A substantial improvement in the evaluation of the geo-lithological site amplification effects in Italy has been given by the recent works of Mori et al. (2020) and Falcone et al. (2021). The first work, following the methodology suggested by Iwahashi et al. (2018) for a site classification using digital elevation models (DEM), has derived a VS30 map for Italy starting from the geomorphological classes and integrating a large amount of data from the Italian seismic microzonation dataset (DPC, 2018; www.webms.it), consisting of 16,000 profiles of shear wave velocity from geophysical surveys and 44,000 logs from continuous coring boreholes. Mori and co-authors found a proxy dependence of VS30 on slope gradient and elevation through a regression model for each geomorphological class. The estimation of VS30 for the Italian territory provided by their study is particularly accurate and provides a good correlation between VS30, morphological classes and subsoil lithologies.
In Fig. 2 the new VS30 map from the study of Mori and co-workers is compared with that of Michelini et al. (2008) used so far for the implementation of the shakemaps which have been widely used by the Italian engineering community for the evaluation of fragility curves in building vulnerability assessment. It is worth noting that Sardinia is not included in the present work because of its negligible value of seismic hazard (Stucchi et al., 2004). The methodology of Michelini and co-workers is based on soil classification derived from the 1:100,000 geological map of Italy (Amanti et al. 2008) and from the topographic slope (Wald and Allen, 2007). The differences between the two maps are substantial. In particular, in the map of Michelini et al., most of the territory is classified as having a VS30 greater or equal to 800 m/s whereas in the new map less than 3% of the territory has a VS30 greater than 760 m/s and about 50% is in the range 360–480 m/s.
In later studies (Falcone et al., 2021; Mendicelli et al. 2022) the geo-lithological amplification factors are based on site-specific data using a one-dimensional numerical approach for the seismic site response study. Detailed site data were retrieved from the Italian database for seismic microzonation (DPC, 2018) and were grouped according to the geomorphological clusters described in Mori et al. (2020). The characterization of homogeneous areas for lithological and geophysical properties was carried out through site investigations based on Vs profiles with depth and lithology distributions. The authors created a code, based on the equivalent visco-elastic method in the frequency domain, which allowed to perform around 30 million one-dimensional local site response analyses.
Figure 3a shows the distribution of the AFs of the PGA, for a 475 years return period, assigned to the chief town of each of the 7,715 Italian municipalities excluding Sardinia (ISTAT, 2011). The PGA value at the municipality is derived, as for the national building code (NTC, 2018), with an interpolation of the four grid points of the MPS04 map (Stucchi et al., 2004) closest to the coordinates of the chief town. The basic assumption is that the building stock is concentrated in the relatively small area of the chief town. Only 16 municipalities (i.e. 0.19% of the total) have an AF slightly lower than 1 corresponding to a rock soil type. The PGA amplification factor ranges therefore from 1 to 2.2, with the highest values in Northwestern Italy and the lowest in the eastern parts of the Po Plain and Puglia region. Figure 3b shows the AFs calculated (Falcone et al., 2021) in the range 0.4–0.8 s of the elastic response spectrum. Moving to higher natural periods, the territorial distribution of the AFs changes significatively with the highest values in the Po Plain. In fact, according to the simplified rule f0 = VS/(4·H), the higher the thickness H of a deposit, the lower the fundamental frequency f0. Therefore, the highest amplification for the deep deposit of the Po Plain is reached for the period range 0.4–0.8 s rather than for PGA.
In this study the AFs have been calculated for each of the 9 earthquake return periods (Tr) given in Stucchi et al. (2011) and in the national building code (NTC, 2018). Figure 4 shows different examples of the AF versus VS30 trend. In Fig. 4a, the PGA-AFs of the Italian municipalities are plotted for the hazard levels corresponding to three return periods. The values display a linear increase up to about 300–400 m/s becoming scattered and decreasing at lower VS30 values due to the nonlinear soil behavior. This effect is more pronounced for a Tr of 2475 years due to its greater PGA as shown by the interpolating lines. In case of a spectral period interval 0.4–0.8 s. (Fig. 4c), the AFs are less dispersed and increase up to a value of about 5 at 150 m/s. Figures 4b and 4d show the AF versus VS30 trend foreseen by the Italian building code (NTC 2018) in case of two cities, Milano and L’Aquila, with low and high seismic hazard, respectively. The four soil classes considered by the code have been assigned to the following VS30 reference values: (A) 900 m/s; (B) 600 m/s; (C) 300 m/s; (D) 150 m/s. The AFs of the Italian building code, different for each municipality, are comparable with those of Falcone et al. (2021) both for the values of PGA and for those relating to the interval 0.4–0.8 s (0.6 s in Fig. 4d). In Figs. 4b and 4d are also reported the AFs proposed by Michelini and co-workers, used for the implementation of the shakemaps and the fragility curves, as discussed previously. It is evident that, in particular for high accelerations, the AFs are strongly underestimated. This will result in an overestimation of the damage probability in the fragility curves as described in the following sections.
Figure 5 shows the effect of the introduction of the site amplification in the hazard map MPS04 (Stucchi et al., 2004), with PGA values assigned to the chief town of each of 7,715 municipalities (Sabetta, 2021). The maximum PGA increases from 0.28 g (municipality of Ferla in east Sicily) to 0.47 g (municipality of Scigliano in Calabria). The average increase due to the geo-lithological amplification over the national territory is 76%.
The estimation of the risk requires to use the hazard curves with the relative epistemic uncertainty (Meletti and Montaldo, 2007) as shown in Fig. 6a for the cities of Biella and L’Aquila. The nine points for which the curves are provided have been interpolated, at a step of 0.001 g, with a best fit function as shown by the correlation index R2 reported in Fig. 6a. To avoid an overestimation of the losses due to very low levels of ground shaking associated with high probability of exceedance and non-zero damage probability, the hazard curves were truncated at values lower than 0.03 g (red line in Fig. 6a). The uncertainty in the mean hazard, represented by the ± σ dashed lines, is in the order of 10–15% for high hazard municipalities and 20–25% for low hazard ones. It results rather low, probably due to the sixteen branches logic tree used in the implementation of the MPS04 map (Stucchi et al., 2004) which does not include enough variability. To include the site effects, the hazard values for rock have been multiplied by the AF varying with Tr, as shown in Fig. 6b for some representative cities. For the sake of convenience, the uncertainty related to the geo-lithological site amplification was not accounted for, hence, only the 50th percentile of the AF distribution was retrieved from the study of Mendicelli et al. (2022).