Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA)
The TGA curves of MP0, MP10, and MP30 coatings are shown in Figure 1. It can be seen from the figure that there were two stages of thermal decomposition for all samples; the first stage was under 220 ºC which was assigned to water evaporation and condensation of silanol groups [35]. The second stage ranged from 220 ºC to 580 ºC which was attributed to the combustion of organic components and nitrates. Afterward, there was no more weight loss which indicated the formation of stabilized glass and glass/MP composite coatings.
Contact angle
The water contact angle method was utilized to know the wettability of magnesium metal substrate after coating and to determine the uniformity and tightness of the coating layer [36]. Figure 2 shows the contact angle measurements (a) and water drop micrographs (b) of Mg, MP0, MP10, and MP30 samples. It is known that the substrate is hydrophobic if the contact angle (θ) is ≥ 90°. Herein, the water contact angle on bare magnesium substrate (sample Mg) was about 40°, which indicated its hydrophilicity. Coating of such substrate either by the glass or glass/MP significantly (p < 0.05) decreased the contact angles, where, it became 31°, 33°, and 17° for MP0, MP10, and MP30, respectively. This was attributed to the hydrophilicity of silicate glass and Mg phosphate ceramic. Where the silicate groups in the glass frameworks form silanol (Si-OH) groups in an aqueous media. These groups can form hydrogen bonding with the water molecules, and so causing a hydrophilic nature of the coated metal substrate. Moreover, an increase in the wt. % of Mg phosphate ceramic particles significantly decreased the contact angle, this was likely due to the high hydrophilicity of Mg phosphate ceramic particles and the increase of coating roughness resulting from the inclusion of those particles as shown in Figure 7. The higher hydrophilicity is desirable for body cell attachment, spreading, and proliferation [37].
XRD analysis was performed to detect the formation of new crystalline phases formed on the metal substrate after the coating process. Figure 3a shows XRD diffraction patterns of the coated substrates (MP0, MP10, and MP30) compared to the uncoated magnesium metal (sample Mg). The diffraction patterns of all samples were similar which corresponded to the diffraction pattern of Mg metal (JCPDS Card # 35-0821). The existence of Mg metal peaks in all samples can be assigned to the X-ray penetration through the coatings to the metal substrate. Specifically, the formed coatings were possessed amorphous nature which confirmed by XRD analysis. Where the as-prepared Mg-phosphate particles showed a very weak diffraction pattern (Figure 3b), these particles were embedded in the amorphous sol-gel derived glass matrix.
The characteristic groups in different composite coatings were determined by FTIR technique. Figure 4 shows FTIR vibration mode spectra of Mg, MP0, MP10, and MP30 samples. It can be noticed from the figure that the bands centered at 880 cm-1 and 1005 cm-1 were attributed to the bending vibration mode of O-Si-O and asymmetric stretching of Si-O-Si vibration mode, respectively [38]. The shoulder detected at 1180 cm-1 was assigned to the bending vibration mode of Si-O-Si [38]. These bands were stronger for substrate coated with glass only (sample MP0) than that coated with glass and Mg-phosphate (sample; MP10 and MP30). The P-O bending mode was noted at 435 cm-1. Moreover, additional bands at 775 cm-1 and 607 cm-1 were ascribed to P-O-P bending vibrations. The absorption band at 1418 cm-1 was attributed to O-H bending of ethanol and Si-OH.
Morphology and elemental composition of coatings
Figure 5 shows SEM micrographs, EDX analysis, and mapping of Mg, Si, Ca and P atoms of the magnesium metal substrate (sample Mg), the coated substrates (MP0, MP10, and MP30 samples). It can be noted from the figure that both MP10 and MP30 coatings showed more crack propagation than MP10 coating. The cracks generated on the surface of the substrate coated with glass (sample MP0) were likely due to the shrinkage of the coating layer after glass condensation and evaporation of water and ethanol, while, the cracks observed in MP30 coating can be assigned to the creation of fracturing at the ceramic grain-sol interface. In addition, sub-micron pores were detected in the glass coating. Thus, the optimum percentage of Mg phosphate was 10 wt. % which showed crack-free coating. The EDX analysis showed in Figure 5 and Table 1. The analysis demonstrated that the atomic percentages of different elements were close to the starting percentages of glass and Mg phosphate composites. On the other hand, the EDX mapping micrographs showed homogeneous distribution of different elements indicating homogeneous coating and good Mg-phosphate ceramic particle distribution. Furthermore, the coating thickness was measured from SEM photos (photos are not shown) and is stated in Table 1. The coating thickness of glass (sample MP0) was 8.8 ± 0.8 µm which is higher than that of composite coatings; 5.4 ± 0.6 µm and 5 ± 0.7 µm for MP10 and MP30, respectively.
Table 1
Coating thickness (µm) and atomic % of Mg, Si, Ca and P elements analysed by EDX.
Coating thickness (µm)
8.8 ± 0.8
5.4 ± 0.6
5 ± 0.7
Atomic %
In vitro bioactivity
An immersion of materials in the SBF (simulated body fluid) to assess an ability to induce the formation of bone-like apatite crystals on their surfaces is still a standard non-cellular in vitro method to investigate the material bioactivity. This newly formed bone-like apatite layer enables the material to make a chemical bond at the material surface and living cell interface. Figure 6 shows SEM micrographs (left), EDX analysis (middle), and mapping of Mg, Si, Ca, and P atoms (right) of Mg, MP0, MP10, and MP30 samples after immersion in rSBF new crystals were observed on the surfaces of all samples, these crystals were likely one species of Ca phosphate, which can be confirmed from EDX analysis by increasing the percentage of Ca and P compared to that in samples before SBF immersion (Figure 5). The atomic Ca/P molar ratios were found at 3.60, 2.56, 0.84, and 1.36 for Mg metal, MP0, MP10, and MP30, respectively. The Ca/P ratio of MP30 was closer to the stoichiometric hydroxyapatite ratio (1.67) than in the other samples. Thus, a modification of the glass coating with Mg-phosphate particles showed a significant effect on the in vitro bioactivity of the final coating. However, the computed Ca/P ratio may be overlapped with the original phosphorus present in the glass and Mg-phosphate ceramic. In addition, soaking of the coated substrates resulted in the appearance of cracks in a micron-scale on their surfaces. This can be explained by the erosion and abrasion of the coatings caused by the soaking fluid which led to a gradual decomposition of those coatings. These cracks caused corrosion beneath the magnesium metal surface.
Moreover, the biodegradation of the coated substrates was investigated by measuring the pH variation, and concentrations of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions in the incubated fluid (Figure 7). The change of pH of rSBF incubated Mg metal, MP0, MP10, and MP30 was investigated at predetermined times. Figure 7a shows the variation of pH of rSBF as a function of time after soaking of samples up to 28 days. It can be noted from the figure that the changes in the pH values of rSBF incubated in all samples were approximately similar. The pH values abruptly increased during the first day of immersion to 8.7, 8.9, 9.0, and 8.7 for Mg, MP0, MP10, and MP30, respectively. This was a result of the release of Mg2+ ions from the magnesium metal and form Mg(OH)2 which caused an increase in pH of the solution. A tiny layer of Mg(OH)2 was formed on the uncoated magnesium metal, this layer can attract Ca and P ions from the solution to form hydroxyapatite crystals thereafter. Moreover, the pH of the solutions incubated in the substrates coated with either glass or composites was increased due to a rapid ion exchange between Ca2+ (present in glass) and H+ or H3O+ exist in rSBF solution which caused an increase of hydroxyl groups in the solution, and so, rising of the fluid pH. This exchange resulted in the breaking of Si-O-Si glass network bonds and formed silica-rich layer composed mainly of SiOH (silanol) groups on the glass surfaces. This newly formed layer possessed the affinity to attract Ca2+ and PO43- from the surrounding solution and subsequently formed bone-like apatite crystals [39]. After an initial increase in pH values, it became nearly constant between 3 and 28 d, due to the decrease in the formation of hydroxyapatite reaction rate.
The concentrations of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions in rSBF were also measured as a sign of degradation rate assessment and hydroxyapatite formation on the coating surfaces (Figures 7b and c). It can be observed from the figure that Mg2+ ions were released in a two-stage behavior. The first stage was a fast release stage which was observed between 1 d and 14 d. The second stage was a steady state release stage which was noted between 14 d and 28 d. The concentration of Mg2+ ions incubated MP10 sample was the highest one, while, the solution incubated Mg metal and MP30 were the lowest concentrations. The concentration of Ca2+ ions was reversed to that of Mg2+ ion. These can be explained by likely substitution of Mg2+ ions by Ca2+ ions to form new crystals of Ca-phosphate.
Magnesium alloys possess fast and uncontrolled corrosion in the physiological fluid in the body. That is due to the severe reaction with chloride ions that exist in this fluid [6] according to the following reaction:
Mg(s) + 2H2O(aq) → Mg(OH)2(s) + H2 (g)↑ (1)
Thus, the surface of magnesium alloy is covered ultimately with Mg(OH)2 layer. This layer is greatly reactive with the chloride ions in the body's physiological fluid and quickly converted to soluble MgCl2 according to the following equation [40]:
Mg(OH)2 (s) + 2Cl-(aq) → MgCl2 + 2OH-(aq) (2)
The evolution of hydrogen gas (H2) gas bubbles, as shown from the above corrosion reactions, at the implant and tissue interface causes disassembling of the metal implant and the loss of its role in bone fixation [7]. Furthermore, the release of hydroxyl ions from the surface of magnesium metal in the physiological solutions increases the alkalinity around the metal implant, and so, affects the pH balances in these solutions which may be leading to poisoning of surrounding tissues. These reactions occur once the Mg metal is soaked in the physiological fluid, like rSBF which explains the abrupt increase in the pH of incubating rSBF. This stage is followed by nearly constant values of pH due to the gradual thickening of the formed Mg(OH)2 layer with time which acted as a corrosion shield layer, and slow down the corrosion reaction, as reported in the previous study [41]. So, the corrosion behavior of Mg alloys goes as initial fast corrosion followed by slow corrosion [42]. Similarly, this explained the nearly constant concentration of magnesium and calcium ions in the later stage of incubation. On the other hand, the measurement of calcium ions in different solutions revealed that the fluid incubated MP10 sample showed a relatively low concentration which can be indicated to consuming of calcium ions in the formation of a new apatite layer, and thus MP10 coating was likely better induced formation of bone-like apatite layer than the other coatings.
Corrosion resistance of the coatings
Electrochemical corrosion analysis
Figure 8 shows optical micrographs, the Tafel polarization curves, potential (V), and current density ( of coated and uncoated metal substrates in Hank’s solution. Also, the corrosion potential (Ecorr) and corrosion current density (icorr) are listed in Table 2. It can be observed from the optical photos (Figure 8a) that numerous black circular pits on the uncoated Mg metal surface after carrying out the electrochemical corrosion test in the solution, while, there were few pits on the coated substrates. In addition, there were no significant differences in the corrosion potential and corrosion current density among the coatings. Moreover, the glass (sample MP0) and composite (sample MP10) coatings significantly (p < 0.05) decreased the corrosion potential of Mg metal substrates compared to the uncoated ones. While the effect of MP30 coating was insignificant (p > 0.06). Similarly, the corrosion current densities of the coated samples; MP0 and MP10 (0.0049 and 0.0048, respectively) were significantly (p < 0.03) less than that of uncoated sample (0.1443, whereas, the difference of the corrosion current density of Mg metal and MP30 (0.0051 was insignificant (p > 0.077). Accordingly, the inclusion of Mg-phosphate ceramic in the coating was useful to increase the corrosion resistance under 30 wt. %. As mentioned before, the coating containing 30 wt. % Mg-phosphate (sample MP30) was possessed the highest hydrophilicity, as well as, it characterized by crack propagation and high surface roughness. These properties made the electrochemical corrosion process easier.
The corrosion current density was used to determine the average corrosion rate Pi (mm/year) which was calculated from The potentiodynamic polarization curves by extrapolation of the corrosion current density based on the following equation [43]:
Pi = 22.85 icorr
As stated before, the uncoated Mg metal had the largest icorr (0.1443 and so the calculated corresponding corrosion rate was 3.3 mm/year (Table 2). The corrosion rates of the coated samples nearly were thirteen times lower than those of the uncoated Mg metal. The results indicated that the glass and composite coatings significantly improved the corrosion resistance of Mg alloy, implying that bioglass and bioglass/Mg-phosphate worked as a high-efficiency inhibitor for Mg corrosion in the medium. This mechanism is presented in Figure 9.
Table 2
The corrosion current density (icorr), corrosion potential (Ecorr), and corrosion resistance are obtained from polarization curves.
Current density icorr (A/cm2)
Potential Ecorr (V)
Corrosion rate Pi (mm/year)
0.144 ± 0.005
-1.481 ± 0.144
0.005 ± 0.003
-1.092 ± 0.039
0.005 ± 0.002
-1.097 ± 0.231
0.005 ± 0.004
-1.166 ± 0.237
Biocompatibility assay
The CC50 values were used to calculate the viability of oral epithelial cells to magnesium metal, glass, and composites. The four treatments examined in this assay were Mg, MO, MP10, and MP30. Table 3 lists the CC50 values for each treatment. The findings demonstrated that Mg had the lowest level of cytotoxicity, followed by MP10, MP0, and MP30, with CC50 values of 368, 293, 240, and 238 g/ml, respectively. Higher inhibitory activity was detected for each sample at a higher concentration of 500 µg/ml. While at a concentration of 250 µg/ml, the viability percent was increased to 81.75, 57.33, 45.75, and 45.51 for Mg, M10, MP0, and MP30, respectively. No cytotoxic effect appeared at a lower concentration from 125 to15.36 µg/ml (Figure 10). The previous results are supported by the results of the images captured by the inverted microscope (Figure 11) at concentrations from 500 to 125 µg/ml, which confirmed the increase in the percentage of live cells with an increase in dilution for each treatment from 500 to 125 µg/ml.
The higher inhibitory activity of Mg, MP0, MP10, and MP30 at a higher concentration of 500 µg/ml remains in the Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions released from the magnesium metal and glass or composites, which increases the alkalinity of the surrounding media. Any defect in the pH leads to imbalance and causes cells to be affected. According to the bioactivity assay, the measurement of calcium ions in different solutions showed that the MP10 sample has a low concentration of calcium due to consuming calcium ions in forming a new apatite layer. Thus Mg and MP10 coating was more compatible with oral cells than the other coatings [21] [39].
Table 3
CC50 values of Mg metal and coated substrates (MP0, MP10, and MP30).
CC50 (µg/ml)