Referring to Table 1, the prerequisites of the proposed methodology are (a) the element–attribute matrix is fully populated with elements, attributes, and scores; (b) each score within an attribute column is greater than, less than, or equal to other scores within the same column as determined through a logic deemed acceptable to stakeholders; and (c) for every attribute, larger scores mean greater element preference (e.g., an element with an attribute score of 5 is preferred over an element with a score of 4). Fulfilling the first prerequisite means stakeholders have agreed on a set of elements to be ranked or that form the possible choices. They have also agreed on the attributes that are relevant to the decision. Completing the second prerequisite means stakeholders have developed a defensible and attribute-specific scheme to quantify and denote practical differences or similarities between elements (e.g., scores are rounded to context-specific significant figures). The last prerequisite means the natural way of scoring an attribute may need to be transformed to implement the proposed methodology.
Once the three prerequisites are satisfied but before applying any context-specific scheme to aggregate the attribute scores (e.g., adding scores or using another method to combine scores across attributes), the axiological uncertainty in element choice or element ranks can be approximated using an approach derived from the work of Brüggemann et al. (2004) and Carlsen (2008), which was summarized by Mauri and Ballabio (2008). The approach is based on partial order theory, which is described elsewhere (e.g., Epp, 2020) and has been used previously by Thiessen and Achari (2012; 2014) to rank contaminated sites. Based on a completed element–attribute matrix, the first step is to generate a Hasse matrix that relates every element to every other element in terms of dominance, subordinance, or incomparability according to the relations set expressed in Eq. 1 (Mauri & Ballabio, 2008). A Hasse matrix is the tabular representation of a directed graph called a Hasse diagram, and both the matrix and diagram describe the partial ordering of elements in a set, called a poset (Epp, 2020).
\({H}_{{e}_{b}\perp {e}_{c}}\left({e}_{b}\right)=\left\{\begin{array}{c}\text{If} {a}_{j}\left({e}_{b}\right)\ge {a}_{j}\left({e}_{c}\right) \forall a\in A⟶1, \text{else}\\ \text{If}\text{ }{a}_{j}\left({e}_{b}\right)<{a}_{j}\left({e}_{c}\right) \forall a\in A⟶-1, \text{then}\\ 0\end{array}\right\}\) 1
As previously described in a conference paper by Thiessen and Achari (2020), the relation of Element \(b\) compared to Element \(c\), denoted as \({H}_{{e}_{b}\perp {e}_{c}}\left({e}_{b}\right)\) in Eq. 1, is equal to 1 if all attribute scores for Element \(b\), denoted as \({a}_{j}\left({e}_{b}\right)\), are greater than or equal to the corresponding attribute scores for Element \(c\), denoted as \({a}_{j}\left({e}_{c}\right)\). This relation means Element \(b\) is preferred or equivalent when compared to Element \(c\). If this first statement is not true, the second statement in Eq. 1 is evaluated. If the second statement is true, \({H}_{{e}_{b}\perp {e}_{c}}\left({e}_{b}\right)=-1\), meaning Element \(b\) is not preferred nor equivalent when compared to Element \(c\). Both statements express comparability, which is denoted by the relational operator \(\perp\). If both statements are false, \({H}_{{e}_{b}\perp {e}_{c}}\left({e}_{b}\right)=0\), and the relative preference of Element \(b\) to Element \(c\) cannot be determined; the elements are incomparable and is denoted by the relational operator \(\parallel\). The pairwise comparisons codified in Eq. 1 are analogous to alternative pairwise comparison in the analytic hierarchy process presented by Saaty (1980). A free software, Decision Analysis by Ranking Techniques (DART) (Talete Srl, 2018a; 2018b) can be used to generate the Hasse matrix from the element–attribute matrix.
Using the values in the Hasse matrix, Brüggemann et al. (2004) and Carlsen (2008) proposed the three equations denoted as Eq. 2 to quantify the minimum possible rank, average rank, and maximum possible rank of an element, respectively. The variables \(n\), \({n}_{\le {e}_{b}}\), and \({n}_{\parallel {e}_{b}}\) are the number of elements, the number of 1-entries, and the number of 0-entries in a row in the Hasse matrix, respectively. The difference between the minimum and maximum possible ranks for an element is the axiological uncertainty band for that element. The element’s rank can vary within this uncertainty band and depends on decision-makers’ preferences about an attribute’s importance. Focusing on the right equation in Eq. 2, the range of the uncertainty band increases as \({n}_{\parallel {e}_{b}}\) increases in proportion relative to \({n}_{\le {e}_{b}}\). The centre equation can be used to characterize a poset as a totally ordered set (toset) with an unbiased measure of central tendency.
\({rk}_{min}\left({e}_{b}\right)={n}_{\le {e}_{b}}+1\)
\({rk}_{av}\left({e}_{b}\right)=\frac{\left({n}_{\le {e}_{b}}+1\right)\left(n+1\right)}{n+1-{n}_{\parallel {e}_{b}}}\)
\({rk}_{max}\left({e}_{b}\right)={n}_{\le {e}_{b}}+{n}_{\parallel {e}_{b}}+1\)
These equations are used to quantify ranking or choice uncertainties, as described with the illustrations in the next section. |
The methodology presented herein is illustrated with three examples. The first and second examples are based on life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) results published in research articles and show how the methodology can be applied to decisions centred on choosing an alternative. Articles by Visentin et al. (2021) and by Balasbaneh and Marsono (2020) were selected because they are recently published LCSAs focused on environmental engineering and civil engineering topics, respectively, and have well-presented element–attribute matrices. The third example focuses on ranking contaminated sites in India for further investigation or remediation and is based on a conference paper presented by Thiessen and Achari (2020).
Choice Of Zero-valent Iron Production Method
Zero-valent iron is a nanomaterial (nZVI) used in soil and groundwater remediation to chemically reduce contaminants, such as chlorinated solvents, to mitigate or remove their biological toxicity. Visentin et al. (2021) performed an LCSA of four methods to produce nZVI: (a) milling—iron particles are physically ground down to a size of 20 nm; (b) reduction with sodium borohydride (NaBH4)—aqueous solutions of ferric chloride and of NaBH4 react to form nZVI; (c) reduction with hydrogen gas (H2) with goethite and hematite synthesis (G/H)—G/H particles are synthesized and subsequently reduced via heat in an H2 atmosphere; and (d) reduction with H2 without G/H synthesis—G/H particles are procured from elsewhere and subsequently reduced via heat in an H2 atmosphere. (Visentin, da Silva Trentin, Braun, & Thomé, 2021)
Visentin’s et al. (2021) LCSA results are summarized in Table 2. To satisfy the third prerequisite described in the Methodology, the scores were translated to ranks as shown in the table as italicized numbers in parentheses.
Table 2
Results of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Zero-Valent Iron Production Methods
Zero-valent iron production methods
Life cycle sustainability assessment dimensions, endpoint categories, and results
Human health
Ecosystem quality
Climate change
Internal costs
External costs
Human resource management
Community development
Societal development
Corporate social responsibility
Reduction with sodium borohydride
Reduction with hydrogen and G/H synthesis
Reduction with hydrogen and no G/H synthesis
Note. The information in this table is from Table 1 in the research article by Visentin et al. (2021) but has been significantly restructured to follow the typical format of an element–attribute table. Also, the italicized numbers in parentheses have been added and are ranks, where larger ranks are preferred. The units are as follows: mPt is millionth of points, which is a unit of environmental load caused by the method; G/H is goethite/hematite; and USD/kg is US dollars per kilogram. Refer to the article by Visentin et al. (2021) for details.
Based on the ranks in Table 2, the Hasse matrix in Table 3 was prepared using Eq. 1 via the DART software (Talete Srl, 2018a). Focusing on the first row in the Hasse matrix, the iron milling method is preferred over or is equivalent to the nZVI production method using sodium borohydride because the value in the intersecting cell is 1. Iron milling is incomparable to the other two methods because pairwise comparison of the ranks in Table 2 reveal some of milling’s ranks are higher or lower than the corresponding ranks for the other two options (i.e., values are 0).
Table 3
Hasse Matrix of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Results for Zero-Valent Iron Production Methods
Zero-valent iron production method
Zero-valent iron production methods and relation set results
Reduction with sodium borohydride
Reduction with hydrogen and G/H synthesis
Reduction with hydrogen and no G/H synthesis
Reduction with sodium borohydride
Reduction with hydrogen and G/H synthesis
Reduction with hydrogen and no G/H synthesis
Note. The results in this table are based on the ranks associated with the zero-valent iron production methods (i.e., elements) and endpoint impact categories (i.e., attributes) in Table 2 and were calculated using Eq. 1.
Figure 1 illustrates the axiological uncertainty across the four nZVI production methods based on the Hasse matrix in Table 3. In both figure panels, the possible rank ranges for each production method are shown as grey vertical bands (i.e., axiological uncertainty bands), as determined by the left and right equations in Eq. 2. The vertical placement of the uncertainty bands for nZVI milling and reduction by H2 without G/H synthesis supports a conclusion that either of these two nZVI production method could be chosen as the most sustainable method. This result is consistent with Visentin’s et al. (2021) conclusion: “The LCSA indicated that the milling method and the hydrogen gas method (without G/H synthesis approach) were the most sustainable” (§ 4). Visentin et al. (2021) sought to establish a toset of the nZVI production methods based on relative sustainability index values listed in their article (§ 3.2.3), and the resulting ranks are shown as triangles in the left panel of the figure. The right panel depicts another toset, using the Hasse average ranks calculated according to the centre equation in Eq. 2, and appear to be better single-point estimates of the associated uncertainty. However, this discrepancy does not affect the chosen alternatives in this case.
Choice Of Retaining Wall Design
Retaining walls are geotechnical structures installed to hold back soil in hilly terrain. Balasbaneh and Marsono (2020) performed an LCSA of five retaining wall designs commonly used in Malaysia for residential buildings: crib, keystone, cantilever, gabion, and masonry retaining walls. Their LCSA results are reproduced in Table 4 (i.e., the element–attribute matrix), and the scores have been translated to ranks, like what was done in the previous example. Similarly, Table 5 is the Hasse matrix that was developed from Table 4.
Table 4
Results of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Retaining Wall Designs
Retaining wall design
Life cycle sustainability assessment criteria and results
Global warming potential, kg CO2 eq
Ozone layer depletion, CFC-11 eq
Cost present value, Malaysian ringgit
Social impacts, index a
23,525 (3)
328 (1)
921,100 (2)
0.501 (1)
28,680 (2)
255 (3)
951,500 (1)
0.328 (4)
34,810 (1)
296 (2)
595,600 (5)
0.420 (2)
12,784 (5)
179 (5)
826,300 (3)
0.387 (3)
20,020 (4)
225 (4)
689,000 (4)
0.311 (5)
Note. The information in this table is from Table 9 in the research article by Balasbaneh and Marsono (2020, p. 2150) but has been significantly restructured to follow the typical format of an element–attribute table. Also, the italicized numbers in parentheses have been added and are ranks, where larger ranks are preferred. CO2 eq is carbon dioxide equivalent and CFC-11 eq is chlorofluorocarbon-11 equivalent.
a There appeared to be a typographical error in Table 9 in the research article, and thus the social impact values listed on p. 2149 and depicted in Fig. 6 of Balasbaneh and Marsono’s (2020) were used instead.
Table 5
Hasse Matrix of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Results for Retaining Wall Designs
Retaining wall design
Retaining wall design and relation set results
Note. The results in this table are based on the scores associated with the retaining wall designs (i.e., elements) and life cycle sustainability assessment criteria (i.e., attributes) in Table 4 and were calculated using Eq. 1.
The axiological uncertainty across retaining wall designs is illustrated in Fig. 2. The left panel shows Balasbaneh and Marsono’s (2020) design order with the gabion wall being the recommended design from an LCSA perspective. One can observe that the uncertainty band for the gabion wall is wider than the adjacent band associated with a masonry wall. In contrast, the right panel shows the five designs ordered according to Hasse average rank. This presentation of the results places the masonry wall as the preferred design instead, which is intuitive base on the narrower breadth and high vertical position of its uncertainty band. This example emphasizes the perspective that uncertainties in MCDA should be quantified to inform stakeholder discussions and decision-making.
Ranking Contaminated Sites For Assessment Or Remediation
In 2015, India’s Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MoEFCC) published its report titled Inventory and Mapping of Probably Contaminated Sites in India (COWI, 2015a) to support the ongoing site assessment and remediation of 320 contaminated sites in the country. In the report, the MoEFCC’s consultant, COWI (2015d), described a screening-level contaminated site ranking scheme, called Stage I prioritization, to guide further investigations and remediation activities. Stage I prioritization is based on a priority score for each contaminated site that is the summation of scores ranging from 4 to 20 for each of the following five site attributes: industry profile (IP), land use (LU), population at risk (P), groundwater system at risk (GW), and surface water system at risk (SW) (COWI, 2015d). Larger priority scores are associated with contaminated site requiring greater attention by decision-makers.
Thiessen and Achari (2020) compiled the scores for the IP, LU, P, GW, and SW attributes for all 320 sites according to the guidance provided by COWI (2015b; 2015c; 2015d). The resulting element–attribute matrix is in the Supplementary Information because of its size; however, an excerpt is shown in Table 6 to show its structure. Likewise, the associated Hasse matrix is not provided because of its size, but it can be derived by using the element–attribute matrix in the Supplementary Information and the DART software (Talete Srl, 2018a).
Table 6
Structure of Stage I Prioritization Attributes Table
Contaminated site
Stage I prioritization attributes and scores
Industry profile
Land use
Population at risk
Groundwater system at risk
Surface water system at risk
Note. This excerpt illustrates the structure of element–attribute information in the Supplementary Information, which was compiled based on guidance by COWI (2015b; 2015c; 2015d).
The rank uncertainty across all 320 contaminated sites, ordered by Stage I priority scores, is presented in Fig. 3. The vertically wide grey band illustrates the large axiological uncertainty in contaminated site ranks if one removes the assumption that IP-, LU-, P-, GW-, and SW-scores must be added together, as proposed by COWI (2015d). This figure emphasizes the need for decision-makers to first understand and discuss information uncertainties before fixating on ways to aggregate attribute scores in MCDA. For example, Fig. 3 may help decision-makers cluster sites (i.e., group sites a posteriori) according to uncertainty band widths and positions relative to the vertical axis. Sites with narrower uncertainty bands positioned higher on the vertical axis may be higher-priority sites. Nevertheless, the desire for an unbiased single-point estimator of rank is reasonable. As illustrated with the previous two choice examples, the Hasse average rank is a suitable single-point estimator if a toset is desired, and Fig. 4 depicts the contaminated sites ordered according to it. Although the overall site order is different, what is notable across both figures is the higher priority sites, positioned on the right side of the figures, largely remain the same, which may mean their relative position in the site order is insensitive to the attribute aggregation function (e.g., priority score or Hasse average rank). Again, perhaps adequate decisions can be made with only the uncertainty bands.