Hemodynamic measurements obtained during cardiac catheterization differed significantly in the same patient depending on the type of general anesthetic administered. Nearly every PDA patient showed an increase in degree of left to right shunting under TIVA as compared with IA (figure 3a). The only patients in whom there was not an increase in shunt were those who had very small PDAs with no measurable shunting in either condition. There were no patients with a Qp/Qs ≥ 2 under IA, while 5 of 12 patients had Qp/Qs ≥ 2 under TIVA. While these data would not necessarily alter the decision to close a PDA, such differences could alter management decisions in other populations such as shunt-dependent or other single ventricle patients.
The large difference in shunting in the PDA cohort can be attributed to significantly higher SVRi under TIVA versus IA, while PVRi was not significantly different between anesthesia phases. We would expect that similar changes in shunting could be seen in a variety of CHD lesions where the degree of shunting is determined by the relationship of SVR to PVR. Such lesions would include non-restrictive ventricular septal defects and atrioventricular septal defects, patients (including single ventricle patients) palliated with Blalock-Taussig-Thomas or Sano shunts and other forms of complex CHD. We observed a strong correlation between the magnitude of left-to-right shunt under IA and the increase in shunt observed after changing to TIVA (figure 3b). This demonstrates that the larger the shunt, the more it may be underestimated by obtaining data under IA. In a clinical context, this may result in underappreciation of pulmonary over-circulation in patients with certain forms of CHD.
Similarly, every OHT patient showed an increase in LVEDP when transitioned from IA to TIVA (figure 4a). There was a strong correlation between higher LVEDP under IA and larger increases in LVEDP between phases (figure 4b). We suspect this is caused by exposure to increased SVR under TIVA as compared with IA. The relationship between SVR and LVEDP becomes steeper in a failing ventricle [7]. The transition between anesthetic agents therefore constitutes a dynamic assessment of left ventricular diastolic function for these patients.
Systolic blood pressure under IA was much lower than baseline (figure 1). In contrast, systolic blood pressure under a TIVA regimen of dexmedetomidine and propofol closely matched baseline non-invasive systolic pressures obtained prior to anesthesia. SVRi under IA was much lower than under TIVA, mirroring the change in systolic blood pressure. Based on the well-known ability of sevoflurane to reduce SVRi [8], we believe that systolic blood pressure is a reasonable surrogate for baseline SVRi. These data suggest that the SVRi under TIVA may more closely reflect the awake hemodynamic state. PVRi was not significantly different when measured under IA versus TIVA. Thus, the mode of anesthesia disproportionately affected SVRi over PVRi. Since SBP under TIVA closely matched SBP prior to anesthesia, it can be argued that the higher Qp/Qs and LVEDP obtained under TIVA more closely reflects the awake physiologic state.
We also observed a trend toward an inverse correlation between the change in SVRi from one anesthesia phase to the other and the age of the patient, though this did not reach statistical significance (figure 5c). Smaller IA-induced changes with increasing age imply that the degree of Qp/Qs underestimation under IA may be greatest in the youngest patients. We did not enroll any patients younger than six months old in our study, so it is not clear if this association extends to newborns. However, it is often the youngest shunted patients with CHD that struggle the most with “over-circulation” of the pulmonary bed and associated compromise of systemic perfusion. Thus, the choice of anesthetic agent is of particular importance in shunted single ventricle patients.
A strength of our study is measuring hemodynamic data in the same patient under different anesthesia conditions, allowing each subject to serve as his or her own control. We started with inhaled sevoflurane as the first phase because of the ability to rapidly eliminate it from the body during the transition phase and to document this by direct measurement of the exhaled percentage of sevoflurane. The two most common inhaled anesthetic anesthesia agents used in our pediatric catheterization lab are sevoflurane and isoflurane. Sevoflurane has a shorter half-life and so was chosen over isoflurane for this study. Isoflurane has been shown to increase PVR in some patient populations [3] and it could be useful to repeat these experiments with isoflurane to determine its effects relative to sevoflurane in pediatric patients.
One limitation is that we would like to have studied some patients in the TIVA phase first followed by the IA phase to determine if the impact on hemodynamics was similar. In some patients, we observed a transient spike in systolic blood pressure during the dexmedetomidine bolus, as has been previously described [5]. It is possible that some of this increase in pressure may have represented a rebound effect from turning off the inhaled sevoflurane. This effect did not persist longer than 10 minutes, and blood pressure plateaued by the time the exhaled sevoflurane approached zero. Starting with TIVA would have required a much longer transition period to allow for the IV agents to be eliminated. The prolonged anesthesia time that would have been required for this approach represented an unacceptable added risk.
The combination of dexmedetomidine and propofol was chosen in close collaboration with our pediatric cardiac anesthesiologists. Both agents are used routinely in our catheterization laboratory. Dexmedetomidine has been shown to have little effect on SVR and PVR [5,9]. Propofol is known to decrease SVR and PVR [6,3] but was chosen for our study due to the ability to rapidly titrate the dose. Interestingly, the combination of these two agents showed markedly higher SVR and similar PVR to inhaled sevoflurane.
A well-established clinical approach to management of the low SVR state associated with IA is to increase SVR using intermittent bolus dosing of a vasoconstrictor agents such as ephedrine or phenylephrine [10]. This approach is complicated by the need to establish “stable” hemodynamics during all phases of data collection in the catheterization lab. Our data suggest that IA results in relatively significant hypotension during pediatric cardiac catheterization procedures. This hypotension and the need to respond to it by adding vasoactive agents may induce a significant bias to the hemodynamic data obtained. Understanding the age-dependent effects of IA on SVR and blood pressure and the availability of IV alternatives that may have less effect on hemodynamics may help obtain data that more reflect the awake state.