Design of amiRNA to target C9ORF72 variants
As a first step toward ameliorating the molecular hallmarks of the C9ORF72 HRE, we designed four amiRNAs targeting all variants of C9ORF72. The constructs were cloned into two different plasmids. Expression was driven in the first plasmid by the chicken β-actin (CBA, polymerase II) promoter, and the second plasmid has the human H1 promoter (polymerase III), which is anticipated to be stronger than the CBA promoter. Both constructs incorporated enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (eGFP) and Inverted Terminal Repeat (ITR) flanks (Fig. 1A).
The target location for the amiRNAs is depicted in Fig. 1B and Table 1. Efficacy of the amiRNAs to target C9ORF72 was screened in HEK293T cells, and mRNA levels for each variant were evaluated by quantitative Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR). The results were normalized to the GFP control. amiRC9, which incorporates the more powerful H1 promoter, most consistently suppressed expression of all three C9ORF72 isoforms (Fig. 1C). Given these results and the published data from Pfister et al (28), we anticipated that the weaker CBA promoter would not be adequate for in vivo experiments in a mouse model with multiple copies of the transgene. Therefore, we undertook neuronal cell culture and in vivo experiments using the H1-driven amiRC9 construct, which was packaged in AAV9.
amiRC9 silences C9ORF72 in vitro
We next assessed silencing by the packaged AAV9-H1-amiRC9 in primary cortical cultures from the BAC112 mouse model (29). Two independent cultures were transduced with a GFP control vector, a PBS-mock control, and the amiRC9 vector at day in vitro (DIV) 4 at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 50,000 vector particles. The cultures were harvested at DIV10 (Fig. 1D), and total RNA was extracted. ddPCR quantification revealed that amiRC9 significantly reduced each variant of the C9ORF72 mRNA (Fig. 1E).
To further confirm that C9ORF72 silencing reflected post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression by amiRC9, we designed a custom miRNA assay to quantify the mature form of amiRC9 levels by ddPCR (Fig. 1F). As expected, only treated samples had detectable levels of amiRC9. In addition to detecting amiRC9, we wanted to compare the expression levels to other endogenous miRNAs. We therefore assayed levels of microRNA128a, which is highly expressed in brain (30, 31) and found that amiRC9 is 19–25-fold less abundant than miR128a. This provides assurance that the observed level of amiRC9 is not likely to be saturating the RNAi machinery or inducing toxicity by competing with endogenous miRNAs entering the RISC complex.
We had previously shown that amiRC9 can also decrease poly-GP dipeptides in primary neuronal cultures (32). To determine if we could attain a similar reduction in cultured neurons derived from a high copy transgenic mouse model, we quantified the poly-GP levels in treated and control neuronal cultures derived from the BAC112. Notably, the MSD ELISA assay showed the GP dipeptides were significantly reduced in treated cultures (Fig. 1G), in alignment with our previous results (32).
While microRNAs primarily act in the cytoplasm (33–35), published data (36–38) suggest that they can be shuttled back into the nucleus and thereby decrease the number of RNA foci (39). To test this possibility, we used fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to detect sense foci. Multiple 4-well chamber slides were scored for foci number per nucleus (Fig. 1H). Quantification revealed no significant differences in numbers of intranuclear foci between treated and control samples, suggesting that amiRC9 had not suppressed C9ORF72 transcripts inside the nucleus.
Striatal brain injections silence C9ORF72 variants in vivo
Multiple lines of transgenic BAC mouse models have been generated (23, 29, 32, 40–42) that differ with respect to mouse background, expansion size, transgene insertion site, copy number, and C9ORF72 expression levels. While these models recapitulate the molecular hallmarks C9ORF72 in humans (RNA foci and toxic dipeptides of C9ORF72-linked ALS), they do not recapitulate motor neuron loss and paralysis. For in vivo studies, we elected to use the BAC112 transgenic mouse model created by the Baloh Lab (29) (Jackson Laboratories, 023099). This mouse line has a C57BL/6 background and harbors the full-length human C9ORF72 gene with an expansion of 550 repeats. Heterozygous mice have 16–20 copies of the transgene and homozygous 32–40 copies. This model recapitulates the pathological molecular aspects of the disease, including RNA foci and poly-dipeptides (Suppl. Figure 1).
To determine its efficacy in vivo, we first delivered AAV9-H1-amiRC9 vector into adult heterozygous mice via tail vein injection. Two weeks post injection, liver tissues were collected C9ORF72 mRNA levels were analyzed by ddPCR (Suppl. Figure 2). We found a 50% mRNA decrease of all three C9ORF72 variants in the liver. After confirming the vector’s effectiveness, we next injected the vector directly into the striatum of adult homozygous BAC112 mice. We opted to use striatal injections because they are a comparatively easy method for injecting a large volume of vector to a well-defined and relatively circumscribed region of the brain.
Homozygous 4-month-old mice were gender and copy-number matched and separated into three injection groups: PBS-mock, AAV9-CB-GFP-control, and AAV9-H1-amiRC9. We performed bilateral striatal injections, delivering 5 µl of vector per side for a final dose of 1E11 genomic copies (GC) per mouse (Fig. 2A). Mice were culled 16 weeks post injection, PBS-perfused, and dissected. Two-millimeter punches were taken from each hemisphere for RNA and protein extraction. As in treated primary culture experiments, we found significant diminution of each of the C9ORF72 mRNA variants (~ 50% reduction) when comparing amiRC9 to GFP-control and PBS-mock injected mice (Fig. 2B). This was consistent with the presence of significant levels of the mature form of amiRC9 in treated samples only (Fig. 2C).
To quantify the protein levels of C9ORF72, we performed Western blot studies using an antibody with relative specificity for human C9ORF72. We were able to detect the mouse C9ORF72 ortholog, which was not detected in brain samples from C9ORF72 knock-out mice (43). To control for endogenous mouse C9orf72 detection, we ran three wild type C57BL/6 brain samples side-by-side the treated samples and controls. With densitometry, we quantified protein levels and subtracted the average of the WT mouse samples as background. Protein levels of both the long (481 aa ~ 51kDa) (Fig. 2D, E), and short (222 aa ~ 25kDa) (Suppl. Figure 3) forms were significantly decreased by more than 50% in treated mice.
Having observed efficient knockdown of C9ORF72 transcript and protein levels, we next sought to determine whether this RNAi-mediated knockdown would reduce toxic poly-dipeptide proteins, one of the major pathogenic gain-of-function hallmarks of C9-ALS/FTD. Using an immunoassay that detects poly-GP, we detected a 50–60% reduction of GP poly-dipeptides in treated mice compared to controls (Fig. 2F).
CSF-based and peripheral delivery yield comparable transduction of the rostral CNS and spinal cord
Multiple delivery routes provide therapeutic access to the neuroaxis. To optimize suppression of C9ORF72 expression through amiRC9, we compared the intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection route to the peripheral intravenous (IV) temporal (facial) vein route in neonatal mice.
Heterozygous P1 pups were bilaterally ICV injected (44) with 2µl of AAV9-H1-amiRC9 (5E12 GC), AAV9-CB-GFP (8.5E12 GC), or PBS (Fig. 3A). At 16 weeks post injection, whole brain and spinal cords were harvested from treated and control mice. Frontal lobes were dissected and freshly frozen for RNA extraction or immunofluorescence staining. We assessed knockdown for each variant as described above. There was silencing of all C9ORF72 isoforms in the treated samples (Fig. 3B), which reached statistical significance for V2, V3, and total C9ORF72 transcripts. We documented the presence of the mature amiRC9 in all injected animals and quantitated levels via ddPCR (Fig. 3C). By performing immunofluorescent co-staining in the brain, we confirmed that transduction of AAV9-H1-amiRC9-GFP occurred in neurons and astrocytes, but we noted a lack of co-localization of GFP with microglia, as defined by immunostaining with the antibody Iba1 (Suppl. Figure 4). These results are consistent with other reports using AAV9 to transduce the CNS (45). By ELISA, we also observed a trend toward a decrease in GP poly-dipeptides in these frontal lobe preparations (Fig. 3D). Using FISH analysis, we did not detect significant differences in the number of sense RNA foci in layer V of the frontal cortex (Figs. 3E, 3F).
We next tested the efficacy of temporal vein injections. P1 pups were injected with 50µl of vector at a dose of 2E11 GC (Fig. 4A). At 16 weeks post injection, we investigated C9ORF72 mRNA expression in the frontal lobes and found detectable levels of the mature amiRC9a but no significant decrease of C9ORF72 mRNA (Suppl. Figure 5), which is in contrast with the C9ORF72 mRNA silencing we observed in the frontal lobe of ICV-injected pups (Fig. 3B).
While the efficacy of these delivery methods was distinguishable for the frontal cortex, we anticipated that systemic delivery would provide greater mRNA silencing in the spinal cord (44). To test this, we next investigated which of these two delivery methods most efficiently silenced C9ORF72 in the spinal cord. We assayed C9ORF72 expression in motor neurons specifically using laser capture microdissection (LCM) of motor neurons within the ventral horn of cervical cord sections. We then quantified both the mRNA levels of the C9ORF72 variants and the presence of the mature amiRC9. Temporal vein delivery achieved only slightly better suppression of C9ORF72 (~ 50%, Fig. 4B, C), than ICV delivery (30–35% decrease, Fig. 4D, E).
amiRC9 targets misspliced transcript that produces the cytoplasmic toxic dipeptides
We next sought to define the mechanism by which amiRC9 decreases levels of toxic dipeptides. We anticipated that, in general, there should be both intronic and exonic targets for silencing of RNA in the nucleus. We further anticipated that only the exonic targets would be present in the cytoplasm. In the case of mutant C9ORF72, however, the existence of the dipeptides suggests that there is a fragment of misspliced intronic RNA that is present not only in the nucleus, but also in the cytoplasmic compartment. Indeed, it has further been reported that intron-HRE fragments are present in the cytoplasm of C9ORF72 motor neurons (46, 47). It is also possible that such intron-HRE fragments might contain exons as well. If the intron-HRE and any exons are retained within the misspliced transcript, we expected to see these colocalize in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. We further expected that amiRC9 would decrease levels of both intron and exon targets in the cytoplasm of treated cervical cord samples. To evaluate this hypothesis, we used RNA in situ hybridization (RNAscope) on cervical cord sections from the temporal vein-injected group and designed two probes: the first targeting the intronic area just before the HRE (intron target) and the second targeting spliced joint exons 3–6 (exon target) (Fig. 5A). Ventral horn motor neurons were imaged as Z-stacks and each punctum detected was quantified as an RNA target. Representative images in (Fig. 5B) illustrate results from the three different groups: mock, control, and H1-amiRC9 treated cervical spinal cords. The first column shows DAPI staining of the nucleus of the cell followed by the exon target in red, the intron target in green, and the overlay in yellow. Dotted areas on the top right corners emphasize magnified cytoplasmic regions containing colocalized targets. We scored for total exon targets, cytoplasmic intron targets, and colocalized targets (Fig. 5C). Treatment with AAV9-amiRC9 resulted in a ~ 40% decrease of total exon targets, ~ 60% cytoplasmic intron targets, and ~ 50% of colocalized targets. We also identified the presence of cytoplasmic intron targets that did not colocalize with the exon target. We hypothesize that these are the unaccompanied intron-HRE transcript, which cannot be targeted by amiRC9, and which contribute to the generation of the dipeptides.