QoL encompasses functional outcomes as well as psycho-cognitive wellbeing. In this retrospective case series, we present personalized rTMS treatment for persistent neurological and psycho-cognitive symptoms following surgical resections of brain tumors in twelve patients. QoL as assessed by the EQ-5D was significantly improved after treatment and during follow-up.
Personalized, multi-network rTMS treatment
A transdiagnostic approach goes beyond diagnosis and categorization of diseases to better understand an individual’s affliction and its underlying cause. Gaining steam in the mental health community for anxiety, eating disorders, and posttraumatic stress disorder, its benefits are realized for multi-faceted disorders where individuals face a myriad of symptoms and disease presentations [9]. For patients with brain tumors, a transdiagnostic approach allows physicians to treat the symptoms by addressing the underlying issue, namely the problem with brain circuitry following the growth and resection of a tumor. When tumor location and symptom manifestations are so variable, a personalized, targeted approach is the ideal approach to treatment. The theory is that once the underlying cause is addressed, the motor and neuropsychiatric symptoms would resolve, significantly improving QoL.
We now have the technology to utilize a transdiagnostic approach to obtain a sophisticated hypothesis-driven target selection of areas that go awry following the development and resection of a malignant tumor. This is the first parcel-guided, personalized rTMS treatment that targets multiple regions and treats several symptoms at once. Targets are selected by a machine learning algorithm based on the connectome of the individual patient, and a hypothesis-driven approach is utilized to confirm literature-backed targets implicated in the symptoms of interest.
Our ability to target numerous symptoms and anomalous regions at once takes advantage of the idea that networks are sensitive to influences from remote cortical areas [10]. Even if a brain region is resected, changing remote cortical regions may ameliorate the effects of resection. Patients with infratentorial brain resections, regions that are often difficult to target with rTMS, were able to improve QoL after rTMS in supratentorial regions of the brain. This was observed in patients 4, 6, and 10 who had tumors in thalamus, cerebellum, and insula respectively. We have also shown the potential for inter-network modulation in patient 12 who developed severe hypobulia following a craniotomy that resected areas of the right salience network. Previous reports have shown that abulia after brain tumor resection can be prevented by sparing the cingulum tract of the prefrontal cognitive initiation “axis,” a network of connections between the DMN, salience network, and the SMA via the cingulum and frontal aslant tract [11, 12]. Two of the three rTMS targets for this patient were within this “axis”. R6Ma (of the sensorimotor network) is proximal to the tumor resection site, and RPGi (of DMN) lies outside of the immediate region of the resection site. These examples support the notion of remote cortical regions inter-communication and show how targeting regions away from the immediate resection site can improve post-craniotomy motor and psychiatric deficits caused by the resection.
The rTMS targets and use of cTBS and iTBS are supported by literature in the treatment of motor deficits with rTMS. The contralateral side of an injured motor cortex exhibits hyperconnectivity and increased transcallosal interhemispheric inhibition to the side of injury, which leads to the worsening of the motor deficit [13]. Therefore, rTMS studies for motor deficits usually utilize high frequency rTMS to increase cortical excitability to the motor cortex of the lesion hemisphere and low frequency rTMS to decrease cortical excitability in the contra-lesion hemisphere [14–16]. In our nine patients with motor deficits, the target choices and use of inhibitory or excitatory rTMS selected by the machine-learning algorithm corroborates with the use of cTBS in the contra-lesion hemisphere and iTBS in the ipsi-lesional hemisphere. Patients 1 and 3 had rTMS targets that were directly contralateral to the site of tumor resection. In those regions, cTBS was administered directly contralateral to the site of resection, thereby depressing the hyperconnectivity of the contralateral region following tumor resection. Therefore, in addition to the rTMS treatment regimen being personalized to the brain of the individual, the targets and use of TBS modality identified by this machine-learning algorithm is supported by evidence in the literature.
Quality-of-Life and Neuropsychiatric disorders Following rTMS
In this study, we have shown that personalized, parcel-guided rTMS may improve physical and psychiatric symptoms experienced post-craniotomy. The magnitude of improvement in QoL was not affected by gender or age. However, patients who received rTMS therapy within 1 year of brain resection had significantly greater increase in quality of improvement than those who received rTMS after 1 year of surgery. In addition to increased QoL, lower motor function was significantly improved after rTMS treatment. In the patient who experienced post-surgical depression, BDI was reduced by 88% during follow-up after rTMS.
We have previously reported improvements in language and motor deficits using the Agile Method for rTMS in post-surgical glioma patients [8]. Here, we go beyond measuring motor outcomes by including QoL measurements. The EQ-5D has been used in other studies, such as in the investigation of QoL for patients with glioblastoma [17, 18]. A deterioration in QoL scores have been found to be correlated with shorter survival for patients with glioblastoma following craniotomy [17].
The presence of neuropsychiatric disorders may worsen QoL as much as motor deficits. Depression has been reported by the GOP to be significantly increased in patients following craniotomy [1, 2]. MDD may be treated with an FDA- approved rTMS to the dlPFC [7]. There have also been numerous studies on the use of personalized treatment using parcel-guided and fRMI-guided rTMS [19, 20]. Furthermore, finding treatment for depression as a secondary result of another disorder is not uncommon. rTMS have been successfully used to treat depression as a post-concussive symptom for patients with TBI [21–23]. To our knowledge, there has not been any studies focused on rTMS interventions to improve psychiatric symptoms that arise following craniotomy. The results in this present study suggest that the personalized, parcel-guided approach to rTMS treatment may help in decreasing depressive symptoms following craniotomy. Further studies must be done to show whether this preliminary finding holds true in a larger group of patients as well as for the potential that other neuropsychiatric symptoms can also be treated with this same method.
To mitigate the scalp discomfort experienced by some patient’s, stimulation intensity was ramped up from low percentages to the patient’s full percentage to allow the patient to adjust to the intensity. All patients were encouraged to maintain constant hydration during their treatment to reduce likelihood of headaches due to dehydration. All patients had the option of chewing gum or cotton buds to help control any facial movement due to muscular twitching from stimulation. All patients were also offered earplugs and were encouraged to use them if their stimulation intensity was higher than average.
No seizures or adverse side effects were reported by patients following rTMS. Some patient reported minor side effects of fatigue, headaches, and scalp discomfort which were consistent with our previous use of rTMS treatment in patients with psycho-cognitive symptoms following strokes [24]. Therefore, the parcel-guided approach to multi-region rTMS targeting appears safe for patients following glioma resection.
Study Limitations
Our study is limited by its retrospective nature. The placebo effect has been shown to be very strong for motor function, as was described by a study on perceived treatment on individuals with Parkinson’s disease [25]. The treatment of depression with rTMS specifically has also shown to have a high the placebo effect [21]. However, one study on the use of rTMS for depression found that the placebo effect diminishes 11 weeks following therapy [26, 27]. The patient in our study with depression were followed up with 2 months after rTMS. Therefore, subsequent follow-up is warranted to identity whether the decrease in BDI scores is sustained three months following treatment. Moreover, additional studies with a larger sample size are warranted before a conclusion can be made on its efficacy in treating post-craniotomy depression. Subsequent follow-ups would also be beneficial for the eight patients with motor deficits.