In the eusocial Hymenoptera, the number of successful mates per female, known as mating frequency, helps inform the designation of a species’ mating system as monogamous or polygamous. Mating system is an important demographic parameter necessary for the estimation of colony abundance from genetic data (Jones and Wang 2010). For social insects, population size estimates derived from numbers of individuals counted in the wild misrepresents key population-level processes, because the colony is the reproductive unit. Thus, accurate estimates of colony numbers are crucial for species of conservation concerns, as they are used for the identification of drivers of species declines (e.g., correlating population status with land use history) (Maebe et al. 2015), for the monitoring and eradication of invasive species (Toquenaga and Kokuvo 2010), and the development of plans for conservation actions and priorities (Hansen and Jensen 2005, Lepais et al. 2010, McGrady et al. 2021). Many social pollinator species are in decline, which underscores the importance of accurate estimations of colony abundance for these species (Powney et al. 2019).
For colony abundance estimations, sib-ship relationships between wild-collected individuals are assigned based on multilocus genotypes. Under Mendelian inheritance, full sibling groups are genetically distinct. For monogamous haplodiploid species, one full sibling group represents one colony, and workers share on average 75% of alleles among themselves and 50% of the alleles with the queen (Hamilton 1964). Therefore, family relationships can be easily assigned based on genetic data (Lepais et al. 2010, Toquenaga and Kokuvo 2010). However, in a polygamous colony there may be multiple full-sibling groups, in this case, the average relatedness among members of a colony decreases and more genetic markers are necessary in order to improve the chances of distinguishing between half siblings and full siblings (Wang 2004, Wang and Santure 2009). For example, if one father produces two offspring, they will share on average 100% of the paternal alleles and 50% of the maternal alleles. However if two unrelated fathers each produce one offspring, the half-siblings will only share maternal alleles and not share any paternal alleles. Ultimately, by understanding the levels of polygamy typical of a species, we can better estimate true colony numbers within a population based upon numbers of full-sibling groups are present in a population sample.
In addition to variation in mating frequencies, another complication that reduces the ability to distinguish between half and full siblings is the inevitability of genotyping error. Microsatellite markers —short simple repeat regions present throughout the genome—are among the most common markers used for sib-ship reconstruction because of their highly polymorphic nature (Ashley et al 2008, Conflitti et al. 2022, Geib et al. 2015, Hama-Ali et al. 2015, Li et al. 2013, McGrady et al 2021). However, these markers are prone to two types of errors: allelic dropout, in which one allele fails to amplify giving the appearance of a homozygous genotype, and mistyping errors, in which alleles are incorrectly called or mistyped during genotyping (Wang 2004). These types of errors can mimic different alleles from different paternal lines and thus erroneously create full- or half-sibling groups. Therefore, estimating genotyping errors when reconstructing sib-ship relationships is of critical importance for accurate colony abundance estimations.
Bumble bees (genus Bombus) are a group of social pollinators (excluding a small proportion of kleptoparasitic species) of conservation concern that provide critical pollination services to a variety of crops (Artz and Nault 2011; Goulson et al. 2008, McGrady et al. 2021). While most bumble bee species are monogamous, some species deviate from this assumption (Fig. 1). Still, mating frequencies have been empirically studied for only about 10% of the 220 social species of bumble bees, and in many cases these estimates are derived from a small number of colonies and genetic markers (Table S1). In particular, within the subgenus Pyrobombus polygamy has been reported in several species (Fig. 1). This subgenus includes many important pollinators such as B. impatiens and B. bimaculatus (Cameron et al. 2007). Despite this, most studies estimating colony density in these species assume monogamous mating (Conflitti et al. 2022; Shmid-Hempel and Shmid-Hempel 2000; Takahashi et al. 2008).
Here, we focus on a novel methodological approach to accurately estimate mating frequency in B. impatiens, which is one of the most common and important wild pollinators in Eastern North America (Strange and Tripodi, 2019; McGrady et al. 2021). Because of its effectiveness as a pollinator and amenability to management, B. impatiens is commercially produced and used to provide pollination services in agricultural fields and greenhouses (Cnaani 2002; Suni et al. 2017). Population monitoring of this species suggests that it is relatively stable in its range and abundance, compared to some other North American bumble bee species (Cameron et al. 2011). One study (Payne et al. 2003) evaluated mating frequencies in 11 colonies of wild B. impatiens and found 3 of those 11 queens mated with 3 males while the rest of the colonies were monogamous, showing a low-levels of polygamy compared to other Bombus species (Fig. 1). However, this information was based on a few loci and number colonies and average mating frequency could not be calculated due to unknown contribution of males.
In this study, we used microsatellite genotypes of queens and workers from both wild and commercial B. impatiens colonies reared in the laboratory to estimate the mating frequency for wild and commercial B. impatiens queens. Additionally, we used a large dataset of genotypes from wild collected workers to assess the impact of assuming ‘monogamy’ for colony abundance reconstructions species that deviate from the monogamy assumption. We obtained genotypes from queen and worker bees from 20 wild and 10 commercial colonies using an optimized set of 11 microsatellite loci (Table S2). We adapted the model used by COLONY (Jones and Wang 2010; Wang 2004) to create a Bayesian inference algorithm that jointly estimates paternity and genotyping error for each colony to increase the accuracy of kinship estimations. We then evaluated how assumptions of monogamy or polygamy affect estimates of colony numbers based on inferred sibling groups, using a previously published dataset of worker genotypes from 30 agricultural sites across Pennsylvania (USA) (McGrady et al. 2021). Our study provides three major findings that have important implications for estimating colony abundance in social bee pollinators: (1) a more robust estimates of for mating frequencies in wild and commercial B. impatiens; (2) a novel statistical approach that may be implemented for future studies to easily determine mating frequencies of other eusocial species; and (3) a demonstration that monogamous or polygamous mating frequency assumptions have enormous impact on the results of colony abundance estimation from inferred shibships. We use our results to make recommendations to improve the accuracy of sib-ship reconstruction in social hymenoptera.