3.1 Effect of variation of band gap on CuSbS2 absorber in solar cells
The present study indicated that the CuSbS2 absorber layer’s band gap varied from 1.0 eV to 1.8 eV, at the interval of 1.2 eV. All the performance parameters have been depicted in Fig. 2. In Fig. 2(a), ‘Voc’, and in Fig. 2(c) ‘field factor’ of solar cell with HTL MoTe2 showed an increase in the band gap of absorber layer, with an increase up to 1.4 eV that saturated thereafter. However, Voc increased for all values of band gap values of the absorber, even without HTL solar cell. Figure 2(b) indicated that short circuit current (Jsc) decreased with increase in band gap of absorber layer for structure of the solar cell.
The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of both solar cells increased, up to band gap of 1.4 eV; but, any further increase in band gap caused PCE to decrease. This observation could be owing to fewer electron moving from valence to conduction band. This process has been schematically depicted also [Figure 2(d)]. The highest power conversion efficiency with HTL was 27.87% (Voc = 0.97 V, Jsc = 34.1 mA/cm2 and %FF = 84.08%), and without HTL was 20.96% (Voc = 0.89 V, Jsc = 28.07 mA/cm2 and %FF = 83.20%). The optimized PCE at about 28% was at band gap 1.4 eV with HTL (Fig. 2d).
3.2 Effect of variation of thickness of CuSbS2 absorber in solar cells
In this part of the work, CuSbS2 absorber layer thickness was varied from 500 nm to 2500 nm, at an interval of 500 nm. All performance parameters, as in previous section of study, were also adopted herein, and have been depicted in Fig. 3. Figures 3 (a) and (c) show that Voc and FF, when without HTL, increase for all value of thickness of absorber layer. But, with HTL these values decreased for all values of absorber layer, with reduced thickness of panel material.
Figures 3 (b) and (d) show that values of Jsc and PCE, with HTL and without HTL, increased for all values of the absorber layer. The highest conversion efficiency of absorber layer with MoTe2 HTL was 30.4% (Voc = 1.00 V, Jsc = 36.08 mA/cm2, %FF = 84.02%); while without HTL, highest power conversion efficiency was 25.89% (Voc = 0.97 V, Jsc = 31.60 mA/cm2, %FF = 84.31). Thus, HTL increased efficiency of the solar cells, with optimized value at 2250 nm, with PCE at 30% (Fig. 3d). This observation could be owing to the fact that the HTL blocked electrons, and provided passage to the holes emanating from the depletion region. HTL also reduces the carrier recombination of the back contact solar cell.
When the value of thickness of the absorber layer increased, longer wavelength photons were absorbed in the said layer that generated additional number of electron hole pairs. Hence, values of Voc and Jsc also increased. Thickness in solar cells is also debated at length. Few opine that thickness, even though improves performance of the solar panel, such thick cells may experience higher recombination rates. Since recombination represents loss of energy of electrons such that they drop from conduction band to valence band. Thus, opposed to photogeneration, a higher than threshold thickness may not be useful. It should be such that generation rate > recombination rate so that sufficient carriers are available to carry the photocurrent in the solar cell [12].
3.3 Effect of variation of temperature on CuSbS2 absorber
The performance of the composite cell under temperature stress has been interesting. All the performance parameters have been depicted in Fig. 4. The Figs. 4 (a, c, d) depict that fill factor and PCE values decreased for both constructs of solar cells. Figure 4(b) illustrates that ‘Jsc’ slightly increased with increase in temperature because band gap energy slightly decreased therein. This created extra energy photons to produce electron hole pairs under such circumstances. The highest power efficiency with HTL was 27.32% (Voc = 1.01 V, Jsc = 31.87 mA/cm2, %FF = 84.71). The same without HTL power conversion efficiency was 20.88% (Voc = 0.94V, Jsc = 26.28 mA/cm2, %FF = 84.03) (Fig. 4d).
In agreement with our data, it is notable that low temperature operation has also been typically favoured for solar cells in other studies as well. Improved performance of solar cells at low temperatures has been observed for TiO2/CuO solar cells [8]. With increase in temperature, the band gap of the semiconductor material of the solar cell becomes reduces, causing fall in Voc. The decreased voltage is owing to dependency of p-n junction on temperature. This causes lesser release of charged particles at the same intensity of incident solar radiation, resulting in drop in energy generation. However, the current increases, due to the fact that more number of electrons are raised from valence band to conduction band, causing increased photocurrent [13].
The increased current at high temperature has also been reasoned on the basis that more than necessary energy is available to excite electrons in semiconductor for PVE to occur. The increased concentration of electrons at high operating temperatures increases carrier current, as voltage in solar cell drops [14]. Typically, any solar module would operate between 20–40°C (293–313 K), depending on the design and intensity of incoming sunlight. This type of temperature situation in the open is quite critical in tropical countries (ambient temperature 30–40°C) for solar panel installation, and appropriate operational care must be taken for adequate efficiency, given the temperature effects discussed. .
Excessive increases in temperature can also damage the cell and other module material. This phenomenon is well explained by Al-khazzar. The author points out that due to increased electrical resistance at high temperatures in conducting materials, mobility of charged carriers (electrons) decreases, and as a result voltage drops. This phenomenon is also justified by the fact that carrier mobility is inversely related to temperature [15]. Hence, our finding is in unison with the concept of low temperature performance for solar cells.
Similar findings on improved solar cells performance with multi-layered composite has also been reported by other authors as well. It has been empirical proven that fabrication of parent solar cell construct with additional materials is a success. Spray based solar cell with CuSbS2 (as an absorber layer) has been fabricated to achieve maximum power conversion efficiency at 0.34% [16]. Also, Ag- substituted thin film solar cell reportedly improves the efficiency from 0.73–2.48% [17]. In another find, researchers obtained CH3NH3GeI3 perovskite solar cells based on CuSbS2 with efficiency ~ 2% [18]. Selenized CuSbS2 improves the device performance efficiency 0.78% [19]. These data strongly suggest constructive role of CuSbS2 in solar power generation.
3.4. Performance indices of solar cells with HTL
The performance data of photovoltaic parameters of solar cells with HTL and without HTL, as observed experimentally have been presented in Table 2. The data has also been compared with a similar work on CuSbS2 as solar absorber, but without HTL. Comparing common performance indices, it is evident that statistically significant difference of solar cells with HTL and without HTL occurred for all test parameters except fill factor. Also, for solar cells without MoTe2, statistically insignificant difference between cells of present study without HTL and a similar work conducted by Sadanand and Dwivedi of our research group previously, confirming correct cells construct in the present work, and compliance of material qualities [9]. This observation further establishes reliability of data obtained with MoTe2, with regards material quality and attributes.
Table 2
Comparison of photovoltaic parameters of solar cells with HTL and without HTL
Thickness of CuSbS2 absorber layer
Open –circuit voltage, Voc
Short circuit current density, Jsc
Fill factor,
FF (%)
Power conversion efficiency,
PCE (%)
1000 nm*
Not used*
0.91 ± 0.02 a,*
28.25 ± 1.80 a,*
81.10 ± 2.50 a,*
21.09 ± 1.90 a,*
1000 nm
Not used
0.94 ± 0.02 a
26.28 ± 1.90 a
84.03 ± 2.30 a
20.88 ± 1.80 a
1000 nm
1.01 ± 0.01 b
31.87 ± 2.10 b
84.71 ± 2.60 a
27.72 ± 1.85 b
[9]*. |
a,bDifferent letters in a column represent significant difference at p ≤ 0.05. |
Evidently, significant increase in parameter values such as Voc, Jsc, %FF and %PCE confirm a constructive role of MoTe2. Using p-MoTe2 few authors have achieved efficiency of solar cells as high as 16%, at HTL thickness at least 60 nm, when working on CdTe film as solar panel material. The said experiments were also in silico, being a simulation product of SCAPS 1D software [20]. Another similar experiment using HTL in Sb2Se2 (absorber) in solar cells with CuO as HTL material has been a success. The said experiment also involved SCAPS-1D simulation software, and reported a 23.18% efficiency [21]. In fact, the congruence of simulation data of SCAPS 1D in solar cells with testimony from empirical experiments has been evident in formamidinum perovskite solar cells [22], justifying possible similarity of the simulation data obtained in the present work, with experimental data (when conducted).