Fuel Transition Scenarios
The analysis included LMIC countries with a population of at least 1 million households using polluting solid fuels and/or kerosene in 2018 (the baseline year) based on the WHO global database of primary fuels/ energy used for cooking9. The analysis includes over 2.6 billion polluting fuel users from 77 countries.
The Business as Usual (BAU) scenario assumes that past rates of change in primary household fuel choice are extended into the future. Past household cooking fuel choices were calculated for rural and urban areas of each country using WHO’s household cooking fuel choice database, which includes six fuel categories: Biomass (consists mainly of unprocessed firewood, but also includes crop residues and dung), Charcoal, Coal, Kerosene, Gas (includes LPG, natural gas, and biogas), and Electricity 36. Average rates of change for each fuel are shown in the SI Section 2.
Simply applying past rates of change could result in the percentage of fuels used in a country exceeding 100%. To avoid this, we developed a “fuel hierarchy” based on the assumption that when households change primary cooking fuels, they are more likely to adopt cleaner fuels rather than more traditional/more polluting fuels37. Accordingly, to simulate this, we applied growth rates in the following order: LPG; Electricity; Kerosene; Charcoal; Biomass; and Coal (assumptions used for the fuel hierarchy are provided in SI Section 3).
The Full Transition-LPG (FT-LPG) scenario makes two key assumptions: 1) households using polluting fuels (Kerosene, Coal, Charcoal and Biomass) transition steadily to LPG such that use of polluting fuels falls to zero by 2040 and 2) any electricity use at baseline evolves as in the BAU scenario. Therefore, by 2040, all cooking is done with either LPG or a mix of LPG and electricity. In some cases, the rate of decline in polluting fuel use is higher under BAU than would have occurred by a 20-year shift to LPG (for example, cooking with coal in China, which is rapidly declining). In these cases, we use the BAU rate instead.
The Full Transition to LPG and Electricity (FT-LE) scenario follows the same pattern as the FT-LPG scenario, but uses electricity as the main transition, while allowing BAU rates of LPG to continue. The Full Transition to Electricity (FTE) examines a hypothetical transition to 100% cooking with electricity (including LPG-using households transitioning to exclusive use of electricity by 2040). The Intermediate (IT) scenario assumes BAU rates for each fuel increase by 50%.
Emissions from “upstream” processes like extraction, refining, and transportation of fossil-based cooking fuels (kerosene, LPG, and coal) were derived from GREET, a life cycle model developed by Argonne National Labs primarily for analyzing transportation fuels31. GREET was also used to estimate transportation emissions from charcoal production. GREET’s default parameters reflect current US conditions, but the model allows users to adjust inputs to reflect other markets. For the global analysis, we determined the dominant consumers of each fuel from our sample of 77 countries, as well as the major exporters supplying these countries and adjusted GREET accordingly. We describe specific approaches to each fuel in the SI Section 5.
For upstream emissions for charcoal production, the average emission factors for CO, NOx, PM2.5, SOx, BC, OC, CH4, N2O, CO2, and NMVOC were taken from previous compilations of field data 17,38,39 and converted into a delivered energy basis using stove efficiency data 17. The values used are provided in Table S9. For biomass, we assumed that wood is locally collected and thus has no upstream emissions. The end use emission factors for biomass, charcoal, kerosene, coal and LPG for CO, NOx, PM2.5, SOx, BC, OC, CH4, N2O, CO2, and NMVOC were taken from previous compilations of lab and field data 5,17,38,39.
Shares of electricity production and total production for different years were taken from the World Bank Development indicators 40 with missing data supplemented by International Energy Agency (IEA) statistics 41. Future grid mixes were simulated using projections from the IEA’s World Energy Outlook (WEO) “Stated Policies” scenario through 2040 42. These projections include grid mixes for all world regions and major electricity-producing countries in our sample (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). Countries that were not explicitly included in WEO projections were assumed to follow the regional projection if it resulted in a cleaner grid over time. If the future regional mix was more polluting than the country’s own mix in 2020, we assumed that the country’s grid mix remained constant. Grid losses were accounted for using World Bank indicator data 40.
Life cycle grid emissions per kWh of electricity produced from each type of power generation were estimated using GREET 31. Plant-specific emissions are included in GREET’s database with some tunable parameters. GREET’s default values assume a US-based grid and power plant feedstock. We changed some parameters for coal, as mentioned above. Parameters for other feedstocks were left at their default values. Grid projections and emission factors are shown in SI Section 4.
When woody biomass is harvested and burned as fuelwood or charcoal, much of the carbon in the wood is converted to CO2, contributing to climate change. However, depending on the rate of harvest and specific land management practices in place, some or all of the woody biomasses can regenerate, which reduces the climate impact of the CO2 emitted when wood and charcoal are burned. A previous study estimated the balance of woody biomass harvest and regrowth, labeled “fraction of non-renewable biomass” or fNRB 6. While these estimates cover most countries in the Global South, some countries included in our global sample were not included in the fNRB study. For these countries, a global average of 28.8% fNRB was used. Country-level fNRB values are included in SI Section 6.
For the global health impact assessment, we did not estimate contributions of emissions to specific health outcomes. Instead, we estimated changes in emissions of (and assumed exposure to) the following health-damaging pollutants: PM2.5, CO, NOx, and SOx 43. For national-level assessments of CCA priority countries, the ABODE model was used to translate changes in exposure into health impacts 44. The results of these health models are discussed in a separate report.
Climate Impacts
We estimate climate impacts of the different scenarios using the FaIR v1.6.2 climate model, which is a simple emissions-based model that accounts for non-linearities in the carbon cycle and includes simplified processes representing greenhouse gas, aerosol, ozone, and other forcings from precursor emissions 32,45,46. The multi-species configuration was used, with the RCP4.5 scenario as a baseline for the BAU scenario47,48. RCP4.5 is a pathway for stabilization of radiative forcing by 2100, projecting somewhere in the region of 2.5-3oC global mean temperature increase above pre-industrial by the end of this century, and is the closest RCP scenario to current global climate policy 49. Uncertainty was calculated based on runs using parameters derived from a 2237 member ensemble developed for analysis in IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report50. This ensemble is observationally constrained in order to span the assessed range in climate system uncertainty, including global temperature change (1850-2019), atmospheric CO2 concentrations (1750-2014), change in ocean heat content (1971-2018), and assessments of equilibrium climate sensitivity, transient climate response and airborne fraction of CO2 emissions50,51. Differences in emissions between the BAU and other scenarios were calculated for CO2, CH4, N2O, SOx, CO, NMVOC, NOx, BC, and OC, and added to the RCP4.5 baseline emissions trajectory. The resulting emissions trajectories were then run in the FaIR climate model to get the annual change in GHG concentrations, climate forcing, and temperature projected to 2040 from implementing each alternative scenario. To represent model uncertainties, we report the median and 5th, 25th, 75th and 95th percentile values of the ensemble simulations, with emissions for each scenario held constant. Therefore, uncertainty estimates do not represent uncertainties in scenarios, only in climate system response.