Progeny seed germination and ploidy state analysis
The triploid H. fulva was the female parent, and the fruits of both combinations were swelling and seed-bearing after pollination. This shows that the female gametes of triploid H. fulva can be successfully fertilized by diploid daylilies, and that the hybridization obstacle may occur after fertilization. As can be seen from the differences in fruit swelling rate and seed setting, both combinations had high abortion rates. The difference in the number of seeds obtained and the germination rate of seeds indicated that the cause of fruit abortion may be related to the abnormal meiosis of triploid H. fulva megaspores. The unequal segregation of chromosomes during meiosis in triploid H. fulva results in a mismatch of chromosome numbers between embryo and endosperm, and the dysplasia of endosperm. The Endosperm Balance Number (EBN) hypothesis states that in the endosperm of hybrids, the endosperm can develop normally only when the genetic composition ratio of the female parent and the male parent is 2:1 (Johnston et al. 1980). In theory, when the parental ploidy is different, the ratio of the genome of the female to the male in the endosperm is not 2:1, fruit abortion occurs. The ploidy of endosperm is the primary factor in seed development or abortion (Haig et al. 1991, Birchler et al. 1993, Johnston et al. 1980). Triploid H. fulva is generally highly sterile because of the unequal segregation of chromosomes during meiosis. An analysis of the microsporogenesis chromosome pairing of H. fulva from different populations showed that the chromosome pairing in metaphase I of meiosis is very high. Although monovalents and bivalents are formed, trivalents are the majority. Thus, the pollen of triploid H. fulva is sterile (Mao 1988). In this study, two hybrid groups of seeds and plants were obtained. The results show that unlike the sterile pollen, megaspores are fertile.
The megasporogenesis of triploid H. fulva may Fritillaria-type plants, such that a secondary nucleus of Fritillaria-type embryo sac is equal to the sum of the nuclei of four daughter cells (Maheshwari 1948). Because the sum of nuclear DNA of the four meiotic aneuploid daughter cells also originates from the duplication of the nuclear DNA of a megasporocyte, the secondary nucleus of triploid H. fulva may be hexaploid (6x), based on the theory that the endosperm of 3x × 2x crosses is 7x (Fig. 6). Based on megasporogenesis of Fritillaria-type plants, the endosperm of 3x × 2x is euploid, and it is considered that the euploid endosperm of 3x × 2x crosses is responsible for the survival of the aneuploid embryos resulting from these crosses. According to megasporogenesis, a triploid Fritillaria-type plant produces an aneuploid egg cell (1.5x) and hexaploid secondary nucleus (6x) (Maheshwari 1948). So in our study the number of plants with 28 chromosomes in the F1 progenies was the largest.
When the triploid Lilium was crossed as the female with diploid and tetraploid lilies, the majority of progenies were aneuploid (Natenapit et al. 2010, Barba-Gonzalez et al. 2006). The progenies of triploid × diploid/tetraploid (3x × 2x/4x) crosses in Lilium were aneuploid. Based on megasporogenesis, it has been deduced that the endosperm of 3x × 2x is 7x and that of 3x × 4x is 8x in Lilium and it was concluded that the aneuploid embryo survival of 3x × 2x/4x in Lilium is the result of the euploid endosperm (Zhou et al. 2011). In Tulipa crosses, most progenies in 2x × 3x crosses were triploid with the exception of a small number of aneuploids (3x + 1 and 3x − 1) or 4x and 5x progenies. In this case, the triploid female had contributed predominately diploid, triploid, or near-triploid gametes (3x) (Marasek-Ciolakowska et al. 2014). The difference in results could be explained by the different type of embryo sacs. In the genus Tulipa, some species follow the Fritillaria type, a few the Adoxa type, and one the Drusa type (Maheshwari 1948). In contrast, according to a recent study, 3x × 2x hybrids usually produce euploids such as diploid, tetraploid, and pentaploid progenies. In a study on the cross between diploid (2n = 18) sexual Erigeron strigosus and triploid (2n = 27) agamospermous Erigeron annuus, the distribution of F1 chromosome numbers is bimodal, centering on diploid and triploid but with an underrepresentation of diploids (Noyes 2000). Based on our results, we suggest that H. fulva could be used as a female to be crossed with an appropriate diploid male. The progeny of triploid and diploid hybrids are mainly aneuploid, while a few were diploid and triploid. It is well-known that a change in chromosome number can bring about large variation in ecological characteristics.
Progeny flower opening and closing time
The flower opening time of triploid H. fulva is 4:00–7:00, and it is fully opened at 8:00. The flowering time of the two daylilies is 17:00–18:00, and they are fully opened at 20:00. The results show that H. fulva flower opening time is during the dark-to-light transition, while daylily plants bloom before the light-to-dark transition. In different latitudes, the two species maintain the same opening method. This shows that regardless of when dusk begins, diurnal-flowering plants can accurately predict the beginning of dawn and perform flower opening activities suitably. Likewise, regardless of when dawn begins, nocturnal-flowering (daylilies) plants will accurately predict the time of dusk, and suitably perform flower opening activities. In an analysis of the flower opening time of H. fulva and ‘siyuehua’, two species were transferred to 12 h dark-12 h light conditions after 12 h light-12 h dark treatment, and after 24 h light-to-dark cycle reversal treatment (12D-12L), the flower opening time and closing time also showed an inverted rhythm, and still maintains periodicity, which is consistent with that of the natural environment (Ren 2020). The flower opening time of the two species were affected by the external light and synchronized with the external light-dark transition, indicating that the internal physiological rhythms of the two species were reset by the light-to-dark or dark-to-light transitions. In a study on Pharbitis nil, there were two distinct clock systems in Pharbitis. The circadian system strongly reset by the transition of light-dusk, enables generation of dusk-set circadian rhythms throughout the year without being affected by changes in the time of dawn (Hayama et al. 2018, Hayama et al. 2007).
In this study, the flower opening time of the F1 populations of H. fulva and H. lilioasphodelus was 17:00–23:15. The flowering time of the combination of H. fulva and ‘siyuehua’ was 17:45–23:30. The plants of the two hybrids’ offspring were nocturnal-flowering (Fig. 1). This suggests that flower opening time in the evening is partially dominant to that in the morning. The timing of flower opening and closing are at specific times. The fact that these rhythms are maintained under constant light or dark conditions suggests a circadian clock involvement. An analysis of the temporal floral movements in Arabidopsis thaliana shows that the circadian clock induces flower opening redundantly with unknown light-sensing pathways, and flower closing is completely dependent on clock control (Muroya et al. 2021). Transcriptome sequencing analysis of the F1 populations of ‘naomi ruth’ and ‘siyuehua’ identified 23 key circadian clock genes that were differentially expressed in different daylilies. The results showed that the circadian clock input, core and output genes formed a coordinated and antagonistic regulatory network, which was highly correlated with the regulation of different flower opening time traits of daylilies (Ren et al.2021). These studies proved that the circadian clock controls flower opening time.
Aneuploidy, especially trisomic plants derived from 3x × 2x crosses, is useful in genetic studies locating genes and linkage groups on particular chromosomes. The change of chromosome number can bring about large variation in morphological, physiological, and ecological characteristics. The triploid daylily may be a good potential source for breeding of aneuploid daylily cultivars. In the progeny chromosome of the two hybrid combinations, the male daylily provides 11 chromosomes, and the female H. fulva provides 6–22 chromosomes. Even if the female H. fulva provides a higher number of chromosomes than the father in some plants of the offspring, the flower opening time was always at night. This showed that flowering at night was dominant. This result was different from a Japanese study. Triploidy contributes significantly to the rate of autopolyploid formation regardless of mating system, and to allopolyploid formation in outcrossing taxa.
Based on our results, we suggest that triploid H. fulva, regardless of their male sterility, could be used as a female to cross with appropriate diploid male. We also conclude that the progenies of 3x × 2x are aneuploid in Hemerocallis. It is well known that a change in chromosome number can bring about large variation in morphological, physiological, and ecological characteristics. This research provides genetic mechanisms of circadian flowering and has shown that flower opening time in the evening is partially dominant to that in the morning. In addition, flowering is also influenced by genes relating to environmental conditions. The triploid H. fulva may be a good potential source for breeding aneuploid daylily cultivars.