This article described the design and testing of a BWL platform to treat ureteroliths in cats. Obstructing ureteroliths present a serious risk to renal function, as the backpressure to the pelvis can lead to severe damage if not addressed promptly(1, 7). In small pilot trials using extracorporeal SWL in cats, improvement in azotemia was observed even in cases where no apparent stone fragmentation was detected, indicating even small changes to the stone may partially relieve obstruction(33, 34). However, SWL is not advised for treatment in cats, as the fragmentation success is low(34, 35). If demonstrated effective and safe, BWL could substantially improve the approach to managing obstructing ureteroliths and other stones in cats.
The studies herein demonstrate that BWL can effectively fragment feline calcium oxalate urinary stones in vitro. BWL has been primarily developed for human application and recently reported results in 19 patients(18), but there are several differences between humans and cats that necessitate adaptation of the system. First, the human ureter is approximately 3 mm intraluminal diameter and passes stones with high probability for those < 5 mm (36). Many studies have been performed at 350 kHz where nearly all fragments in calcium oxalate monohydrate stones have been found to be < 2 mm (19, 20, 37). The feline ureter is much smaller than humans, and data suggests that fragments should be < 1 mm to maximize success (4, 11, 22). To adjust to this difference, we exploited a unique characteristic of BWL to control the size of fragments generated, and it has been shown possible in vitro to ‘dust’ human stones to < 1 mm size with higher frequency (19). The frequency for the present study was altered to 700 kHz, but we found the transducer to operate at 650 kHz most efficiently. Although the present device is likely to be effective in many cases, we are investigating whether an extension to higher frequency can allow the therapy to be applied in a reasonable timeframe to fragment such small stones. These design methods could also be valuable in future work translating BWL to the anatomy for other cases such as pediatric human stones or canine stones.
CT analysis indicated that nearly any location along the urinary tract had an available acoustic window in the cat from the posterior flank or abdomen. The change in transducer geometry as well as focal depth minimized the volume of the focus. These changes limited the depth of field of the focus to minimize high-amplitude ultrasound exposure to surrounding organs. In addition, the small skin-to-stone distance required a small focus to avoid focal effects to the skin surface from cavitation. However, it is known that for both SWL and BWL, the width of the focus should be similar to or larger than the width of the stone (15, 38–40). Obstructing ureteroliths in cats are commonly found to be 1–4 mm (41), thus the tradeoff was limited to treating stones in this range. Nonetheless, stones can be larger than 5 mm and these would likely be difficult to design for given the constraints and tradeoffs mentioned above.
All the stones treated in this study were composed of 100% calcium oxalate monohydrate. We did not test for the response of different stone compositions to the treatment, but a large majority of upper tract stones in cats are found to be calcium oxalate (42), and of those, calcium oxalate monohydrate is the most common type. Thus, fragmentation will possibly be more consistent than in humans, where several compositions are common. Another limitation of the model applied here was that it did not strictly represent an obstructing stone as it was positioned in a way that was open to the water bath rather than surrounded by the tissue of the ureter wall. Such mechanical differences may also impact fragmentation (43).
Previous investigations have demonstrated 350-kHz BWL can be applied with pressure amplitudes up to 7 MPa to porcine kidneys with almost no discernable injury (20). Indeed, only minor focal damage was observed when the kidneys and ureters of pigs were treated with stones implanted and no untreated controls were performed to assess if any of the injury was associated with the surgical implantation of the stone. The primary injury mechanism in lithotripsy is inertial cavitation (44, 45), which occurs from the tensile half cycles of the wave oscillating microscale bubbles in the tissue. A common metric for the potential for cavitation is the mechanical index (MI) (46), for which the MI = 11.8 for a 7 MPa, 350-kHz beam. The 650-kHz exposure at a maximum pressure of 8.9 MPa for the cat transducer results in an MI = 11.0, indicating a similar potential for cavitation to those found safe in a pig model. An additional safety measure for BWL is that cavitation is readily detected by ultrasound imaging (30), and the exposure can be temporarily terminated if detected to minimize ultrasound-related injury. With these data and additional measures, we anticipate that this transducer and BWL exposure can be safely delivered to a stone in vivo, and we plan to further evaluate this technology through future clinical testing.