Overall, our study provides strong evidence for the current underestimation of liana-induced impact on an intact tropical forest carbon stocks and fluxes. Lianas are as ubiquitous as trees are in tropical forests constituting ~ 25% of woody stem density and diversity in many forests [24]. Though our study is focussed on a single intact tropical forest site, data from around 31 sites spread across Neotropics show that BCI represents an average forest in terms of liana density and supports less than average proportion of liana-infested trees [see Supplementary section S6], indicating the broader implications of our results. Moreover, lianas are increasing in abundance across Neotropics, likely exacerbated by anthropogenic climate change events [7]. BCI, for instance, has experienced a 30% increase in liana stem density in a decade (2007–2017) [8]. This increasing liana abundance also increases the percentage of trees hosting lianas, indicating the urgent need to account for liana impact in the carbon stock and sink estimates. In addition, there are already forests, where almost all of the trees host at least one liana in their crown. For instance, in the liana forests in Nouragues [25] and Bolivia [26] almost 90% of trees host lianas, similar to the regrowing forest on the Gigante Peninsula close to BCI.
Current allometric models (both pantropical and site-specific) for biomass estimation are likely established from destructively harvested trees of perfect forms that do not include liana-infested trees and/or trees with visibly damaged crowns [15]. Besides, destructively harvesting liana-infested trees is challenging as lianas tend to connect multiple trees in the canopy causing extensive damage [27]. While the current pantropical allometric models are not expected to estimate carbon stocks accurately at individual tree or site-level, multiple recently launched and upcoming spaceborne biomass missions rely on site-level biomass estimates for the calibration and validation of their biomass products [16, 28]. Our study shows that carbon stock estimates from sites with high liana abundance might have a significant systemic bias leading to the overestimation of global carbon stocks. Also, the impact of lianas on global carbon stock estimates is expected to get worse with expected increase in liana abundance. Carbon stock estimates are a crucial parameter in evaluating the effectiveness of policies surrounding nature-based climate change solutions. As a result, overestimating the carbon stocks will essentially undermine the potential of the nature-based climate solution. TLS provides an elegant way to establish new allometric models for estimating tree biomass non-destructively, thereby resulting in unbiased samples to build the allometric model.
Besides carbon stocks, one of the reasons for the declining carbon sink potential of our tropical forests is hypothesized to be the onset of certain counteracting factors suppressing the growth of trees and increasing tree mortality. While there may be several factors at play, our study reveals lianas to be a major factor affecting the carbon sink capacity of intact forests. A 24.5% reduction in coarse woody productivity on BCI with the current liana infestation level translates to a reduction of 0.41 Mg C ha− 1 yr− 1, even excluding liana induced tree mortality. This reduction is almost 1.2 times the current pantropical average net carbon uptake (0.34 Mg C ha− 1 yr− 1) [29]. Accounting for liana-induced higher tree mortality will further reduce the carbon accumulation, which cannot be compensated by the recruitment and liana growth only [10].
Current pantropical allometric models, while overestimating the current carbon stocks of liana-infested trees, underestimate the impact of lianas on coarse w. This underestimation of impact on biomass growth stems primarily from neglecting the liana impact on crown form. Crown damage from branch fall or branch breakage are frequently occurring disturbances in tropics and is one of the dominant factors related to tree mortality and carbon loss in tropics [13, 17]. While the contribution of lianas to overall carbon loss from crown damage is not quantified in this study, we show strong evidence for significant crown damage across all heavily infested trees. Reduction in the crown area of trees and shadowing of the tree leaves by lianas both result in reduced light interception for the infested trees thereby resulting in reduced photosynthesis and reduced individual carbon accumulation contributing substantially to declining forest carbon sink. As such, it is of top priority to include the liana impact on the whole tree structure while estimating carbon stocks and fluxes to fully understand the carbon dynamics of forest and how it will respond to changing liana abundance under changing climate.
Besides direct impacts of lianas on carbon stocks and accumulation, liana infestation can further affect the carbon accumulation indirectly by changing the species/structural composition of tropical forest. It is evident that some trees are better at tolerating lianas than others, suggesting a possible shift in the species composition or in the evolution of specific structural traits in the light of increasing liana abundance [30]. Any change in species/structural composition will strongly influence the carbon stocks and fluxes, with carbon storage potentially varying by 600% demonstrated by simulating different possible extinction scenarios on BCI [31]. Accelerated liana proliferation may alter the future of tropical forests both in terms of structure and function and push tropical forests towards becoming a net carbon source, faster than previously expected.