3.1 FTIR and SERS spectra
Our initial efforts to explore intermolecular vibrations have focused on polycrystalline Chl-𝑎, for which intramolecular vibrations at frequencies above 5 THz (167 cm−1) have already been explored with solutions, suspensions [17] and solid films [18]. Our measured far-infrared absorbance spectra of the Chl-𝑎-PE pellet containing a low amount of Chl-a (pellet 1, around 4.0 wt-%) are presented in Fig. 2a, after normalization and background correction with the Vancouver algorithm. The results from the FTIR experiments plotted between 4.5 and 11 THz (150 and 367 cm−1) show that the main far-infrared spectral features of Chl-𝑎 molecules have three strong characteristic absorption bands centred at 6.01 THz (200 cm−1), 8.83 THz (295 cm−1), and 9.24 THz (308 cm−1). These peak positions, reported in Table 2, agree well with the spectra presented in Refs. 17 and 18. Far-infrared studies have shown that aggregation of chlorophyll induces a supplementary 300–312 cm−1 absorption band. The features above 200 cm−1 primarily correspond to intramolecular bonds in Chl-𝑎. Many of the features have been assigned [16–18] and relate mainly to skeletal deformations of the porphyrin section of the Chl-𝑎 molecule, with strong contributions from Mg-N or Mg-O bending and stretching modes. A similar description may be applied to the far-infrared and THz spectra of Chl-Mg-Na but no comparison could be made using previous studies from the literature. Far-infrared absorbance spectra were obtained using different concentrations of Chl-Mg-Na powder in the PE matrix (pellets 13 to 16, Table 1) and are reported in Fig. 2b. Compared to the far-infrared spectra of Chl-𝑎 in Fig. 2a, a number of well-resolved and narrower absorption peaks are seen in the range 3–18 THz (100–600 cm−1).
The higher Chl-Mg-Na concentration (pellet 13, blue curve) led to saturation of the strong absorption band centred at 5.32 THz (177 cm− 1) in the far-infrared spectrum but resulted in more pronounced peaks in the THz range (Fig. 2b). These peaks will be discussed in more detail in the paragraph on THz-TDS spectra results. In addition to the major peaks reported in Table 2, many weaker features appeared, which leads to peak broadening, and formation of shoulders. Complementary Raman and SERS experiments were also carried out. While the intensity of many bands typically changes in both SERS and FTIR spectra, SERS combines the specificity of vibrational Raman spectroscopy with the increased sensitivity provided by plasmon assisted scattering, induced by colloidal AgNPs [29]. Further enhancement of the SERS signal can be gained by adding salt to colloidal AgNPs, this causes slight aggregation of the nanoparticles and leads to the formation of SERS ‘hotspots’ [30]. Figure 3 presents Raman spectrum of Chl-Mg-Na in solution and SERS spectra in presence of AgNPs. The peaks in this frequency range (200–1600 cm− 1) are governed by the intra-molecular vibrations of the sample. Below 400 cm− 1, the Chl-Mg-Na solution exhibits a broad feature in the 290–310 cm− 1 region (8-69-9.29THz) observed in FTIR spectra and arising from aggregation. The comparison of the SERS absorption peaks of Chl-Mg-Na with both SERS [31] and resonant Raman spectra of Chl-𝑎 [32] reveals that the SERS spectrum of Chl-Mg-Na is almost similar to that of Chl-𝑎. Most of the frequency difference are less than 10 cm−1. In the intramolecular frequency range, the SERS spectra of the natural Chl-𝑎 and of Chl-Mg-Na being qualitatively similar suggests that the features observed at 302 and 340 cm−1 in the Chl-Mg-Na spectrum can be assigned to MgN4 intramolecular vibrations.
Table 2
Frequency position of THz and far-infrared absorption features of Chl-𝑎 and of Chl-Mg-Na at room temperature (in THz and in cm−1). Data from other reports are also included*,♦,♠,♣,♥.
(This work)
(This work)
(This work)
(This work)
1.45 (48.4) s
1.56 (52.0) w
1.73 (57.7) vs
1.86 (62.0) s
3.72 (124) m
4.83 (161) m
6.01 (200) vs
7.05 (235) m
7.85 (262) m
8.83 (295) vs
9.24 (308) vs
10.56 (352) m
1.64 (54.7) s
1.72 (57.4) vs
1.86 (62.0) vs
1.98 (66.0) s
1.42 (47.4) s
1.68 (56.0) sb
2.45 (81.7) m
5.46 (182) w
5.97 (199) mb
7.85 (262) w
9.08 (303) vs
10.40 (347) m
11.39 (380) w
11.93 (398) s
13.97 (466) m
14.27 (476) w
5.70 (190) mb
6.24 (208) sb
6.48 (216) m
7.31 (244) w
8.24 (275) m
9.11 (304) mb
11.33 (378) vs
13.01 (434) s
13.76 (459) m
1.442 (48.1) s
1.535 (51.2) vw
1.637 (54.6) m
1.823 (61.3) vs
1.96 (65.4) m
2.03 (67.7) vw
2.24 (74.6) w
2.57 (85.8) m
2.84 (94.5) m
1.83 (60.8) vs
2.24 (74.6) w
2.57 (85.8) s
2.84 (94.5) m
3.44 (114) s
5.32 (177) vsb
5.78 (193) vsb
6.47 (216) w
7.10 (237) m
7.83 (261) s
8.43 (281) vs
8.82 (294) vs
9.39 (313) m
10.36 (345) m
10.96 (365) s
12.01 (400) s
12.14 (405) s
12.54 (418) w
13.22 (441) m
14.17 (472) vs
15.02 (501) wb
15.67 (522) s
16.13 (538) s
16.56 (552) s
17.50 (583) m
(290–310) m
10.19 (340) m
10.85 (362) m
(370–390) mb
12.62 (421) s
13.64 (455) m
14.24 (475) w
15.02 (501) m
16.37 (546) m
17.50 (583) m
*Entries: s, strong; m, medium; w, weak; b, broad; v, very. ♦Data from Wagner [21], ♠Data from Qu [20], ♣Data from Fujiwara [17], ♥Data from Tajmir-Riahi [18]. |
3.2 THz-TDS Spectra of Chl-Mg-Na and Chl-𝑎
Figure 4a shows the raw absorbance data for three pellets of Chl-Mg-Na (pellets 8–10) and one pellet of PE (pellet 18). The weak oscillations at low frequencies for the Chl-Mg-Na pellets are artefacts caused by multiple reflections of the probe beam through the sample, while well-resolved and sharp spectral features are observed above 1.3 THz. In addition, the observed background absorption may indicate the presence of amorphous regions in the Chl-Mg-Na samples. Due to the lack of long-range symmetry all sharp spectral features disappear, but absorption remains significant due to the random orientation of intermolecular bonds and scattering losses. The background corrected spectra obtained using the Vancouver algorithm with a 5th order polynomial fit method for the four pellets are shown in Fig. 4b. For a clearer representation the data have been offset vertically. For the higher Chl-Mg-Na quantity (pellets 8 and 9), three well-resolved features were obtained at 1.44, 1.64, and 1.83 THz (Fig. 4b). An enlarged view of the features observed for Chl-Mg-Na above 1.3 THz is shown in Fig. 4c, and for comparison, the THz-TDS spectra of Chl-𝑎 is displayed in the inset of Fig. 2a.
While some similarities with the Chl-𝑎 spectra are observed, the strong features observed in Chl-𝑎 around 1.45 THz, 1.73 THz and 1.86 THz are slightly shifted towards lower frequencies for Chl-Mg-Na (0.01 THz, 0.09 THz and 0.03 THz, respectively). For the two polycrystalline species, these spectral features, as in many molecular crystals, may be explained as originating from mixed intermolecular and intramolecular vibrations. For the pellets with high quantity of Chl-Mg-Na, the feature around 1.96 THz was difficult to identify, as a direct consequence of limited dynamic range of the experiment, the sample signal reached the noise floor level of the experiment.
To acquire robust absorption spectra above 1.9 THz, smaller amounts of Chl-Mg-Na were therefore required. The absorption features at low frequencies (pellets 10 and 12) significantly decrease in intensity, but the sample signal reached the noise floor level of the experiment at higher frequencies [8]. Thus the features at higher frequencies (1.96, 2.24, 2.57 and 2.84 THz) can be clearly observed. In addition, the inset in Fig. 4c shows that THz-TDS spectra and FTIR spectra are in good agreement, and demonstrate the reproducibility and complementarity of both techniques in this study. It was aforementioned that the Chl-Mg-Na powder includes a small percentage of magnesium stearate (< 0.5 wt-%) for lubricating purposes. In order to determine the effects magnesium stearate can have on the current study, pellets 19 and 20 were prepared with 0.5 and 2 wt-% of magnesium stearate in PE respectively (Table 1). As expected, no absorption peaks were observed in the THz frequency range (Supporting Information), due to either the low concentration or to the amorphous nature of the magnesium stearate.
The relatively strong and well-resolved features observed for Chl-Mg-Na samples present an opportunity for quantitative analysis. Therefore, we have investigated the response of the stronger features (1.44, 1.64, and 1.83 THz) with change of chlorophyll quantity. The frequency positions of the three peaks were determined by a multipeak-fit using Lorentzian function (Inset of Fig. 5) with amplitude, full-width half-maxima, and offset as parameters. Figure 5 presents the plot of the absorbance (after background subtraction) as a function of quantity of chlorophyll in the pellet. This was done at all three frequencies with a fitted line crossing zero referring to zero amount. As anticipated, the background corrected absorbance increases linearly with Chl-Mg-Na quantity in the pellet. The results clearly suggest that the feature at 1.83 THz can be used for quantification of chlorophyll in polycrystalline form.
3.3 Refractive Index and Absorption Coefficient of Chl-Mg-Na material extracted from THz-TDS data
To extract precise and reliable intrinsic optical parameters from the Chl-Mg-Na material (Supporting Information), we made use of the open-source time-fitting software called Fit@TDS and developed by Peretti et al. [26]. The software enables a user to compare the recorded temporal pulse with the modelled one using an optimization approach. We performed the THz-TDS measurements in a timing window of 500 ps with steps of 20 fs for optimal frequency resolution. In order to adequately fit the data and retrieve the refractive index, the absorption coefficient, the frequency, the width and the oscillator strength of the features observed in the THz range, we followed the methodology used in Ref. 26. First, the Fabry-Pérot oscillations were retrieved by fitting the transmission data of a pure Chl-Mg-Na pellet (pellet 6) using the simplest model. The resulting residual error obtained for each pellet exhibited broad, high frequency losses, hence we added the strong oscillator observed around 5.5 THz in the far-infrared measurements (Fig. 2b). To take into account the well-marked features in the absorption spectrum, we added the four oscillators associated with the features at 1.44, 1.64, 1.83, and 1.96 THz (Table 3). The experimental time-trace of the pellet recording in the time-domain and the resulting fitted time-trace are illustrated in Fig. 6a. The corresponding spectra in the frequency-domain are displayed in Fig. 6b. The fitted values of the real part of the refractive index \(\varvec{n}\left(\varvec{\omega }\right)\) and of the absorption coefficient \(\left(\varvec{\omega }\right)\) are shown in Figs. 6c and 6d, respectively. All absorption peaks are accompanied by significant change of the refractive index near the feature. Below 1.0 THz, the Chl-Mg-Na material has a constant refractive index \(\varvec{n}\left(\varvec{\omega }\right)\) of approximately 2.09. The absorption coefficient \(\left(\varvec{\omega }\right)\) remains < 150 cm− 1 below 2.5 THz. Table 3 lists the resulting fit parameters of the features, extracted from the pure Chl-Mg-Na pellet. It should be noted that the thickness extracted from the fit in the time-domain (408 µm), is in good agreement with the digital micrometer measurement (426 µm).
Table 3
Optimized parameters for the first four absorption features of the 77.8-mg pure Chl-Mg-Na sample (pellet 6).
Fitted thickness: 408 µm, Permittivity at very high frequency: 3.833
Oscillator Frequency [THz]
Oscillator Linewidth
Oscillator strength
84.3 10− 3
85.3 10− 3
87.9 10− 3
81.2 10− 3
1.79 10− 3
0.50 10− 3
7.04 10− 3
1.50 10− 3
3.4 Temperature dependence of the low frequency vibrational features for Chl-Mg-Na
Observing the temperature dependence of the low-frequency vibrational modes provides additional information and can play a decisive role in the assignment of the features. At 0 K, the motions of atoms around the equilibrium minima are well described by a harmonic potential. As temperature increases, a comparison of the experimental and calculated vibrational frequencies for most of the molecular crystals indicates the presence of pronounced anharmonicity in the intermolecular interactions [10, 11]. In addition to anharmonicity, temperature-dependent structural changes can also have a large effect on vibrational features. Thus, as the temperature is increased, the THz features experience notable line shape broadening and shifts in frequencies. Investigating the temperature changes of the low-frequency vibrational features of chlorophyll is critical for future simulations and assignments of the modes in chlorophyll THz spectra at room temperature. Figure 7a shows the background corrected absorbance spectra of a pure Chl-Mg-Na pellet from 88 K to 298 K (pellet 7). The low-temperature spectra have significantly sharper, well-defined features.
This thermal effect is particularly pronounced for the peak centred at 1.83 THz (Fig. 7b). The amplitude, frequency position, and full-width half-maxima of the four well-resolved features at 1.44, 1.64, 1.83, and 1.96 THz were determined by a multipeak fit using a Lorentzian function and these parameters were plotted against temperature in Figs. 8a, 8b, and 8c, respectively. As the temperature is increased (\(\varvec{T}\)= 212 K), the changes in amplitude of the strong absorption peak centred at 1.83 THz is of 17%. Its red shift is pronounced with a value of 0.030 THz (1.0 cm− 1), while the changes in full-width half-maxima is of 0.02 THz (0.50 cm− 1). It should be noted that the effect would have been more marked when using THz spectra recorded at the lowest possible temperature to reduce the anharmonic effects. Interestingly, the spectral features at 1.44 THz does not shift significantly and does not display a large temperature dependence in terms of amplitude and full-width half-maxima. This implies that anharmonicity and thermally induced structural changes only have a weak contribution in the cases of this vibrational feature. Further work to study the behaviour of the vibrational modes of Chl-Mg-Na without studying the temperature dependence has been done. This was carried out by introducing a small amount of solvent to the material to change the molecular environment and alter the intermolecular vibrational modes [33]. In a previous paper [34], we observed the changes of the THz features of Chl-Mg-Na pellets by changing the degree of hydration. The small amount of water in the Chl-Mg-Na polycrystals was easily removed under vacuum and as a consequence, as the sample dried the intensity of the 1.83 THz feature decreased and its position shifted to lower frequencies. After 6 h of dehydration, the 1.83 THz feature shifted by 0.014 THz (0.47 cm− 1) towards lower frequencies. In contrast, no drastic change was observed for the 1.44 THz feature. Additional experimental details are provided in the Supporting Information. The results are consistent with the temperature dependence suggesting that the stronger feature at 1.83 THz is dominated by intermolecular vibrations in the Chl-Mg-Na polycrystals.
3.5 THz-TDS Spectra of chlorophyll in plant leaves
Estimating the concentration of leaf pigments using spectroscopy techniques has always been one of the most significant issues in plant sciences [35]. However, the overriding question concerning our study is: can we detect the presence of chlorophyll directly in a plant organ using THz spectroscopy? To address this issue, we have chosen to compare the THz absorption between green and non-green tissues of the leaves in variegated plants. Green sectors of pigment-related variegated plants contain high quantities of chlorophyll, while non-green sectors have little or no chlorophyll [36–38]. Here, leaves of variegated ivy shown in the inset of Fig. 9a were investigated. THz absorption spectra from pellets of dehydrated yellow and green tissues were measured. The first step of the experiments consisted to press dehydrated green and yellow tissues into pellets (20 and 21, respectively). This allowed to measure the chlorophyll absorption over a thickness greater than the thickness of a leaf and the formation of uniform, planar interfaces. THz-TDS measurements were performed at 298 K and 88 K (Fig. 9). The 298 K spectrum of the green pellet contains a very broad feature with a central frequency of 1.86 THz (62.0 cm-1) (Fig. 9a), while the 88 K spectrum shown in the same figure has a significantly sharper peak that is more well-defined and with a central frequency of 1.87 THz (62.4 cm-1). The frequency value obtained at 298 K remains very close to the one observed in our previous studies with isolated Chl-𝑎. The yellow pellet showed a very weak feature at low temperature with a central frequency of 1.86 THz (Fig. 9b). This indicates that the chlorophyll content in the yellow sectors of a variegated variety is low [36, 37]. It should be noted that plants also contain Chl-b that can contribute to the diversity of recorded spectra. Thus, for a more comprehensive analysis, the investigation of low-frequency vibrations in Chl-b would be important for future studies. In the work presented herein, the low-frequency vibration around 1.86 THz suggests that weak non-covalent interactions between chlorophyll molecules can form during the dehydration process. The self-aggregation (and crystal packing) is dense enough to show well-marked intermolecular vibrational modes.