The RPJMN will be ratified through an Act no later than 6 months after the inauguration of the elected President and Vice President. This is revealed as the Work Plan and Budget of the State Ministries/Institutions (RKA-KL), which will be ratified no later than 6 months after the RPJMN is published. The RPJMD will be ratified through Provincial and Regency/City Regional Regulations, respectively, no later than 6 months after the Governor, Mayor and Regent are inaugurated by the President. The RPJMD will be reduced to the Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) and the Regional Work Unit Work Plan (Renja SKPD) for the short/annual term (Hudi, 2018, p. 110). Thus, the alignment of this planning can produce right-on-target development to realise the nation's welfare. Suppose simultaneous elections can be run without changes. In that case, the RPJPN can be harmonised with the RPJPD implemented through the RPJMN and RPJMD promptly without any obstacles in the election of Provincial Heads and Regency/City Regional Heads every year, as shown in data in Table 1.
Vox Populi, Vox Dei means the voice of the people is the voice of God or the divine (Rosillo-López, 2017). The voice of "the people" in society is the voice of the collective power of society, opinions that act as needles and threads through our hearts and minds in the form of aspirations and stories that will bind the whole as a community (Enoch, 2018, p. 77). Election procedures legitimise political power and build consensus between the Government and the people. Recognition by the society of the legitimacy of power is the most reliable foundation of this consensus on which modern states and ancient polis states are built. (Smorchkov, Fedorchenko, & Shkarenkov, 2020, p. 77). This argument strengthens that the Indonesian people's strength will determine the success of simultaneous general elections and the nation's welfare. If the entire community can succeed in the simultaneous general elections, then the national development planning will proceed according to its axis towards the vision targeted in the RPJPN 2025–2045.
Table 1 shows that there are differences in the timing of the election of the President and Vice President, Regional Heads at the Provincial, Regency and City levels which cause the planning wheels to be synchronised. This synchronisation will lead to the failure to achieve the national development goals designed in the RPJPN 2004–2024. The success of national development is an aggregation of the success of regional development. Therefore, policy synergy through communication forums and coordination with consultations between the centre and the regions must be maintained and improved to maintain the development momentum. The utilisation of APBN and APBD, as well as other legitimate sources, must be truly effective in implementing policies, programs and activities following established development priorities. (Bappenas, 2012).
Synchronising simultaneous general elections to national development planning positively impacts the future. Potential to minimise conflicts between parties or party supporters. Conflicts are no longer prolonged throughout the year, so it is easier to handle from a conflict management perspective (Nabila, 2021). Simultaneous general elections positively correlate with strengthening the presidential in Indonesia (Prasetyoningsih, 2014, p. 25). The synergy of the executive and legislative authorities will realise the synchronisation of simultaneous general elections towards development planning according to the 2045 target, namely the nation's welfare. The nation's welfare in question is following the statistical data in Fig. 2.
Implementation of simultaneous elections in the view of the Constitutional Court based on the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) No. 13/PUU-XI/2013 that Article 22E paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia if interpreted with the original intent, the implementation of the Presidential election which is held after the legislative election is a form of deviation.(Fitri & Setiadi, 2022, p. 81). This strengthens the implementation of simultaneous elections, but there are still several parties who are against the implementation of simultaneous elections, including the first problem regarding the dynamics of postponing the elections, which will be held in 2024 for 271 regions whose terms of office will end in 2022 and 2023. (Kelibay, Boinauw, Rosnani, & Kalagison, 2022, p. 179). The second problem is that because the 2024 general election and local elections are held amid a pandemic, in preparing the budget, also pay attention to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)(Ardianto, 2021). The third problem is the high workload of election administrators (Prayoga, 2022). All problems from a counter perspective cannot be blamed. However, if the simultaneous election is successfully implemented, it will positively impact the future, especially in the national development planning 2025–2045.
To eliminate the bad tendencies that have developed in the community, apart from an accommodative approach, it also involves all elements of the Government from the central, regional and local levels. In addition, the support for this simultaneous election program requires cooperation between all stakeholders; executive, legislative and judicial. In this case, BAPPENAS, as the compiler of the RPJPN and RPJMN, is obliged to carry out socialisation related to the positive impact of synchronising simultaneous general elections on national development planning as a form of mediation to all Indonesian people who are against the implementation of the 2024 simultaneous general elections, which is considered synonymous with political content. Thus, synchronising simultaneous general elections through national development planning can be carried out sustainably.