3.1 Oxide scale microstructure and composition (SEM).
After 200 hours of oxidation at 1100 °C, the average oxide scale thickness of FecralloyTM, FeCrAl-Zr, and FeCrAl-Hf was found to be 3.1 μm, 5.6 μm, and 4.9 μm, respectively. Fig. 2 shows SEM images of the cross-sectional area of the oxidized samples. Both FeCrAl-Zr and FeCrAl-Hf samples formed internal oxides, while FecralloyTM did not form internal oxides. The average internal oxide depth for FeCrAl-Zr and FeCrAl-Hf is 79.2 μm and 18.2 μm, respectively.
The samples were re-polished at an angle of 0.08° and then re-oxidized at 1100 °C in air. Fe-based oxide layer spalled off completely, revealing the partially spalled alumina oxide scale containing ridges, see Fig. 3 (c). In some areas, all the formed oxide is spalled off, and the alloy surface is exposed, see Fig. 3 (a). Contrary to that, at the center of the sample, it seems that the alumina oxide is embedding other oxides, notably hafnia, see Fig. 3 (d).
3.2 Oxide scale and composition (TEM).
After the second exposure, high-resolution electron imaging was performed using the FEI Thermo Fisher Themis Z for all samples, except for FeCrAl-Hf due to the severe spallation that occurred after the second exposure. A high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) was used to record images in scanning mode (STEM) with an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. Also, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) mapping was acquired along with alumina GB.
Fig. 4 (b,c,d) shows the elemental maps of Fe, Cr, and Zr for FecralloyTM revealing no segregation of Fe and Cr to the oxide layer. While Zr has segregated to the oxide layer. The cross-sectional HAADF-STEM image of the oxide scale grown on the FeCrAl overdoped with Zr alloy (FeCrAl-Zr) and EDX elemental mapping images are shown in Fig. 5.
There is no clear evidence from the elemental maps in Fig. 5 (b,c,d) of Fe segregation to the alumina oxide layer, but Fig. 5 (c) shows a Cr enrichment region formed at the alumina oxide layer. A 1-D concentration profile was used to identify and scrutinize Cr and Fe segregation to the alumina scale.
The white arrow in Fig. 6 (a) indicates the direction of the concentration profile analysis. The Cr segregated along alumina GB, as indicated in the concentration profile in Fig. 6 (c), where the atomic concentration of Cr suddenly increased in the GB region. It is also evident from the same figure that the Fe concentration at alumina grains is higher than it is along the alumina GB. The Cr and Fe concentration increased to 0.14, 0.05 at. % (left Cr-precipitate region on the concentration profile line) and 0.13, 0.04 at. % (right Cr-precipitate region on the concentration profile line), respectively, as shown in Fig. 6 (b). The presence of Zr in another region of the alumina containing GB was also investigated, see Fig. 7. Based on the concentration profile in Fig. 7 (b), the Zr concentration at the alumina GB shows a sudden increase to 7.27 at. %.
3.3 Atom probe tomography (APT)
APT was utilized to examine the microstructure in greater detail and gain a better understanding of the distribution of the atoms in the oxide scale. An APT analysis of a volume containing alumina GB for FecralloyTM and FeCrAl-Zr, as well as the oxide-alloy interface of FeCrAl-Zr, are given in the next figure.
Fig. 8 depicts the elemental map distribution of FecralloyTM’s oxide scale after the second oxidation. Elemental enrichment at these characteristics often allows APT to monitor the GBs. Figure 9 (c) shows the location of the GB on the APT sample, which indicates a sudden increase in the density of carbon atoms at GB, and there was no hint of Fe or Cr segregation at the GB. Further investigations were conducted by creating a 1-D concentration map across the GB, which shows a decrease of O around the GB and an increase in the concentration of O2, see Fig. 9 (c).
In case of FeCrAl-Zr, two samples of oxide scale containing GB and a sample containing oxide-alloy interface were run successfully. As shown in Fig. 10 (a,b,c,d), the 3-dimensional atom maps exhibit a triple junction point at the oxide-alloy interface. The triple junction point is confined between alloy and two oxide grains and it has been identified by its hump-like location and shape (e.g. Fig. 5a and 8a show the same hump-like at the triple junction point). According to these figures, segregation of Zr and Fe along oxide GB occurred which coincides with the TEM results. Also, Fig. 10 (a) reveals the formation of the Fe-rich band, and Cr-rich band (Fig. 10 (b)) near the alumina GB and above each other. According to the proxigram profile of the triple junction, it seems that Cr is the major constituent compared to Fe and Zr. Further investigation was conducted by performing a 1D concentration profile on the GB at two positions, one close to the triple junction and the other further away, see Fig. 12. The Zr concentration relatively far away from the triple junction is nearly equal to its concentration close to the triple junction, and Fig. 12 (b). The Gibssian excess of Zr for the two ROIs in Fig. 12) a,c) were calculated, and it was
Fig. 13 shows the elemental map distribution of Zr atoms (right) and ZrO (left), and it shows zirconium oxide (ZrO) forming at the alumina GB. The segregation of Zr at GB is expected and has already been reported in several papers [39–42]. But preferentially RE oxide formed at oxide GB due to the RE amalgamated with a relatively high ratio into the scale. Additionally, the presence of Zr precipitate close to the GB may facilitate Zr segregation along the oxide GB.
APT tip-sample containing oxide-scale interface was studied, Fig. 14 shows the 3D atom map distribution of Fe, Cr, Zr, Al, and O. It can be inferred from the images (Fig. 14 (c)) below, that Zr segregated to the oxide layer. Fe and Cr segregation through the oxide-alloy interface was identified, and it was confirmed using the 1D concentration profile, see Fig. 15. 1D concentration profile was generated at four segments on the oxide-alloy interface, it can be seen that the value of the atomic concentration of Fe at the alloy region (ID6 figure) is at its maximum. And based on the curve of the interface near the bottom of the 3D elemental map (Fig. 14), it seems that it’s near a triple junction region, Also, Fig. 15 depicts the concentration variation across the oxide-alloy interface. On average, 29.22 at. % / 1.24 at. % of Fe is present in the oxide-alloy interface/oxide grain, respectively. Likewise, 6.12 at. % / 0.39 at. % of Cr and 0.097 at. % / 0.11 at. % of Zr are present in the oxide/alloy and oxide grain, respectively.
3.4 Outward flux of Al along alumina GB.
The data acquired on the GB aluminum flux is shown in Fig. 16, which is plotted using a double-logarithmic of the oxide thickness against the Al flux along GB J. Both samples (FecralloyTM and FeCrAl-Zr) followed 1st Fick law.