The Causal Relationship Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Pneumonia: A Mendelian Randomization Study




At present, it is not clear whether there is a causal relationship between rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and pneumonia.


Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), obtained from a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of RA, were used as instrumental variables. Inverse-variance weighted (IVW), weighted median, MR-Egger, simple mode and weighted mode methods were used to investigate causal effects. We applied MR-PRESSO methods and MR–Egger methods to investigate sensitivity. The heterogeneity of individual genetic variants was evaluated by Cochran's Q test and a leave-one-out analysis.


Forty-two SNPs were selected as instrumental variables. The results of the IVW method were very significant (OR, 1.056 for pneumonia per log-odds increment in RA risk, 95% CI 1.034–1.077; p = 1.87E-07), and other methods were also statistically significant. The results of the IVW method showed a causal effect of genetically determined RA on pneumonia (critical care) (OR, 1.053, 95% CI 1.001–1.106; p = 0.044) but no causal effect of genetically determined RA on pneumonia (death) or pneumonia (28-day death in critical care)


The study showed that RA was associated with an increased risk of pneumonia, but it did not cause death or a need for critical care.

1. Introduction

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory joint disease with autoimmune characteristics that is often accompanied by synovitis as well as cartilage and bone damage1. If not treated properly, RA may lead to cumulative joint damage and irreversible disability 2,3. The prevalence of RA in Caucasians is in the range of 0.5–1.0%, which has been verified in most epidemiological studies in Western countries 4,5. RA has a strong genetic component in populations and strong heritability 6. Pneumonia has been found to be associated with RA in many observational studies and is a complication of RA 7.

Pneumonia is a common disease that seriously affects human health. Pneumonia is an acute respiratory infection that affects the alveoli and distal bronchi 8. Data from the Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) study showed that lower respiratory infections, including pneumonia and bronchiolitis, affected 489 million people in 20099. The identification of more therapeutic factors is of great significance for the early prevention and treatment of pneumonia as a complication of RA10. Mette et al. suggested that high RA disease activity before admission may increase the mortality of pneumonia11. However, the causal relationship between RA and pneumonia is unclear. Therefore, we used Mendelian randomization (MR) to investigate the causal relationship between RA and pneumonia and its subtypes12.

Mendelian randomization (MR) is a genetic epidemiological method that uses genetic variation as an instrumental variable (IV) to explore the association between exposure and outcomes 13. Because genetic variables follow Mendel's law of random distribution, confounding factors and directional causality are effectively avoided.

2. Materials And Methods

We used two-sample MR to study the causal relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and the risk of pneumonia and its subtypes. All data were derived from publicly shared databases, and consent from participants was not needed. MR is based on three conditional assumptions. The first hypothesis is that the genetic variation selected as a tool variable is associated with exposure (RA). Second, genetic variation has nothing to do with known or unknown confounding factors. The final assumption is that genetic mutations affect the results only through exposure rather than through other means14.

2.1 Data Sources

Data on genetic variants connected with pneumonia were taken from a GWAS, which collected 22,567 pneumonia samples and 463,917 control samples from the UK Biobank to identify genetic variants (

The phenotypes associated with pneumonia were distinguished into 4 categories: pneumonia, pneumonia (death), pneumonia (critical care) and pneumonia (28-day death in critical care). All these GWAS summary data were collected and retrieved from the MRC IEU OpenGWAS repositories (, which contain primarily publicly available GWAS summary data and serve as an input source for several analytical approaches, such as Mendelian randomization, colocalization, and fine mapping15,16.

The genetic variation of rheumatoid arthritis comes from previous GWAS summary data17. The meta-analysis of the GWAS involved 103,638 individuals (29,880 RA cases and 73,758 controls). Detailed information on the samples, imputation and genotyping can be found in previously published studies 17. All participant datasets analysed in the study from are available upon reasonable request.

2.2 Genetic Variants

The selection of RA-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was based on the GWAS analysis 18, and these SNPs were used as instrumental variables. Data were extracted from data provided in the GWAS summary data ( For every SNP independent variable, namely, those not in linkage disequilibrium, we set a genome-wide significance threshold P value (P < 5×10− 8), a linkage disequilibrium correlation coefficient r2 (r2 < 0.001), and a number of bases between two SNPs (kb > 10000), and further quality control was based on a minor allele frequency > 1%. We removed variants with F values (calculated as \(\text{F}= {{\beta }}_{\text{e}\text{x}\text{p}\text{o}\text{s}\text{u}\text{r}\text{e}}^{2}/{\text{S}\text{E}}_{\text{e}\text{x}\text{p}\text{o}\text{s}\text{u}\text{r}\text{e}}^{2}\)) < 10 and the SNPs with incompatible alleles 19.

2.3 Mendelian Randomization Analysis

We employed two-sample Mendelian randomization to determine the associations of RA with pneumonia subtypes using the above data. The causal effects of RA on pneumonia were estimated using the conventional inverse-variance weighted (IVW) method 12, weighted median method, MR–Egger regression, simple mode method and weighted mode method. We applied MR-PRESSO methods and MR–Egger methods to investigate sensitivity 20,21. A leave-one-out analysis was carried out to determine the influence of outlying values 22. The heterogeneities were calculated through the use of the Cochran Q statistic in the IVW method and MR–Egger regression, with a P value of 0.05 indicating considerable heterogeneity. The odds ratios (ORs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of pneumonia and its subtypes were associated with the presence or absence of genetically predicted RA.

The Bonferroni corrected p value threshold (p < 0.013) was used to indicate the statistical significance of the preliminary analysis. A threshold of p < 0.05 was used in all sensitivity analyses. Investigations were performed with the MendelianRandomization, TwoSampleMR and MR-PRESSO45 packages in R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01).

3. Results

A total of 43 independent SNPs associated with RA were identified. The SNPs with incompatible alleles were removed. Finally, 42 SNPs were left, and corresponding information could be found for all four outcomes. More details are shown in Supplementary Table S1.

The associations of a genetically determined risk of RA with pneumonia and its subtypes using multiple MR methods are demonstrated in Fig. 1 & Fig. 2.

As seen, in all MR estimates, genetically predicted RA was causally associated with a decreased risk of pneumonia in Fig. 1. The results of the IVW method were very significant (OR, 1.056 for pneumonia per log-odds increment in RA risk, 95% CI 1.034–1.077; p = 1.87E-07). The results obtained with the MR–Egger method were also significant (OR, 1.05, 95% CI 1.013–1.079; p = 0.0086). The P values of the weighted median (OR, 1.04, 95% CI 1.010–1.070; p = 0.008), simple mode (OR, 1.057, 95% CI 1.006–1.112; p = 0.035) and weighted mode (OR, 1.041, 95% CI 1.014–1.069; p = 0.004) were all less than 0.05. Even though we used a corrected P value of 0.013, only the simple mode results were greater than 0.013.

According to Fig. 2, we found no causal link between RA and pneumonia (death) or pneumonia (28-day death in critical care). The inverse-variance weighted method showed a causal effect of genetically determined RA on pneumonia (critical care) [OR, 1.053, 95% CI 1.001–1.106; p = 0.044], as shown in Fig. 1. The simple mode demonstrated that there was a causal effect of genetically determined RA on pneumonia (critical care) [OR, 1.233, 95% CI 1.074–1.417; p = 0.005]. Estimates obtained from the weighted median, MR–Egger and weighted mode methods did not reveal an association between RA and pneumonia (critical care). There may be a causal link between RA and pneumonia (critical care), but the link must be considered with caution.

The results of MR-PRESSO analysis, MR–Egger intercept analysis and Cochran's Q test are displayed in Tables 1 & 2. The P values of the three tests were all greater than 0.05, which means that there was no heterogeneity or pluripotency in this study. A leave-one-out analysis did not find problematic SNPs, as shown in Supplementary Figures.

Table 1

MR-PRESSO analysis and MR-Egger intercept of rheumatoid arthritis causally linked to pneumonia and its subtypes.



PRESSO-P value


intercept-P value





















Pneumonia+:Pneumonia (death);Pneumonia-:Pneumonia (critical care);Pneumonia*:Pneumonia (28 day death in critical care);
Table 2

Heterogeneity tests of rheumatoid arthritis causally linked to pneumonia and its subtypes.


Cochran’s Q


Q- P value

















Pneumonia+:Pneumonia (death);Pneumonia-:Pneumonia (critical care);Pneumonia*:Pneumonia (28 day death in critical care);

4. Discussion

In this study, we used two-sample MR to investigate whether RA is causally associated with pneumonia and its subtypes in a European population. The summary statistical data that we used came from publicly published studies. The present MR analysis showed that RA was associated with an increased risk of pneumonia, but it did not cause death or a need for critical care.

RA is neither a metabolic disease, such as diabetes and hyperuricaemia, nor a disease of measurable severity, such as hypertension; rather, its pathogenesis is complex, and there are associated complications 23. The relationship of RA with pneumonia has also been a research focus 24. Pulmonary disease represents an important extra-articular manifestation of RA 25. The mechanisms of pneumonia in RA are poorly understood, but genetic and environmental factors are considered to play a role.

Previous studies indicated associations between RA and pneumonia. A large-scale cohort study found that RA is associated with a significantly greater risk of interstitial lung disease (ILD) 24,26. There have also been observational studies linking RA with obstructive pneumonia 25,27. Various studies have shown a link between RA and lung disease 28. However, there are few reports on the relationship between RA and pneumonia. At present, it is not clear whether there is a causal relationship between RA and pneumonia.

In our analysis, RA was a risk factor for pneumonia, but it did not cause death or a need for critical care. Some have suggested two potential pathways from RA to lung disease 29. In one of these pathways, RA-associated lung disease begins in synovial tissue, followed by an immune response against citrullinated proteins, which then cross-react with similar antigens in the lungs. This hypothesis is justified by the observation that most patients with rare lung disease will develop joint disease before lung involvement. In the second pathogenic paradigm, immune tolerance breaks down in the lungs, and ILD (including UIP) triggers an immune response to citrulline proteins that rediffuse to the joints. This hypothesis has been proven by observation experiments 30,31. Our study can provide support for the above two pathway hypotheses from the perspective of the genome.

Our study is the first to use two-sample MR analysis to find that RA can cause pneumonia, which proves the causal relationship between the two from a genetic point of view. In addition, in the MR analysis, we used the traditional IVW, weighted median, MR-PRESSO and MR–Egger methods to prevent a misestimation of causality. Finally, the results of horizontal pleiotropy analysis and heterogeneity analysis showed that the use of these genetic tools does not lead to horizontal multiplicity or heterogeneity, and the results of the leave-one-out test showed that our results are robust.

There are limitations to our study. First, although many RA cases were found in the current GWAS analysis, they could not be stratified or adjusted for analysis. In addition, MR analysis reflected lifetime exposure to changes in RA during pneumonia; however, it was not possible to determine how a specific time exposure affected the results. It is undeniable that the sample size of the GWAS analysis was large, but increasing the sample size could indeed improve the accuracy of the results.

5. Conclusion

In summary, our MR analysis found evidence to support a causal relationship between RA and pneumonia. The results also showed that RA had no causal relationship with pneumonia (death) or pneumonia (28-day death in critical care). A causal link between RA and pneumonia (critical care) was observed, but the link must be considered with caution. In addition, additional clinical and experimental evidence is needed to confirm our findings and further clarify the mechanism.


RA: Rheumatoid arthritis

SNPs: Single-nucleotide polymorphisms

GWAS: Genome-wide association study

IVW: Inverse-variance weighted

GBD: Global Burden of Diseases

MR: Mendelian randomization

IV: Instrumental variable

ORs: Odds ratios

CIs: Confidence intervals


Authors' Contributions:

PL: writing-original draft. LL, WKH and KX: conceptualization, project administration, and writing-review and editing. PL and KX: data curation and methodology. PX and LL: formal analysis, validation, visualization and software. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.


Not applicable.

Conflict of Interest



This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (82072432, 81772410).

Data Availability Statement

Data used in the present study are all publicly available. Corresponding author will provide the data upon reasonable request.

Ethical Statement

There is no ethical statement here, because of all data downloaded from the Internet.


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