In vivo and in vitro effects of Kiss and peptide 234 on brain nonapeptide mRNA expression
The administration of Kiss peptides elicited an overall significant effect on the expression of vt, ita and itb in the brain (Fig. 1; one way ANOVA, P < 0.001 (hKiss1: Fvt = 4.15, Fita = 4.23, Fitb = 5.08; cfKiss2: Fvt = 6.18; Fita = 4.73, Fitb = 4.96). The effects of hKiss1 and cfKiss2 on the mRNA expression varied significantly with a higher response of cfKiss2 (two way ANOVA, P < 0.001 (Fvt Kiss1xKiss2 = 5.07; FitaKiss1xKiss2 = 5.93; FitbKiss1xKiss2 = 5.38). The low doses of 1 ng and 2 ng inhibited the expression, and the 3 ng dose upregulated the mRNA levels (Newman-Keuls’ test, P < 0.05). The effect (inhibition or stimulation) on vt expression was higher than that of the neutral peptides.
Under in vitro conditions, the hKiss1 treatment elicited an overall significant effect on the nonapeptide mRNA expression (Fig. 2; one way ANOVA, P < 0.01 (Fvt = 3.86, Fita = 3.91, Fitb = 3.76). The stimulation of vt mRNA level was moderate in a concentration (5, 10 and 15 nM) - dependent manner (Newman-Keuls’ test, P < 0.05). While ita and itb expression was stimulated mildly at 5 and 10 nM, a differential response was elicited at 20 nM with the ita expression strongly upregulated and the itb expression only mildly stimulated. The cfKiss2 treatment produced an overall significant effect on the expression of vt (F = 4.80, P < 0.001), ita (F = 4.32, P < 0.01) and itb (F = 4.03; P < 0.01) in the one way ANOVA. The treatment stimulated the vt mRNA expression concentration-dependently (Newman-Keuls’ test, P < 0.05). The neutral peptide mRNA levels were highly stimulated at 10 nM, more than the vt expression and the ita expression was strongly upregulated at 15 nM with a fold change of 3.02, more than the itb expression. The hKiss1 and cfKiss2 effects were significantly different in the two way ANOVA (P < 0.001, Fvt Kiss1xKiss2 = 6.73, Fitb Kiss1xKiss2 = 6.12, Fita Kiss1xKiss2 = 6.84).
The administration of peptide 234 (5, 10, 20 ng/g BW) inhibited the mRNA expression dose-dependently (Fig. 3; one way ANOVA, P < 0.001 (Fvt = 6.41, Fita = 10.17, Fitb = 6.82). At 20 ng dose, the vt and itb mRNA levels were strongly inhibited. The incubation of the brain with peptide 234 produced an overall significant effect on the mRNA expression (Fig. 4; one way ANOVA, P < 0.001; Fvt = 6.01, Fita = 6.38, Fitb = 6.72) and inhibited the expression concentration-dependently (Newman-Keuls’ test, P < 0.05).
In vivo and in vitro effects of Kiss and peptide 234 on ovarian nonapeptide mRNA expression
Ovarian vt, ita and itb mRNA levels showed overall significant changes following the in vivo treatments with hKiss1 (P < 0.01; Fvt = 2.98, Fita = 3.30, Fitb = 3.02) and cfKiss2 (P < 0.001; Fvt = 6.12, Fita = 5.82, Fitb = 5.72; one way ANOVA; Fig. 5). Both peptides showed dose-related differences on the mRNA levels. The 1 ng hKiss1 dose inhibited, and the 3 ng dose stimulated the levels of all the mRNAs (Newman-Keuls’ test, P < 0.05). The 2 ng dose elicited mixed responses: inhibited vt expression, unchanged ita expression and elevated itb expression. The cfKiss2 inhibited the mRNA levels at the 1 ng dose, reduced insignificantly the expression at the 2 ng dose, and upregulated the expression at the 3 ng dose (P < 0.05). The hKiss1 and cfKiss2 effects varied significantly with higher responses of cfKiss2 in the two way ANOVA (Fvt Kiss1xKiss2 = 8.17; FitbKiss1xKiss2 = 8.72; FitaKiss1xKiss2 = 7.56; P < 0.001).
The incubation of ovarian slices with hKiss1 produced overall significant effects on the nonapeptide mRNA expression (Fig. 6; one way ANOVA, P < 0.001 (Fvt = 9.14, Fita = 8.52, Fitb = 8.36). The treatment resulted in an inhibition of the vt expression at 5 and 10 nM and an upregulation at 15 nM (Newman-Keuls’ test, P < 0.05). The neutral peptide mRNA levels, on the other hand, were stimulated equally at 5 and 10 nM, and further increased at 15 nM. The incubation of ovarian slices with cfKiss2 produced overall significant effects on the nonapeptide mRNA expression (Fig. 6; one way ANOVA, P < 0.001 (Fvt = 8.79, Fita = 8.15, Fitb = 8.42). The expression was stimulated at all concentrations, with the highest expression at 15 nM (Newman-Keuls’ test, P < 0.05). The vt expression showed the highest increase at 15 nM compared to the neutral nonapeptide gene expression. The effects of hKiss1 and cfKiss2 were significantly different with higher responses of cfKiss2 (Fvt Kiss1xKiss2 =11.32, FitaKiss1xKiss2 = 11.68, FitbKiss1xKiss2 = 11.46).
The administration of peptide 234 (5, 10, 20 ng/g BW) inhibited the mRNA expression concentration-dependently (Fig. 7; one way ANOVA, P < 0.001; Fvt = 4.28, Fitb = 5.07, Fita = 6.17). Similarly, the incubation of the ovary slices with peptide 234 inhibited the mRNA expressions concentration-dependently (Fig. 8; one way ANOVA, P < 0.001; Fvt = 7.86, Fita = 10.38, Fitb = 9.42; Newman-Keuls’ test, P < 0.05).
In vivo effects of Kiss and peptide 234 on cyp19a1b and cyp19a1a expression
The administration of hKiss1 and cfKiss2 elicited an overall significant effect on the brain-specific cyp19a1b and ovary-specific cyp19a1a expression (Fig. 9; one way ANOVA, P < 0.001; hKiss1- Fbrain = 8.21, Fovary = 7.82; cfKiss2- Fbrain = 8.62, Fovary = 8.17). The hKiss1 treatment stimulated the expression of cyp19a1b at 1 and 3 ng and inhibited it at 2 ng, but stimulated dose- dependently the expression of cyp19a1a (Newman-Keuls’ test, P < 0.05). On the other hand, cfKiss2 stimulated the expression of both cyp19a1b and cyp19a1a at all doses with high fold increases at 3 ng.
The administration of peptide 234 produced an overall significant effect on the cyp19a1b and cyp19a1a expression in the brain and ovary, respectively (Fig. 10; one way ANOVA, P < 0.001; Fcyp19a1b = 4.28, Fcyp19a1a = 4.88). The expression was inhibited dose-dependently (Newman-Keuls’ test, P < 0.05).
In vitro effects of Kiss and peptide 234 on cyp19a1b and cyp19a1a expression
Under in vitro, the incubation with hKiss1 and cfKiss2 caused an overall significant effect on the expression of cyp19a1b and cyp19a1a, respectively, in the brain and ovary (Fig. 11; one way ANOVA, P < 0.001; hKiss1- Fbrain = 10.23, Fovary = 10.62; cfKiss2- Fbrain = 9.63, Fovary = 9.05). The Newman-Keuls’ analysis showed that the treatments stimulated the transcript levels in a concentration-dependent manner with higher fold increases in the cfKiss2 groups (P < 0.05).
The incubation with peptide 234 produced an overall significant effect on cyp19a1b and cyp19a1a expression in the brain and ovary, respectively (Fig. 12; one way ANOVA, P < 0.001; Fcyp19a1b = 5.12, Fcyp19a1a = 5.47). While the expression of cyp19a1b was inhibited only at 20 nM, the expression of cyp19a1a was inhibited at all concentrations of peptide 234 (Newman-Keuls’ test, P < 0.05).