3.1 Profile site and soil morphological characteristics
The site characteristics of the profiles indicated differences in slope, drainage, and extent of water erosion (Table S2). According to FAO (2006a) guideline, the opened profiles were positioned in a slope gradient range of gently sloping to very steep. The upper and middle landscape comprises most of the sloping to very steep slope gradient classes (Figure 3). All profiles were well-drained, but AYB-5 was found poorly drained. All Profile sites showed a range of water erosion processes manifested by sheet, rill, and gully formation (Figure 5). Effects of land use, extensive and intensive farming, and removal of vegetation cover have amplified the erosion process, which was observed at all profiles and their surrounding landscapes. The land use of AYB-1 and 3 are grassland lying on soil developed from basaltic and colluvial parent materials. Whereas that of AYB-2, 4, 5, and 6 represented annual rainfed field cropping with varying land-use histories having soils developed from the outwash of colluvium and alluvium basaltic materials. Rainfed cultivated land, grassland, plantation forest, and barren land were the typical land use type of the upper and middle slopes (eroded sites), while cultivated land and grassland land use dominated the foot slope of the watershed (Seifu et al., 2020).
Figure 5. Field photographs of (a) Sheet erosion (upper slope), (b) rill erosion (middle slope), and (c) active gully erosion (foot slope) around the profiles along the soil catena.
Most profiles unveiled an A-B-C master horizon sequence. Morphological characteristics of each horizon’s color, texture, structure differentiation, etc., are presented in Table 8. The soil depth varied from 53 cm (shallow) at the upper position to 200+ cm (very deep) at the foot slope position. The thickness of the A-horizon ranged from 0-35 cm along the toposequence. AYB-1 was the shallowest profile indicating little influence of soil-forming processes as rock debris does not accumulate on the spot since they roll down due to gravity. According to IUSS Working Group WRB (2015), the surface horizon of AYB-1 qualifies for mollic epipedons. The diagnostic epipedons of AYB-2 and 3 qualify for argic due to illuvial clay accumulation, high selective clay surface erosion, and the absence of lithic discontinuity. The diagnostic horizons of AYB-4, 5, and 6 were also qualified as paralithic, vertic, and cambic, respectively. Except for AYB-4, which has a weakly developed soil horizon, all the other profiles had well-developed morphological characteristics and deeper rooting depth. AYB-4 is somewhat a strange profile in soil development as it has an A-R-B-R master horizon sequence with a very shallow rooting depth (<35 cm) due to the presence of a lithic contact (R layer) which may probably be developed from the loss process by water erosion. A significant quantity of clay translocation and many distinct clay cutans were observed in the subsoils of AYB-2 and 3 profiles, indicating that eluviation-illuviation processes are active. At the same time, AYB-1 is developed as a result of melanization. AYB-5 and 6 profiles in the foot slope showed a slight clay increase with soil depth but did not qualify for the argic B horizon.
In this study, the soils have a color hue of 2.5 – 10YR, a value of 2 - 5, and chroma of 1 - 4 in dry and moist conditions. With this range of color matrix, the soil color of all profiles varied from black to greyish brown (dry) and black to yellowish brown (moist). Boundaries between A- horizon and B- horizon were evident due to the darkening effect of organic matter. The field soil texture by feel method varied in all profiles across toposequence. The surface texture of profiles AYB-1, 2, and 5 were clay dominant, while that of AYB-3, 4, and 6 were sandy loam dominant. The moisture status of surface horizons AYB-1 and 3 were slightly moist. At the same time, AYB-2, 4, 5, and 6 were dry, which might be interconnected to soil organic matter and clay within the horizons. The horizon boundaries, by distinctness-topography, of profiles 1 to 6 had clear-smooth, clear-wavy, clear-smooth, clear-smooth, diffuse-smooth, and diffuse-smooth, respectively. Horizon boundary characteristics also showed slight variations among and within studied profiles along the toposequence (Table 6).
Regarding soil structure, all soils were generally friable on the surface but became firm in the subsoil. Explicitly, profiles 1 to 4 had weak to moderate grade surface structure and weak to strong grade subsurface structure in the upper and middle catena. Likewise, in terms of type and size, all profiles were found in massive to crumbly and very fine to medium textured. In AYB-5 the soil structure in the surface horizons is mainly lumpy, mostly created by tillage disturbance, and slightly hard. In the subsurface horizons, soil morphology changes from subangular blocky forms to weakly developed coarse blocky horizons. In AYB-6, soil structure indicated weak to moderate grade, massive to crumbly type, and fine to medium size. In the foot slope, infiltration is slow, and water may stand on the surface in the rainy season for extended periods. All soils exhibited varied consistency in dry, moist, and wet conditions, mostly following friable on the surface and becoming firm in the subsoil (Table 6). Except for AYB-5 at its lower layers showed very slightly effervescent (formed few bubbles), in other profiles, the field CaCO3 (using 1N HCl solution) was noneffervescent.
Table 6. Morphological description of the six profiles studied.
3.2 Soil physical characteristics of the profiles
3.2.1 Soil particle size distribution and clay contrast index
The particle size distribution revealed a variation along the toposequence ranging from 18-68%, 14-53%, and 6-68% for sand, silt, and clay parts, respectively. As a result, textural classes of the soils varied from clay to sandy loam texture along with the topography (Table 7). Generally, clay dominates the soil's particle size fraction, followed by sand, then silt. In almost all profiles, percentage sand and clay parts follow decreasing and increasing trends, respectively, with depth in the geomorphic units, except AYB-3 was inconsistence. On the other hand, higher sand content in the surface layer is associated with the selective removal of clay and silt by erosion, as the degree of sand transportability is lower compared to the finer soil fractions. In this study, we have also observed a seasonal water logging at the foot slope, which may probably cause deterioration of structured B-horizon and dispersion of clay particles down with water table front
The silt/clay ratio ranged from 0.21 - 4.33 along with the topography, and the ratio ranges from 0.29 – 4.33 in the A-horizons and from 0.21 – 2.94 in the B-horizons and decreases with depth. The highest value of the silt/clay ratio was recorded in the Ah-horizon (4.33) of profile 4, followed by the Bw-horizon (2.94) of profile 3, and the lower was recorded at the lower subsoils of AYB-2 (Table 7). The clay contrast index (CCI) ranged from 0.40-0.95, with the highest at AYB-1 and the lowest at AYB-3. Higher CCI indicates lower textural differentiation, while lower CCI indicates higher textural differentiation in the profiles. Accordingly, the clay enrichment of the profiles was found in the following decreasing order: AYB-1 (0.95) < AYB-2 (0.89) < AYB-5 (0.85) < AYB-6 (0.80) < AYB-4 (0.75) < AYB-3 (0.40) (Table 7). AYB-1 to 4 are located on the middle and upper topography, mainly manifested by sloping to a steep slope gradient (Figure 3), intensively cultivated land with free grazing experiences, which all induced erosion on the site and lower clay content by removing the upper horizon.
3.2.2 Bulk densities, total porosity, and water retention capacity
The surface bulk densities (BD) of the studied profiles ranged from 1.13 g cm-3 in the A-horizon of profile 1 to 1.46 g cm-3 in the A-horizon of profile 4. In comparison, the subsoil BD ranged from 1.27 g cm-3 in the Bt-horizon of profile 2 to 2.32 g cm-3 in the Bc-horizon of profile 5 (Table 7). The BD along the identified soil horizons was increased with depth. Furthermore, the gravimetric water content of the soils at field capacity (1/3 bar) ranged from 17.9-44.2%, while the amount at the permanent wilting point (15 bar) was between 9.1-32.55%, and the volumetric plant available water content (AWC) of the soils varied from 88-127.8 mm m-1 across soils of the topography (Figure 6). The water retention capacity of AYB-3 was higher, followed by AYB-1 and 2 compared to the other profiles. This may be attributed to relatively higher organic matter and clay values observed in these profiles. Surface soils recorded slightly higher water content at FC and PWP than subhorizon soils. Subhorizon soil water retention at FC of the soils of the study watershed ranged from 24% in Profile 3 to 46% in Profile 2, whereas in the subsurface horizons, it ranged from 12% in Profile 3 to 45% in Profile 2. Available water content (AWC) showed a decreasing pattern but was inconsistent in the lower subsoil of profile 3, which may be due to textural change after the 4th layer. In surface and subsurface soils, AWC ranged from 10 to 12 and 9 to 15(v %), respectively.
Table 7. Soil physical properties were analyzed for the studied profiles along the toposequence.
Figure 6. The studied soil profiles average water retention capacity (FC: Field capacity, PWP: permanent wilting point, AWC: Available water content). Error bars indicate the standard error of the mean.
3.3 Chemical characteristics of the studied soils
3.3.1 Soil pH, soil EC, and soil calcium carbonate content
The soils are found in the range of neutral to moderately alkaline for pH-H2O and the range of moderately acidic to neutral soil reaction for pH-KCl (EthioSIS, 2014) in nature, with pH values varying from 7.14 to 8.31 (pH-H2O) and 6.31 to 7.27 (pH-KCl). The pH variation among each generic horizon differed significantly (Table 8). In all soil horizons, pH (H2O) was higher than pH (KCl). The delta pH values, the difference between pH (KCl) and pH (H2O), indicated that the soils have net negative charges and will hold positively charged ions on the colloidal particles of the exchange site. Regarding the soil electric conductivity (EC), the average values were found in the range of 0.19 (AYB-4) to 0.35 mS cm-1 (AYB-3) with a range between 0.17 to 0.26, 0.15 to 0.32, 0.23 to 0.52, 0.16 to 0.22, 0.09 to 0.38, and 0.22 to 0.49 mS cm-1 in AYB-1 to 6, respectively (Table 8). The EC was generally found very low for all analyzed horizons. Hence, all soils of the profiles were found non-saline, indicating salinity effect on crop growth and yield restriction is below the level it affects or almost negligible (EthioSIS, 2014). The low EC may be due to free drainage conditions, favoring the removal of released bases by percolation and drainage.
Table 8. Soil reaction, electrical conductivity, and CaCO3 of soil profiles.
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) content of the surface soils also ranged from 0.35 (AYB-3) to 0.63% (AYB-6), whereas in the subsurface soils, it ranged from 0.62 to 1.14%. Significantly (p<0.001) higher CaCO3 content was recorded in the subsoil compared with surface soil (Table 8); which might be due to the parent material or due to the semi-arid climate, which is responsible for the pedogenic processes resulting in the depletion of Ca2+ ions from the soil solution in the form of calcretes. The CaCO3 content of the soils ranged from 0.38 to 1.14%, showing an increasing trend with soil depth. The variation with each generic horizon was significant. The field determination of carbonates with 10% HCl also confirmed that there was no audible and/or visible effervescence throughout the soil depth except for a few observed at the subsurface of AYB-5.
3.3.2 The SOC, TN, and C/N ratio analysis
Soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) were recorded higher in the surface soils and significantly (Table 9) decreased with soil depth with average values ranging between 0.78 and 2.53% and 0.10 and 0.21%, respectively. In comparison, the SOC of subsurface layer soils ranged from 0.62% on the middle slope of degraded grassland (AYB-3) to 1.87% on the upper slope of the exclosure grassland (AYB-1). The TN content of the surface horizons was higher than the subsurface soil horizons, and it followed a similar pattern to that of SOC in all the studied profiles, implying a strong relation between SOC and TN in the soil system. The amount of SOC and TN were relatively high (3.19 and 0.25%, respectively) at the upper slope position of the surface horizons, which might be attributed and correlated to the biomass turnover of the grass.
The C/N ratio of the surface soils along the toposequence in the study area ranged from 4.51 to 12.78, while in subsoil horizons, it ranged from 5.44 to 14.04 with an average range of 6.15 to 12.61(Table 9). The variability of the C/N ratio was not significant in each profile, indicating that it was lower than the variability of SOC and TN contents. It may suggest that the C/N ratio is more stable than its elements. Besides, the low variation in the C/N ratio across horizons suggests less variability in the degree of humification of organic matter. On the other hand, in the buried horizons of AYB-5 and 6, the C/N ratio was slightly higher than in the rest of the horizons, which might be probably due to the long-accumulated/sediment undecomposed material rich in carbon in the soil. In almost all profiles, the C/N ration demonstrates a decreasing or increasing systematic variation with depth, suggesting the existence of similar conditions of mineralization in the recognized horizon (Table 9).
Table 9. The studied soil profiles are SOC, TN, and C/N ratio, available P, S, and B.
3.3.3 Soil available P, S, B, Exchangeable base, CEC, and base saturation analysis
The available phosphorus (av. P) content of the profiles was high in the surface horizons of all profiles, which could be attributed to the relatively higher organic matter contents in the surface layers, application of phosphorus-containing fertilizer on cultivated lands, and presence of free Iron oxide and exchangeable Al3+ in reduced quantity. Available P content of the soils declined with increasing profile depth in all profiles, but spatially the trend was not consistent - the measured av. P was significantly variable (Table 9) among the different generic horizons except in AYB-4. The highest and lowest av. P was recorded in AYB-5 of Ap and CR horizons. The overall profile means of av. P content was found in 26.52 to 40.09 mg kg−1 soil across the topography (Table 9) and decreased with depth.
Regarding Sulphur (S) and Boron (B), the result obtained for both follows the trend of av. P (Table 9). In this study, the average available S content in the studied soil profiles ranged from 0.67 mg kg−1 in profile 2 to 0.80 mg kg−1 in profile 5 (Table 9). The highest and lowest av. S was recorded in AYB-6 of Ap and Bw horizons, respectively. While, av. B was found in the range of 0.19 mg kg−1 soil in the Bw horizon of AYB-1 to 0.77 mg kg−1 soil in the Ap horizon of AYB-6, with an average range of 0.24 to 0.77 mg kg−1 soil across the landscape.
In the studied soil profiles, the result revealed that the content of exchangeable Ca2+ was the dominant exchangeable base, followed by Mg2+ along the toposequence. Exchangeable basic cations are found in the range 0.07 - 0.49, 0.22 - 2.12, 2.46 - 10.20, and 4.46 - 27.10 across the landscape for Na, K, Mg, and Ca, respectively (Table 10). Generally, the abundance of cations occupying the exchange site followed the order of Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ > Na+ throughout the profiles, which was found in how a productive agricultural soil should contain these basic cations. The percent base saturation (PBS) of the soil of the study area varied from 18.7 to 99.4%. Soil horizons in AYB-2 and 6 were recorded as high-value PBS compared to others. Regarding Cation exchange capacity (CEC), the overall CEC of the studied soils ranged from 28.7 to 54.52 cmol (+) kg-1 soil along the toposequence (Table 10). The lowest and highest values were recorded in the topsoil of AYB-2 (cultivated land) and AYB-3 (grassland).
Table 10. Exchangeable base (Na, Mg, K, and Ca) and CEC of the studied soil profiles along the toposequence.
3.3.4 Extractable Micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn)
In the studied soil profiles, the mean values of extractable micronutrients (i.e., Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn) in different soil depths are presented in Table 11.
Table 11. Micronutrient availability in the studied soil profiles along the toposequence.
The contents of available micronutrients varied with soil depth and showed a decreasing trend with increasing depth. However, their trend with topographic position is inconsistent. The contents of extractable Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn in the studied profiles ranged from 11.42 to 21.10, 1.15 to 3.79, 0.15 to 1.16, and 3.93 to 12.88 mg kg−1 soil, respectively. The extractable micronutrients followed the order of Fe > Mn > Cu > Zn in their concentration in all profiles across the landscape. The result showed that the surface soil layers had higher contents of available micronutrients than the subsurface soil layers. Mean values of the surface layers' extractable micronutrients were significantly varied compared to the subsurface layers (Table 11). In contrast, the mean difference among profiles along the toposequence was insignificant.
3.4 Soil classification and mapping
The soil classification system and maps are the final steps of the soil survey, asserting soils by similar characteristics and/or properties and making the knowledge accessible to policy-makers, farmers, and the scientific community (Bockheim et al., 2014). Soil maps, which can be effectively produced with statistical models in digital soil mapping (DSM), contain vital information on the spatial distribution of soil properties used in fields such as water- and land management and climate studies (van der Westhuizen et al., 2022). Currently, Mendes and Demattê (2022) and Hartemink and Bockheim (2013) explained that soil maps at regional and farm levels are essential for the best management of agricultural practices. Therefore, based on the morphological, physical, and chemical properties, the studied soil profiles were classified according to FAO/WRB legend (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2015). Accordingly, five soil orders were identified: Leptosols, Luvisol, Fluvisol, Cambisol, and Vertisol (Table 12, Figure 7). As reported by Nyssen et al. (2019), Leptosols and bare rock are found on the steepest slopes (>40%), which is concurrent with our result.
Table 12. Classification of soils studied at Ayiba watershed according to the FAO-WRB Soil Classification System.
Figure 7. Spatial soil map of Ayiba watershed according to WRB system.
3.5 Potential and Limitation of the Studied Soils for Agricultural field crops
The soil units represented by AYB-1 and AYB-4 are not suitable for agricultural use (Table 13) due to stoniness, slope steepness, shallow depth, rock outcrops, and highland position with erosion threats and other soil restraining factors which limit the workability of the soil. Hence, agricultural production on these soils will cause a decrease in yield and soil loss due to high erosion hazards, and cultural approaches such as soil cultivation, irrigation, and fertilization are not economically feasible. Thus, it is essential to perform conservative and sustainable agricultural practices in these areas like pasture, perennial fruits, and forests. The lower slope area's soil is very suitable for field crop agricultural use with limited fertility, low erosion, and climate. However, the lower slope soils represented by AYB-5 and AYB-6 are very limited in area coverage to accommodate the population size, which is the main reason for expansion to marginal lands.
Besides, during high and prolonged rainfall, the flood flow from all directions is collected to the lower landscape position, damaging farms and grasslands by flood hazards (Seifu et al., 2020). In addition, during the high rainfall season, waterlogging is also common in Vertisol soils and the foot slope soils. However, most agricultural production occurs on the middle topography, which is marginal land, and this unsustainable land use contributes to low and declining crop productivity and further land degradation. The substantial area of marginal lands, many of them in steep areas (<30%) with coarse and degraded soils, could adopt sustainable agricultural technologies like integrated organic and inorganic management practices or growing double legumes to improve the long-term sustainability of the system. Not suitable areas must be excluded from land spreading plans due to the high risk of degradation (environmental, economic, and societal).
In contrast, an improvement or remediation plan should be developed and implemented. The soil units in the lower landscape and at a nearly gentle slope of the middle terrain have well-drained, deep soil and are less stony than others. However, erosion, climate, and soil fertility are still significant problems in all topographic positions for agricultural production (Table 13).
Table 13. Suitability classification of the different soil units for agricultural field crops.