3.1 Data
The data that is used for the present research is consistent with Koomson and Danquah (2021) and sourced from the 6th (GLSS6) and 7th (GLSS7) rounds of the Ghana Living Standards Survey (GSS, 2014; 2019) that were gathered from 10 regions in the country by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS). It is important to articulate that the GLSS7 and GLSS6 were collected respectively in 2016/2017 and 2012/2013. Consistent with the narrative, the surveys are based on a two-stage probability sampling approach and entails dimensions of fuel use and energy, housing conditions and demography, water and sanitation, health, employment, insurance services, financial access, migration, governance, non-farm activities and agriculture, inter alia. The motivation for selecting GLSS6 and GLSS7 is primarily owing to data availability constraints at the time of study. Moreover, the attendant survey rounds consistently entail variables that are employed in empirical analyses of this type, especially as it pertains to proxies that are relevant in deriving indexes, explanatory variables for potential mechanisms as well as attendant instruments.
It is worthwhile to note that 18,000 and 15,000 households are respectively covered by the GLSS6 and GLSS7 with corresponding rates of responses of 93.4% for GLSS7 and 93.2% for GLSS6. In the light of these insights, the most updated sample size of the GLSS7 and GLSS6 were respectively 14, 009 and 16,772. Upon combining the sections/file entailing the variables of interest, the corresponding sample size are slightly reduced to a total pool of 30, 606, consisting of 16, 760 for GLSS6 and 13,846 for GLSS7. Moreover, in the light of missing information, the corresponding regressions in the analyses consists of 6,545 forGLSS7 and 16,169 forGLSS6, leading to a pooled data entailing 22, 714 households. The substantial drop in observation in the post-estimation is associated with the financial inclusion proxy in the GLSS7 in which 6,910 observations are not apparent owing to non-responses that are linked to the indicators that constitute the index. The descriptive statistics of the variables employed is shown in Appendix 1.
3.1 Energy Poverty
In accordance with the energy poverty literature (Koomson & Danquah, 2021), both subjective and objective measures as used. First, on the front of the objective approach the energy expenditure-income approach is put in perspective with respect to energy poverty (% of household income) that is spent on fuel and energy. In accordance with Boardman (2013) and Churchill and Smyth (2020), the higher the proportion of the energy measure, the higher the existing energy poverty level. Moreover, a secondary objective framework is to utilize 10% of energy poverty as a threshold within the remit of the expenditure-income in order to articulate households that are poor in energy as households that invest above 10% of their household income on fuel and energy (Bouzarovski & Petrova, 2015; Koomson & Danquah, 2021; Boardman, 2013). Second, on the subjective front, poverty in energy can be appreciated in terms of material deprivation, especially when seasons are cold. Consistent with Churchill and Smyth (2020), for the most part, this indicator usually takes the value of 1 in a scenario where the household cannot heat the house given lack of funds and 0 if otherwise. Note should also be taken on the perspective, the underlying measures are for the most part used in studies involving developed countries owing to comprehensive data availability on issues surrounding heating as well as expenditures related to household fuel and energy.
A measurement that embodies both the subjective and objective measures of poverty in energy is the multidimensional energy poverty index (MEPI). This attendant measure is often employed in developing nations owing to its conceptualization and how such relates to economic conditions and rate of adoption of clean energy (Nussbaumer et al., 2013; Churchill & Smyth, 2020). In accordance with the extant literature focusing on developing nations (Nussbaumer et al., 2013; Adusah-Poku & Takeuchi, 2019 b; Crentsilet al., 2019), the MEPI measure is used owing to constraints in availability of data, especially in relation to energy poverty measures in GLSS.
As reported in the extant literature (Nussbaumer et al., 2013; Crentsil et al., 2019; Adusah-Poku & Takeuchi, 2019b; Koomson & Danquah, 2021), the MEPI entails five dimensions, consisting of six indicators. As apparent in Appendix 2, the five dimensions entail lighting, cooking, communication, education/entertainment and household appliances that are connected.
In accordance with Alkire and Foster (2011), the MEPI is founded on the proxy of multidimensional poverty from the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative which is based on the contributions of Amartya Sen to the literature on capabilities and deprivations. As documented by Koomson and Danquah (2021), the attendant five dimensions can be weighted equally with a corresponding weight of 0.2 assigned to respective dimensions. Notwithstanding this perspective, the lighting and cooking dimensions are provided more weights compared to the other three dimensions owing to their relative importance in energy poverty in the light of Nussbaumer et al. (2013) and Adusah-Poku and Takeuchi (2019b). When cooking and lighting are compared, more weight is attributed to cooking owing to the fact that it is a critical need in energy for households in developing countries. On this premise, the two indicators in the cooking dimension are allocated a 0.205 weight whereas 0.200 is attributed to the lighting dimension. Of the three dimensions that are left, each of them is attributed a weight of 0.13. Appendix 2 captures the attendant indicators that also reflect the relative deprivations and by extension, are employed to compute the scores on energy deprivation. For each of the households, the deprivation score is appreciated as the total of deprivations that ranges from 0 to 1 represented as follows:
$${d_i}={w_1}{I_1}+{w_2}{I_2}+ \cdots +{w_n}{I_n}$$
where \({d_i}\) represents the score on household energy deprivation, \({I_i}=1\)in a situation where the household is deprived in indicator i and \({I_i}=0\) if otherwise. \({w_i}\)denotes the weight associated with indicator i with \(\sum\nolimits_{{i=1}}^{d} {{w_i}=1}\). In the light of Nussbaumer et al. (2013), a cut off threshold of 0.33is employed and such implies that a household having a score of energy deprivation of at least 0.33 is a household that is energy poor.
3.2 Financial inclusion (FI)
Following Koomson and Danquah (2021), the study employs a FI multidimensional proxy which is consistent with the attendant contemporary energy poverty literature (Zhang & Posso, 2019; Churchill & Marisetty, 2020; Churchill et al., 2020). Hence, within the current empirical setting, the four dimensions of FI used by Koomson and Danquah (2021) are also employed, namely: credit/loan access, ownership of bank account, receipt of financial remittance from a financial institution by means of mobile money and ownership of insurance. These measurements of FI which are consistent with Koomson and Danquah (2021) are provided in Appendix 3. Concerning the attribution of weights, 0.25 is attributed to each of the dimensions employed to compute the household deprivation score provided in Eq. (1). Still following the underlying literature, a cut-off point or threshold of 0.50 is employed and a corresponding value of 1 is assigned for households which are associated with a deprivation score of less than 0.50 and the value of 0 is assigned if the household financial deprivation score exceeds 0.50.
3.2. Methodology
Following Koomson and Danquah (2021), this study employs the linear probability model (LPM) such that financial inclusion is tailored to influence energy poverty contingent on the age of the household head. It is important to articulate that consistent with the attendant narrative, a pooled ordinary least squares (OLS) approach is employed as opposed to the random and fixed effects models because collected data (i.e. GLSS7 and GLSS6) are repeated cross sections that do not encompass a panel data structure. In essence, consistent with previous research on the problem statement (Churchill & Marisetty, 2020; Koomson et al., 2020), the concern of endogeneity owing to simultaneity or reverse causality is addressed in the estimation process with an instrumental variable approach as apparent in Equations (2) and (3). In the attendant equations, while financial inclusion is postulated to reduce energy poverty, financial inclusion is also a function of other determinants as clarified in the subsequent paragraphs. The concern of reverse causality builds on the perspectives that: (i) financial inclusion mitigates energy poverty and (ii) the condition of energy poverty can also motivate a households to create a bank account and save within the attendant formal financial institution in order to have better initial financial conditions that are essential for financial access in view of ultimately mitigating energy poverty. The first stage and second stage of the instrumental variable estimation process are provided in Eq. (1) and Eq. (2), respectively.
Reduced form equation (stage 1)
$${FI}_{it}=\delta +\gamma {Dist}_{it}+\eta {X}_{it}+{\vartheta }_{r}+{\mu }_{t}+{\epsilon }_{it}$$
Structural equation (stage 2)
$${ EPov}_{it}=\alpha +\beta {\widehat{FI}}_{it}+\lambda {X}_{it}+{\vartheta }_{r}+{\mu }_{t}+{\nu }_{it}$$
where \({EPov}_{it}\) denotes the status of energy poverty of a household\(i\) at time \(t\), with time corresponding to the period of each GLSS round; \({FI}_{it}\) reflects an\(i\) household’s financial inclusion statusat time \(t\); while\(X\) denotes a vector of covariates that are established in the extant energy poverty literature, inter alia, gender, age, education, marital status, household size, location, employment status of head of household.\(\delta and\alpha\) respectively, represent constant values; \({\vartheta }_{r}\) and \({\mu }_{t}\) denote fixed effects pertaining to the region and round of GLSS, respectively whereas \(\epsilon\) and \(\nu\) are the random error terms.
It is worthwhile to emphasize that consistent with Koomson and Danquah (2021), in Eq. (2) above, ‘distance to the nearest bank’ (i.e. \(Dist\)) is used as an instrument for financial inclusion. The attendant instrument has been used in the extant literature that is oriented towards the nexus between financial inclusion and poverty (Churchill et al., 2020; Koomson et al., 2020; Churchill & Marisetty, 2020; Koomson et al., 2020). It is argued in the attendant literature that financial inclusion is connected to distance to the nearest bank, not least because if households are nearer to a bank, there is obviously greater access to financial services and less associated costs (e.g. transport cost) (Demirgüç-Kunt & Klapper, 2012; Koomson et al., 2020; Churchill et al., 2020). It is further argued that, the underlying instrument or “distance to the nearest bank” only influence energy poverty through financial inclusion because extant studies have employed the considered instrument and confirmed its validity using microfinance operation modalities as well as other types of financial institutions located in the rural areas (Reiter & Peprah, 2015; Churchill et al., 2020; Churchill & Marisetty, 2020; Koomson et al., 2020; Koomson & Danquah, 2021).