We studied how the zooplankton community differs among the three culture systems at different sampling moments. The differences among these culture systems are mainly characterized by stocking species, density and water exchange strategy.
Study site, zooplankton collection and species identification
The study was conducted from May to July 2020. Samples were collected from six shrimp ponds located in Tam Giang Lagoon, Thua Thien Hue in the central part of Vietnam. The studied ponds cover three different types of culture intensities practiced in the area, including extensive, semi-intensive and intensive with two ponds per level of culture intensity (hereafter called culture systems). Environmental characteristics of the ponds are typical for aquaculture ponds in the central part and southern Vietnam (e.g. Nguyen et al. 2011). The ponds were 1.2-1.5m deep. Bottom and bases of intensive ponds were coated with black polyethylene to prevent water loss. The area of the ponds was 2,500–7, 000m2 for the extensive culture, 3,500m2 for the semi-intensive culture and 2,000 m2 for the intensive culture. Extensive ponds were stocked with black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) post larvae at 50 ind/m2. Semi-intensive and intensive ponds were stocked with white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) post larvae at 50 ind/m2 and 250 ind/m2, respectively. During the study, no water exchange was done for extensive ponds. The ponds were only filled once a month to replenish the water loss. For semi-intensive ponds, 50% of the water was exchanged once every month. The water in intensive ponds were exchanged more frequently at one time per week during the first month, and every day thereafter from the second month of the culture period through siphoning and refilling.
In total, 18 zooplankton samples were collected from six shrimp ponds. All samples were collected using a conical plankton net (mesh size 90 µm, length 100cm, mouth/opening diameter 37cm) that was towed on surface by hand and collected at a distance of 20m long and at 5m.s− 1 speed. All samples were kept in 500mL bottles, preserved in 5% formalin (pH neutralized) and transferred to the laboratory at Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry for species identification and biomass determination. At the laboratory, all samples were cleaned with fresh water to remove dust. The samples were then filtered through a zooplankton sieve (250 µm) to obtain the macro-zooplankton which were then counted. Zooplankton smaller than 250 µm were retained on a 20 µm sieve and subsequently were brought into the suspension of filtered seawater added up to the volume of 50 mL. After thoroughly mixing, an 1 ml aliquot was used for counting under an MPC-1 binocular microscope. Individuals were morphologically identified to species level if possible, following the protocol developed by Grosjean et al. (2004), Balcer et al. (1984), Goswami (2004), Kelso et al. (2012).
The density of zooplankton species at each station was expressed as a count per cubic meter. To determine zooplankton density, the amount of water filtered by the plankton net during each sampling was estimated using the formula: Volume filtered water = Pulled distance × Opening area of net.
As a measure of biodiversity patterns, similarities in the species composition between stations were estimated by the Bray-Curtis index and stations were clustered based on this index. The species richness was calculated by the Margalef’s index (d) (Margalef 1958):
d = (S − 1)/lnN
Where S: Number of species, N: the total number of individuals.
The species diversity was estimated by Shannon Wiener index (H’) (Shannon 1948) and Simpson index D (Odum 1971) :
Shannon Index (H’):
$${H}^{{\prime }}= -{\sum }_{i=1}^{S}{p}_{i}ln{p}_{i}$$
Where S: Number of species, pi is the frequency of the ith species.
Simpson index (D):
$$D= \frac{1}{{\sum }_{i=1}^{s}{p}_{i}}$$
The species evenness was estimated by Pielous’s index (Pielou 1966)
$${J}^{{\prime }}=\frac{H{\prime }}{{H{\prime }}_{max}}$$
Where: H’: the number derived from the Shannon diversity index,
H’max: the maximum value of H’.
$${H{\prime }}_{max}= -{\sum }_{i-1}^{S}\frac{1}{S}ln\frac{1}{S}= lnS$$
Water quality
Water quality of the ponds were monitored at every sampling. Salinity and temperature were recorded using a hand-portable refractometer (PCE 0100, China) and thermometer (Netsuken, Japan) respectively.
Data analyses
All the analyses were conducted using R version 4.1.3 (R Core Team 2019) with the following packages: ‘lme4’ (v.1.1–21, Bates et al. 2015), ‘dplyr’ (v.1.0.8, Wickham et al. 2022), ‘car’ (v.3.0–12, Fox and Weisberg 2019), ‘emmeans’ (v.1.7.3, Lenth et al. 2022), ‘multcomp (v.1.4–18, Hothorn et al. 2008) and ‘rcompanion’ (v.2.4.15, Mangiafico 2022). GraphPad Prism v.5 was used for making plots. PRIMER v.6 was used for analyzing of SIMPER (Similarity Percentages), and MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling), based on the matrix of the similarity in the species composition (Bray-Curtis 1957), species richness index D, species diversity index H and species evenness index J’.
Zooplankton density and number of species was log-transformed before being analyzed. The effect of intensity levels and sampling times was analyzed using Aligned Ranks Anova (Wobbrock at al. 2011) with intensity level and sampling time as fixed- independent variables. We also compared the density of three major zooplankton groups including copepods, rotifers and decapod larvae among three different culture systems (Extensive, Semi-Intensive, Intensive) using Aligned Ranks Anova (Wobbrock at al. 2011).