (442/672) of enrolled patients whose mean HbA1c was 8.85%. It does not explain why mean of the whole group was high. Those younger than 11 years, displayed also high mean HbA1c of 8.55%. All patients are receiving basal-bolus insulin, a minority were on insulin pump and the mean SMBG was 2.43 times /day. However, poor adherence to nutrition therapy, longtime spent watching T.V or using mobile games, and poor regular exercise may explain high HbA1c in young T1D patients.
As expected, adolescents are poorly controlled due to psychiatric problems, eating problems, and poor adherence to therapy [17]. Despite the availability of more advanced insulin analogs, glucose monitoring, and insulin delivery devices nowadays, adolescents remain unable to achieve optimal glycemic control [18]. T1D Exchange Clinic Registry revealed that 83% of adolescents have HbA1c levels above 7.5% (58 mmol/mol) [19]. The DCCT has found a mean HbA1c of intensively treated adolescents with T1D of 8.1% (65 mmol/mol) which is higher than the corresponding adult cohort of 7.1% (65 mmol/mol) [20]. This important difference between developed and developing countries mostly reflects the impact of economic level on diabetes management since diabetes represent a huge economic burden for the families [21].
It is known that puberty can affect metabolic control, leading to higher HbA1c levels. We conducted this investigation by splitting participants into two groups based on their age (Group 1 ≤ 11 years, Group 2 > 11 years). Those in Group 2 had higher levels HbA1c, and we noticed a correlation between higher age and higher HbA1c levels on a group level which we believe can at least partly be explained by a rapid growth and increase of hormones in puberty that affect insulin sensitivity [22].
The differences of level of HbA1c values between different studies may be due to ethnicity, clinical characteristics, parental education, and income level, but the most important factor could be overall quality of care [23].
Gender in the current study was not associated with metabolic control, which was also reported by others [11],[13]. Evidence from other studies concerning gender was conflicting; female gender was associated with poor HbA1c by Rosenbauer et al., 2012 [23]. There was also a gender difference as female patients have higher HbA1c than males at diagnosis as well as at follow up of 13 034 patients under 18 years [24]. A constant HbA1c sex differences from 2004 to 2018 with lower HbA1c level in females was also reported [25]
In the present study, contrary to many researchers [26],[13] mean diabetes duration was comparable in patients who achieved target HbA1c (≤ 7%) and those who did not. Results support the poor control of the whole groups as only 13.1% achieved target HbA1c. Meanwhile patients with longer diabetes duration (≥ 5 years) have poor metabolic control reflected by higher lipid profile and poor growth parameters.
Self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) provides a “snapshot” of the glucose values, and it is used both to titrate prandial insulin doses and to define correction bolus. The relationship between HbA1c and complications may not be the same as the relationship between mean blood glucose and complications. HbA1c does not distinguish individuals with similar average glycemia but with pronounced differences in hypoglycemic events and/or hyperglycemic excursions. Although HbA1c is important for monitoring diabetic patients to ensure good glycemic control, glucose variability and time in range glucose monitoring is as important as HbA1c to avoid long term complications [27].
A poor glycemic control among children probably reflects the existing limitations of diabetes care, including lack of insulin supply, but also lack of knowledge and motivation with inappropriate dosing of insulin, poor monitoring practices, or missing insulin doses, and sometimes due to school-based stigma. In contrast to developed countries where intensive diabetes treatment is offered, children in low-income countries often receive conventional insulin treatment in an inconsistent manner [28].
Growth parameters
The current study showed that the frequency of being overweight, or obesity was 11.4% and mean BMI was significantly higher in girls, in patients older than 11 years and with longer diabetic duration. Obesity affects large amounts of patients with T1D across their lifetime, with a prevalence that has increased during recent decades, and with rates ranging between 2.8% and 37.1% [29].
The dramatic increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity worldwide affects patients with T1D which are especially vulnerable to excess weight. In this regard, increased BMI in T1D is associated with a greater cardiometabolic risk and enhanced development of chronic complications compared to lean patients with T1D. On the other hand, insulin resistance leads to high insulin requirements and hinders glycemic control and weight management [30]. Weight change in TID is complex. Factors that may affect weight gain in patients with T1DM include the level of glycemic control, intensive insulin treatment, pattern of treatment, pubertal status, the presence of eating disorders and appearance of complications (such as thyroid disease or gastric disease) [31].
Additionally, growth parameters were compromised in diabetic children compared to the controls. Despite advances in medical care of children with T1DM, growth remains sub-optimal and likely reflects ongoing metabolic derangement [32].
Therapeutic education for T1D involves the process of transmitting knowledge and developing the skills and behavior required to treat the disease. [5] We used "Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ) which is a 24-item version. The parents of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes demonstrated a satisfactory level of theoretical knowledge of therapeutic conduct and self-monitoring principles with a mean 17.17 ± 2.63. Poorer metabolic control in some patients suggests that metabolic control in type 1 diabetes depends on factors other than education [33]. Yet, knowledge is poor in some items related to basic knowledge about etiology of diabetes. Knowledge about hypoglycemia symptoms and blood glucose level of hyperglycemia is scoring good. Effective health education improves knowledge, attitude, and practices, particularly with regard to lifestyle modifications and dietary management, culminating into better glycemic control [34].
Acute complications
The frequency of severe hypoglycemia was 16.7% and DKA with hospitalization was 30.5% in the current study, both were more frequently reported by female patients, those more than 11 years old, and in those with microvascular complications. In addition, hypoglycemia was associated with poor glycemic control and DKA with longer diabetes duration more than 5 years.
In an earlier study, the incidence of ketoacidosis was 8 per 100 person-years and increased with age in girls, with higher HbA1c, and insulin dose. The incidence of severe hypoglycemia was 19 per 100 person-years. In younger children, the risk of severe hypoglycemia increased with diabetes duration and underinsurance. In older children, the risk of severe hypoglycemia increased with duration, underinsurance, lower HbA1c, and presence of psychiatric disorders [35]. In Tanzania, a study enrolled 150 young with T1D with mean age was 16 years (SD 5.9 years) and average duration of 1 year and 3 months (IQR 1 to 2 years). The most frequently reported complications in the preceding three months were hyperglycemia (n = 25) followed by DKA (n = 18) and hypoglycemia (n = 4). Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia were more prevalent in adolescents and young adults, whilst DKA was more commonly reported in children [16].
Microvascular complications
Overall, microvascular complications (MVC) of T1D, occurred with frequency of 6.7% and 4.9%, nephropathy and peripheral neuropathy respectively. The same cohort were assessed earlier, and results were more or less close as peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, and persistent microalbuminuria were present in 6.3%, 1.8%, and 6.8%, respectively [36].
This frequency is low as compared to another study on Egyptian T1D children and adolescents. In Egypt, Assiut governorate, a study was conducted on 180 T1D aged between 6 and 21 years, and results revealed that the prevalence of microalbuminuria was higher accounting for 20.5%, and macroalbuminuria was found in 7.8%. Diabetic retinopathy was detected in 1.1%, and diabetic neuropathy in 5.5%. They were more frequent among poor glycemic and dys-lipidemic patients [37].
in the Waikato region, children and youth with T1D with a duration of diabetes of ≥ 10 years, microvascular disease prevalence improved from 2003 where the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy of 26.4% and 25.4%, respectively. In 2017, the corresponding figures were 6% for non-proliferative retinopathy, 6% for microalbuminuria. Symptomatic diabetic neuropathy was the same accounting for 3%. The mean HbA1c in Waikato youth with T1D has not changed over the past 14 years. Furthermore, less than one in six children and youth in the 2017 cohort were meeting their recommended glycemic targets [38].
In Norway, retinopathy was found in 16% and nephropathy in 13% of the population (874 T1D half of them aged 14–17 years, a median diabetes duration of 9 years). Patients transferring from the pediatric department to adult care between the ages of 14 and 17 years had higher median HbA1c and prevalence of late complications than those transferring at ages 18–22 year [39].
In Congo, retinopathy prevalence was 6.4% (n = 4), the four patients with diabetic retinopathy had disease duration more than 5 years. Microalbuminuria was detected in 21% (n = 13) and 14.5% (n = 9) were at risk of developing microalbuminuria (A/C ratio between 20 mg/g and 29 mg/g). The prevalence of diabetic neuropathy was 1.6% (n = 1). There was a statistically significant association between the HbA1c level and the presence of microalbuminuria. Glycemic control was poor with 12.9–14.5% of patients met the optimal control target as set by the ISPAD (HbA1c < 7.5% or < 58 mmol/mol). All the patients were on either premixed insulin alone or premixed plus regular insulin [40].
Our results showed lower frequency of MVC without improved HbA1c. Similar findings were reported in others who have also shown a marked decline in the incidence of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy without significant temporal improvements in HbA1c levels [41],[42].
Presence of microvascular complications in the present study was associated with older age, longer diabetes duration, and dyslipidemia (higher mean total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides). Also, acute complications in terms of severe hypoglycemia and DKA episodes occurred more frequently in those with MVC. Although mean HbA1c was higher (9.05% versus 8.72%), but the difference was not significant.
In a meta-analysis involving 758 youth with T1D, the key risk factors for diabetic polyneuropathy and cardiac autonomic neuropathy were hyperglycemia/HbA1c, age, diabetes duration, the presence of other microvascular complications, waist/height ratio, lipid profile and blood pressure. For cardiac autonomic neuropathy, additional risk factors were cigarette smoking, BMI and total daily insulin [43] Diabetes duration, A1C, dyslipidemia, blood pressure, and male sex were identified as risk factors for nephropathy [41].
Thus, preventing acute complications such as hypoglycemia and chronic complications that may develop over time, improving self-efficacy for disease management, and developing a deeper understanding of the disease will help people come to terms with their diagnosis and improve the quality of life of people living with T1D [44].
Our study represents retrospective data from a single large diabetes care center in which we found borderline and high levels of total cholesterol in 15.8%, LDL-C in 13%, and Triglycerides (TG) in 6.2% of children and adolescents with T1DM. An exceedingly higher figure were reported by others; 64% [45] and 65% in a previous Egyptian study done on 60 children and adolescents [46].
In the retrospective study of Soliman and Ibrahim on 806 children and adolescents with T1DM, dyslipidemia was represented 70.47%. As regards the pattern of dyslipidemia, high LDL and low HDL were the most frequent abnormalities in the study group; 62.16%, 60.21%, respectively [47].
Diabetic dyslipidemia involves a triad of elevation in the level of TG, with decrease in HDL-C, and formation of small dense LDL particles, and diabetic are at either very high, high, or at least moderate risk of cardiovascular disease [48] Researchers demonstrated that 37% of the Egyptian population has elevated blood cholesterol levels [49].
In the present study, lipid profile was assessed among variables, and it was found that female patients displayed higher mean total cholesterol and HDL-C. Patients 11 years and older, and those with microvascular complications have got higher mean total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. LDL-cholesterol only was higher in patients more than 5 years diabetes duration. Patients with poor glycemic control have got lower HDL-cholesterol. As regards the pattern of dyslipidemia, high LDL and low HDL were the most frequent abnormalities in the study group. This is in line with many previous studies. One study documented that increased TC and LDL were the main abnormalities [46]. Dyslipidemia was reported in T1D in the form of high LDL-cholesterol and was related to longer diabetes duration [50] The primary target for prevention of cardiovascular disease in patients with DM remains LDL-cholesterol [51].
In the current study, it was found that hyperlipidemia was accompanied by higher diastolic blood pressure in patients older than 11 years old, but in patients with more than 5 years duration, although both mean systolic and diastolic BP were higher, the difference did not reach statistical significance. High lipid profile and blood pressure put patients at risk of chronic complications. Atherosclerosis starts early in life and relates to dyslipidemia which is potentially modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease in youth with T1D [52].
In another study conducted on 576 T1D aged 10–18 years, patients with dyslipidemia had significantly lower mean body mass index significantly higher median fasting blood sugar higher median glycosylated hemoglobin and also hypertension was significantly higher in dyslipidemic patients [45] Another study reported that age, BMI, HbA1c, and poor metabolic control were significantly higher in cases with dyslipidemia [53].
The wide range of prevalence and patterns of dyslipidemia in different studies may be due to multiple genetic factors in different ethnicities [3].