Myopic macular degeneration accounts for up to 7.8% of causes of severe vision loss in European countries(15) and significantly impacts public health’s costs and patients’ quality of life, particularly as concerns vision-related activity limitation.(16) Myopic CNV accounts for a major part of critical VA loss cases in pathologic myopia and refinement of predictors of its onset may prompt indications for a closer follow up in selected patients and help earlier identification of CNV. LC have been associated to higher risk of CNV in past literature, with up to 30% of LC patients developing a CNV within 3 years from identification.(7) Ikuno et al.(17) found that 94% of CNV in myopic patients developed from LC regions with all CNV being of classic type. This supports the theory of the pathogenesis of myopic CNV being linked to areas of RPE fragility predisposing intraretinal migration and ingrowth of choroidal neovassels. Nevertheless, lack of characterization of the type of LC lesions conferring the highest risk for CNV onset impaired their specificity as a prognostic factor. Some attempts have been made to correlate morphology of the LCs to the risk of CNV, with conflicting results: while in some series no differences were found between linear and stellate LCs(17), others identified a higher risk associated to crossing LCs compared to linear ones.(2) The advancements of technology made possible to overcome limitations given by shape-based classification allowing precise and automated measurements of LC area. Using this method, we identified LC area at baseline examination as being significantly associated to CNV onset on a 5 year follow up retrospective investigation. Not only patients that developed a CNV during follow up (CNV group) showed a higher LC area at baseline, but they were also characterized by a higher increase in LC area between first and last examination (D LC area), thus showing a progression of the pathological process over time. Moreover, both LC area and D LC area displayed an inverse linear correlation with time to CNV onset from baseline examination, meaning that larger and more progressing lesions are correlated to a faster development of CNV. Consistently with previous findings(2) and with the theory of LC being induced by bulbar elongation, LC area and LC progression were positively correlated with absolute staphyloma height and negatively correlated with subfoveal and parafoveal choroidal thickness. Interestingly, according to our findings, higher LC area at baseline was correlated to higher increase in LC area during the follow up. Both features might be manifestations of a more active bulbar strain process, leading to choroidal thinning, higher staphyloma height and faster CNV development. Lastly, our findings confirmed lower subfoveal and parafoveal CT, higher absolute staphyloma height and patchy choroidal atrophy to be associated to CNV development. By contrast, patients that developed CNV did not show differences in terms of axial length, SE and BCVA at baseline compared to patients who did not develop CNV within 5 years from examination. The reported findings are limited by the retrospective nature of the study, in particular as concerns assumptions on time of onset of CNV. Nevertheless, the high performances of the linear regression model based on LC area, D LC area, subfoveal CT, parafoveal CT and absolute staphyloma height revealed that these parameters are likely to provide a good prediction of myopic eyes at higher risk for CNV development. ICGA was available for 40 out of 55 patients. Past literature(11, 18) demonstrated high performances of N-IR imaging in LC detection (92.9% concordance with ICGA) and showed how hyperreflective lines on N-IR corresponded to hypocianescent lines on late-phase ICGA. Considering the high reliability in LC measurement and detection showed in background literature(5, 11, 13, 19) and the scope of our study, the availability of a higher number of cases and the higher generalizability of results obtained using IR images rather than ICGA made us choose IR as a method for LC area measurement. In fact, ICGA is not routinely performed in myopic patients, due to invasiveness of the exam and scarce availability of the dye in tertiary care centers. In agreement with current literature and as highlighted in Fig. 2, LC profile shown by ICGA images in closely similar to the one shown by IR images. Consequently, even though ICGA remains the gold standard for LC detectability, IR can provide good performance il LC area progression calculation. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first report in literature to provide measurement of LC area and LC area progression and to highlight its importance as a prognostic factor in pathologic myopia. We found that larger LC areas and higher LC area increase during time are associated to CNV onset in pathologic myopia population. Moreover, the onset is faster in patients showing large LC areas at baseline and a large LC area progression at follow-up examinations. Lastly, we included both LC area and LC area increase in a high performing for CNV risk assessment. We hope that our findings might stimulate further prospective research to confirm our hypothesis and to provide personalized screening of CNV development in myopic population.