The analysis of the results focused on evaluating the different impacts of the factors on the output variables. They were divided into thrust force (Ft), delamination, hole wall roughness, and hole roundness. In addition, the tools used in the experiments were evaluated for possible wear. Lastly, an analysis of the cost associated with the process was performed.
3.1 Thrust force (Ft)
Table 3 shows the P-values obtained by the variance analysis (ANOVA) performed for thrust force (Ft). The main effects (f, tt, ca, jt, and vc) were significant for a 95% confidence interval. Among the interaction effects, the significant factors were jt x ca, ct x ca, vc x tt, and ct x tt. It is worth noting that R2 = 99.1% was observed. The further factors and their interactions were not influential for a significance level α < 0.05. Figure 3 exhibits the main effects for Ft. Feed rate (f) was an expected significant factor over Ft, which several researchers indicate as the leading influence [33][34]. For the analysis of the thrust force (Ft), the lowest value obtained for the drilling condition with the lowest feed rate value (f = 0.02 mm/rev) is observed. The joint type (simple jt or composed jt) was greatly influenced by the significant increase in the specific cutting force because of the two layers of metal presented [35]. Due to the different drill tip angles (118º and 130°), the tool ends up contributing to a greater contact area during the drilling process, which would have influenced Ft [1][5][6][10][15], i.e., low thrust force values with 85C tool. The cooled compressed air (ca) contributes to Ft in helping to remove chips from the flutes, generating fewer obstacles in the tool feed during drilling. The reduction in thrust force (Ft) with lower feed rate values combined with higher cutting speeds was observed by Phadnis et al. [36]. The cutting speed (vc) effect of decreasing Ft was probably due to the lower adhesion of aluminum on the chisel and the main cutting edges. With low vc, the adhesion of aluminum promotes the generation of a built-up edge (BUE) and reduces the tool's cutting capacity, contributing to chipping and possible tool failure. In HSC, the BUE was not identified [37]. In the interaction jt x ca, differences in specific cutting force (Kf) are observed, combined with the characteristic of facilitating the chip removal and the matrix and fiber residues that tend to obstruct tool movement [38][39]. The interaction ct x ca can contribute to composite delamination, making it less susceptible to failures [21][40][41][42]. In contrast, vc x tt is associated with different drill tip geometries, which affect the thrust force (Ft) [23][43]. Finally, the interaction ct x tt is influenced by diverse critical delamination forces (Fcr) that can influence and contribute to the higher axial loads [3][19]. According to Kumar and Sing [43], the thrust force and delamination are closely tangled; an increase in the thrust force (Ft) induces an increase in the delamination factor.
Table 3
P-values for main and interaction effects by ANOVA of Ft.
Main Effects | P-value | Interaction Effects | P-value |
feed rate (f) | < 0.001 | joint type (jt) x cooled air (ca) | 0.002 |
tool type (tt) | < 0.001 | composite type (ct) x cooled air (ca) | 0.017 |
cooled air (ca) | < 0.001 | cutting speed (vc) x tool type (tt) | 0.002 |
joint type (jt) | < 0.001 | composite type (ct) x tool type (tt) | 0.032 |
cutting speed (vc) | 0.002 | | |
R² = 99.1% |
3.2 Adjusted delamination factor
Table 4 exhibits the P-values generated by ANOVA of the adjusted delamination factor (Fda). The main effects (P-value < 0.05) significantly influent over the adjusted delamination factor (Fda) were joint type (jt), composite type (ct), and cutting speed (vc). In this case, the determination coefficient was R² = 77.93%. Figure 4 exhibits the main effects on Fda. Considering the composite type, the Fda observed in GFRP is significantly lower than the Fda in CFRP. This behavior was expected because different levels of delamination defects were obtained for each composite. The strength associated with the type of fiber used and the differences in the critical delamination force (Fcr) associated with the composite are distinct and may be related to damage (major and minor). Considering the Mode I energy release rate [8], the estimated Fcr is 63.26 N for GFRP [7] and 94.68 N for CFRP [9]. Another significant main effect, the highest cutting speed (220 m/min) promotes a higher Fda than the lowest (40 m/min). This effect can be associated with the friction generated in the cutting zone resulting in regions with overheating (surface burns) that are unwanted for the material depending on the proximity to the vitrification temperature of the composite matrix, which reduces its durability and stability [9][36][44][45]. According to joint types, in the composed joints, the Fda is significantly higher compared to simple joints. This difference can be associated with a burr formation at the exit of the metallic material positioned at the composite entrance, which exerts a compressive load on the FRP, increasing the delamination. The influences on Fda associated with the tool type (85C and 86C) were not significant for the main effect. Then, regardless of the drill type used, both statistically promote the same level of damage by delamination. The feed rate (f) and cooled compressed air did also not demonstrate significant effects; however, higher f (0.08 mm/rev) and drilling with cooled air tends to reduce Fda.
Table 4
P-values for main and interaction effects by ANOVA of Fda.
Main Effects | P-value | Interaction Effects | P-value |
cutting speed (vc) | < 0.001 | feed rate (f) x tool type (tt) | 0.004 |
composite type (ct) | < 0.001 | feed rate (f) x composite type (ct) | 0.008 |
joint type (jt) | < 0.001 | composite type (ct) x tool type (tt) | 0.009 |
| | composite type (ct) x joint type (jt) | 0.041 |
R² = 77.8% |
Some combinations proved to be significant for the interactions of the two factors. The interaction f x tt showed that using the 85C drill, the increase in Fda occurs with the highest feed rate. When using the 86C drill, the Fda decreases with f = 0.08mm/rev. However, an inversion occurs with the lowest feed rate (f = 0.02mm/rev), i.e., lower Fda using the 85C drill and higher Fda with the 86C drill. These variations can be attributed to the differences in the drill tip angles (118° and 130°), as they cause distinct shapes of defects, as well as contrasts in Ft generated by different feed rates, as shown by diverse researchers [5][6][7][34][43][46]. The damage associated with the interaction between feed rate (f) and joint type (jt) was significant. For drilling the simple joint, there was an increase in Fda with increasing f from 0.02 to 0.08 mm/rev; on the other hand, Fda decreased with the growth of feed rate in the composed joint machining. However, the drilling of the composed joint with f = 0,02 mm/rev generated the highest Fda value, possibly due to chip flow and adhesion of aluminum on the cutting edges [47][48]. The increase in f during the drilling of CFRP promoted a rise in Fda. However, the increase in f reduced Fda when GFRP machining. In addition, the highest Fda value occurred with f = 0.08 mm/rev in CFRP drilling. This characteristic may be associated with the composite susceptibility in the contact between the tool and FRP, contributing to lower fiber and matrix pullouts of the GFRP compared to CFRP [23][24][25]. This behavior can demonstrate the lower incidence of this damage on GFRP due to its lower critical delamination force (Fcr) than CFRP. For GFRP, the limit is reached with minor load values, promoted by the lowest feed rate. When f increases, the thrust force increases, and delaminations tend to propagate more quickly, increasing Fda [29][34][49].
Considering the interaction between composite type and tool type, when drilling GFRP with the 85C drill, there was a lower Fda than with the 86C drill; however, a lower Fda was generated in cutting CFRP using the 86C drill rather than the 85C. This characteristic can be associated with the drill tip angle, making it more susceptible to defects [41][43]. For the reasons mentioned earlier, the highest Fda occurred during the machining CFRP in the composite joint due to higher Fcr; on the other hand, the lowest Fda occurred when drilling GFRP in the simple joint. The interaction between cutting speed and cooled air showed that, with lower vc (40 m/min), there is a tendency for lower Fda. However, the Fda increased for the highest vc (220 m/min), and the cooled air had no influence. This situation demonstrates the weak effect of vc when combined with cooled air over the delamination, allowing the use of higher cutting speeds without harming the HCMS. Although not significant, there was a tendency to decrease the Fda with the presence of cooled air in all interactions. This reduction can be related to the thermal effects caused in the composite matrix, which may have improved its integrity and the hole quality at low temperatures since it prevented the fiber pullouts and contributed to lower delamination [23][24][25][49][50][51].
The cooled air-assisted drilling provided a more regular cutting operation when compared with machining without cooled air. The cooled air probably impacted the decrease of the tool/composite contact temperature resulting in better stability of the FRP during the cutting process. The absence of cooled air increased hole wall roughness and delamination, as observed in some papers [21][49]. In this case, the heat removal effectiveness in drilling (tool, material, and chip) reduces the high-temperature effects on the matrix and fibers [52]. Moreover, delamination gradually diminishes with the decrease in temperature [23][24][25][49][50][51][53]. The effects on the delamination reduction in CFRP drilling with cooled air are in line with those obtained by Abish et al. [40] and Joshi et al. [42]. Hoffmann et al. [50] also observed that the drilling process with cooled compressed air facilitates fiber breakage, as they reduce their resilience at low temperatures. These ruptures avoided the pullout phenomenon, generating lower roughness values (fiber pullout causes high cavities on the surface) but increasing delamination. Although these effects have also been observed in this work, they were not significant.
The defects generated by drilling HCMS are attributed to aluminum burrs at the exit of the joint's upper plate due to increased compressive load on the FRP. The plastic deformation caused by the burr formation harms the composite [9][34]. As a result, defects in the hole region increase. In many situations, the effects are caused by unwanted burrs, as indicated [14][17]. Figure 5 shows the SEM images of holes 43 (simple joint with 86C drill) and 64 (composed joint with 85C drill) generated in the cooled air-assisted drilling with vc = 220 m/min and f = 0.08 mm/rev. For hole 43 (Fda = 1.12), no apparent surface defects on CFRP were observed in SEM analysis (Fig. 5a). The hole contour region (Fig. 5b) and the fiber cut (Fig. 5c) are regular. When analyzing hole 64 (Fda = 1.24), multiple defects were observed around the surface of the hole, generating superficial marks on the CFRP (Fig. 5d) in the contour of the hole (Fig. 5e) and the cutting fibers and matrix (Fig. 5f). Thus, the origins of possible failures were characterized by the fibers rupture and matrix degradation, which originated in the burrs in the composed joints [48]. Although the 86C drill tended to reduce Fda, this comparison was selected because the tool type (tt) was not significant for a 95% confidence interval.
Figure 6 exhibits the SEM images of hole 03 exit (GFRP with cooled air) and hole 50 exit (CFRP without cooled air) after drilling single joints using vc = 220 m/min, f = 0.02 mm/rev, and 85C tool. By the overview of hole 50 (Fig. 6d) with Fda = 1.11, the detail of the fibers' shape on the circumference (Fig. 6e) was confirmed by the regular cut of the CFRP fibers (Fig. 6f). On the other hand, when compared with hole 03 (GFRP with Fda = 1.13), hole 50 displays some threads, irregular cutting (Fig. 6a), fibers' shape in the circumference (Fig. 6b), and matrix degradation (Fig. 6c), indicating the differences between the composites.
Besides the differences in fiber characteristics, as expected by the different critical delamination forces associated with each material. This fiber characteristic is attributed to the high contact of the drill tip with the joint surface, which impairs the integrity of the composite and results in higher fragmentation and thermal degradation. The delamination results were similar to those of other researchers [8][12][42][44]. Although the cooled air tended to reduce Fda, this comparison was selected because it was not significant considering P-value < 0.05.
3.3 Hole wall roughness
Table 5 presents the P-value of the main and combined effects obtained by ANOVA of average roughness (Ra), with a coefficient of determination (R²) of 78.3%. The cutting speed (vc), feed rate (f), and tool type were significant; a lower vc, a higher f, and 86C drill (σ = 130°) are associated with the lowest Ra values (Fig. 7). Since the analysis was in the metallic phase (aluminum), the composite type (ct) and the joint type (jt) did not influence the hole wall roughness. The vc x f interaction was significant and increased the average roughness when growing vc with lower and higher feed rates. However, Ra has a lower increase in drilling with f = 0.08 mm/rev than with f = 0.02 mm/rev. For the interaction vc and tool type, Ra increased with vc = 220 m/min regardless of the drill type. This same tool characteristic was observed by other researchers and was associated with tool wear through the adhesion (due to aluminum ductility) and abrasion (due to fibers of composite) mechanisms [1][5][6][10][29].
Table 5
P-value for the main and combined effects for average roughness.
Main Effects | P-value | Interaction Effects | P-value |
cutting speed (vc) | < 0.001 | cutting speed (vc) x feed rate (f) | < 0.001 |
feed rate (f) | < 0.001 | cutting speed (vc) x tool type (tt) | 0.002 |
tool type (tt) | 0.008 | | |
R² = 78,3% |
Figure 8 shows the surface characteristics analyzed by SEM of hole 59 (vc = 220 m/min and Al/GFRP/Al joint) and hole 10 (vc = 40 m/min and GFRP/Al joint) at the entrance on the bottom aluminum plate when drilling with 86C tool and f = 0.02 mm/rev. Since de joint type was not significant, the evaluation of holes generated with different cutting speeds was possible. When analyzing the detailed surface aspect of holes 59 and 10, noticeable differences in surface quality are observed. The surface patterns can be compared qualitatively between hole 59 (Ra = 3.06 µm) (larger grooves and irregular points) and hole 10 (Ra =1.59 µm) (surface more cohesive and regular), demonstrating the Ra values obtained in these conditions. The results agree with other works [29][48]. They justified this relationship with the presence of superficial microchipping and burns on the tools and the facility of aluminum flow [40][54].
3.4 Hole roundness deviation
Table 6 exhibits the P-values generated by ANOVA of hole roundness deviation (t). Feed rate (f) and cutting speed (vc) were considered significant factors for the metallic phase (R2 = 47.9%). At the same time, joint type (jt), composite type (ct), and the combination jt x ct significantly influenced the t deviation in the composite phase (R2 = 60.4%). The large residues could be affected the coefficient of determination (R²) in the roundness measurement. However, it was decided to leave them present in the analyses, which may contribute to the increase in R².
Table 6
P-value for the main and combined effects for roundness on metallic and composite phases.
Metallic Phase (tmetal) | Composite Phase (tcomp) |
Effects | P-value | Effects | P-value |
cutting speed (vc) | 0.005 | joint type (jt) | < 0.001 |
feed rate (f) | 0.038 | composite type (ct) | 0.011 |
| | jt x ct | < 0.001 |
R2 = 47,9% | R2 = 60,4% |
Figure 9 regarding the roundness deviations on sheet metal, there was a tendency to increase the tmetal when used higher vc and a decrease with higher f. However, these deviations did not exceed 25 µm. This association of effects is supported by the work of further researchers [18][34][49]. The other main factors (joint type, tool type, composite type, and cooled air) were not considered significant for metal roundness, i.e., they do not impact positively or negatively.
The composite type (CFRP promoted an increase in the tcomp), and the joint type (composed joint induced a rise in this deviation) impacted the roundness of the composite (Fig. 10). The input factors vc, f, tool type, and cooled air were not significant for the 95% confidence interval. However, with the highest vc, higher deviations in roundness were observed but did not exceed 55 µm. Cooled air at different cutting speeds did not show a significant difference. Nevertheless, considering the lowest f, differences in the tcomp were observed with cooled air. Gaitonde et al. [12] observed an increase in roundness deviation with this situation. Hence, the most considerable deviations from roundness were observed with vc = 220 m/min and f = 0.02 mm/rev, possibly due to the composite matrix damage caused by the higher friction associated with this combination, as demonstrated by other authors [28][55]. Giasin and Soberanis [53] observed reduced roughness values with lower temperatures in the process at different vc, associated with higher stability (rigidity) on the composite matrix. In addition, the contraction effect on the composite fibers after the drill passed through the material contributed to the increase in roundness at lower f. Because of a longer contact time between drill and FRP, a bending occurred during the tool path through the fibers, causing an elastic deformation similar to buckling in this region. When the return to the initial position after shear failure ensued, the fiber promotes a tightening around the drill, resulting in smaller hole diameters than the tool size [49][55]. For the combined effects, roundness deviation increased when using the composed joint. There was a tendency to move the upper plate after the drill had passed, creating greater instability and contributing to the buckling effects in the composite drilling; this was more relevant when the layers were overlapped, as in the case. For simple joints, these effects were not observed.
3.5 Tool state analysis
The analysis assesses whether tool wear was (comparing the drills before and after HCMS drilling) and wear types observed (abrasion, adhesion, chipping, and others). Figure 11 shows the abrasive wear on the main cutting edge of the 85C drill. Another feature observed was the material adhesion on the chisel edge. EDS identified metallic residues, with aluminum being the predominant element (as expected). This adhesion compromises the tool cutting performance [47][48]. Figure 12 exhibits some metallic adhesions (residual aluminum confirmed by EDS) on the main cutting edge and the chisel edge of the 86C drill, as expected. However, no wear is observed, which could compromise the drilling process [45]. Due to the drilling direction from FRP to aluminum, the residual presence of composite elements was not observed on 85C and 86C tools [56].
3.6 Evaluation tests
In the assessment study, fixed factors were defined to evaluate the results. This limitation was established due to the small number of specimens and materials available. The basic parameters selected were: tool type (85C), joint type (simple), composite type (GFRP), and lower feed rate (f = 0.02mm/rev). The evaluation tests include the following variables for analysis: vc = 220 m/min without cooled air (OTM 1), vc = 220 m/min with cooled air (OTM 2), vc = 40 m/min with cooled air (OTM 3), and vc = 40 m/min without cooled air (OTM 4). For each condition, three holes were drilled, i.e., holes 1 to 3 (OTM 1), holes 4 to 6 (OTM 2), holes 7 to 9 (OTM 3), and holes 10 to 12 (OTM 4). The average of the values was considered for the generation of the comparative graphs. The response variables considered were maximum in the Al phase thrust force (Ft) during drilling GFRP/Al, adjusted delamination factor (Fda) at the GFRP hole, hole wall roughness (Ra), and roundness deviation (tmetal) at the Al 2024 hole. Table 7 displays the results measured after drilling with the evaluated parameters.
Table 7
Drilling parameters and output variables.
GFRP/Al drilling | GFRP | Al 2024 |
Test | vc (m/min) | cooled air | Ft (N) | Ft,comp (N) | Fda | Ra (µm) | tmetal (µm) |
OTM 1 | 220 | No | 99.3 | 25.39 | 1.103 | 3.52 | 16.3 |
OTM 2 | 220 | Yes | 106.4 | 27.02 | 1.093 | 4.16 | 20.4 |
OTM 3 | 40 | Yes | 104.8 | 36.78 | 1.055 | 1.53 | 12.5 |
OTM 4 | 40 | No | 93.8 | 35.53 | 1.094 | 1.10 | 10.5 |
The feed force (Ft) remained uniform during the tests, with few differences even using different vc due to the constant lower feed rate (f = 0.02mm/rev). This factor contributes significantly to the higher Ft values generated in HCMS drilling [6][57]. However, for both the high vc (220 m/min) and the low vc (40 m/min), Ft was higher with the presence of cooled air (OTM 2 and OTM 3). This effect can be attributed to compressed air producing axial and radial loads during the drilling process [40]. This lower temperature influence on Al 2024 enhances the machining difficulty, increasing the cutting forces associated with the process. This association was made by other researchers [46][58].
Under all optimization conditions, the thrust force generated during the Al phase drilling is greater than the Ft developed in the GFRP phase. In the absence of cooled air, the growth in Ft was evident when the cutting tool crossed from the GFRP phase to the Al phase: the increase was 391% in OTM 1 (220 m/min) e 264% in OTM 4 (40 m/min). In addition, higher vc provided lower Ft values. This characteristic can be attributed to the decrease in the adhesion of the metallic material on the cutting edges. As a result, the cutting capacity of the tool is reduced [37].
OTM 1 promoted the highest values of adjusted delamination factor (Fda = 1.103) obtained with higher vc (220 m/min) without cooled air. On the other hand, lower values were observed (Fda = 1.093) with cooled air for the same vc (OTM 2). For OTM 3 and OTM 4, relevant differences are observed for Fda (1.055 and 1.094) with the presence and absence of cooled compressed air, respectively, with lower vc (40 m/min). In general, applying cooled air for both vc positively impacted the Fda reduction. These results are in accord with distinct authors [40][41][42]. In addition, due to the few differences in delamination observed in the process with both cutting speeds, it is feasible to use higher vc without harming the composite material in fiber cutting and preserving the polymer matrix. This aspect is evidenced when holes associated with OTM 1 and OTM 4 are compared.
Regarding the hole wall roughness recorded, higher Ra values were observed with higher vc, as expected (OTM 1 and OTM 2). The presence of compressed cooled air did not show a significant difference, despite presenting the highest Ra value with cooled air-assisted drilling (OTM 2) compared with drilling without cooled air (OTM 1) for high vc (220 m/min). The same occurs with low vc (40 m/min) when drilling with and without cooled air (OTM 3 and OTM 4). Despite contributing to positive thermal effects in the evaluation of the composite phase, the presence of cooled air does not significantly influence the surface characteristics of the metallic phase, as seen in the ANOVA analyses in previous experiments [4]. Other researchers have observed increased roughness values, even applying lubricating/cooling techniques [59].
For the hole roundness measured, higher tmetal values were observed with high vc, as expected and indicated in the previous analyses. The highest roundness value (OTM 2) was observed when cooled air-assisted drilling compared to this deviation formed without cooled air (OTM 1). However, the presence or absence of cooled air was not significant. These variations could be attributed to process temperature, tool wear, lack of rigidity of the fastening system, among others [2][60].
To define the best drilling condition in the GFRP/Al joint, a higher weight (2) was considered for delamination in the GFRP phase and lower weights (1) for thrust force, hole wall roughness, and roundness deviation in the Al phase. Thus, despite obtaining the highest values of Ft (104.8 N) and Ft,comp (36.78 N), the best drilling condition was defined as the OTM 3 (vc = 40 m/min with cooled air). OTM 3 provided the lowest adjusted delamination factor (Fda = 1.055), the second lowest average roughness (Ra = 1.53 µm), and the second lowest hole roundness deviation (tmetal = 12.5 µm). The reduction of these values directly contributes to decreasing defects expected for composites and good levels of finish, which provide better fixation and adjustments [1][2][3][5][6].
To evidence it, Fig. 13 shows the differences in the fracture of the GFRP fibers for high and low cutting speeds in comparing the hole exit with the presence and absence of cooled compressed air. Considering OTM 1 (Fig. 13a), regular cuts and minor delamination on the hole's surface are observed in hole 3 (vc = 220 m/min). Meanwhile, hole 10 (vc = 40m/min) by OTM 4 shows regular fiber cuts and preservation of the polymer matrix. This situation points to low significant differences for both vc in the drilling process of the GFRP/Al simple joint. Regarding cooled air application (Fig. 13b), for OTM 2, regular cuts and smaller delamination are observed on the surface of hole 5 (higher vc) and hole 7 (lower vc) with OTM 3 displays steady fiber cuts and preservation of the polymer matrix. Again, no significant differences are evident for the different cutting speeds used.