Physicochemical and morphological characterization
The structural and morphological characteristics of pure BC and BC/ZB-6 composite aerogel were investigated by SEM and AFM, and the representative images are shown in Fig. 2. The 3D porous networks consisting of BC microfibrils and microfibril bundles were clearly presented, and the sub-elementary fibril assembled with adjoining fibrils into about 100 nm wide flat and twisted ribbons as the result of cell mitosis. Meanwhile, some randomly three-way branching patterns also show in pure BC aerogel, probably ascribed to the generation of cellulose crystal sheets by van der Waals and H-bonding. Selected ribbons with a single fiber diameter of 78 and 128 nm were measured, respectively, and the average height of 49.2 nm was statistically analyzed from the AFM images. The successful loading of ZB was visually confirmed by the extensive distribution of spherical nanoparticles with an average diameter of 500 nm on the surface of fibers. Although the tightly deposited ZB particles did not change the porous microstructure of the BC network, the filling of ZB particles resulted in the separation of single fibers from fiber bundles during the in situ synthesis process. The probable explanation could be that the Zn ions are known as strong to break the H-bondings between cellulose chains and form several coordinate linkages, inserting the generated ZB particles between single fibers and also leading to the increased surface roughness to 70.4 nm. Accordingly, the average diameter of ZB nanoparticles was measured to be 400 nm and normally distributed (Supporting Materials, Figure S2), confirming by the metric data in AMF images. The elementary distribution inside the network of the BC/ZB-6 was further confirmed the homogemetic generation of ZB particles, and the corresponding contents of B, C, O, and Zn are calculated to be 25.0%, 14.9%, 50.0%, and 10.2%, respectively (Fig. 3).
XRD and FTIR analysis was applied to characterize the variations of crystal configuration and functional groups in BC after loading ZB particles (Supporting Materials, Figure S3). The presence of two typical diffraction peaks in the analyzed region of the BC spectrum, specifically at 2θ = 14.6° and 22.7° for (101) and (002) planes, respectively, are assigned to the distinct phases known as Iα and Iβ in cellulose I type of crystal structure with high uniplanar orientation (Qi et al. 2009). The α and β index are associated with the crystalline structure of these linear chains: triclinic and monoclinic, respectively (Koyama et al. 1997). Accompany with the formation and deposition of ZB particles, the surface of cellulose chains was extensively decorated with little effect on the crystal configuration of cellulose, evidenced by the remaining typical peaks at 2θ = 14.4° and 23.0°. Meanwhile, the diffraction peaks at 29.0°, 30.0°, 36.0°, and some intermittent peaks in the range of 38–68° confirm the successful synthesis of ZB particles according to the previous literature (Gonen et al. 2009), and other two typical peaks at 18.0° and 22.0° are covered by the crystalline peaks of cellulose. The possible chemical interactions between cellulose chains and ZB particles were also investigated in FTIR analysis. The characteristic absorptions of BC were assigned at 3341 cm− 1 (-OH stretching), 2894 cm− 1 (C-H stretching), 1200 − 1000 cm− 1 (ring vibrations overlapped with stretching vibrations of C–OH side groups), and 899 cm− 1 (the C-1 group frequency of ring frequency in the β-glycosidic linkage between the sugar units). Additionally, a band at 1427 cm− 1 indicates the coexistence of crystallized and amorphous cellulose (Nelson and O’Connor 1964). The numerous ZB particles covered the cellulosic fibrils after the compound process, and several typical peaks from ZB appeared, including B3-O symmetric stretching vibration at 1390 cm− 1, B4-O symmetric stretching vibration at 1194 − 1048 cm− 1, and B4-O asymmetric stretching vibration at 832 cm− 1 (Gonen et al. 2009).
Thermal stability of BC/ZB composite aerogel
In view of the crucial thermal stability for the practical application of adiabatic materials, the pure BC and BC/ZB composite aerogels were thermal degraded and evaluated by TGA under an N2 atmosphere from 50 to 700 ℃ with a heating rate of 10 ℃/min (Fig. 4a). The single-step thermal degradation was clearly observed for BC aerogel, breaking the basic glucose unit in cellulose and generating CO2, tarry volatiles (levoglucosan and anhydrosugars), and char by concurrent depolymerization and dehydration reactions. The Tm (the temperature at the maximum rate of mass decomposition) was determined to be 354.9°C. Due to the uniform spreading of ZB particles inside BC aerogel, the composite aerogel took the shape of an unceasing network structure defensive layer with the steady augment of ZB particles. However, it is surprising to note that all BC/ZB samples underwent two-steps thermal degradation process, and the temperature for the massive weight loss at the first stage gradually shifted from about 135°C to 85°C. This result was closely related to the free water in ZB since the more and deeper deposition of ZB in the BC network, the more released water and the lower the onset temperature. Further increasing the temperature to about 350°C could lead to the dehydration of ZB, releasing the bound water and producing ZnO and B2O3, which could form a dense barrier on the surface of cellulosic fibrils to protect it from further ignition. However, the unsaturated coating of ZB particles inevitably resulted in the exposure and thermal degradation of bare fibrils inside the BC network at around 355°C, as samples BC/ZB-1 and BC/ZB-3. Two endothermic peaks could be recognized in the curves of derivative thermogravimetry analysis (DTA), one for the removal of bound water from BZ (312.14°C for BC/ZB-1 and 343.24°C for BC/ZB-3) and the other for the pyrolysis of cellulose (353.01°C for BC/ZB-1 and 358.28°C for BC/ZB-3), respectively. In comparison, the BC/ZB-6 sample exhibited a stable degradation rate during the whole pyrolysis, evidenced by the flat curve from DTA and the minimum weight loss (62%, Fig. 4b, Table S2) at the end of pyrolysis. Correspondingly, the weight loss from releasing bound water in the temperature zone from 85°C to 350°C was measured to be 22.9%, which is related to the loss of 7 water molecules (Zn2B6O11•7H2O) and near to the calculated value of 25.3%. This result indicated that hardly any BC was affected during high-temperature decomposition, demonstrating the excellent thermal stability of BC/ZB-6 sample. Further exploring the photothermal properties of the composite aerogel, an IR thermal camera was employed to record the corresponding temperature distribution and then evaluate the thermal behavior under light irradiation (Supporting Materials, Figure S4). Interestingly, the BC and BC/ZB-6 composite aerogels showed similar photothermal properties, and the surface temperatures were all steady at 4.5°C higher than the ambient temperature after 10 min light irradiation at 1 kW/m2. Combining with the corresponding cooling curves of these two samples (Supporting Materials, Figure S5a), the BC/ZB-6 sample showed slightly better thermal insulation than BC from the more stable surface temperature in temperature rising and less heat loss in temperature drop. The chocolate on top of the BC/ZB-6 composite aerogel basically remained the original shape, differing from the melted one on BC after being heated on the asbestos mesh with alcohol lamp for 210s (Supporting Materials, Figure S5b). It is known that the three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation, in which gas convection is supposed to dominate in the heat transfer in the cellulose aerogel since the developed pores occupied most of the space in the network of BC and the radiation transfer could be ignored at ambient temperatures. Therefore, the BC itself exhibited a good property of heat resistance. The massive deposition of ZB particles inner BC decreased the pore size (as shown in Fig. 2) and the thermal conductivity because of the weakened convective intensity (Fleury et al. 2020). Meanwhile, the solid particles could facilitate the reflection and refraction of heat rays, which is hard to penetrate into the internal network, resulting in the further improved thermal stability of the composite aerogel.
Flame retardancy of BC/ZB composite aerogels
In order to comparatively investigate the performance on flame retardancy, the pure BC and BC/ZB-6 aerogels were ignited and combusted. Clearly, the pure BC aerogel was quickly ignited with rapid flame propagation and completely burned after the removal of the flame, showing the high flammability of pure cellulosic material (Fig. 5a-d). However, the BC/ZB-6 sample could hardly be ignited and combusted, and almost remained intact after the test (Fig. 5e-h), indicating that the incorporation of ZB particles could efficiently increase the flame retardancy of cellulosic material. Moreover, the variation of main elements after burning was monitored by high-resolution XPS analysis (Fig. 6 and Supporting Materials Figure S6). The peaks at 192 and 1022.3/1045.5 eV are assigned to the binding energy of B 1s and Zn 2p, indicating the existence of B2O3 (Köklükaya et al. 2017; Li et al. 2017) and ZnO (Jaramillo-Paez et al. 2018), respectively, and almost maintained after combustion, indicating that the dehydration process of ZB did not affect the instinct chemical attachment in Zn2B6O11•7H2O. Accordingly, the most bonded oxygen is also well presented at 531.9 eV (the binding energies of O 1s) (Zhu et al. 2018). Therefore, the main variation of chemical valence was carbon, whose C 1s peak could be deconvoluted into three peaks, assigning to the C-H bond (284.5 eV), C-O-H bond (286.2 eV), and C-O-C bond (287.6 eV), respectively (Giesbers et al. 2013). In comparison, the intensity of the C-O-H peak decreased while that of the C-O-C peak, in turn, increased. This phenomenon could probably be explained as the thermal degradation of the trace amount of cellulosic fibrils, which stretched out of the BC aerogel.
The microscale combustion calorimeter (MCC) was used to further quantitatively analyze the ignitability of the BC/ZB-6 composite aerogel. The heat release rate (HRR) curves (Fig. 7) and other combustion properties, including the heat release capacity (HRC), total heat release (THR), the peak of heat release rate (PHRR) and the corresponding temperature (TPHRR), are listed in Table 1. A sharp HRR peak at 352°C and the corresponding HRC value (237 J·g− 1 k− 1) were detected from pure BC aerogel, indicating the quick releasement of large amount of heat in a short time. On the contrary, the incorporation of ZB particles significantly decreased the intensity of HRR peak, which was slightly shifted to the lower temperature (319°C). The HRC value correspondingly dropped to 8 J·g− 1 k− 1, as well as the data on PHRR (from 214 W/g to 7 W/g) and THR (from 11.5 kJ/g to 1.6 kJ/g), exhibiting the excellent flame retardancy of the BC/ZB aerogel. The proposed mechanisms for enhancing thermal and flame retardant behaviors by depositing ZB particles are comparatively illustrated in Fig. 8. The dehydration of ZB particles carried lots of heat away at the beginning of combustion, lowering the surface temperature and releasing a large amount of moisture around the BC/ZB-6 sample. Without producing any toxic, flammable, or corrosive gas during the burning process (Khalili et al. 2019), the generated metallic oxides (ZnO and B2O3) formed a continuous and dense protective layer, not only retarding the spread of heat but also isolating the flammable fibrils within the combustion area (Li et al. 2019). It is worth mentioning that the saturated deposition of ZB particles on the surface of cellulose fibrils is critical for the flame retardancy of composite aerogel since fire is sensitive to any possible exposure of BC and spread around.
Table 1
MCC results of pure BC and BC/ZB-6 aerogels.
Samples | HRC (J/g·k) | PHRR (W/g) | THR (kJ/g) | TPHRR (℃) |
BC | 237 | 214 | 11.5 | 352 |
BC/ZB-6 | 8 | 7 | 1.6 | 319 |