Study area
This research was conducted in the Choke Mountains, in the East Gojjam Zone of Amhara Regional State, Northern Ethiopia, between 6o00’–10o00’N and 36o00’– 40o00’E (Fig. 5). The Choke Mountains are part of the Blue Nile basin range and are located on a plateau covering about 52,139 ha that rises from a block of meadows and valleys and has an elevation ranging from 800 to 4080 m above sea level [25]. During the hottest months (January–May), the temperature reaches about 27°C. The amount of annual rainfall varies from 900 to 1800 mm, with the mean annual rainfall in the period 2010–2019 being 1377 mm. The area experiences unimodal rainfall: from October to February is the dry season whereas from March to September is the wet season. Heavy rain is prominent in June, July and August [26]. The agricultural production systems in the area vary according to the agroecological context and are mainly characterized by subsistent mixed crop-livestock production systems [27].
For the aim of this study, we focused on an area with an altitude ranging from 2200 m to 2900 m above sea level, characterized by the same agroecosystem zonation, Midland Sloping Lands, as defined by Simane et al. [15]. We investigated four land use types characterized by increasing levels of human impact: Forest Fragments (FF), Pasture Land (PL), Crop Fields (CF), and Rural Settlements (RS). From each type, four sampling sites were selected at a distance of at least 300m from each other. In order to have a representative picture of Lepidoptera communities in climax conditions at the same altitudes, we selected three sampling sites in relatively undisturbed Natural Forests (NF) in the territory of the Blue Nile basin: Wof Washa Natural Forest in Ankober (North Shewa Zone), Delima Natural Forest (Michakel district in East Gojjam Zone), and Bradi Natural Forest (Guangua district in Awi Zone). All selected NF sites are classified as Dry Evergreen Afromontane vegetation [28]. The map of the research area and sampling sites is presented in Fig. 1. The locations of sampling sites and the corresponding sampling efforts are reported in Table 3. The altitude and geographical coordinates of sampling sites were measured with the Global Positioning System (GPS), a Garmin GPS III instrument (Garmin Instruments Inc., Olathe, KS, USA).
Table 3
Locations of sampling sites and number of sampling nights
Land use types | Latitude (N) | Longitude (E) | Altitude (m/a.s.l) | Number of sampling sites | Number of sampling nights |
Natural Forest (NF) | Wof Washa | 9°44'38.79" | 39°44'50.30" | 2900 | 1 | 9 |
Delima | 10°37'26.24" | 37°40'50.60" | 2377 | 1 | 9 |
Bradi | 10°51'4.35" | 36°37'15.86" | 2182 | 1 | 9 |
Forest Fragment (FF) | 10°26'28.22" | 37°43'47.78" | 2600 | 4 | 12 |
Pasture Land (PL) | 10°25'19.57" | 37°43'15.72" | 2539 | 4 | 12 |
Rural settlement (RS) | 10°26'32.12" | 37°44'54.82" | 2467 | 4 | 12 |
Crop Field (CF) | 10°27'1.33" | 37°44'38.37" | 2531 | 4 | 12 |
A brief description of each land use type is reported hereafter. Unless differently indicated, the vegetation description was derived from personal observations.
Bradi Natural Forest (NF)
Bradi natural forest is located in the Guangua District, Awi Zone (Amhara National Regional State). It is part of the Gojjam Floristic Region, western Ethiopian highlands [29]. The area encompasses about 458 hectares of land (Fig. 6a). The forest exhibits a declining trend in its area coverage due to ongoing human-driven land use and land cover changes, mainly caused by expansions in agriculture and settlement. The area is dominated by Rothmania urcelliformis, Vepris dainellii, Rytigynia neglecta, Albizia schimperiana and Croton macrostachyus. Samplings were performed at the center of the core zonation of the forest (Table 3).
Wof Washa Natural Forest (NF)
Wof Washa Natural Forest is located in the Ankober District, North Shewa Zone of Amhara National Regional State (Fig. 6b). The site is perched on the eastern escarpment of the Ethiopian highlands that is regarded as Dry ever green Afromontane Forest and grass land complex. Annual rainfall ranges from 1000 to 1400 mm and cold temperatures are prominent for most of the year. The agroecological zone composition of Wof-Washa forest consists of Weyna Dega (cool sub- humid), Dega (cold and humid) and Wurch (cold and moist) regions [30]. There were widespread human interferences in the Wof Washa Natural Forest due to the increasing demand for construction, firewood and livestock feed. Samplings were performed at 2900 m.a.s.l (Table 3).
Delima Natural Forest (NF)
It is a dry evergreen montane forest in the Michakel district, East Gojjam Zone. The average annual rain ranges from 900mm to 1800 mm and the average annual temperature is between 18ºC and 25ºC. Michakel district is experiencing high levels of environmental degradation, with high rates of deforestation and only 7% of the forest remaining. Characteristic trees and shrubs of the site include Acacia abyssinica Hochst. ex Benth., Croton macrostachyus Hochst. ex Carissa spinarum, Celtis africana, Juniperus procera, Mimusops kummel, Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata, Podocarpus falcatus and Prunus africana (Fig. 6c).
Rural Settlement (RS)
We defined as RS the areas characterized by rural human settlements surrounded by small plots of forest remainings, farmyards, dirt roads bordered by hedges, small eucalyptus plantations, and strips of herbaceous plants, forming a mosaic of heterogeneous plots. Several food and cash crops are grown in the home gardens. Traditional rooted part of plant biodiversity conservation and utilization is found in home gardens. In RS, land use systems involve the management of multipurpose trees and shrubs in strong association with annual and perennial crops. Livestock is raised within the compounds of individual houses, and the whole tree-crop-animal unit is intensively managed by family labour. Such systems are essentially man-made and reflect the wisdom of the traditional culture and ecological knowledge that evolved over the years. The high diversity of plant species in home gardens plays multiple socioeconomic and ecological roles because it is related to the production of food and other products such as firewood, fodders, spices, medicinal plants and ornamentals. (Fig. 6d).
Forest Fragment (FF)
It is a patchy forest remaining around the Melit church, located in the area of the Ennerata district of East Gojjam zone (Fig. 6e). The forest fragments have an extension of 0.5 km2, surrounded by farmland, communal grazing lands and villages. In the surroundings of the area, human activities, such as crop cultivation and livestock husbandry, have been most intense for years. Even though the forest coverage of the area is small, because of the proximity of the church, the vegetation of the core site is untouched and is in good condition. The most dominant vegetation in the area includes Acacia abyssinica Hochst, Euphorbia abyssinica Gmel., Rosa abyssincia Lindley., Olea europaea L. subsp. Cuspidate, Croton macrostachyus Del. and Solanum anguivi Lam. The sampling was made at the peak of the plateau where most of the vegetation is found (Table 3).
Pasture Land (PL)
The site is dominated by small to medium-sized perennial bushes (i.e., plants that have persistent woody multiple stems above the ground with shorter height, less than 6–10 m) interspersed with grasses (Fig. 6f). The local community commonly uses this kind of land as communal grazing land. Unlikely, the site is currently used by youth associations as an apiculture training centre as a means of area rehabilitation. The most common plant species include Rosa abyssinica Lindley., Myrsine africana L., Vernonia myriantha Hook.f. and Acacia mearnsii De Wild.
Crop Field (CF)
The area is characterized by a mixed crop-livestock production system, mainly subsistent farming. The dominant crops are tef (Eragrostis tef), maize (Zea mays) and wheat (Triticum aestivum and T. durum) (Fig. 6g). Barley (Hordeum vulgare), potato (Solanum tuberosum), fava beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), chickpeas (Cicer arietinum), oat (Avena sativa), and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) are also grown to a lesser extent, based on their agro-ecological preferences. Since agriculture activity fully relies on rain, the sowing season for almost all crops is in the rainy season (June - August). Strips of grasses and verges land are very common between croplands.
Lepidoptera Sampling, Preparation And Identification
The majority of moths are night flying and attracted by artificial light sources. For Lepidoptera sampling, we used light traps because of their high effectiveness in attracting and preserving specimens in relatively good condition [31]. In the FF, PL, CF, and RS sites, specimens were collected using battery-operated light traps. The light traps used in this study were equipped with 12 Volt, 15 Ampere batteries, 20W UV led strips (385–400 nm band) with a length of 50 cm, a plastic cover, four transparent vanes and a collection box underneath containing the battery powering the device [32]. Moths, attracted to the light, hit the transparent vanes and then slipped through a plastic funnel into the collection box. When sampling was completed, moths resting on the outside of the trap were also manually collected. A piece of Diethyl ether or Trichloroethylene-dipped tissue was dropped inside the trap to stun specimens. In the NF sites, the collection was made using an illuminated white sheet with the same light source and battery used in the previously described traps. Since light trapping is highly dependent on weather conditions (e.g., temperature, wind and moonlight), sampling activity was restricted to periods without strong moonlight, windy days and heavy rains.
From August 2017 to July 2018, Lepidopteran sample collection was performed once a month. In the FF, PL, CF, and RS sites, traps were placed in sequence in all sites, for four consecutive nights. The traps were active for over 4 hours, from 19:00 to 23:00. Likewise, in the three NF sites, the manual collection was carried out three consecutive nights, over 4 hours per night, from 19:00 to 23:00.
All the collected sample specimens were placed in boxes with cotton and transported to the laboratory, pinned with entomological pins, relaxed in humid chambers and prepared with open wings on spreading boards for taxonomy study.
Comparative morphological methods were used for the identification of sampled material. Morphological characters of adults, like genitalia and wing venation, were used for sorting. When wing patterns alone did not allow the attribution of the specimens to a given species, the genitalia were prepared using the method of Hardwick [33]. The identification of the specimens was done using all available publication reference collections, as far as possible to species level.
We focused the analysis on the collected material belonging to the following 14 families: Yponomeutidae, Limacodidae, Metarbelidae, Tortricidae, Uraniidae, Cossidae, Crambidae, Geometridae, Lasiocampidae, Notodontidae, Nolidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, and Erebidae. Based on the actual fauna knowledge [34], the considered families form approximately 55% of the Lepidoptera species known to date in Ethiopia and can therefore be considered as a representative sample of Lepidoptera fauna. These families were selected based on the authors' better knowledge and because of the help provided by some specialists in those families (see Acknowledgements), which facilitate the identification of each specimen at the species level, even in cases where it was not possible to assign a name, probably because belonging to undescribed taxa.
Vegetation Sampling
Plant species were sampled using a standard procedure selecting a square plot of 400 m2 (20 m x 20 m) at each of the 19 sampling points (Table 3). The distance between two consecutive plots along a line transect was at least 300 m. Identification of plant specimens was performed both in the field and in the laboratory (for more ambiguous specimens), and it was based on the use of taxonomic keys, descriptions and illustrations in the various volumes of the Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea [35, 36, 37, 38], comparison with authenticated herbarium specimens, and consulting with the experts of plant taxa.
A list of all sampled vascular plants was prepared, with the presence/absence indication for each of the five land use types.
Biodiversity Analysis
All specimens of Lepidoptera were assigned to an Operative Taxonomic Unit (OUT) at the species level, used for biodiversity analysis. Statistical analyses of the OUTs were conducted using various diversity indices developed to measure and compare biodiversity [39]. Specifically, the following indices were calculated: Shannon’s diversity (H’), Simpson’s evenness, Berger–Parker dominance (BP) and Chao-1 species richness.
The Shannon index (H’) is the most commonly used measure for diversity and it is defined as:
$$H{\prime }=-\sum _{i}\frac{{n}_{i}}{n} ln\frac{{n}_{i}}{n}$$
where \({n}_{i}\) is the number of individuals of taxon i and \(n\) is the overall number of found individuals. It varies from 0, for communities with only a single taxon, to high values for communities with many taxa, each with few individuals. Therefore, high values of H’ are associated with a greater degree of biodiversity. Usually, the Shannon’s index value varies from 1.5 to 3.5 and rarely exceeds 4.5 [40].
Simpson diversity index is a measure of the evenness of a community quantifying how close each species is in numbers to others in the same environment. It ranges from 0 to 1, with evenness increasing when approaching 1. It is calculated as 1-D, with D (dominance) calculated as:
$$D= \frac{\sum _{i}{n}_{i} ({n}_{i}-1)}{n(n-1)} .$$
Berger-Parker index (BP) measures the proportion of species in a sample and usually it ranges between 0 and 1. According to Buschini and Woiski [41], the index can also be calculated as a percentage:
$${BP\%}_{i}=\frac{abundance of the i-th species}{total abundance}*100$$
If \({BP\%}_{i}\) is higher than 5%, the species was termed a dominant species; if \({BP\%}_{i}\) ranges between 2.5% and 5%, the species was termed an accessory species or species of intermediate abundance, the species with \({BP\%}_{i}\) lower than 2.5% was termed as an incidental species.
Chao_1 species richness is an estimate of total species richness, where rare species (i.e., species occurring with one individual: singleton, or with two individuals: doubleton) were noted. It is calculated as:
$$Chao\_1 = S +\frac{F1 (F1 - 1)}{2 (F2 +1)}$$
where S is the number of sampled taxa, F1 is the number of singleton species and F2 is the number of doubleton species.
Biodiversity indices were calculated for each land use type (NF, PL, CF, FF, RS). Confidence intervals for all these indices were computed with a bootstrap procedure. We extracted 9999 random samples from the original sample, each with the same total number of individuals as in the original sample. For each individual in the random sample, the taxon is chosen with probabilities proportional to the original abundances. A 95% confidence interval is then calculated [42].
Biodiversity and cluster analyses were carried out using the software Past version 3.25 [42].
A regression analysis was carried out to assess the linear relationship between plants and Lepidoptera. For each sampling site, the number of lepidopteran species, both sampled or estimated by the Chao-1 index, was compared with the observed number of plant species.