1 Study region
Shilin County is located in Yunnan province’s Middle East. The geographic coordinates are 103°10~104°N,24°30´~25°03E,with a total area of 1719 km2 (Fig. 1). The study area is mostly mountainous, accounting for 69%. The area belongs to the plateau mountain monsoon climate, and holds the Paleozoic karst landform community stone forest with the longest karst landform evolution history, the widest distribution area, complete types and unique shape in the world. However, in the current stage of rapid development of the tertiary industry, the high intensity of human activities has led to reduction in ecological land, habitat fragmentation, weakened ability of ecological regulation (Cheng et al. 2018; Carrete et al. 2009).
2 Data sources
The main data adopted in this study are the remote sensing images of 2020 with a resolution of 30m * 30m (http://www.bigemap.com), the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data of the Shilin region (http:// www.gsclould.cn), and vector data for the road network (http:// www.bigemap.com), and vector data for the settlement (http:// www.bigemap.com). ENVI software was used to supervision and classification the image data in the study area based on visual interpretation, and the land use classification map of the study area with a grid size of 30m*30m was finally obtained. The main types of land use data involved eight categories (forest, farm land, grassland, wetland, garden plot, road land, built-up land and else). All data use similar years to ensure scientific results, and all data are unified into the GCS_WGS_1984 geographic coordinate system and the WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_48N projection coordinate system.
3 Constructing ecological network
3.1 Identification of ecological sources
The MSPA (Soille et al. 2009) classification routine based on defining connectivity and edge width, changing the subjectivity of previous artificial ecological source selection to a certain extent (Vogt et al. 2009; Wickham et al. 2010). In this study, the classified first-level land types were reclassified. Forest, grassland, garden land, and wetland, which were less affected by humans and had high ecological service functions, are extracted to be the foreground, and the rest as the background (Peter et al. 2017). Based on the eight-neighborhood analysis method and the Guidos Toolbox software, a tiff format binary grid data are measured, identified and segmented, and interpret seven mutually exclusive landscape types (core areas, bridges, edges, branches, loops, islands, and perforations)(Fig. 2)(Zhang et al. 2020).
The level of landscape connectivity in a region can quantitatively characterize whether a certain landscape type is suitable for species exchange and migration, which is of great significance for biodiversity protection and ecosystem balance (Sun et al. 2013).
At present, in the aspect of landscape connectivity evaluation, the probability of connectivity (PC, Equation (1)), and the delta of PC (dPC, Equation (2)), are commonly used as the important indicators of landscape pattern and function, which can reflect well the degree of connection between core patches in the regional level (Cook 2002; Ye et al. 2020). The specific formula is defined as follows:
where, n is the number of patches within the research range; ai and aj are the areas of patches i and j; pij is the maximum probability of species dispersion in patches i and j; dPC represents the importance of the removed element, PC is the calculation result of connectivity; and PCremove represents the calculation result of connectivity after the removal of a certain element.
This study relies on the delta of PC (dPC) as an important indicator for selecting ecological sources. Quantitative evaluation of core area and bridges extracted by MSPA based on Conefor software. The top 30 patches in the core area and the patches with dPC value greater than 5 are regarded as important ecological sources (Carlier et al. 2018; cheng et al. 2020). Ecological patches with dPC>20 were designated as important habitats, 10<dPC≤20 as medium habitats, and 5<dPC≤10 as general habitats (Zhang Yu et al. 2016). Combining the patch area and possible connectivity index to rank the importance of ecological sources can provide a scientific basis for the construction of ecological spatial network in Shilin County.
3.2 Constructing the resistance surface
The construction of ecological infrastructure needs to consider the comprehensive effects of substrates on ecological processes. Based on the expert scoring method and AHP method (Moilanen A et al 2001), five factors, namely elevation, slope, land use type, distance from the road, and distance from the settlement, were selected to develop five rating variables in this paper. Referring to the relevant studies, the resistance values of each resistance factor are selected in Table 1 (Shi et al. 2020; Zimmermann et al. 2007; Zhang et al. 2020).
Table 1 Score and weight of resistance factors
Resistance Factor
Classification Index
Grade of the road
Secondary Roads
Tertiary roads
Class IV Roads
Distance from residential area(m)
Lands use
Grassland , Garden plot, Cultivated land
Built-up land , Road
3.3 Extract and graduate potential ecological corridor
The minimum cumulative resistance model approach determines the optimal pathway for species migration and dispersal by calculating the minimum cumulative resistance distance between the source and the target. The method effectively avoids all forms of external disturbances (Chen et al. 2020; Groot et al. 2010). Based on the GIS platform, each weight coefficient was weighted and superimposed with each resistance factor to obtain a comprehensive resistance surface to represent the cost data of the minimum resistance model in Shilin County. A total of 55 potential ecological corridors were generated through the cost paths in GIS. The formula of MCR model is as follow:
Where Dpq represents the spatial distance from the source point q to the space until p and Rp represents the resistance coefficient of space until p.
The interaction intensity can be constructed based on the gravity model to quantitatively evaluate the interaction strength between habitat patches and identify the relative importance of potential corridors (Xu et al. 2015). According to the matrix and the current situation of the study area, the extracted corridors were modified, and the corridors with Fij>2 were selected as primary corridors, 1<Fij<2 as secondary corridors, and Fij<1 as tertiary corridors by removing duplication and crossover. The formula is as follow:
Where: Fij is the interaction force between source i and source j, Ni and Nj are the corresponding weight values of i and j, Dij is the standard value of corridor resistance between i and j, Lmax is the maximum value of all corridor resistance in the study area, ai and aj are the areas of i and j, Lij is the value of corridor resistance between i and j, and Pi and Pj are the average resistance values of i and j.\
In summary, the flowchart of this study’s analysis and procedures is as follows (Fig. 3).
3.4 Optimize ecological network
In the ecological network constructed based on the MCR model, some areas will have missing ecological source sites and corridors. This study uses the patch area as a reference, and selects patches with larger patch area as supplementary source sites in the missing ecological source sites, which can effectively solve this problem.
Stepping stones, as a transit point for biological migration, not only increase the connectivity between ecological source sites but also increase the frequency of species activities between patches, ensuring the stability of ecological networks (An et al. 2020; Cook et al. 1991; Saura et al. 2014). In this study, stepping stones were installed according to the intersection of ecological corridors to increase the connectivity between source sites.
The migration of reptiles is hindered by land traffic. This study provides a reference for corridor restoration and ecological network optimization by selecting the intersection of primary corridors and major traffic arteries as ecological breakpoints.