Characterization of Fe@CN catalysts
The dispersed iron anchored C-N supporter was prepared by one-pot pyrolysis of FeCl3 and urea (Scheme 1), which was named as Fe@CN catalysts.
SEM images (Fig. 1) revealed that these Fe@CN samples obtained at 550℃ from the precursor with different mass ratio of FeCl3/urea showed significant different surface morphology. It was noteworthy that Fe@CN0 exhibited an irregular geometric configuration consisting of a smooth sphere and blocky structure, which was resulted from the interaction of iron and oxygen during pyrolysis. The corresponding elemental mapping images demonstrated that C, N, O and Fe elements relatively uniform distributed Fe@CN1 sample (Fig. 1c-f), which implied that Fe was successfully doped with C and N element.
XRD patterns of the prepared Fe@CNx catalysts were shown in Fig. S1a. The peaks in Fe-CN0 at 24.2°, 33.2°, 35.7°, 40.9°, 49.5°, 54.3°, 57.7°, 62.7°, and 64.1° matched well with the (0 1 2), (1 0 4), (1 1 0), (1 1 3), (0 2 4), (1 1 6), (0 1 8), (2 1 4), (3 0 0) crystal facets of Fe2O3 (JCPDS No. 33–0664) (Li et al. 2022). The characteristic diffraction peaks in Fe@CN0 disappeared when Fe doped into urea to form Fe@CN1, which suggested the effective recombination of carbon and nitrogen structure. Moreover, Raman spectra was recorded to further reveal the defect sites and disordered structure of Fe@CN catalysts. The D-band was induced by the vacancies and heteroatom doping while the G-band was related to the in-plane stretching vibration of sp2 hybrid atoms (Yang et al. 2020a). As shown in Fig. S1b, the ratio of ID/IG in Fe@CN1 catalyst was 1.23, indicating that the existence of more defect sites (Liu et al. 2020b).
The surface chemical composition and valance states of these catalysts were also scrutinized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The C1s spectra of Fe@CN1 revealed the presence of C-C (284.78 eV), C-N (286.48 eV), and N-C = N (289.18 eV) functional groups on the surface of Fe@CN1 (Fig. 2a). Moreover, the deconvoluted N1s spectrum of Fe@CN1 exhibited two peaks at 400.38 and 403.38 eV, which were attributed to pyrrolic N and graphitic N, respectively (Fig. 2b). Previous study reported that graphitic N could enhance the material biocompatibility and reduced the start-up time of MFCs (Li et al. 2020a, Zhao et al. 2019). The pyrrolic N was responsible for improving the power density of MFCs systems (Liu et al. 2014, Xie et al. 2017). The deconvoluted Fe2p spectra of Fe@CN1 was presented in Fig. 2c, which was assigned to Fe2+/3+2p1/2, Fe2+/3+2p3/2, and their satellites. In details, the peaks at 711.87, 714.52, and 718.90 eV in the Fe2p spectrum were assigned to Fe2+2p3/2, Fe3+2p3/2, and their satellites, while Fe2+2p1/2, Fe3+2p1/2, and their satellite peaks appeared at 725.42, 729.38, and 732.90 eV, respectively. Thus, the transition of solid-state redox couples Fe3+/Fe2+ was expected to be beneficial for electron transfer (Li et al. 2015, Rethinasabapathy et al. 2021).
Electrochemical Active Surface Area Of Different Anodes
To investigate the electrochemical performance of the modified electrode, EASA test was conducted in a three-electrode system with prepared Fe@CN modified electrodes, titanium wire, and Ag/AgCl electrode as working electrode, counter electrode, and reference electrode, respectively. Previous studies proved that EASA represented the actual electroactive area on electrode and a higher EASA facilitated the adhesion of electrochemical active bacteria and benefited the bioelectrochemical performance of MFCs ultimately (Chen et al. 2020, Xu et al. 2022).
Additionally, similar current curves with a pair of reversible redox peak were displayed in Fig. S2, which indicated that the chemical reduction reaction was not changed in this system. However, the catalytic curve of the blank electrode (carbon paper without modification) delivered a Ip value of 0.98 mA with a corresponding EASA of 1.53 cm2 in K3[Fe(CN)6]. Distinctly, the peak current values of the electrodes with Fe dopant improved significantly. To be more specific, the highest current value was increased to 1.14 mA with lager EASA of 1.78 cm2, and further increased to 2.35 cm2 (Fig. S2). The fact also indicated that Fe@CN catalyst was successfully coated onto the surface of carbon paper, which provided more electrochemical active sites for capturing electrons from exoelectrogens.
Bioelectrochemical Performances Of Mfcs With Fe@cn Modified Anode
The MFCs initiated with mixed-culture were inoculated with wastewater as electron donors and loaded with a 1000 Ω external resistance. The power performance of all the launched MFCs showed a similar trend in the initial 4-running cycles, which increased steadily after replacing with fresh anolyte (Fig. 3). In particular, the voltage output of MFC-CP increased and achieved the maximum of 616.39 mV at about 100 h, which indicated that the exoelectrogens evolved to form matured EABs and started to produce robust electrons. In contrast, MFC-Fe-CK and MFC-Fe@CN achieved higher voltage outputs of 711.89 mV and 792.76 mV without long start-up periods, respectively (especially in MFC-Fe@CN), which also maintained for a long time (e.g. over 300 h in the 1st cycle). Furthermore, the voltage output of MFC-CP declined quickly after reaching the maximum voltage. The maximum voltage output of MFC-CK with the Fe@CN2 modified anode, however, was not enhanced (573.48 mV) and the start-up time (about 100 h) was also not accelerated compared with that of MFC-CP (plain carbon paper anode), which indicated that the increased urea proportion was not the primary cause for the enhanced electrochemical performance of anodes (Fig. S4). Compared with other MFCs, the maximum voltage output of MFC-Fe@CN could be resulted from its large EASA, which was also reported in previous studies. You et al. prepared a 3D microporous nitrogen-enriched graphic carbon electrode for efficient bioelectricity generation in MFCs (You et al. 2017), which showed a higher EASA (109.01 cm2) with higher voltage output (508.00 mV) compared with that of carbon cloth anodes (EASA of 31.23 cm2 with voltage output of 395.00 mV).
Interestedly, on the other hand, MFC-Fe@CN possessed a stable voltage output during each period. In details, the voltage outputs of MFC-Fe@CN were 706.79, 718.14, 722.42, and 682.54 mV at the end of the 1st to 4st cycle, respectively, while the voltage outputs of MFC-CP decreased to about 0 mV in each cycle (0.11, 5.82, 26.19, 4.87 mV for the end of the 1st to 4st cycle, respectively). The long stable voltage output was the precondition for the real application of MFCs, which potentially indicated the superiority of the prepared anodes in the present study.
To investigate the electrochemical activity of EABs on different modified anodes, CV measurements under turnover condition were employed to test the redox state of the matured EABs at a scan rate from 10 to 200 mV/s. The CV spectrum (Fig. 4) showed that various redox peaks appeared, which might be due to the altered EET efficiency of EABs evolved on each modified anode. Particularly, there was only a pair of redox peaks of the anode in MFC-CP, with the peak center at -0.31 V and a peak current of 0.23 mA. While the CV spectrum of the anodes modified with Fe@CN1 and Fe@CN2 in MFC-Fe-CK and MFC-Fe@CN showed the similar trend, respectively, which implied that the same redox substrates were responsible for EET in these two systems. In addition, the peak at -0.12 V almost disappeared in MFC-Fe-CK, which, in contrast, possessed 0.45 mA of catalytic current in MFC-Fe@CN. Moreover, the other peaks appeared similar redox potential (0.32 V in MFC-Fe-CK, 0.30 V in MFC-Fe@CN) with the different catalytic current (0.58 mA in MFC-Fe-CK, 0.97 mA in MFC-Fe@CN) indicated that the EABs in these two MFCs had significant different catalytic activities. The abovementioned results demonstrated that the Fe@CN modified electrodes increased electrocatalytic activity toward the oxidation of acetate of exoelectrogens, which were in good accordance with the voltage outputs (Fig. 3). When the scan rate increased from 10 to 200 mV/s, the peak current also increased consequently. Interestingly, the peak currents of all MFCs exhibited a good line relation with the scan rates, which suggested that the electrochemical reactions on all anodes were the typical surface-controlled processes (Li et al. 2020b).
The polarization and power density curves of the MFCs with different modified anodes were also tested with LSV. The maximum power density of MFC-Fe@CN was 0.434 W/m2, which was 13.91%, and 183.66% higher than that of MFC-Fe-CK (0.381 W/m2) and MFC-CP (0.153 W/m2), respectively (Fig. 5b). The similar open-circuit voltages were exhibited in MFC-Fe-CK (668.18 mV) and MFC-Fe@CN (655.98 mV), which were also 39.49% and 34.55% higher than that of MFC-CP (487.52 mV), respectively. These results indicated that the Fe@CN modified carbon paper anodes were more suitable for the attachment of exoelectrogens (Wang et al. 2018).
EIS experiment was also performed on all MFCs to identify the electron transfer resistance between exoelectrogens and anode (Fig. 5b). The similar solution resistance (Rs) was obtained (Table. S1), which indicated that the electrodes modified with Fe@CN had no impact on Rs. Apparently, the value of charge transfer resistance (Rct) in MFC-Fe-CK (29.59 Ω) and MFC-Fe@CN (26.54 Ω) were greatly lower than that of in MFC-CP (36.24 Ω), suggesting that the modified anode decreased Rct. As discussed in our recent report, lower Rct could result in a faster extracellular electron transfer rate (Cheng et al. 2022). These results implied that Fe@CN modified anodes in MFC-Fe-CK and MFC-Fe@CN possessed the higher conductivity, which could be resulted from their larger EASA and more active interfacial interaction between exoelectrogens and electrode.
The Structure And Morphology Of Eabs On The Anodes Modified With Fe@cn
As previous reports, the performance of electrons generation in MFCs was related closely to the activity of EABs on anode, and the architecture of EABs was one of the key cores determining the performance of MFCs (Caizan-Juanarena et al. 2019). After over 700 h operation, stable voltage outputs were achieved in all MFCs, indicating that exoelectrogens successfully attached on the surface of modified anodes to form measurable EABs. As shown in Fig. 6, only a small part of anode was coated with exoelectrogens in MFC-CP, on which the cells’ adhesion was limited and loose due to the lower specific surface area of the smooth surface of carbon paper. On the other hand, porous and sponge-like structure was obtained after modifying with Fe@CN catalysts, which was more favorable for attracting exoelectrogen cells in wastewater from the first cycle of voltage output. Therefore, the shorter start-up time were presented in MFC-Fe@CN with the faster maturation of EABs on anodes. In addition, the three-dimensional structure of anodes in MFC-Fe-CK and MFC-Fe@CN could capture and transfer electrons from the outer-membrane of exoelectrogens in multiple directions. The SEMs results were further supported by the biomass analysis in Fig. S3a, which showed that the content of biomass in MFC-CP (4.08 mg/cm2) increased to 5.95 mg/cm2 (MFC-Fe-CK) and 7.27 mg/cm2 (MFC-Fe@CN), respectively.
The Modified Anodes Modulated The Eps Production Of Eabs
As an integral surrounding component of cells and/or biofilms, EPS widespread on the surface of microorganism. It’s well known that polysaccharides and proteins (the two main components), and other substrates (e.g. c-type cytochromes and humics) were responsible for the heterogeneity of EPS (Xiao et al. 2017). Polysaccharides were proved to protect cells against unfavorable environment (Cheng et al. 2022, Li et al. 2021a). During the colonization and maturation of EABs on anodes, the mixed-culture trended to produce some secretions and further to form EPS to package the biofilm from outer environment. In this study, we found that the content of proteins (0.97, 1.31, and 1.57 mg/cm2 for MFC-CP, MFC-Fe-CK, and MFC-Fe@CN, respectively) in EPS of EABs was apparently higher than that of polysaccharides (0.85, 1.03, 1.12 mg/cm2 for MFC-CP, MFC-Fe-CK, and MFC-Fe@CN, respectively) among all MFCs (Fig. S3b). Previous study showed that intracellular electrons generated from the exoelectrogens was hard to be transferred to the electrode due to the thicker EABs (over tens of microns) (Xiao et al. 2017). Nevertheless, proteins inlaid in EPS was considered to contain multiple redox molecules to overcome the insulativity of EABs (mainly was polysaccharides), which significantly accelerated EET together with other redox-active substrates (e.g., c-type cytochromes) (Li et al. 2021a, Xiao &Zhao 2017). In this case, a higher proteins content in EPS of the EABs on Fe@CN modified anodes was responsible for the enhanced EET efficiency, which also benefited the growth of exoelectrogens in MFCs systems with insoluble electron acceptors. In this work, to be more specific, the maximum content of protein in the EPS was 1.57 mg/cm2 in MFC-Fe@CN compared with that of MFC-Fe-CK (1.31 mg/cm2), and MFC-CP (0.97 mg/cm2). On the other hand, polysaccharides played an important role to form the carbon skeleton of biofilms, although it was reported to be nonconductive in some studies (Yang et al. 2019). The similar content of polysaccharides was found in MFC-Fe@CN (1.12 mg/cm2) and MFC-Fe-CK (1.03 mg/cm2), which were significantly higher than that of MFC-CP (0.85 mg/cm2). Moreover, it was reported that the content of extracellular polysaccharides was often improved with the increasing environmental stress. Here, the Fe@CN nano materials might induce slight stress to the mixed-culture and active the production of polysaccharides. Apparently, the higher content ratio of proteins/ polysaccharides occurred in MFC-Fe-CK and MFC-Fe@CN compared with that of MFC-CP. The high content of proteins in EPS compensated the possible electrons transfer resistance caused by the poor conductivity of polysaccharides. The Fe@CN modified anodes improved the electrochemical activity of EPS by adjusting the content of EPS and the ratio between different component, and thus enhanced the EET efficiency of EABs. Overall, the production of EPS on different anodes would be finely regulated by cells to keep balance between EET efficiency and self-protection against environmental stress (Li et al. 2021a).
Microbial Community Analysis Of Eabs On Fe@cn Modified Anodes
When achieving a stable voltage output, high-throughout sequencing was performed to investigate the microbial community structure of EABs on different Fe@CN modified anodes. The dominant phyla of three EABs were all Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes (Fig. 7). Proteobacteria were mainly Gram-negative and considered to be the most well-known exoelectrogens, Bacteroidetes were responsible for the electron generation, and Firmicutes were related to the fermentation and/or degradation of complex organic substrates (Li et al. 2019a, Li et al. 2021b). It was noted that Proteobacteria had the highest proportion with the abundances of 53.80%, 80.10%, and 55.16% for MFC-CP, MFC-Fe-CK, and MFC-Fe@CN, respectively. The relative abundances of Bacteroidetes decreased from 38.26% (MFC-CP) to 5.60% (MFC-Fe-CK) and 24.37% (MFC-Fe@CN), and Firmicutes increased from 3.65% (MFC-CP) to 11.40% (MFC-Fe-CK) and 11.48% (MFC-Fe@CN), respectively. These results implied that the microbial community of EABs changed tremendously after the carbon paper modifying with Fe@CN nano-catalysts.
Additionally, at the genus level, obvious difference on the microbial composition of all EABs were obtained, which suggested that different functional microbes enriched on different anodes. Detailedly, in MFC-CP, the microbial population was dominated by Dysgonomonas and Comamonas, which together accounted for 53.58% of the total microbial composition. These bacteria were considered to be the efficient exoelectrogens with higher power generation capacities in previous reports (Kong et al. 2022, You et al. 2021). However, the proportion of these bacteria decreased dramatically in MFC-Fe-CK (Dysgonomonas: 33.68–2.48%; Comamonas: 19.90–1.35%) and MFC-Fe@-CN (Dysgonomonas: 33.68–3.00%; Comamonas:19.90–4.40%). At the same time, Geobacter was enriched to the proportion of 10.49% and 15.41% in MFC-Fe-CK and MFC-Fe@CN, respectively. The reasons for the selective enrichment of Geobacter species in MFC-Fe-CK and MFC-Fe@CN were in multiple fronts. On the one hand, Geobacter was well-known as the most typical exoelectrogen in most studies, who had high capability of direct EET pathway via nanowire and c-type cytochromes (Ueki 2021). The two EET pathway strongly depended on the physical connection between the surface of both cells/nanowire and anode. Interestingly, the sponge-like and porous structure of the modified anodes were beneficial for the contact with Geobacter, which could be one prerequisite for the accelerated start-up time of MFC-Fe@CN. On the other hand, a higher EASA of the modified anodes provided more electroactive sites for exoelectrogens. Figure 7b showed that Comamonas and Dysgonomonas enriched in MFC-CP with more abundance while Geobacter reached a low proportion (2.54%), which demonstrated the selective enrichment of exoelectrogens on anode was largely changed by Fe@CN nanospheres. In addition, the shift EET pathway in MFC-CP, MFC-Fe-CK, and MFC-Fe@CN implied the varied main exoelectrogens responsible for electron generation, which was consistent with the dynamics of microbial community. Zhu demonstrated that the relative abundance of Geobacter increased from 10.00–33.96% when carbon cloth anode was modified with heteroatom-doped (N, P, S, Co) porous carbon nanoparticle, while Acinetobacter (also reported as an exoelectrogens) decreased from 28.24–9.00% (Zhu et al. 2022). And thus, the higher power density (1.72 W/m2) and current density (4.52 A/m2) were achieved with the modified anode compared with that of plain carbon cloth anode (0.95 W/m2 of power density and 3.12 A/m2 of current density). The above results also revelaed that the evolution of EABs in the composition and proportion of exoelectrogens varied greatly on different anodes with different structures and properties, which may be attributed to the variable responses of different microbial species to the Fe@CN modified anodes.