Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a type of photocatalyst that is widely used in scientific and commercial applications. It has high oxidizing activity and produces oxidizing radicals such as hydroxyl radicals, superoxide anion and singlet oxygen in aqueous medium as a result of UV photon absorption below 385 nm wavelength. It is known that these products, which oxidize proteins and lipids in the cell membrane and cellular components, trigger cell death due to apoptosis and necrosis. Due to its effects on cell death, TiO2's anticancer properties have been frequently investigated recently.
One of the most important products obtained by using TiO2 is titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs). TiO2-NPs are chemically inactive and water-insoluble solid semiconducting materials. They exhibit photocatalytic activity if there is light with the energy around or greater than the band gap energy. These properties proposal a wide range of efforts TiO2-NPs are widely used in various usages such as biomedicine, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. TiO2-NPs have also important physical, chemical and biological properties such as chemical stability, good oxidation capacity, biocompatibility, low toxicity. On the other hand, due to the relatively low cost of the raw material and its processing, it has received widespread attention in recent years. Another important point about the use of TiO2-NPs in scientific studies is that they are widely investigated in biomedical fields and cancer researches, including photodynamic therapy, drug targeting systems, cell imaging, bioengineering and biosensors (Yamaguchi et al., 2010; Chihara et al., 2007; Blake et al., 1999; Thevenot et al., 2008; et al., 2014). The high refractive index of TiO2 can be expressed as its most important advantage. Thanks to this index, TiO2 has very good hiding power and brightness.
Potential therapeutic effects of TiO2–NPs and UV radiation in cancer treatment have been shown in different in-vitro studies in literature. TiO2 colloidal suspension was found to be effective in killing HeLa cells (Fujishima et al., 2000). Cancer cell-specific photokilling was successfully illustrated using antibodyimmobilized TiO2-NPs with 1 J/cm2 UV irradiation (Matsui et al., 2010). Nasr et al., 2018 evaluated the effect of TiO2 –NPs on apoptosis induction and invasion of gastric cancer cell line, MKN-45. TiO2-NPs promote oxidative stress in cells and destroy them through the cell membrane and DNA damaging, finally result cell death. Kubata et al., (1994) showed that human T-24 bladder cancer cells were killed via to free radical production due to combined application of TiO2–NPs and of UV radiation. Qingning et al., (2009) used one-dimensional titanium dioxide whiskers (TiO2 Ws) and made a strategy to examine their drug delivery application and anti-tumor effect combined with daunorubicin (DNR) photocatalytic activity applied on human hepatocarcinoma cells (SMMC-7721 cells) under UV irradiation.
In this study, we aimed to investigate the chemotherapeutic potential of TiO2–NPs on skin and breast cancer cells. The cells were treated with different concentrations of titanium dioxide and then exposed to UV-A radiation because it is known that TiO2 exhibits intrinsically strong absorption of UV light [Yoon et all. 2018]. The study of UV-A in cell studies is also important because as sunlight passes through the atmosphere, almost all of the UV-C and UV-B radiation is absorbed by the ozone layer, water vapour, oxygen and carbon dioxide. However, since UV-A radiation is much less affected by the atmosphere and other conditions, almost all of the UV radiation that can reach the earth's surface consists of UV-A. The combined effects of TiO2 and UV-A radiation on viability, cell cycle, mitochondrial membrane potential and apoptotic activity of cells were examined.
Figure 1