The occlusion of dentinal tubules has been widely used to treat dentin hypersensitivity by directly interrupting the fluid movement within the dentinal tubules, according to the “hydrodynamic theory” that demonstrates the pain-producing mechanism from the exterior stimulus 26. In the in vitro study, a versatile method to evaluate the material occluding the tubules is of great importance. Conventional X-ray imaging techniques, such as Computed tomography (CT), 3-D X-ray microcopy, and confocal microscopy, have been used widely to evaluate dentin occlusion in this in vitro study. However, the resolution of these techniques is not high enough to reveal the detailed micro-/nanostructures of most of the material occluding the dentin tubule, as the particle sizes of these material (e.g., silica) are usually in a few tens of nanometers. Although imaging based on synchrotron technology has been claimed with a resolution of 30 nm, the instrument is not readily available. Also, to achieve such a high resolution, the sample thickness needs to be trimmed below 100 µm, which requires FIB milling and extensive preparatory work.
With the advances made in FIB-SEM instrumentation, a very high resolution can be achieved from SEM and a milling thickness of 3 nm can be obtained using FIB. Combining the high-resolution FIB milling and SEM imaging can reveal more significant details between the major tubules of dentin, such as interconnected branching 11 that includes major branches (0.5–1.0 µm), fine branches (300–700 nm), and microbranches (25–200 nm). These branches can potentially present large amounts of canalicular and anastomosing network. Therefore, study of the intricate intratubular dentin structure is imperative. Serial slices (images) can be automatically obtained and reconstructed by the instrument. By a further imaging process, the structures of interest can be segmented out and displayed individually. In this work, 860 SEM images were obtained with a pixel size of 10 nm × 10 nm and a slice thickness of 20 nm. The images were reconstructed into a 3-D volume, and the material occluded into the dentin tubules were segmented out and demonstrated. The 3-D FIB-SEM tomography can reveal the dentin structure and occluded material with nanoscale resolution, as shown in Fig. 3. The occluded material shows a relatively dense plugging on the top of the dentin tubules. In deeper regions of the tubules, the plugs are not continuous. These detailed structures are directly related the efficacy of the applied toothpaste for treating dentin hypersensitivity by interfering the fluid motion in the dentin tubules.
Compared with the 2-D SEM images, 3-D visualization of dentin occlusion can provide quantitative information of the material occluded in the tubules. As shown Fig. 5, the lengths of the occluding plugs can be quantitatively analyzed from the captured 3-D image. To show the occlusion efficacy of an oral care product or compare the occlusion efficacy of different oral care products, a quantitative analysis is always desired. However, there are not many methods available. This is largely due to the fact that the quantitative analysis requires a high-resolution technique to reveal the nanoparticles in the occluding material. Although X-ray technologies, or the synchrotron technology have been claimed to have the resolution of sub-microns or a few tens of nanometers 16,17, they still cannot match the sub-nanometer resolution offered by SEM. In this work, we show the process for obtaining SEM images with a pixel size of 10 nm×10 nm and a slice thickness of 20 nm. Visualization of the particles occluding the dentin tubules was achieved, and the obtained images showed that the occluding material is not continuous inside the tubules. These details, which may not be obtained by other technique, provide the direct reference information for developing toothpastes to treat dentin hypersensitivity.
Most of the advanced SEM/FIB systems can achieve a 5 nm × 5 nm pixel size and 5 nm slice thickness for analyzing dentine structure 27. However, we noticed some challenges when acquiring serial SEM images from dentin structures using the best resolutions. First, when a small pixel size and slice thickness are used, the image acquisition time is significantly increased, taking one or two days to obtain 2,000 images. Because the dentin structure is an organic-inorganic composite, the long imaging time will cause severe change and accumulated heat 28. As a result, the significant drift will occur, and the automatic tracking of the sample drift may be failed, causing the interruption of the image acquisition process. Thus, when the targeted size (volume) of interest is determined, the pixel size and slice thickness should be reasonably increased to minimize the sample drift.
On top of the sample drift during image acquisition, the organic-inorganic composite nature of dentin may also cause it to receive beam damage from the high energy ions of FIB. The high energy beam can burn out the organics, such as collagen fibers from the dentin structure, and leave micro-pores as shown in Fig. 2. b-ii. Thus, when interpreting the cross-sectional SEM images of dentin structure obtained by FIB, the micro-pores generated by ion beam damage may need to be considered as artifacts. To reduce the drift and beam damage, a cryogenic stage or a special sample process can be used if a large volume of interest is desired 29.
The 3-D reconstruction of SEM images has been improved due to the improvement of commercial software packages. However, there are still challenges for automatically segmenting the region of interest (ROI) from the occluded dentin. One such challenge is that, referring to Fig. 4b, there is not significant contrast difference between the occluding material and dentin. Thus, the segmentation has to be manually achieved from each slice. The deep learning process 30,31 potentially enables to automatically segment the ROI. However, whether the deep learning process may obtain the desired segmentation results is highly dependent on the ROI. For example, the occluding plugs inside the tubules are most likely to be porous. The deep learning process is often unable to differentiate between the part of the pore that lies in the background of the sliced cross-section and the part of the pore wall that is in that sliced cross-section. This results in artifacts that requires extensive corrections.
In summary, a reliable and desirable 3-D characterization method for dentinal occlusion has been reported here to study the penetration and distribution of applied toothpaste into dentin tubules. The 3-D image can provide detailed information about the dentin occlusion. Moreover, this method could be applied for the quantitative measurements of volumetric occlusions within the tubules, or other microstructural parameters such as porosity, diameter of tubules, and the ratio of peritubular dentin. Dentin specimens analyzed by this 3-D structural visualization approach may help elucidate the changes in dentinal blockage of specimens via testing various occlusion-based treatments in advanced dental research. This method will facilitate understanding the fundamental information of the occlusion efficacy of toothpaste, provide guidance for product development, and better communicate with consumers and professionals.