Patient age at the time of NB diagnosis is a known important independent prognostic factor. Among the 161 patients in this study, 51 patients were < 18 months old and the other 110 patients were ≥ 18 months old at diagnosis. The OS and EFS rates were significantly different between the two groups (3-year OS P = 0.004; 3-year EFS P = 0.000). These results are consistent with those of a previously published study[13].
Low‑risk disease, including stage 1 and asymptomatic stage 2 disease, has an excellent prognosis after nonmutilating surgery alone, And surgical removal of the tumor may be the only treatment required for these patients. However, patients with intermediate-risk tumors may require chemotherapy to shrink the tumor before a complete surgical removal can be performed. Chemotherapy can halt rapid tumor progression, relieve life‑threatening symptoms, and improve tumor resectability. Patients with low‑ and intermediate‑risk NB have an estimated OS rate of over 90% with a continuous trend towards minimizing therapy[14]. In our study, the 3-year OS and EFS rates for the low-risk group were 100% and 95.5%, respectively. The 3-year OS and EFS rates for the intermediate-risk group were 97.2% and 91.6%, respectively. The patients classified as INSS stage 1 with completely resected tumors rarely relapsed and did not require postoperative chemotherapy, similar to the results of other studies[4–5].
Altogether, 32 (19.9%) patients relapsed during the treatment or follow-up period. Most of these patients (87.5%, 28/32) had stage 4 disease, and only 1 patient had stage 3 disease. In total, 3 out of the 7 (42.8%) patients classified as INSS stage 2B relapsed. The histopathological type of the three stage 2B patients were all unfavorable, and none of the patients had an MYCN amplification. As shown in Fig. 2, the EFS of patients with stage 2B disease was much lower than that of patients with stage 3 disease, which may be due to low chemotherapy intensity for patients in this group or the different genotypes associated with poor prognosis, resulting in poor therapeutic effects. Molecular genetic techniques should be used to stratify patients and to optimize treatment.
Local radiotherapy has been documented to achieve local control in patients with stage 4 or high-risk stage 3 NB through induction chemotherapy and tandem stem cell transplants[15]. According to our protocol, all patients belonging to the high-risk group are required to receive radiotherapy to the primary site and persistent metastatic foci. In our retrospective analysis, we found that only 47 of the 78 patients in the high-risk group underwent external-beam radiation to the primary tumor bed, where a dose ranging from 18 to 36 Gy was applied. On the one hand, the reason for the poor compliance with our treatment may be that radiotherapy is more challenging to administer for children than for adults, considering factors such as poor coordination and the need for sedation. On the other hand, this difference can be partially attributed to the lack of professional pediatric radiologists in some medical centers. There were no significant differences in the 3-year EFS rates between patients who received radiation therapy and those who did not (P = 0.354). However, the 3-year OS was significantly different between these two patient groups (P = 0.041). Particularly for patients who underwent total resection, the 3-year OS rate was significantly different between patients who received radiation and those who did not (P = 0.044). Although patients with gross or microscopic residual disease after surgery did not receive local radiation to the tumor bed, high-intensity chemotherapy played a role. Our study showed that for high-risk patients with NB, even after complete excision, local radiation was also necessary.
The incorporation of three distinct phases of therapy has improved outcomes for high-risk NB: intensive induction treatment, myeloablative chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem cell rescue, and treatment of minimal residual disease (MRD). The survival outcomes of high-risk NB patients have continually improved in recent years, which is attributed to the intensification of therapeutic approaches[16–18]. Even after such therapies, the relapse rate remains higher than 40%, which has led to MRD-positive patients using post-transplant treatment such as isotretinoin and monoclonal anti-GD2 antibodies[19]. China has a lack of monoclonal anti-GD2 antibodies; thus, in our NB-2015 protocol, the treatment strategy for high-risk NB incorporated no more than eight cycles of induction chemotherapy, surgery, consolidation with tandem APBSCT, and post-consolidation treatment with only 13-cis-retinoic acid for 6 months. Induction therapy played a critical role in managing patients with high-risk NB and typically consisted of intensive multiagent chemotherapy and surgical resection of the primary tumor. Over the past decades, consolidation therapy with stem cell rescue for patients with initial responses to chemotherapy has become the standard of care for high-risk NB in the United States and Europe, largely based upon results from cooperative group randomized trials comparing the outcomes between this approach and an approach with chemotherapy only. Through the use of tandem autologous SCT, the outcome of high-risk NB patients has improved. Many different combinations of drugs for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation exist[20–22]. One clinical trial for NB patients showed that autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation was performed using carboplatin/etoposide/cyclophosphamide (CEC) followed by thiotepa/cyclophosphamide. Other studies have shown alternative consolidation transplantation regimens, including melphalan, MM and carboplatin/etoposide/melphalan (CEM). A recent and compelling report from the European Neuroblastoma Study Group (ENSG) suggested that MM was associated with greater EFS than CEM in a randomized comparison of patients who achieved a good response with an induction regimen[23]. Therefore, in our therapeutic protocol, we recommended tandem APBSCT with MM and CEC and observed very good effects. In our study, among the 34 patients who underwent APBSCT, 18 patients successfully received tandem transplantation. The other 16 patients failed to receive a second APBSCT after undergoing the first procedure, which was due to nonmedical reasons (parent preference, insurance limitations). In addition, we found that the tandem transplantation was well tolerated with no unbearable complications related to APBSCT, even including hepatic veno-occlusive disease (HVOD) or sinusoidal obstructive syndrome (SOS). Toxicities were as expected, and the time to engraftment was rapid for both cycles. Most importantly, APBSCT obviously improved the survival of patients in the high-risk group. The 3-year OS rate of the transplantation group was 79.0%, and the 3-year EFS rate of the transplantation group was 72.6%. The survival outcomes were not significantly different between patients who received tandem transplantation and those who received single transplantation, which may be attributed to the small sample size and short follow-up period.