Tal buildings appeared in the late 19th century in the United States. They are what are known as “American building styles”, meaning the most important tall buildings built in the United States. Today, they are a worldwide architectural phenomenon. Many high-rise buildings are being built around the world especially in Asian countries like China, Korea, Japan and Malaysia. According to available and published data in the 1980s, about 49%of the world’s tall buildings are located in north America.
The distribution of tall buildings has changed significantly, with Asia now accounting for the share ate 32% and north America 24% The development of high-rise buildings involves various complex factors such as economies, aesthetics, technology, city regulations and politics. of these, the economy is the main determining factor. For a very tall building, its structural design is often governed by its lateral stiffness. Compared to traditional tall rectangular structures such as framed tubes, diagrid structures carry lateral wind loads much more efficiently due to the axial action of the diagonal members. Today’s architects have lost interest in the aesthetics created by traditional framed tubes consisting of orthogonal and large diagonal elements. Because they are always looking for something new and different. Diagrid system construction offers excellent structural efficiency without the structural loading of vertical columns and also opens up new aesthetics looks for high rise building.
The diagrid looks nice and is easy to find. The structural efficiency of the diagrid system helps reduce Interior and corner pillars, greatly increasing floor plan flexibility. The diagrid system saves about 20% of the weight of structural steel conventional construction. The diagonal bars of the diagrid structural system carry dead loads and lateral forces due to the triangular frame structure. Diagrid can save up to 20–30% on structural steel in high rise buildings. The term diagrid is a combination of the words diagonal and refers toa structure that is essentially of unitary thickness and uses triangulation to obtain structural integrity. Refers to the system. The structure of the diagrid system can be planar, crystalline, or adopt multiple curvatures, crystal shape or curvature is often used to increase stiffness diagonal side carry the lateral and gravity loads of the building and serve to support the floor edges.
There are engineering reasons to recommend using a diagrid of the following:
1. Increased structural stability through triangulation.
2. A combination of dead load, pay load and side load in a storage system can improve efficiency.
3. Provides an alternate load path in the event of structural failure.
4. Lightening of the superstructure may be proportional to the reduction of stresses on the foundation.
In this study from chapter, we study behavior of diagrid system used in tall building by using ETABS and the following objectives are:
To find the optimum angle for the 12-storey diagrid system for the high-rise building by using different angles
To analyse the comparative results of the 12-storey optimum angle diagrid system with 12 storey simple frame structure.
To analyse the 24-storey optimum angle of diagrid system of high-rise building.
To analyse the comparative results of the 24-storey optimum angle diagrid system with 24 storey simple frame structure.