Characterization of mushroom-like stromatolitic structures
Gypsum stromatolite-like structures forming into the Puquíos de Huatacondo (21°16’06.5“S 69°37’02.1”W) were investigated in-situ during two field campaigns in October 2011 and March 2012. Figures 1a shows the location of the Salar de Llamara and the location of the different puquíos. A view of the mushroom-like gypsum structures forming inside the further East of these puquíos is shown in Fig. 1b. Figure 1c -d illustrates in further detail these “mushrooms” and shows the accumulation of detrital gypsum particles under the structure (Fig. 1c) as well as the alignment of structures in the same pond, with narrowing at a common, definite depth (Fig. 1d). Finally, Fig. 1e shows an ex-situ picture of one of these mushroom-shaped structures (Fig. 1c) that was collected in the last field campaign. That “mushroom” was supported by a thin stem that had recently broken, leaving the structure resting on one of its sides (see figures S1 and S2 of supplementary materials). The structure was cut radially in two halves. One of the halves was kept intact to observe the inner crystal distribution at the cutting surface (Fig. 2a). The second half was used to produce thin slices for textural studies using petrographic microscopy and for mineralogical characterization by X-ray diffraction studies (table S1). X-diffraction and optical microscopy shows that the structure is made of gypsum while evaporitic minerals such as eugsterite, halite, thenardite appear together along with gypsum, near the surface of the emerged part of the stromatolite. The submerged part is exclusively made of gypsum.
Figure 2a shows a high-resolution scanned image (11000x7300 pixels) of the cut surface used for crystal texture studies. The orientation, size, and shape of the crystals were measured by defining a pair of orthogonal segments along the longest and the shorter directions of the crystal (Fig. 2b). This measurement was repeated for ca. 1000 different crystals distributed over the section and representing the total population of crystals larger than 0.5 mm, limited by the image resolution of 34 microns per pixel (Fig. 2c). From these pairs of segments, a set of "projected" morphological variables were computed (Fig. 2b); the position of the crystal is defined as the intersection of the long and short axes, length and width correspond to the length of the long and short segments respectively, the aspect ratio was computed as the ratio between length and width, size as the product of them and orientation was computed as the angle made by the longest direction with the horizontal. It must be stressed that these are "projected" or "apparent" values. This is unavoidable for the non-destructive characterization of a large number of crystals. This was not an important limitation because the gypsum crystals are not randomly oriented with respect to the radial section: most of the crystals have c-axes oriented close to the section itself.
Crystals in the structure show a radial, branching distribution, already apparent in picture 2a, suggesting competitive growth limited by space availability. Crystal size (Fig. 2e) shows a continuous distribution (close to negative exponential), cut at the smallest sizes because the measurement was limited to features larger than 10 pixels. Crystals of similar sizes do cluster, with large crystals aligning along the "stems" of the radial fans and around a horizontal plane about two-thirds from the base of the structure. This level likely corresponds to the water level during the later growth stages. The largest crystals are longer than 1.5cm. The mean aspect ratio (Fig. 2d) of the crystals is between 2 and 3 and is relatively homogeneous within the structure.
Figure 2f confirms the radial, fan-like distribution of crystals: blue lines represent crystals oriented into the 2nd and 4th quadrants, red lines represent crystals oriented into 1st and 3rd quadrants, and white lines represent vertically growing crystals. Fans and branching are highlighted by the blue-white-red gradients in the underlying map. The orientation distribution (histogram in 2f) is bimodal, with maxima at ± 20º corresponding to the left and right sides of each fan. The overall structure consists of two main fans with an opening of around 80 degrees corresponding to twice the 40º degree separation between maxima. The skewed tails of the distribution correspond to the further bifurcation of the sub-fans. Notice that the left and right sides, in contact with the brine, show wider blue and red regions, respectively, more developed than the corresponding inner half fans. This feature is due to the availability of space to grow in that direction and confirm the competitive growth of the aggregate.
Radial gypsum crystals aggregates (Fig. 3a) are identified, corresponding to events of high nucleation density that could be triggered by high supersaturation events or by the activity of cyanobacteria6,18. Our observations cannot confirm this biological effect but certainly, support the contribution of these radial aggregates to the branching and layering properties of the structure. The crystals forming the stromatolite were also studied by optical microscopy after embedding pieces cut from the sample in resin to stabilize them mechanically. This resin was dyed (blue) to clearly see the pore space (fig. S3). Crystals are twined following the twin law (100) (Fig. 3c) and often show recurrent banded growth surfaces (Fig. 3b and 3c), revealing episodic growth, with periods of relatively fast and slow growth. These growth bands show similar spacing, which may be due to seasonal changes in brine composition.
All in all, our textural study suggests that the formation of these structures starts with the local nucleation of a few single crystals at the bottom of the pond. Competition for space during the growth of these crystals forced the development of a fan-like structure. The seasonal variations in brine composition and water level of the pound produce episodic nucleation of new fan-like structures and further growth of existing crystals. As a consequence, a semispherical dome-shaped structure with a radial distribution of crystals is formed, a thrombolytic structure that can reach almost one meter in diameter. Then, how the mushroom-like structure is obtained? We found the answer to that question in the complex hydrochemistry of the puquíos.
Gypsum Growth/dissolution In Stratified Brines
The hydrochemistry of the puquíos of Huatacondo in the Salar de Llamara is rather complex and very relevant for explaining the morphogenesis of mushroom-like stromatolitic structures37. Three compositional changes were identified, mainly related to the salinity of the brines, i.e. to the concentration in calcium sulfate and sodium chloride: 1) a "lateral" gradient from West to East due to the progressive evaporation of the brines as they flow through the puquíos, 2) a vertical (depth) gradient related to a density stratification of the brines, and 3) a temporal "seasonal" variation of brine composition. The lateral gradient is obviously relevant for the formation of the stromatolitic structures since they only develop in the East end of the group of ponds, where salinity is the highest and algal mats are less developed. To test the relevance of the vertical stratification of the puquíos brines it is necessary to consider the change in gypsum solubility as a function of NaCl concentration. As shown in Fig. 4, calculated using the hydrogeochemical software PHREEQC using the Pitzer database42, solubility is maximum in solutions with NaCl concentration of around 3 moles/L and decreases either if the concentration is reduced by dilution or increased by evaporation. The counter-intuitive consequence of this maximum solubility is that by mixing two gypsum solutions saturated (for instance, dots in Fig. 4), it is obtained an undersaturated solution with respect to gypsum (any point in the blue line joining the two blue dots). The mechanism of precipitation or dissolution of a phase by mixing solutions with a non-linear solubility as a function of salinity has been theoretically proposed43. Dissolution by brine mixing has been observed in carbonates44. However, the mechanism of gypsum dissolution by brine mixing has never been reported.
Brines within the Huatacondo's puquíos are density-stratified; both the top and bottom brines in a given pond are almost in equilibrium with gypsum37, corresponding to points in Fig. 4. At intermediate depths, the composition of the brines will be that of points in the segment joining the two limiting compositions and, therefore, will have an undersaturated composition. Within the stromatolitic structure, crystals located close to this halocline would dissolve.
To test this hypothesis, we have designed and performed ad-hoc experiments using a crystal growth cell that generates a permanent halocline (Fig. 5) that mimic the stratified brines of the Llamara ponds. This setup features a slow flow chamber with two inlets at different heights and a single outlet (waste) in the center of the opposite side. Two solutions, saturated with respect to gypsum but having different salinity, were slowly pumped from the left side to produce laminar flow towards the right side and will mix by diffusion at the interface, generating a steady halocline with a definite width depending on the residence time. Two NaCl solutions (1M and 5M) were equilibrated with gypsum for two weeks to obtain the composition of the blue dots in Fig. 4. The denser one was pumped through the lower inlet and the lightest one through the upper to keep the flow and mixing stable. One elongated gypsum crystal was fixed at the level of the halocline and perpendicular to it. During the flow experiment, the central part of the crystal was observed under the microscope through a 45º mirror to keep the flow chamber vertical (Figure S4). Time-lapse images collected during the flow experiment show a local dissolution of crystals at the level of the halocline (Fig. 5c). After 40 hours, the central part of most crystals was dissolved entirely, and the lower part of the crystals fell down. These falling gypsum fragments are interpreted as the origin of the detritical gypsum accumulation under the structures shown in Figs. 1c and 1d.
This experiment was performed using synthetic solutions with a high salinity contrast to test, in a reasonable time, the plausibility of locally dissolving gypsum crystals in contact with a mix of two saturated solutions having different salinities. But the salinity contrast between the top and bottom levels of the stratified puquíos is not that large. In a second run of experiments, we used natural brines sampled from Huatacondo's ponds. Two brines from the same pond were selected, one from the bottom of the pond (P12-9b), which is the most saline, and the other (less saline) from the top (P12-9)37. The brines were pumped through the chamber using the same setup and flow conditions of previous experiments (see "Methods") and images were collected using the same protocol. Figure 6 shows the result of this experiment. The center picture shows one of the crystals after 60 hours. The narrowing of the central part is evident but, due to the lower contrast in salinity, and therefore lower undersaturation at the halocline, the local growth/dissolution kinetics is much slower, and quantitative measurement (right, top panel) and time-slicing images (right, bottom panels) are required to properly assess the changes in crystal width at levels A, B and C during the experiment. Different behaviors were found at these levels. At the top level (A), in contact with the lower salinity solution, the crystal grew slowly, while at the bottom level (C), in contact with the more saline solution, the width of the crystal keeps constant during the experiment. At the level of the mixing region (B), crystal dissolution was observed, as expected, due to the undersaturation at the interface between both brines. A similar behavior, neither grow nor dissolution, could be expected for levels A and C, but in this experiment, the solutions used were sampled from the top and bottom of the puquío and full equilibrium with gypsum cannot be assumed for the top solution, were active evaporation was taking place at the time of sampling. This produces a small supersaturation with respect to gypsum in this solution explaining the observed slow growth rate.
The above experimental results simply entail that density stratified pond brines, close to equilibrium with respect to gypsum, but with higher salinity at the bottom will be slightly undersaturated below a given depth. This will produce a dissolution and consequently a narrowing of the lower part of the stromatolitic structures explaining its mushroom shape.
There is clear evidence that biological activity can influence gypsum precipitation, either at the stage of nucleation or growth31,45. Gypsum stromatolites in other Atacama Salares have been proposed to result from biological/abiotic processes29. However, these structures are rather gas-triggered and develop by successive mat growth, upholstery of the mat, formation of the gypsum cover, and crystal growth. Still, in this model, the development of the mats is not related to gypsum precipitation and, the morphology of the structures (bubble-like, gas-filled domes covered with a single palisade of elongated gypsum crystals) is entirely different from the mushroom-like morphology of the stromatolitic structures found in the Huatacondo's puquíos. We have noticed the presence of organic matter remains around the stem and in the holes of the gypsum structures in the Salar of Llamara (Fig. 1e), but not on the surface. This scarcity of mats along with the isotopic data previously published37 suggests a little relevance of biologically driven mechanisms in the control of the textural arrangements of the crystals. And certainly, there are no signs of the role of biology in the formation of the shape of the stromatolitic structures.