2.1 Study location
Uiwang is a city in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea (see Fig S1). It lies just South of Seoul. Uiwang has an area of approximately 53.46 km2 and a total population of 158482. The study was carried out in a typical Uiwang studio apartment home, which was a one-room, 10-pyeong-squared apartment with a kitchen slab and bathroom slab shared in the same living space (View Fig. 01). To conduct this study, four apartments (I-IV) were considered: APT I (without ventilation and interior plants), APT II (without ventilation, with indoor plants), APT III (with ventilation, without indoor plants), and APT IV (with ventilation and indoor plants). Additionally, an ambient air sample site (outdoor) was chosen to track changes in the external environment. All the selected units were single-occupancy, and each had a window. People were instructed to keep a record detailing all indoor activities and the times they opened windows.
Table 1
Detailed information about the apartments.
Experimental sites | Area, Door, Window No. of occupants | Ventilation | Indoor Plant |
Apartment I (APT I) | 10-Pyeong, 1, 1, 1 | With Ventilation | With Indoor Plants. |
Apartment II (APT II) | 10-Pyeong, 1, 1, 1 | Without Ventilation | With Indoor Plants (only CAM plants). |
Apartment III (APT III) | 10-Pyeong, 1, 1, 1 | With Ventilation | Without Indoor Plants. |
Apartment IV (APT IV) | 10-Pyeong, 1, 1, 1 | Without Ventilation | Without Indoor Plants |
2.2 Plant Preparation
Sansevieria kirkii, Sansevieria trifasciata, Monstera deliciosa, Zamiifolia, and Portulacaria afra, five commonly used ornamental plants with comparable leaf area, size, and form (see Table 02), were bought from plant stores in South Korea. These plant species are frequently grown indoors. Plants having a total leaf area of 500 cm2 that were pest-free were retrieved from the apartments to gauge how effectively they removed the indoor air pollutants. The plant development medium consisted of a potting mixture with a moisture content of 1.1 to 1.4%, a water retention capacity of 9.1 to 10.2 cm m-1, and a composition of 58% sand, 28% silt, and 14% clay. Typically, this substance is used to grow decorative plants. The porosity of the potting material was in the range of 36-38%. All plants were cultivated in their native environments at 30-32 °C and 12/12 h day/night before the experiment.
Table 2. Details about selected Plant species
Common name
Plant type
Sansevieria kirkii
Snake Plant
CAM carbon fixation.
Sansevieria trifasciata
Snake Plant
CAM carbon fixation.
Monstera deliciosa
Swiss Cheese Plant
C3 carbon fixation.
C3 carbon fixation
Portulacaria afra
Jade plant
C3 or CAM carbon fixation
2.3 Indoor Air Pollutants measurements
From December 2021 to January 2022, the units' indoor air quality (IAQ) was inspected. Each team was monitored for 24 hours spread over a regular two-week period. Table 01. describes the characteristics of each flat. The plants were positioned to prevent any obstructions to mobility. Since it was winter in Korea, the tenants kept the window closed. As their actions also contribute to the pollution, the residents were instructed to list all indoor activities in a notepad, such as sweeping, cooking, lighting candles, and smoking. All the indoor air pollutants were measured using the AirScan device from Sensoronic [See Fig 2]. Formaldehyde (HCHO), total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), carbon dioxide (ppm), PM10, and PM2.5 were all measured in real-time, along with temperature (°C) and relative humidity (%). The system was configured to record values every five minutes. Weekly readings were recorded. Before the experiment, TVOCs, CO2, PM10, HCHO, and PM2.5 levels were pre-tested and measured to determine the levels and variability of these pollutants. Outdoor PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were also measured using the same device.
2.4 Data analysis
MATLAB 2021a was used to process and analyze the real-time mass concentrations of the indoor pollutants that were measured using the Sensoronic AirScan device [See Fig. 2]. The mean and standard deviation were calculated using a descriptive statistical method. For samples with more than two sample groups, the mean of each treatment was compared using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a 95% level of confidence, and for samples with two sample groups, an independent t-test with (n1+n2)-2 and α a= 0.025 (two tails). Tukey's multiple comparison test with a 95% confidence level was used to classify groups after the one-way ANOVA. Data visualization and interpretation were made using MATLAB 2021a.
2.4 Calculation of Air Exchange Rate (AER), Deposition and emission rate
Using the CO2 release mechanism and its decay rate as reported in (Claude-Alain and Foradini 2002) determined the sampling duration's air exchange rate (AER). The apartment was equipped with an Extech SD800 Datalogger, and the AirScan was used to gauge the CO2 levels within. By releasing lab-grade CO2 from a gas cylinder, the CO2 levels were raised to between 5000 and 7000 ppm, making small fluctuations in the background levels inconsequential. The impact of the background CO2 levels was minimized as a result. The location of the CO2 monitor was changed in order to provide a clearer image of the average AERs. The mass balance equation was employed in this investigation to determine the indoor PM2.5 emission rates, which is consistent with prior studies (Guo et al. 2008; C. He et al. 2005; L. Y. He et al. 2004). Numerous presumptions were made to simplify the mass balance equation. The penetration efficiency (P) was first considered to be one. The P, however, is a function of particle size and is less than one due to gravitational settling, especially for high particle diameters, which is crucial to mention (e.g., Ref. (Chen and Zhao 2011)) Outdoor sources were regarded as negligible since indoor concentrations during the activities were significantly more significant than background levels. Using average values and the extra supposition of a well-mixed environment, the average emission rates were calculated from Equations (1) and (2) as follows:
\(\frac{d{C}_{i}n}{dt}=PaCout+\frac{{Q}_{s}}{v}-\left(a+k\right){C}_{i}n\) (i)
Where t is the difference in time between the initial and peak concentrations, is the AER, is the deposition rate, and Cin is the average indoor concentration. Qs is the average indoor particle emission rate, V is the room volume, and Cin and Cin0 are the peak and initial indoor concentrations, respectively. The word (α + κ) denotes the average removal rate. As a result, dynamic aerosol processes that affect particle generation and removals, such as condensation, evaporation, and coagulation, are not considered. (Ref. (L. Y. He et al. 2004)) provides more information on the estimation of particle emission rates.
According to (Vicente et al. 2021) which assumes that the outdoor effect is minimal, the decay of interior particles after the source has stopped is characterized as follows:
\(\frac{dCin}{dt}=-\left(a+k\right)Cin\) (iii)
Equation (iii) can be integrated to yield the following linear equation:
\({ln}\frac{{C}_{i\nu t}}{{C}_{in0}}=- (a+k)t\) (iv)
Where the slope of the graph of ln (\(\frac{Cint}{Cino}\)) vs t is equal to (α + κ).