3.1. Biodegradation study
Once the films (7.5% wt/v) were obtained, the biodegradability of the plain PLA and CA matrices was studied in comparison with their respective nanocomposites (with TiO2 and βCD-TiO2).
3.1.1. Biochemical oxygen demand
The results of BOD tests are presented in Fig. 1. It is noteworthy that oxygen consumption began almost immediately at the start of the test in the case of CA samples, with a very short acclimation period (2 days), whereas PLA films showed a first 5-day stage without oxygen depletion. This indicates that the amount of bacterial flora in the inoculum could be somewhat insufficient to meet the initial requirements for biodegradation, but also a need for acclimation to both substrates. It should also be noted that, except for a pre-filtration step, the inoculum was used as received, with no period of adaptation to CA and PLA substrates. Thus, with the inoculum used, the acclimation period for PLA as carbon source was clearly higher than that for CA. Moreover, for both PLA and CA nanocomposites, BOD measurements were markedly higher compared to those for the plain polymers. Likewise, a fairly linear trend was observed in the BOD curve for the plain films of CA and PLA, while the presence of the additives provided a more exponential growth to BOD profiles. This evidences that the additives improved the biodegradation of CA and PLA films. In the case of CA films, the addition of βCD (together with TiO2) somewhat improved their biodegradability in the medium and long term. However, the opposite trend was found with those of PLA, where the presence of βCD appeared to delay degradation. Thereby, noticeable differences were observed with PLA films after 60-days incubation, reaching about 750 mg-O2 L− 1 for PLA00, 1100 mg-O2 L− 1 for PLA42, and 1600 mg-O2 L− 1 for PLA50 samples.
3.1.2. Mass loss
Mass losses measured during biodegradation assays with samples of nanocomposite and plain CA and PLA films are shown in Fig. 2. Mass loss of biopolymers is considered as the most basic and commonly used biodegradation index [36]. While CA films maintained the original square shape until the last testing day, PLA films began to crack and lose it after 30 days, so it was not possible to determine mass losses for the latter after that time. As expected, there is a close relationship between biodegradation time and mass loss of films; the longer the incubation time, the greater mass loss in samples. The biodegradation rate under respirometry conditions was significantly faster for CA and PLA nanocomposites than for the respective undoped materials. In the case of CA, the mass losses after 100 days of the nanocomposite films were substantially higher (49% and 53% for βCD-TiO2 and TiO2 nanocomposites, respectively) than that of the plain samples (39%). Similarly, higher mass losses were also obtained for PLA nanocomposites after 30 days (33% for TiO2 and 20% βCD-TiO2) than for the bare matrix (12%). As a reference, note that these results were quite comparable to those of CA samples after 30 days of incubation (29%, 36% and 19%, respectively). These results agree with those found with BOD assays (see Fig. 1). The modification of TiO2 NPs with βCD is believed to make the resulting nanoparticles better integrated into the PLA matrix, strengthening its resistance to microbial activity. In this way, the higher the disruption of the polymer structure caused by NPs, the higher the rate of biodegradation of films. Comparing both polymers, the biodegradability of PLA systems under the microbial environment used was much better (they were completely disintegrated after 60 days; see Fig. 3) than that observed for CA composites.
3.2. Characterization of nanocomposite films
During the biodegradation assays, film samples were periodically collected from the respirometer flasks for physical and chemical characterization.
3.2.1. Physical appearance
The evolution of the physical appearance of the CA and PLA film probes throughout the trial is shown in Fig. 3. As observed, besides a natural twist in their original flatness due to the stirring shear forces, the undoped film probes did not exhibit any visible changes through the full test (100 days for CA and 60 days for PLA). However, alterations in the appearance of the doped composites were evident. On the one side, the CA42 and CA50 pieces became more twisted and shrunken, brittle and yellowish over time. On the other hand, the PLA nanocomposites, PLA42 and PLA50, rapidly began to crumble until complete disintegration. In fact, non-fragmented pieces of bare PLA were found even after 100 days of testing, which proves the effectiveness of PLA doping with TiO2 and βCD-TiO2 for its enhanced biodegradability.
3.2.2. FTIR analysis
The FTIR spectra of CA and PLA-based samples exposed to biodegradation tests are plotted in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. The presence of the additives (TiO2 and βCD) could not be evidenced by this technique since the Ti-O-O bond vibration appears at wavenumbers below 600 cm− 1, and the main peaks of βCD (present in low amount) were masked by the polymer bands.
The CA spectrum (Fig. 4 and S2) shows the main characteristic bands at approximately 3500 (O-H stretching vibration), 2930 (C-H stretching), 1740 (C = O stretching), 1640 (water O-H bending), 1370 (C-H symmetric bending), 1215 (C-O-C asymmetric stretching of acetate group), 1030 (C-O-C vibration in pyranoid ring), and 900 cm− 1 (β-linked glucan structure) [37, 38]. The initial spectra of the films changed over time at a very different rate between samples. In all cases, the final spectrum (after 100 days testing) perfectly matched that of cellulose. However, the rate of deacetylation was much faster for the CA composites than for the bare CA. After the first 15 days of testing, the absorbance bands of carbonyl (1740 cm− 1), C-H (1370 cm− 1) and C-O-C (1215 cm− 1) groups in the CA50 and CA42 spectra had notably decreased, and they continued to decrease progressively until complete disappearance after 40 days. At the same time, a wide band appeared at 3300 cm− 1 corresponding to the formation of O-H bonds. An abrupt drop in the vibration of the acetate groups was observed for the bare CA films after 50 days. Moreover, the theoretical mass loss for complete deacetylation is 37% [39], which agrees quite well with the data shown in Fig. 2. Thus, the CA nanocomposites had lost little more than 37% mass at day 50, while the bare CA polymer reached this value after 100 days. These outcomes show that biodegradation of CA was greatly accelerated by TiO2 NPs. Nevertheless, βCD did not seem to have a notorious effect on this process, probably due to its presence in very low amount.
Different studies have demonstrated that the degradation mechanism of CA begins with the deacetylation of the material as the prior step to depolymerization of cellulose [40]. In addition, it has been reported that this initial step can occur by acetyl esterase enzymes or by chemical hydrolysis. Acetyl esterases are common in many microorganisms and probably they were present in the mixed microbial culture of the wastewater inoculum [41]. Likewise, the testing duration was not sufficient for cellulose depolymerization, as FTIR spectra match with that of pure cellulose. Another study showed that cellulose fibers from toilet paper were biodegraded in activated sludge, albeit through a slow process and with a strong influence of temperature [42]. Therefore, probably if the present test had lasted longer, the CA films could have completely biodegraded.
FTIR spectra of PLA films were also obtained over the biodegradation time (Fig. 5). The characteristic peaks and bands of PLA polymer appear at: 2997 and 2947 cm− 1 (corresponding to the C-H asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibrations, respectively); 1750 cm− 1 (attributed to the C = O stretching); 1180 − 1000 cm− 1 (related to C-O stretching vibrations); 1452 cm− 1 (due to the -CH3 group bending vibration); 1350–1380 cm− 1 (represents C-H deformation bands); 870 cm− 1 (from C-C stretching vibration). No significant chemical transformations were observed in the PLA probes throughout the biodegradation process, neither in terms of new peaks formation nor major shifts in the wavenumber of the characteristic PLA bands. Therefore, although the PLA pieces had collapsed after 60 days of testing, their chemical structure remained virtually unchanged from the initial one.
Nevertheless, the intensity of some peaks slightly varied throughout the test. The modifications were followed by calculating the height ratios of different signals with respect to the height of the peak at 1452 cm− 1, suitable standard for PLA (see Table S1 in Supplementary information). For the PLA50 and PLA42 nanocomposite films there is a decrease in the peak intensity of C = O (1750 cm− 1), CH-O (1180 cm− 1) and C-O-C (1080 cm− 1) over time, which indicates chain scissions of the structure [43]. These decreases in peak ratios were slightly more marked in the case of the unmodified TiO2 composite (PLA50) than for the βCD-TiO2 films (PLA42). In the case of bare PLA, smaller ratio changes were observed, with no clear trend. In any case, the addition of TiO2 had a clearly positive effect on the biodegradation rate of PLA matrix.
3.2.3. X-ray diffraction analysis
The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns measured at the beginning of the biodegradation test (day 0), at the middle term (day 50 and 40 for CA and PLA, respectively), and at the end of the biodegradation test (day 100 for CA and day 60 for PLA) are depicted in Fig. 6. The presence of TiO2 NPs in the bionanocomposites was well recognized. The crystallographic composition of TiO2 is in good matching mainly with anatase phase (2θ = 25.2º, 37.1º, 48.1º), but also with rutile, showing a small diffraction peak at 2θ value of 27.4º. The main reflections of CA have been reported at 8º, 10º, 13º and 22º (2θ); the latest is known as Van der Waals halo and is present in most polymers as a result of the polymer chains packaging [44], as seen in all the diffractograms in Fig. 6. At the start of experiments, the computed crystallinity degree of CA was 39.5%, decreasing up to a 17.8% after 50-day testing. Moreover, as the biodegradation testing time increased, a clear shift toward higher 2θ was observed for the CA broad pinnacle. This change on the 2θ angle was the main effect observed in all the CA samples and may be related with the polymeric degradation degree.
As observed in Fig. 6, the main diffraction peak of bare PLA (PLA00) appeared at 16.8º corresponding to (110)/(200) planes [45]. The intensity of this characteristic peak notably decreased with the incorporation of TiO2 NPs, showing that PLA became more amorphous in the presence of titania. The XRD diffractograms of PLA composite including βCD (PLA42) also induced a partial loss of PLA crystallinity but to a lesser extent than unmodified TiO2 composite (PLA50). This fact suggests that TiO2 NPs act as disrupting agents, hindering the crystallization of PLA. Moreover, the polymer matrix of bare PLA films (PLA00) kept the crystalline structure after biodegradation tests (Table 2). However, substantial changes were appreciated for PLA42, which lost 20% crystallinity by the end of the test. In the case of PLA50, the main polymer peak almost had disappeared by day 30. While initially, the ratio between the intensity of the peaks at 25.2º (TiO2) and 16.8º (PLA) was 3.20, after 60-days testing it became 6.83 (PLA 50 sample). The major BOD values and mass loss were also observed for this sample. In short, biodegradation rate of PLA films increased as polymer crystallinity decreased, which leads to conclude that there was a direct correlation between the resistance of the polymers towards biodegradation and their crystallinity grade, that is, the biodegradation rate increased as the polymer crystallinity decreased [46].
Table 2
Crystallinity degree of polylactic acid (PLA00), 5% TiO2 PLA (PLA50), and 5% βCD-TiO2 PLA (PLA42), at the beginning (0-day), middle (50-day for CA films, 30-day for PLA films) and end (100-day for CA; 60-day for PLA) of the biodegradation test.
| Crystallinity degree (%) |
Sample | 0 days | 30 days | 60 days |
PLA00 | 68.8 | 68.7 | 65.3 |
PLA50 | 88.4 | 85.8 | 66.1 |
PLA42 | 88.4 | 85.0 | 61.3 |
3.2.4. Thermogravimetric analysis
As an example, the thermograms obtained for CA and PLA-based samples before (day 0) and at the end of biodegradation tests (100 days for CA; 60 days for PLA) are shown in Fig. 7. Fig. S3 and S4 in Supplementary information collect the complete thermograms of CA and PLA-based films throughout the assay. Furthermore, for a better analysis of the thermal stability of CA and PLA films, some characteristic thermal values are listed in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. Titania NPs have high-thermal stability, and display a flat profile with no weight losses up to 1000 ºC [24]. As a result, the mass losses (∆m) (25-1000 ºC) obtained for the bare polymers are slightly higher than those of the corresponding composites.
TGA curves of CA samples show one main weight loss ranged from 250 ºC to 400 ºC due to the decomposition of the polymeric matrix. At this stage, cellulose can degrade through oxidation, decarboxylation and transglycosylation [47]. Some curves also display an initial drop below 150 ºC, attributed to water loss of samples. Fig. S5 in Supplementary information shows the first derivative of the normalized TGA profiles (DTG curves) of CA-based samples during the biodegradation assays. In the case of bare CA sample, the temperature at maximum decomposition speed (TDTG) at day 0 appeared at 366 ºC. With the addition of 5% unmodified (CA50) and modified TiO2 NPs (CA42), the temperature increased to 368 ºC and 369 ºC, respectively. This means that the inclusion of both type of NPs slightly reinforced the initial thermal stability of the CA matrix. As the testing time increased, TDTG shifted to lower values, around 333 ºC after 100-days, similar for all the samples. However, while bare matrix (CA00) remained fairly stable up to day 50, the nanocomposites CA50 and CA42 lost great thermal resistance after the first 15 days (Table 3). The same phenomenon occurred with both initial (Tonset) and final degradation temperatures (Tendset), which decreased with biodegradation time and with TiO2 NPs presence. At 348 ºC, the bare CA film began to lose mass, and ended at 381 ºC. After 100-days testing, these temperatures decreased to 309 ºC and 348 ºC, respectively. Also for CA nanocomposites, the temperatures decreased by more than 40 ºC between the beginning and the end of the biodegradation assays. In the case of 5% TiO2 CA, Tonset decreased from 350 ºC to 308 ºC and Tendset from 383 ºC to 357 ºC. Finally, for 5% βCD-TiO2, Tonset and Tendset values diminished in 77 ºC and 20 ºC, respectively (Table 3).
Table 3
Thermal properties of bare cellulose acetate (CA00), 5% TiO2 (CA50) and 5% βCD-TiO2 (CA42) nanocomposites throughout the 100-day biodegradation test.
CA | Time (days) | Tonset (ºC) | TDTG (ºC) | Tendset (ºC) | Δm (%) |
CA00 | 0 | 348 | 366 | 381 | 81.75 |
15 | 323 | 357 | 377 | 84.37 |
35 | 333 | 358 | 376 | 84.90 |
50 | 332 | 357 | 375 | 78.73 |
65 | 314 | 348 | 375 | 77.87 |
85 | 307 | 335 | 356 | 69.49 |
100 | 309 | 333 | 348 | 71.98 |
CA50 | 0 | 350 | 368 | 383 | 78.47 |
15 | 320 | 347 | 373 | 80.16 |
35 | 317 | 339 | 359 | 71.23 |
50 | 319 | 338 | 356 | 66.38 |
65 | 306 | 332 | 354 | 63.55 |
85 | 303 | 333 | 356 | 62.77 |
100 | 308 | 334 | 357 | 64.75 |
CA42 | 0 | 350 | 369 | 382 | 83.08 |
15 | 311 | 340 | 367 | 78.22 |
35 | 313 | 336 | 355 | 73.79 |
50 | 308 | 336 | 356 | 68.86 |
65 | 291 | 334 | 362 | 64.99 |
85 | 275 | 327 | 358 | 63.25 |
TGA thermograms of PLA samples showed one weight loss corresponding to the thermal decomposition of the biopolymer (Fig. 7). Fig. S6 in the Supplementary information displays the DTG curves for PLA-based samples at different biodegradation times. The nearly identical initial (0-day) and final (60-day) peak temperatures (TDTG) of the bare PLA sample, 364 ºC and 363 ºC, respectively, confirm the good thermal stability of the polymer throughout the assay. Likewise, PLA composites (PLA42 and PLA50) remained rather stable (TDTG) until day 50 when a marked loss in thermal resistance occurred (366 ºC to 355 ºC for PLA50; and from 366 ºC to 359 ºC for PLA42 samples). Finally, the calculated enthalpy of thermal decomposition (∆Hd) also decreased as test time increased (see Table 4).
The overall results exhibit an initial improvement in the thermal stability of the biopolymers with the addition of TiO2 NPs, as reported by other authors [48]. In all cases, the higher the biodegradation time, the lower the thermal resistance of both polymers. This decrease was much more pronounced for PLA and CA nanocomposites than for the bare matrices. The nanocomposites were less resistant to the activity of the microbial consortium, and therefore their thermal properties substantially decreased. These results are in agreement with those obtained in subsection 3.2.3., suggesting that polymers with higher crystallinity are more resistant to enzymatic degradation, and therefore their thermal properties remain highly stable.
Table 4
Thermal properties of bare polylactic acid (PLA00), 5% TiO2 (PLA50) and 5% βCD-TiO2 (PLA42) throughout the 60-day biodegradation test.
PLA | Time (days) | Tonset (ºC) | TDTG (ºC) | Tendset (ºC) | Δm (%) | ΔHd (J/g) |
PLA00 | 0 | 347 | 364 | 377 | 88.41 | 771.26 |
15 | 348 | 366 | 379 | 95.03 | 840.05 |
35 | 348 | 367 | 379 | 100.00 | 910.27 |
50 | 346 | 365 | 379 | 90.92 | 792.25 |
60 | 338 | 363 | 376 | 99.72 | 636.42 |
PLA50 | 0 | 351 | 366 | 377 | 86.21 | 820.00 |
15 | 345 | 364 | 376 | 95.94 | 755.85 |
35 | 310 | 338 | 353 | 92.14 | 316.89 |
50 | 343 | 365 | 375 | 81.47 | 613.17 |
60 | 322 | 355 | 368 | 87.32 | 292.96 |
PLA42 | 0 | 349 | 366 | 376 | 88.22 | 804.50 |
15 | 333 | 359 | 371 | 94.99 | 559.73 |
35 | 333 | 359 | 373 | 93.57 | 575.80 |
50 | 326 | 358 | 369 | 83.90 | 445.71 |
60 | 328 | 359 | 368 | 72.14 | 488.29 |
3.2.5. SEM analysis
Figure 8 and 9 show SEM micrographs on the surface morphology of PLA and CA-based films at the beginning and at the end of the biodegradation tests. Initially, all the samples exhibited a smooth surface, and no TiO2 agglomerates were observed, suggesting the well dispersion of the NPs in the polymeric matrices.
Attending to the microstructure of CA films, Fig. 8 shows large differences between samples. Bare CA films (CA00 system) suffered limited damage, presenting surface pitting after 100-days testing. On the other hand, SEM micrographs of unmodified TiO2 composite (CA50) showed the greatest damage at the end of testing, revealing changes to a rougher surface and the formation of large holes (approximate diameter ranging from 50 to 120 µm). Finally, the nanocomposite containing CD-modified TiO2 (CA42) showed voids and larger surface erosion than CA00.
As can be observed in Fig. 9, the appearance of bare PLA matrix did not show significant changes after 60-days, biodegradation, except for a few micro-size holes (ranging from 1 to 5 µm). However, the presence of TiO2 and βCD-TiO2 NPs clearly affected the morphology of the films, showing that PLA50 and PLA42 nanocomposites underwent substantial degradation. Thus, the films of both PLA nanocomposites appeared completely cracked and fragmented after 60-days of testing, showing large holes of up to 110 µm. The main difference between them was that nanocomposite containing βCD (PLA42) did not exhibit large fractures, while the unmodified TiO2 composite (PLA50) presented a completely deteriorated appearance. SEM images of all the samples acquired at higher magnifications are collected in the Supplementary Information-Fig. S7 and S8 to better appreciate the morphology of the samples.
The overall results from SEM analyses show that the presence of TiO2 clearly promoted the deterioration of both biopolymers by the microorganisms. Both types of NPs (βCD-modified and unmodified) played a role as a disrupting agent of the polymeric matrices, further enhancing the biodegradation rate of PLA and CA. Moreover, the presence of βCD seems to have a slightly protective effect on the polymers in comparison with the unmodified NPs. Previous studies have reported a stabilizing effect of the CDs on TiO2 NPs [49], and this could improve its integration with the polymeric matrices. Comparing both biopolymers, PLA samples underwent greater damage in shorter times than CA. Under the biodegradation testing conditions, PLA films were easily degraded, while CA ones were more resistant to microbial attack. These findings support the results obtained by BOD analysis, mass loss, FTIR, XRD and thermogravimetry techniques, discussed in the previous sections.