This was a descriptive, cross-sectional, exploratory cadaveric study on twelve formalin-fixed embalmed lower limbs in the department of Anatomy. Gross architecture and architectural properties of the muscle of the anterior and lateral compartment of the leg were studied.
Lower limbs with any evidence of congenital/acquired anatomic abnormalities/deformity were excluded.
To study the gross architecture, muscles were observed and dissected along its tendon. The shape of the muscle and fibre pattern was recorded in terms of pennation. The special origin of fibres was also recorded.
The following parameters were measured in architectural analysis: a) Muscle weight, b) Muscle length, c) Fibre length, d) Pennation angle and e) Sarcomere length. After removing the surrounding fascia and fat tissues, the muscles were harvested intact (from the most proximal origin to the most distal tendon attachment) and were stored in 1x phosphate-buffered saline for 24-48 hours before architectural measurements. Muscle specimens were removed from the buffer and gently blotted dry. 1x PBS was formed by the following constituents - 800 ml of distilled water, 8 g of NaCl, 0.2 g of KCl, 1.44 g of Na2HPO4, 0.24 g of KH2PO4, pH adjusted to 7.4 with HCl and distilled water added to a total volume of 1 litre (16).
Muscle weight (MW) was recorded using a Digital Weighing machine with measurements of up to 2 decimals. Muscle was weighed, but the weight was not corrected for formaldehyde fixation. The external tendons, connective tissue and fat were removed before weighing.
Muscle length (ML) was measured as the distance from the origin of the most proximal muscle fibres to the insertion of the most distal muscle fibres by thread and centimetre scale.
Pennation angle (PA) was measured with a goniometer, for more precision, a protractor was kept over it. PA was obtained from the proximal, middle, and distal muscle portions and averaged to yield one value per muscle.
Depending on the morphology of the muscle PA was calculated from different pennate parts of the muscles. It was measured from the unipennate and bipennate parts of the muscle. Circumpennate portions were not included as calculation of pennation was not possible with the methodology used. The mean of PA of different parts of muscles was considered as the final value.
Muscle Fibre length: The muscles were placed in 20% nitric acid to partially digest the connective tissue surrounding the muscles and allow separation of approximately 0.1mm thick bundles. Average digestion time was 48 hours. Thin fibre bundles were separated, kept straight without stretching and length was measured with a digital vernier calliper. The muscle was divided into three equal parts. Three readings were taken from the centre of each part. The average of the three readings was taken as the final value.
Sarcomere length: After acid digestion, individual fibres were removed with forceps and with the aid of microscope. Sections of fibre approximately 5mm in length were mounted on a micrometry slide using isotonic saline. The muscle was divided into three equal parts. Three sections were taken from the centre of each part. Digital images of the fibre sections were taken from a light microscope at 100x magnification. Two readings were recorded from one section, so a total of six readings were recorded from one muscle.
Fibre length was normalised to compensate for natural fibre length variation simply because muscles were fixed at different joint angles. For normalisation of fibre length, the sarcomere length within a specimen was measured and a standard sarcomere length (2.7µm) was selected. Then all raw fibre lengths were normalised using the following equation:
Findings of all study parameters of architectural properties were subjected to Descriptive statistics by SPSS version 21.
Gross Architecture:
The gross architecture in the muscles of the anterior and lateral compartments of the leg varied within and across the compartments. The usual pattern as observed was that the muscle had a uniform fusiform pattern in their proximal fourth or proximal third. Here the muscle fibre ran almost parallel to the long axis of the muscle. In the distal two-thirds or three-fourths, the muscles assumed a pennate pattern (unipennate/bipennate/circumpennate) arranging themselves around an aponeurosis which was initially in the form of broad aponeurosis and when traced distally thickened to form a tendon.
The gross architecture of individual muscles as observed in the present study was as follows:
Muscles of Lateral compartment:
The upper third to an upper fourth of each muscle was fusiform and the remaining portion was variably pennate (Fig. 1 i-v).
Peroneus Longus: The lower three-fourths was unipennate where the fibres arising from bony attachment as well as fascial covering of the peroneus longus converge towards the intramuscular aponeurosis (Fig. 1 i & 2). The bulk of muscle fibres gradually reduced distally.
Peroneus Brevis: In the middle one-third, the fibres arising from bony/fascial attachment of muscle assume a bipennate form and are unipennate in the lower one-third (Fig. 1 ii).
Muscles of anterior compartment:
Tibialis Anterior:
The muscle was triangular in cross-section with the base directed superficially. The intramuscular aponeurosis was leaf-like, which is expanded superiorly and narrowed down inferiorly to ultimately continue as the tendon of the muscle. In the middle half, fibres converge on to the intramuscular aponeurosis from all aspects making it circumpennate. In the lower one-fourth, the muscle was unipennate. (Fig. 1 iii)
Extensor Hallucis Longus:
The intramuscular aponeurosis is uniform throughout with a pointed apex. The lower three-fourths of the muscle was unipennate. (Fig. 1 iv)
Extensor Digitorum Longus and Peroneus Tertius (EDL and PT):
The muscle belly of EDL and PT was conjoint in the upper part in all the specimens studied. The distal two-thirds of the muscle is separated into five intramuscular aponeuroses with unipennate fibres getting inserted into them. The medial four continued as the tendon of EDL and the lateral most continued as the tendon of PT. (Fig. 1 ii)
Architectural Analysis of muscles of Anterior and Lateral compartments:
Twelve samples were taken for the measurements of each muscle. Average values for all the architectural parameters of individual muscles are compiled in table no. 1. Peroneus Tertius was considered as a part of extensor digitorum longus, as the muscle was inseparable from extensor digitorum longus.
Architectural Analysis:
Peroneus longus measured twice as heavy compared to peroneus brevis. In the anterior compartment, the TA is twice as heavy as EDL and four times that of EHL.
Extensor digitorum longus was the longest muscle closely followed by TA.
Pennation angle for anterior compartment muscles was comparatively less than muscles of lateral compartment ranging from 10- 14 degrees. In the lateral compartment, PA for PL and PB is similar around 18 degrees.
Muscles of the anterior compartment have long fibre length owing to more excursion produced by the muscles. The FL of these muscles was almost double as compared to the lateral compartment.
Tibialis Anterior has a high PCSA, whereas EHL and EDL have low PCSA among leg muscles.
Sarcomere length for TA and EHL was lower, whereas for EDL, PL and PB it was on the higher side.