Minero-petrographic characterization
The thin section observation carried out on potteries from Alagankulam allowed to classify two petrographic fabrics: fabric AGM-1, exhibiting silty and fine-grained matrix without tempers, and fabric AGM-2, including only one sample (A21), with a silty ceramic paste and coarse-grained aplastic fraction.
In detail, Fabric AGM-1 (A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A22, (Figure 4.a-c) includes all the fine-grained table wares found in Alagankulam; samples are characterised by silty, micaceous matrix, ranging from orange in A19 (RW) and A20 (RDW), to brown-grey in A15 (RW), A16 (SW), A17 (GW), A18 (BW), and A22 (NBPW). Optical activity ranges from medium to high, usually higher in the core, except for sample A16 where is absent or very low. Microstructure is due to irregular and elongated voids, with a slight low porosity. Some of the voids are due to fossil tests and fossil mould. The aplastic fraction is always very fine (< 50 µm), showing high depuration of the raw materials, including quartz and white mica. Round iron-rich ACF (Acf: amorphous concentration features) are presents, together with secondary recrystallization calcite on the rims or in the bigger pores.
The only black-and-red ware (BRW), namely A21, constitutes the Fabric AGM-2 (Figure 4.d). The ceramic paste is characterized by silty matrix, dark brown in colour. Optical activity is from medium to low. Microstructure is mainly due to elongated micro-pores (opening max<50μm), with a clear preferential orientation, interesting the whole structure and attributable to the addition of fibres. Rare fossils (foraminifera) are present as fossil moulds or fossil tests. The aplastic fraction, rather abundant (~40 - 50%,), is from sub-rounded to sub-angular in shape, with polymodal grainsize distribution. Aplastic fraction is due to fractured quartz, feldspars, among which plagioclase, altered feldspars with evidences of perthite mixing, preferentially oriented micas, amphibole, pyroxenes, biotite lamellae, rare zircon, titanite, ilmenite, magnetite. Mafic granulite rock fragments are also present within the coarser fraction, indicating a probable smashing and intentional addition of tempers.
The use of highly depurated clays for the manufacturing Fabric AMG-1 samples is also confirmed by the mineralogical composition detected by XRD diffraction analysis (Table 2), where the use of illite-based clays with quartz and feldspar are identified. The inspection of XRD patterns didn’t show any additionally diagnostic mineralogical phase neither any relevant discrimination criteria among the analysed sherds. On the contrary, the mineralogical analysis performed on sample A21 do not show any traces of illite-muscovite, but the presence, in low amount, of a different mineralogic suite, containing anorthite, amphibole, pyroxene, ilmenite and titanite, suggesting a different manufacture procedure and different raw materials respect to the other ceramic classes.
As far as it concerns the samples from Keeladi, petrographic analysis allowed discriminating two main different fabrics, along with two singularities. In detail, Fabric KLD-1 includes shapes identified as water jars (samples K1, K4, K5, K6, K11, and K12) characterised by an orange body-paste, with silty micaceous matrix, abundant biotite lamellae and mafic granulite rock fragments. Fabric KLD-2 (K3, K7, K8, K9, K10, K14, K15, K17) include black-and-red (BRW) pots; this fabric is discriminated from KLD-1 for its finer grainsize distribution and it is characterised by a black body-paste, with silty micaceous matrix, abundant biotite lamellae and mafic granulite rock fragments. Finally, the two singularities include red polished wares (RPW): Fabric KLD-3 includes sample K2, characterised by granitic rock fragment, and Fabric KLD-4 (K16) characterised by a dark core and a micaceous matrix.
In Fabric KLD-1 (CRW, K1, K4, K5 K6, K11, K12; Figure 5.a-b) the matrix is silty, ranging from ochre-brown to ochre in colour with grey core, attributable to temperature gradient during firing. Optical activity is from high to medium, with a variability resembling the colour and credibly the firing conditions. The textural features would suggest a poor selection of raw materials. Microstructure is mainly due to elongated pores, from openingmax < 50μm to openingmax < 400 μm. Irregular voids are also present, reaching 700 μm in dimension. Rare fossils (foraminifera) are present as fossil moulds or fossil tests. The aplastic fraction, rather abundant (about 40%), from sub-rounded to sub-angular in shape, with polymodal grainsize distribution ranging from 50 μm to over 1 mm in dimension. Aplastic fraction is due to fractured quartz, feldspars (some of which exhibiting perthite mixing), plagioclase, altered feldspars, biotite lamellae, micas (exhibiting preferential orientation), amphibole, pyroxenes, titanite, ilmenite, magnetite, and rare zircon. Mafic granulite rock fragments are also present within the coarser fraction, indicating a probable smashing and intentional addition of the temper fraction. Secondary recrystallization phases are also present, along with other secondary phases related to burial environment. Red and black iron-rich ACF (depletion) and clay cloths are finally detected.
In samples grouped in Fabric KLD-2 (BRW, K3, K7, K8, K9 -Fig.3.d, K10, K13, K14, K15, K17; Figure 5.c-d) the matrix is silty, dark brown in colour with a surface slip ranging in thickness from 50 to 500 µm. Optical activity is from high to medium-low, depending on the different firing conditions. Microstructure is mainly due to elongated micropores (opening max<50μm), with a clear preferential orientation, interesting the whole structure and attributable to the addition of fibres/organic matter. Bigger elongated pores (opening max<400μm) and irregular voids, reaching 700 μm in dimension are present, especially in samples K7, K13, and K17, exhibiting a different texture. The aplastic fraction, rather abundant (from 40% to 50%, reaching 70% in K17), is from sub-rounded to sub-angular in shape, with polymodal grainsize distribution (from 50 μm to 500 μm in dimension). Aplastic fraction is due to fractured quartz, feldspars, among which plagioclase, altered feldspars with evidences of perthite mixing, preferentially oriented micas, amphibole, pyroxenes, biotite lamellae, rare zircon, titanite, ilmenite, magnetite. Mafic granulite rock fragments are also present within the coarser fraction, indicating a probable smashing and intentional addition of tempers.
As far the singularities, sample K2 (RPW) constitutes Fabric KLD-3 (Fig.5.e); it is characterised by silty matrix, homogenous, reddish-yellow in colour, with high optical activity. Microstructure is mainly due to elongated voids, exhibiting a preferential orientation. The aplastic fraction exhibits a polymodal grainsize distribution with granitoid rock fragments, quartz and feldspar, rare zircon and pyroxene. Abundant red ACF (depletion) are present. Finally, sample K16 is classified as Fabric KLD-4 (RPW, Fig.5.f); the matrix is clayey, micaceous, orange in colour, with a black core in the centre. Microstructure is mainly due to elongated, iso-oriented micropores. Aplastic fraction (about 40%) exhibit a polymodal grain-size distribution, due to quartz, feldspar, micas, and pyroxenes. The aplastic fraction (40%), from sub-rounded to sub-angular in shape, exhibit a polymodal grainsize distribution, reaching 600 μm in dimension. It is due to fractured quartz, feldspars (some of which exhibiting perthite mixing), plagioclase, altered feldspars, biotite lamellae, micas (exhibiting preferential orientation), amphibole, pyroxenes, titanite, ilmenite, magnetite, and rare zircon. Dry clay pellets are also present. The mineralogical composition of a selection of samples representative of the identified petrographic fabrics was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Overall, the identified mineralogical phases match well with the thin section observations, confirming the identified compositional groups (Table 3). In detail, coarse red ware (CRW) potteries are characterized by illitic-clays and absence of newly formed minerals, according to the variability of the optical activity from high to medium-low; credibly, calcite-poor clays fired in not-homogenous furnace conditions were used. Black-and-red ware (BRW) potteries exhibits a similar mineralogical composition respect to CRW, due to the occurrence of similar aplastic fraction; however, different clays (not-illitic in composition) were used to manufacture this specific shapes; the absence of newly formed minerals and the high-medium optical activity would suggest the use of calcite-poor clays fired at high temperatures. Finally, red polished ware do not exhibit mineralogical composition quite in accordance with thin section observation.
Chemical composition and surface features
Multivariate statistical analysis was applied on chemical data (Table S1) to highlight chemical-based discrimination criteria among the analyzed potteries. In Figure 6 the plot corresponding to the first two Principal Component, and the corresponding loading plot are reported. The total variance expressed by the first two components is 73.5%. The inspection of the diagrams allows to discriminate two main groups, according to petrographic observation. A fist one includes all samples from Keeladi (coarse red ware, CRW, and black-and-red ware, BRW) along with the only one black-and-red ware artifacts from Alagankulam (sample A21). Moreover, the red slipped ware represented by the sample K2 is separated from this field, suggesting a not-local manufacture. A second field is represented by all fine ware artifacts from Alagankulam; it is interesting to note that no relevant compositional differences can be observed among the archaeological typologies, suggesting a common provenance.
Raman Analyses
With a peculiar focus on black-and-red ware (BRW), the Raman spectra collected on slipped surface evidenced the presence of carbon black and hematite, respectively (Figure 7). The analyzed black decorations, in fact, reveal the main peaks of amorphous carbon with characteristic absorption peak at 1610 cm-1 and a broad peak at around 1390 cm-1 (Lluveras-Tenorio, 2019); the Raman spectra of the red decoration, instead, present the typical peak at 290 cm-1 together with the medium intensity band at 223, 407, 609 and 1334 cm-1 characteristics of the Haematite (De Faria, 1997) (Fe2O3), a broad band at 661 cm-1 can be assigned to Magnetite trace (Fe3O4), probably due to a not complete transformation; same white crystal are also present and many of them are identified as Calcite (CaCO3) and Quartz (SiO2).
Despite the variability in shape and typologies, the majority of the potteries found in Alagankulam present similar minero-petrographic features, i.e. fine depurated clay pastes and fine glossy surface, some of which decorated with typical rouletted patterns. Unfortunately, minero-petrographic features do not provide diagnostic mineralogical assemblages; on the contrary, chemical analysis reveal a quite compositional homogeneity among the different archaeological typologies, suggesting a common provenance. Up to literature, it is quite accepted that the overall fine luxury ware repertoire represents imports from the North, and in particular from Ganges Valley. Quite interesting is the case of the sample classified as sigillata (A16), grouped in the same compositional field of the other fine ware artifacts. Actually, the only coeval comparisons can be found in Eastern Sigillata A, which production centers are located in Eastern Mediterranean area during Roman age (II century B.C. - II century A.D.). However, the chemical similarities with the North Indian imports would suggest a misclassification of the pottery, possible representing an example of red slipped ware.
Another interesting evidence is the occurrence of only one sample of Black-and-red ware (BRW, A21) selected among the Alagankulam corpus, exhibiting the same petrographic and chemical features of Keeladi materials. This class of artifacts in Keeladi is in fact characterized by a typical mineralogical assemblage highly compatible with local geological outcrops characterized by pyroxene granulites and charnockite gneiss (Sajeev, 2005 ; Geological Survey of India 1995) thus, as expected, for this traditional long-lasting production a local manufacture can be assessed. The evidence of black-and-red imports from Keeladi to Alaganlulam has interesting cultural implications; it is possible to assume that BRW were imported from the surrounding areas, like Keeladi, where workshops were specialized in common ware fabrications. The Raman analysis carried out on the black and red surfaces of BRW class confirm the hypothesized inverse firing routine; the detected carbon on the rims can be thus considered a residue of the organics used during firing in the kiln to produce reducing atmosphere. Regarding the other representative class of artifacts recovered in Keeladi, i.e. the coarse red ware (CRW), the mineralogical assemblage of the aplastic fraction is highly compatible with the local geology, with similarities with the BRW production. However, these two class of vessels exhibit a different mineralogical composition of the clay (illitic vs not-illitic clay), different microstructural features (in term of porosity and pore size distribution) and different sorting of the tempers (coarser in BRW, finer in CRW) so that it is possible to propose the use of different sources of local clays, characterized by aplastic fraction related to the same parental rocks (i.e., pyroxene granulites and charnockite gneiss), differently selected to produce as much as different typologies of vessels. It is worth of note that in Keeladi the technological routine employed to obtain RBW and CRW is unvaried over the time; particularly, compositional and textural features are over all the studied stratigraphy, testifying the convey of technology and raw material source exploitation over all the site occupancy. Finally, in respect to RPW, up to literature this class of artifacts is usually attributed to Northern Indian sites from Ganges Valley to Gujarat; (Schenk, 2014; Tomber, 2008); however, we know that in some archaeological context the import of peculiar classes promoted the production of local imitations. This could be the case of the two studied fragments of RPW; in particular, sample K16 would match with the local geology, suggesting a local imitation practice; otherwise, sample K2 is characterized by granitoid rock fragments, not compatible with the local outcrops. Chemical data seems to confirm this hypothesis; the sample is in fact out of the two observed compositional fields. Looking at the regional geological framework, a possible source area for this production could be located in the neighbors of Tiruchirappalli region, where granites outcrops occur (Geological Survey of India 1995). This evidence would suggest the presence of both local productions and imports of Red slipped ware, circulating at regional scale.