In eukaryotic cells, the central growth regulator target of rapamycin (TOR) regulates the activity of RNA polymerase (Pol) III, which synthesizes transfer RNAs (tRNAs). RNA Pol III transcription activity varies with growth conditions. Dividing cells contain more tRNAs than resting cells, but the presence of too many tRNAs often has adverse effects in cells (Berns, 2008). For example, excess tRNAs in mammalian cells can increase the risk of carcinogenesis (Berns, 2008; Seton-Rogers, 2022). In cells, Maf1 is a conserved negative regulator of RNA Pol III transcription. Stressors such as rapamycin, nutrient starvation and DNA damage require Maf1 to repress Pol III transcription (Boguta and Graczyk, 2011).
In yeast, Maf1 is a phosphoprotein, and under favorable conditions, ScMaf1 is phosphorylated and mostly cytoplasmic (Karkusiewicz et al., 2011). However, under conditions of nutrient deprivation, ScMaf1 is dephosphorylated and moves the nucleus, where it binds Pol III and represses tRNA transcription. To activate tRNA transcription again, casein kinase II phosphorylates Maf1 to promote the dissociation of Maf1 from Pol III (Graczyk et al., 2011). Moreover, Maf1 phosphorylation by PKA regulates the suppression of Maf1 nuclear import. In addition, Sch9-mediated Maf1 phosphorylation is involved in the suppression of Pol III transcription (Moir et al., 2006).
The rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae causes rice blast, a devastating global disease, and is also a widely adopted model organism for studying plant–pathogen interactions (Zhang et al., 2016). Studies have revealed that TOR signaling is important for regulating the virulence of M. oryzae and can engage in crosstalk with the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), cell wall integrity (CWI) and autophagy pathways. We revealed that crosstalk between TOR and CWI signaling mediated by the protein phosphatase MoPpe1, a negative regulator of the TOR pathway, plays vital roles in vegetative growth, conidia formation and virulence (Qian et al., 2018). Although studies of TOR-dependent pathogenicity regulation have gradually been carried out, the underlying mechanisms by which TOR regulates tRNA synthesis during M. oryzae infection remain unclear.
Here, we identified a homolog of ScMaf1 in M. oryzae, which was named MoMaf1. We showed that MoMaf1 participates in tRNA transcription repression, vegetative growth, conidiogenesis and virulence in M. oryzae. Furthermore, the localization of MoMaf1 differs under different conditions, as MoMaf1 accumulates in nuclei under nutrient limitation and in the early infection phase but accumulates in the cytoplasm in the vegetative growth phase.