Table 1 highlights the descriptive characteristics of the DC Cohort clinics by clinic type, size, number of providers, and COVID testing and vaccine support. All 14 DC Cohort clinic principal investigators responded to the survey. Fifty percent of the clinics were community-based, 50% were hospital-based, and the majority were Ryan White funded clinics (64%).
Only two clinics reported closing temporarily during the pandemic (Table 1). One clinic reported being closed for four months, in which only telehealth, prescription filling and mailing, drawing labs, and urgent care services were offered to patients, and the other reported that their two locations closed at different periods of time during 2020 for approximately 3 months each, with consolidation of services at the other site and through telehealth. Seventy-nine percent of clinics offered COVID-19 testing, the majority of which were PCR (n=11) and 50% rapid antigen tests (n=7), most providing results within two to three days (n=7). Most clinics provided COVID-19 vaccinations at their clinics (n=11). Two clinics reported referring patients to a specific location for vaccinations, and two reported notifying all patients about where vaccinations were locally offered (data not shown).
Table 1: Descriptive characteristics of DC Cohort HIV clinical sites, Pre and Peri-Pandemic (N=14 Clinics)
Baseline characteristics
N (%)
Clinic Type
7 (50%)
7 (50%)
Ryan White Clinic
9 (64%)
5 (36%)
Clinic Size
Overall patients cared for at all clinics
Patients enrolled in DC Cohort
Use of telehealth prior to the pandemic
<1 year
5 (62.5%)
1-5 years
3 (37.5%)
Number of HIV Care Providers Pre-Pandemic
median (IQR)
HIV clinical providers
5.5 (5-14)
Case managers
2 (1-4)
Eligibility specialists
1 (0-3)
Peer navigators
0.5 (0-2.5)
Community health workers
0 (0-2)
0 (0-1)
Pandemic clinic services
Clinic closure during the pandemic
12 (85.7%)
2 (14.3%)
SARS-CoV-2 Testing on Site
11 (78.6%)
3 (21.4%)
Type of SARS-CoV-2 Testing
PCR test
11 (78.6%)
Rapid antigen test
7 (50%)
Antibody test
5 (35.7)
Length of time to receive SARS-CoV-2 test results
2-3 days
7 (63.6%)
Next day
3 (27.3%)
Same day
1 (9.1%)
COVID Vaccine Administration at Clinic
11 (78.6%)
3 (21.4%)
Nearly 63% of clinics reported providers using telehealth prior to the pandemic and had been utilizing telehealth for less than one year pre-pandemic (Table 1). When assessing the frequency of providers offering telehealth at each clinic, the majority (n=11) reported that less than ten percent of providers at the clinic utilized telehealth prior to the pandemic, and most (n=10) experienced an increase in the prevalence of providers utilizing telehealth during the pandemic (data not shown). All 14 clinics reported having labs drawn on site pre-pandemic and the majority (n=12) reported continuing this service (data not shown). However, one clinic provider detailed that during the first wave of the pandemic, labs were performed at commercial labs, although the in-house labs were never completely closed as the clinic is a part of a larger hospital organization.
Table 2: Characteristics of service modification at DC Cohort HIV clinical sites throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic (N=14)
N (%)
Mitigation Strategies
ART Strategies
Multi-month dispensation of ART medication
11 (78.6%)
Alternative drug delivery (i.e., delivery via postal/courier, home/community delivery, or pick-up)
11 (78.6%)
Use of staff working at home to contact patients remotely to inquire about perceived barriers to regimen maintenance throughout the pandemic
7 (50%)
Appointment Strategies
Use of staff working at home to contact patients remotely to encourage appointment attendance
9 (64.3%)
Provision of appointment reminders to patients with missing viral load measures (w/in 6-month window)
7 (50%)
Prioritization of appointments to patients without viral load measures (w/in 6-month window)
7 (50%)
Prioritization of appointments for those with changes in their health
7 (50%)
Reorganization of appointments, only allowing scheduled visits
6 (42.9%)
Prioritization of appointments for those without symptoms
2 (14.3%)
Organizational Strategies
Reduced clinic hours
5 (35.7%)
Mobile clinics to reach patients
2 (14.3%)
Scale up HIV self-testing
2 (14.3%)
Added new staff
2 (14.3%)
Extended clinic hours
1 (7.1%)
Laid off/furloughed staff
0 (0%)
Reduced staff hours
0 (0%)
Reduced Staff salaries
0 (0%)
Support Strategies for Those Lost to Follow-Up During the Pandemic
Provider offered care to persons with any income level and insurance status
9 (64.3%)
Use e-prescribing for auto refills, even if the patient missed visits
8 (57.1%)
Use CRISP* to check for hospitalizations of lost patients
8 (57.1%)
Systematic monitoring of retention in care (e.g., monitoring visit adherence, gaps in care, or visits per interval of time)
7 (50%)
Provided patients navigation services (accompanying to appointments as needed)
7 (50%)
Check vital records for death certificates of patients lost to follow-up
1 (7.1%)
*CRISP: Chesapeake Regional Information System for Our Patients is the regional health information exchange
Table 2 presents the frequency counts and percentages of clinic service modifications and support strategies for contacting those lost to follow-up at the clinic sites. Several mitigation strategies were adopted throughout the pandemic, categorized as antiretroviral, appointment, and organizational strategies. Results of antiretroviral strategy inquiries indicated that most clinics adopted multi-month dispensation of antiretroviral medication (n=11) and alternative drug delivery via postal/courier service, home/community delivery, or pick-up (n=11). Regarding appointment strategies, most clinics used staff working at home to contact patients remotely to encourage appointment attendance (n=9). Organizational strategies reported by clinics included reduced clinic hours (n=5). Support strategies for those lost to follow-up during the pandemic included offering care to persons with any income level and insurance status (n=9), using e-prescribing for auto refills even if the patient missed visits (n=8), and checking for hospitalizations of lost patients using CRISP electronic health record system (n=8).
Figure 1 shows the percentage of clinics that reported a decrease in a particular service from pandemic Wave 1 (March 2020 to June 2020) to Wave 5 (December 2021 to April 2022). The services most impacted by the pandemic were in-person HIV care appointments and virtual HIV care appointments. Comparing Wave 1 to Wave 5, in-person care observed an 85.7% decrease in Wave 1 and a 21.4% decrease in Wave 5. Additionally, in Wave 1 virtual care increased by 100%; however, in Wave 5 it was observed to have increased by 42.9%. All other services offered experienced a decrease in Wave 1. However, by Wave 5 all other services experienced mostly no change in service availability compared to pre-pandemic utilization. Data on service changes in Waves 2, 3 and 4 were also reported. (See Supplemental Figure).
There was minimal impact of the pandemic on medical, social, and laboratory services offered: on-site clinical pharmacy, urgent care, job training referrals, substance abuse counseling, opioid treatment programs, nurse navigation, housing referrals, transportation services, and STI testing. Although most services offered before the pandemic continued to be steadily available, some clinics modified services including: on-site clinical pharmacy (n=1), urgent care (n=1), substance abuse counseling (n=2), case management (n=1), and peer intervention programs (n=1). None of these services were permanently discontinued at any of the clinics. Additionally, the site that temporarily closed continued to only offer virtual care and fill/mail prescriptions, while lab draws and urgent care services remained available at the clinic’s hospital location.