2.1 Sampling
The radioactivity in building materials varies, it depends not only on the type of samples but also on the sampling areas. Therefore, different types of building materials were randomly collected from different areas in Jazan to measure radiation levels see table 1. One hundred and five samples of different building materials (sand - ceramic - granite – marble -cement - gypsum - bricks) were collected from Jazan region, Saudi Arabia. The samples were ground and analyzed to measure any radiological variation or radiological anomaly that might be present due to the difference in location.
Table 1: The different types of building materials.
Building material
The types of brick
Red brick
Cement bricks
White insulating bricks
Thermal bricks
Building material
The types of Ceramic
Spanish ceramics
Italian ceramics
Saudi ceramics
Egyptian ceramics
Indian ceramics
Building material
The types of Send
The types of gypsum
White sand
Yellow sand
gypsum 1
gypsum 2
Building material
The types of marble
Omani marble
Turkish marble
Italian yellow marble
Spanish brown marble
Building material
The types of Granite
The cement
Najran granite
Royal Rose Granite
Royal Gold Granite
2.3- Sample Preparation:
Various samples of building materials that are used in construction were collected in Jizan region. Table 1 shows the samples, where a number of samples of the same type were collected in order to take the average of the types used in construction. The radiation ratios may vary in the same type of building materials according to the withdrawal areas from which the raw materials are collected. Samples were ground, 200 grams of each type were taken and placed in clean containers. Each sample was placed in a glass chamber with the SSNTDs CR-39 reagent featuring optical transparency and high sensitivity as showen in figure 1. These cans are sealed and stored for 30 days, then the exposed detectors (CR-39) are collected and chemically etched with NaOH at 70 °C for 6 h. The etched reagents were washed with flushing water for 20 min. Path density (path/cm) was calculated on a CR-39 detector using optical microscopy (Zarrag, 2012; Rahaf, 2018).
2.4-Measurements and analysis:
The effective exposure time te in hours which measured by the relation:
where is the constant decay of radon and t is the exposure time
The equilibrium concentration of radon Ceq (Bq/m3) is determined from the track density by using the following relation:
Where K is the calibration factor of the CR39 detector which is determined by Rn-chamber (Entesar, 2021;Entesar, 2013).
Exhalation rates for radon are determined using the following relationships.
The mass exhalation rate (Em) (Bq/Kg.h) by:
Em =Ceq Vl / M ------------------3
and the surface exhalation rate (Ea)( Bq/m.h) by:
Ea= Ceq Vl/ A ------------------4
Where M is the mass of the sample (kg), A is the cross-section area of the cup (m2), and V is the effective volume of the cup in m3.
The radium activity (Rac) (Bq/Kg) can be determined by using mass exhalation as:
Rac = Em /λ --------------------------5
Alpha indexes are a basic indicator for evaluating the levels of excess radiation resulting from inhaling radon gas. The following relationship is used to determine the values of the alpha indexes.
The internationally recommended limit for the activity concentration of 226Ra in building materials, recommended by the European Commission, 1999, is 100 to 200 Becquerels per kilogram. This means that if the permissible values if they exceed 200, it is possible that the exhaled rates of radon gas could cause a cancer risk to the public. Therefore, calculating the values of radium and alpha indicators is very necessary for building materials, and this value gives the alpha indicator 1, which is the upper limit of the recommended values and must be adhered to preserve the health of the public.
The annual effective dose H (mSv/yr) was calculated from the following relation:
where F is the indoor equilibrium factor between radon and its progeny (F=0.4), C (B /qm3 ) is the mean radon concentration in air, D is the dose conversion factor (D=9 nSv/h per Bq/m3), and T is time (T=7000 hy−1) (EC, 1999; EC, 2012).
The calculation of the working level (WL) is based on the concentration of radon and its descendants in the air, which largely depends on the level of ventilation in the premises. The work level calculation also helps determine if the buildings comply with internationally permissible values. The level of work can be calculated by using the following equation:
The effective dose was calculated for members of the building users due to external irradiation caused by radon. The DFEXT code which concerned itself with the calculation of dose