The MDR of an isolated U-shaped SRR is responsible for THz generation6. It can be excited directly by a pumping beam with the electric field polarized perpendicular to the SRR’s symmetry axis (↔, x-polarization). However, this mode cannot be excited directly by the electric field oriented along the SRR’s symmetry axis (↕, y-polarization). On the other hand, indirect excitation of the MDR becomes possible through coupling if another resonator is placed nearby in a way that disturbs the SRR’s symmetry.
Controlling the amplitude of THz generation through coupling. In order to excite and enable the control of the MDR of SRRs by y-polarized light, we place a pair of SRRs symmetrically on the left and right sides of a bar resonator (type-I meta-molecule, Fig. 2a). While incident x-polarized light will excite the MDR of both SRRs directly and in phase, incident y-polarized light first excites the electric dipole resonance of the bar resonator (bright mode), which then couples through near-fields to the SRRs and excites their MDRs (dark mode) with a π phase difference between the two SRRs (Fig. 2b). In either case, the MDR leads to in-phase nonlinear currents that flow along the arms of both SRRs, giving rise to the y-polarized THz radiation that interferes constructively in the far-field6. Due to its symmetry, the bar resonator and its electric dipole mode can only support out-of-phase nonlinear currents that do not contribute to far-field THz radiation.
This indirect MDR excitation through coupling between bright and dark modes is usually described as classical analogue of EIT14. In this process, stronger coupling strengthens the MDR excitation but weakens the electric dipole resonance. Thus, the amplitude of the nonlinear THz generation can be controlled by changing the coupling strength via adjusting the position (y-separation ΔS) of the SRRs relative to the bar resonator.
In the experiment, four samples with different ΔS’s are fabricated using e-beam lithography (see Methods). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the meta-molecules are shown as insets of Fig. 2c. We will focus on y-polarized illumination for the control over the MDR excitation and THz emission, as illustrated by Fig. 2c-g. (For x-polarized illumination the response resembles that of individual SRRs. As illustrated by Fig. 2b, there is little dependence on ΔS as the effects of the MDRs of both SRRs on the bar resonator cancel, see Fig. S1.) Fig. 2c shows the measured linear transmission spectra for y-polarized illumination (see Methods). When ΔS = − 20 nm, only a single broad resonance at 1280 nm occurs. As ΔS increases, an EIT window gradually emerges and becomes more pronounced at ~ 1220 nm, as indicated by the dashed line in Fig. 2c. To quantify the variation of the coupling strength, coupled-mode theory is used to fit the measured transmission spectra, revealing that the coupling coefficient increases monotonically with ΔS (Supplementary Note S1 and Fig. S2). This dependence results from the interplay between the electric and magnetic coupling of bar resonator and SRRs, which changes from destructive to constructive interference as ΔS increases in the studied range20. This trend is also confirmed using numerical simulation, where the MDR at 1220 nm gradually becomes stronger as ΔS increases, as illustrated by the Hz-field distributions in Fig. 2d (Supplementary Note S2 and Fig. S3). It is thus expected that the amplitude of the nonlinear THz generation will increase accordingly.
To experimentally characterize the nonlinear performance, the samples are measured using THz time-domain spectroscopy (see Methods and Fig. S4). The central wavelength of the incident fundamental wave (FW) is initially fixed at 1220 nm, and the pulse width is about 65 fs. Single-cycle THz pulses are detected from all samples, as illustrated in Fig. 2e, indicating broadband THz emission (bandwidths around 2.7 THz). Figure 2e shows that the amplitude of the THz pulses increases dramatically with the increase of the separation. At ΔS = − 20 nm, the THz signal is almost negligible, since the MDR is hardly excited due to weak coupling. As ΔS increases, the THz signal becomes stronger because of the enhanced coupling strength. We observe a 93.8% tuning range of the THz peak-to-peak amplitude ΔE, defined as (ΔEmax − ΔEmin)/ΔEmax with ΔEmax (ΔEmin) representing the measured maximum (minimum) THz peak-to-peak amplitudes of the four samples. The strength of the THz signal ΔE increases monotonically with the retrieved coupling coefficient (Fig. 2f). Further enhancement of the coupling coefficient by increasing ΔS is limited by the localization of the resonance fields. Next, we investigate the nonlinear performance in a broad FW wavelength range from 1160 nm to 1500 nm with a fixed pump fluence (Fig. 2g). Enhanced THz generation with increasing coupling strength is observed throughout the whole wavelength range. These findings are supported by nonlinear numerical simulations based on a Maxwell-hydrodynamic model8 (Supplementary Note S3 and Fig. S5a, S5b). The simulations show that the FW wavelengths of maximum THz generation are very close to the EIT window where the MDR excitation becomes strongest. The spectral dispersion of the measured THz peak-to-peak amplitude (Fig. 2g) closely follows the strength of the MDR (|Hz|2 at the SRR’s center) calculated based on linear simulations (Fig. S3) at different ΔS, which agrees with the nonlinear polarization equation (Supplementary Notes S2 and S3).
Near-field chirality in type-I meta-molecules. In the previous section we have confirmed that the MDRs could be excited directly or indirectly by incident x- or y-polarized pump fields, respectively, as illustrated by Fig. 2b.When the FW pump field contains both x- and y-polarized components (Ex and Ey), constructive and destructive interference between the in-phase (excited directly by Ex) and anti-phase (excited through coupling by Ey) magnetic dipole modes can occur in the two SRRs. In this case, the THz generation in each SRR will be determined by the amplitude contrast r = |Ey/Ex| and phase difference δ = ∠(Ey/Ex) of the incident field components. Under x-polarized illumination, the excitation of both the left and right magnetic dipole resonances (MDRs), ml and mr, can be described by aEx, where a is an invariant complex excitation coefficient. Whereas, under the y-polarized illumination, they can be expressed by ± bEy, where the complex excitation coefficient b is determined by coupling while opposite signs, + and −, apply to different SRRs. Therefore, we have ml = aEx + bEy and mr = aEx − bEy. Thus, when the incident polarization satisfies |a| = |br|, the left (right) MDR will not be excited due to destructive interference at δ + ϕ = π (0) with ϕ =∠(b/a), while the right (left) MDR excitation will be maximized by constructive interference. In particular, for a circularly polarized pump (r = 1 and δ = σπ/2), and meta-molecules satisfying b = ia, left-handed circularly polarized (LCP, σ = −1) pumping will only excite the left MDR, while right-handed circularly polarized (RCP, σ = 1) pumping will only excite the right MDR, providing handedness-selective resonance excitation.
The amplitude relation between a and b depends on the coupling strength and can be adjusted by changing ΔS, while the phase difference between the bright electric and dark magnetic dipole modes is close to π/2 around the dark resonance. Simulations show that the condition is satisfied by ΔS = 130 nm at a pump wavelength of 1130 nm (Fig. S6). However, it should be noted that the handedness-selective MDR excitation can only be observed in the near-field. In the far-field, there is no chiral response, as the type-I meta-molecule has mirror symmetry. Thus, from the nonlinear point of view, the THz emissions will also be the same under LCP and RCP pumping, since the two SRRs exhibit identical nonlinear responses. Nevertheless, this effect provides a route to obtain a far-field nonlinear chiral response by removing one SRR from the achiral type-I unit cell, resulting in the chiral type-II meta-molecule. Though coupling that affects a will emerge under x-polarized pumping in this case, the geometry can be adjusted to achieve handedness-selective MDR excitation in the remaining SRR.
Coupling-controlled nonlinear chiral response. By removing one SRR, we arrive at a type-II meta-molecule that derives a chiral nonlinear response from a planar chiral21–24 arrangement of a single SRR positioned on the left (or right) side of a bar resonator (Fig. 3a). It can be designed to only exhibit THz emission under LCP (or RCP) FW pumping. It is convenient to describe such optimized meta-molecules as left-handed (right-handed). The handedness-selective THz generation is schematically illustrated in Fig. 3b. Meanwhile, the adjustable coupling provides a route to tune the nonlinear chiral response and even to reverse it by changing ΔS. While this controls the amplitude of the generated THz radiation, the THz field remains y-polarized as the THz generation still arises from the MDR in the SRR. To demonstrate this, three samples with different ΔS were fabricated (SEM images shown as insets of Fig. 3c). The measured transmission spectra under y-polarized illumination are shown in Fig. 3c. A noticeable transmission window only occurs at ΔS = 70 nm at ~ 1250 nm, implying significant coupling between the electric dipole resonance and the MDR. At ΔS = − 30 and 20 nm, only single resonance dips are observed, indicating weak coupling. These features are confirmed by the corresponding simulated transmission spectra and near-field MDR intensities (Fig. S7). Simulated Hz-field distributions arising from circularly polarized pumping at 1250 nm wavelength (Fig. 3d) show that the handedness-selectivity of MDR excitation indeed increases as ΔS changes from − 30 nm to 70 nm. The model predicts that the design with ΔS = 70 nm comes close to handedness-selective MDR excitation around the EIT wavelength, where only LCP pumping excites the MDR of the SRR strongly (Fig. S7e), implying pump-handedness-selective THz generation.
Figure 3e shows the measured THz intensities (square of the THz peak-to-peak amplitudes) of the three samples under LCP and RCP pumping in a FW wavelength range of 1160 nm to 1500 nm at a fixed pump fluence. The FWs are incident from the back side (substrate side) of the samples. We observe broadband nonlinear chiral responses that are in agreement with the above expectations. The difference between the THz intensities generated by LCP and RCP pumping increases with ΔS. To quantify the nonlinear chiral response, we calculate the NLCD defined by NLCD = is the THz intensity under LCP (RCP) pumping. The broadband NLCD is clearly largest for the case of ΔS = 70 nm (Fig. 3f), whose maximum approaches 0.9 at ~ 1350 nm pump wavelength.
For ΔS = − 30 and 20 nm, the overall NLCDs have a similar magnitude but opposite signs (Fig. 3f). Notably, the reversed chiral response is observed for structures that are not enantiomers. This phenomenon arises from the electric (and magnetic) coupling of bar resonator and SRR (Fig. S8). Electric coupling dominates when the SRR is located close to an end of the bar resonator, where opposite signs of the oscillating charges yield MDR excitation with a π phase difference for SRR placed near opposite bar ends. Thus, the coupling-mediated MDR excitation due to incident y-polarized electric field Ey changes sign as the SRR is shifted from one bar end to the other, while the direct MDR excitation due to Ex does not change significantly. This switches between constructive and destructive interferences between these contributions to MDR excitation, causing the observed NLCD reversal. We also carry out nonlinear numerical simulations onto the above type-II meta-molecules, where the results agree well with the measurements (Supplementary Note S3 and Fig. S5c, S5d).
While NLCD can be reversed by changing ΔS, the simpler and more obvious approach is to reverse the planar chirality of the meta-molecule by moving the SRR from the left of the bar resonator to the right, resulting in the mirror-image meta-molecule (enantiomer). This situation is approximated by illuminating the front (structured side) of the sample instead of its back (substrate side), as shown by the reversed NLCDs (Fig. 3f) for illumination from the front (Fig. 3g) and back (Fig. 3e).
Handedness-selective nonlinear meta-holography. In contrast to traditional nonlinear optics, nonlinear metasurfaces offer the flexibility to locally engineer amplitude and phase of the generated light. Handedness-selective THz generation provides an opportunity to generate multiplexed holograms by LCP and RCP pumping by interleaving left-handed and right-handed meta-molecules. To demonstrate this, we realize a metasurface that generates THz beams with different orbital angular momentum upon LCP and RCP pumping (Fig. 1c). The device is based on handedness-selective type-II meta-molecules, which are mirror-images of each other, where left-handed (right-handed) meta-molecules are highlighted green (orange). The generated THz radiation is controlled by rotating the meta-molecules, which changes the nonlinear PB phase8,25 (Fig. 4a). For meta-molecule rotation by an angle + θ, the generated RCP and LCP THz waves acquire + θ and − θ phases irrespective of the handedness of the incident FW. Our device (Fig. 4b) consists of left-handed and right-handed meta-molecules that are rotated clockwise and anticlockwise by θl = −φ and θr = 2φ and then arranged into ring distributions of different radii, where φ is the azimuth angle. Therefore, the device will generate the LCP and RCP THz vortex beams with OAMs of l = 1 and − 1 under LCP FW pumping, while the RCP FW pumping will generate vortex beams with OAMs of l = − 2 and 2.
Figures 4c-f show the measured amplitude and phase distributions of the generated LCP and RCP THz beams under the LCP and RCP FW pumping (see Methods). We observe donut-shaped amplitude profiles and vortex phase profiles, which are characteristic for vortex beams. The detected field distributions are the same across the studied spectral range of 0.8 to 1.4 THz, indicating broadband THz vortex beam generation. It should be noted that the RCP and LCP THz beams are generated simultaneously. Their superposition actually forms a linearly polarized vector beam with the local polarization azimuth following the orientation of the SRR arms. Thus the device could also serve as a pump-handedness-selective vector beam generator. To avoid the superposition, an additional linear phase gradient can be added to the design, which would deflect the circularly polarized THz beams of opposite handedness by opposite angles. Indeed, nearly arbitrary THz Poincaré beams could be generated by designing handedness-selective OAMs and pumping with elliptically polarized FWs simultaneously with tunable intensity contrast and time delay26,27.